Last year, I posted a topic on a new plant recently introduced to the trade as Corydalis quantemeryana 'Chocolate Stars'. When I saw the photo of the plant, it reminded me so much of a Corydalis I found in the wild in Sichuan, China which Corydalis guru Magnus Liden identified for me as C. temulifolia. I managed to get a single plant to trial in my garden and he told me to wait till it flowers to confirm it's identity. He says that there is so much material being imported from China that is mislabeled.
Earlier this spring, the plant came up beautifully, quite possibly the largest Chinese Corydalis ever introduced on the market, and it flowered. I snapped this photo and sent it to Magnus. He confirmed that it was, in fact, Corydalis temulifolia!
If available where you are, I highly recommend this early spring charmer. It is vigorous growing to 1.5 feet high and about 1 meter wide! Early spring foliage is a lovely speckled bronze and the pale lavendar blue flowers are borne in profusion. It is unscented, unfortunately. As the flowers finish up here, it doesn't look like it's going to seed and become a invasive problem.