Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Administration => Notice Board => Topic started by: Maggi Young on May 24, 2013, 06:52:03 PM
SAJA, Société des Amateurs de Jardins Alpins et de Rocaille (the French Rock Garden Club) is holding a plant fair in Arras on 2nd June.
They cordially extend an invitation to all SRGC members to attend. Plants for sale are donated by SAJA members
The fair will be open from 1100 to 1800 hrs. Entrance is Free.
The event takes placde at the Jardin Botanique Floralpina,
Chez M. JM Spas
59, ave du Mémorial des Fusillés
62000 Arras
Contact :
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Many thanks to Alain Denis for sending this kind invitation.
We have received this message from Alain Denis.......
"Our plant sale was definitely a success thanks to the weather first and to our hosts Mrs and Mr Spas who warmly welcomed members and public in their magnificent garden. It was
a very pleasant day and many of the 2500 plant pots have found a buyer. I attach some pictures.
I have seen the pictures of the SRGC’s stand on the forum. It’s really a huge work the members have done and the result is well deserved Gold Medal. The blue meconopsis and red ones
(M. punicea I guess) as well as the primulas, Paris and Cyps are wonderful. Very good job and all our congratulations for this award!
Next year the plant sale will take place in Paris. We will give more details in due course.
Best regards
We are very pleased to hear the event went well - here are the photos of the event sent by Alain ....
"Botanica" visited the sale and has posted some photos (of the sale and the beautiful garden where it was held) across in the North American Rock Garden Society forum - spreading the word!
See here : (
Yann Dupont has posted photos in the Flemish (VRV) forum of his visit to the sale : (
These videos of the sale and the lovely garden of Jean-Michel and Françoise Spas are from "Botanica" - thank you, Sandy! ..... ( (
We do hope that SAJA Présidente, Mme Geneviève Martine may be able to join SRGC members in Pitlochry on the 23rd June for our 8oth Anniversary celebrations.