Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Administration => Notice Board => Topic started by: Maggi Young on February 17, 2013, 10:19:17 PM
At the SRGC Early Bulb Day held in Dunblane on 16th February, the President of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society was in attendance to present a Certificate of Merit from the RCHS (or "the Caley" as it is affectionately known) to SRGC past President and devoted supporter, Glassford Sprunt.
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The charming President of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society, Pam Whittle, read the citation for the award which described some of Glassford's many contributions to the gardening community before presenting Glassford with his certificate.
The citation listed some of Glassford's many contributions to the SRGC and also to the wider gardening community over a great many years, since he joined the Club in the 1970s to the present day.
The certificate reads : ...."in recognition of your highly regarded and significant contribution to horticulture and gardening in Scotland "
Glassford recalled that he had first become interested in plants when, at a very tender age, he was taken with his sister to "Woolworth's" and bought some " Bees - Seeds that grow"
RCHS President Pam Whittle with Glassford Sprunt (photo by Anton Edwards)
It was wonderful to see Glassford honoured in this way at an SRGC event - such awards are usually made at the Caley AGM but this was a very happy exception.
The Victoria Hall, Dunblane : an attractive venue for the event! (photo by Anton Edwards)
Congratulations, Glassford!
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Carole Baxter, best known for her role in the Beechgrove Garden Television programme, is a long time SRGC member who was honoured in March by the RCHS.
The Caley AGM and award ceremony was held on March 5th.
Congratulations to all the award winners presented with their awards that evening: Carole Baxter, Dr Mark Watson, Lindsay Morrison, Sandra Maclennan, Constance Gilleghan, Jim Laurie, Nan Henderson, Peter Guthrie Finulla McCloskey and Fiona Fitzelle.
Photo : Clive Davies (
Jim McColl, Honorary President of the Caley, presents Carole Baxter with the Scottish Horticultural Medal.
The Scottish Horticultural Medal (SHM) is an award first introduced in 1950 to mark the 150th anniversary of the RCHS. The award is strictly limited to a maximum of 50 recipients and is awarded to anyone, anywhere, who has made an outstanding service, professional or amateur, to Scottish Horticulture.