Primula deuteronana
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by Fred Carrie.

Primula deuteronana gos 141 and 144
Primula x aureata deuteronana

In October 1995 I was involved in a short expedition to central Nepal along with Ian Christie and Alistair McKelvie. We collected seed from, what looked like, plants of Primula deuteronana. These produced a few plants as pictured below, but also what appears to be a hybrid between deuteronana and aureata which grew close by.

Both are very attractive and choice plants.

In the Primula friendly conditions at our nursery at Tough in Aberdeenshire Scotland, we have managed to bulk these plants up over the years and try them in a variety of positions. Surprisingly they have proven reasonably easy to grow but seem to do best in a north facing trough. They do not seem too fussy about soil type.

We have as yet not managed to collect 2nd generation seed, but the plants split up reasonably well.

Primula deuteronana

Primula x deuteronana aureata

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