Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Administration => Notice Board => Topic started by: Maggi Young on February 02, 2013, 02:57:51 PM
DISCUSSION WEEKEND Friday 4th – Sunday 6th October 2013
This weekend has been organised to take place in the Grant Arms Hotel, Grantown on Spey (
Provisional Programme
Friday 4th October
1500 Registration
1945 President’s welcome
2000 The Jim Archibald Lecture - Elsa Pooley: Bulbs of South Africa
2100 The small bulb exchange
Saturday 5th October
0800 Plant staging
0930 Local woodland walks, excursions and visits
1030 Show, plant sales (open to the public)
1345 Clint Callens: The quiet charm of Paris and Podophyllum
1445 Alan Furness: Growing celmisias in a Northumberland garden
1600 The Harold Esslemont Lecture - Martin Sheader:
Exploring for plants in Patagonia
1830 Drinks reception, conference dinner and plant auction
Sunday 6th October
0915 Elsa Pooley: Plants of the Drakensberg
1100 The William Buchanan Lecture - Chris Brickell: Cultivating daphnes
1200 Show and plant sales open
1330 Malcolm McGregor: A world full of saxifrages?
1440 The John Duff Lecture - John Mitchell:
Rock gardening developments at the RBGE
1530 Closing comments and show presentations
We are delighted to have been able to retain the cost of the
weekend at under £198 per person for the weekend for two persons
sharing (see the Secretary’s pages for full price details and order form). The
preceding Thursday night or following Sunday nights are both available at
£65 ppn DB&B. Outside this period the Grant Arms will welcome your
company at the normal rate.
Accommodation at the Grant Arms Hotel is in double, twin or single rooms. If you book a
twin or double room please indicate the name of the person with whom you are sharing
on the reverse of the booking form. Otherwise, we will use our judgement in finding you a
room-mate. The Grant Arms Hotel has 48 bedrooms once these are filled we will accommodate
delegates in the Garth Hotel a minute’s walk across the Square.
If you have any further queries please contact Carol Shaw at:
We look forward to seeing you all in October.
Attached- details of the weekend and other attractions [attachurl=1]
Booking form [attachurl=2]
Some details about the Speakers for the Weekend :
Elsa Pooley is a South African who has lead tours which have been enjoyed by SRGC members.
See: (
Clint Callens is one of the young members of the plant-loving Callens family of Belgium. Their nursery is a treasure trove of Trillium and the like! (
Alan Furness is the Wizard of Hexham- capable of growing all sorts of dificult plants and someone who has really "cracked" the method of keeping New Zealand alpines happy in his Northumberland garden - and on the show bench! He holds a National Collection of Celmisias. Alan is a familair figure at SRGC weekends, he has attended for many years. (
Martin Sheader, more often than not in company with his wife, Anna-Liisa, is known for his plants and also for his travels - he is a recognised expert on the plants of South America and his appearance at the DWE will be eagerly awaited. He is currently cooperating on a photographic guide to the mountain flowers of Patagonia due for publication in 2013 (
Chris Brickell has been involved in the writing and editing of such a very large number of plant books that his name must be known far and wide for that reason alone!
This genial plantsman was awarded the RHS Victoria Medal of Honour in 1976 for his services to horticulture and the CBE in 1991.
"Daphne: the genus in the wild and in cultivation" by Christopher Brickell, Brian Mathew, Roy C. Elliott is a standard. (
Malcolm McGregor, a major figure in the world of Saxifraga is the author of "Saxifrages: A Definitive Guide to the 2000 Species, Hybrids & Cultivars." Malcolm served very successfully as Editor of the SRGC Journal, The Rock Garden and is now lending his expertise as Editor for the North American Rock Garden Society's Quarterly publication. Again, Malcolm is no stranger to SRGC weekends. (
John Mitchell is the Alpines Supervisor at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh convenor of the SRGC Edinburgh Group and Chairman of the Meconopsis Group. John is known here as a Forumist, of course. (
Already there is news from the Discussion Weekend Team - it looks like this will be a popular event, as usual.
All the single rooms for the Discussion Weekend are now booked.
This does not mean that you can't come and enjoy the weekend, even if you prefer a room to yourself!!
Help is at hand from The Rosehall Guest House, a two minute walk across the square : They would be happy to accommodate you and you could then attend as a day delegate -
for more information about the Rosehall please go to ( - for a stay at the Rosehall fill in your booking form as normal and make your payment of £245 to the SRGC Discussion Weekend we will make all the arrangements for you.
It is also possible, of course, for you to arrange to share a room with a someone or ask us to organise someone for you to share with.
If you are not keen to share or stay at the Rosehall please contact Carol Shaw and she will put your name on a waiting list in case there are any cancellations.
I think the advice here must be to "Book Early" to avoid disappointment!
There are only a few places left for the Discussion Weekend - I did say that early booking was advisable!
Hurry to get your booking in now to avoid disappointment.