Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Specific Families and Genera => Pleione and Orchidaceae => Topic started by: fredg on June 18, 2013, 07:57:43 PM
I will apologise first for the following photos, there are a few of them.
My first Orchid trip this year was to Site 5 so there are quite a few Dactylorhiza. I'm sure there will be one there for everyone ;D
Stay with me, we'll get there ( eventually )
What a fine array, Fred! Fantastic to see the variety.
Even the spike shapes are fascinating 8)
Thank you Maggi, now hold on tight please we're still travelling ;D
I wonder if anyone will try to identify the hybrids ;D
I think it's a good thing I severely limited the number of orchids I took photos of.
Almost there now ;)
continued yet further
Finally got there.
Some may say I kept the best for last, that depends on what your favourites are ;D
Aye aye ! I see a little interloper has sneaked in .. ## S5 zzt - I hope he wasn't all alone?
Must make sure Ian sees these photos - he'll be amazed.
Very heartening to see how well these plants are doing there, Fred, thanks!
I wonder if anyone will try to identify the hybrids
- Dactylorhiza x hallii (maculata x praetermissa) (
Fred can you put a name to any of them? Were they on one site?
Is it any wonder I have such difficulty naming D. with any certainty the same one can look so different. Ah well nobody said it was easy :-\
Fred can you put a name to any of them? Were they on one site?
All on one site, this is just a sample. :D
The most accurate name I can say is Dactylorhiza
- of course Dactylorhiza - fuchsii :)
- of course Dactylorhiza - fuchsii :)
With the amount of variation and obvious hybrids on the one site, I would have to doubt that any of the orchids are straight species. Dactylorhiza after all are not particularly noted for their chastity
Your pictures are showing Dactylorhiza praetermissa, maculata and fuchsii - and only a few hybrids between them, but that's not really matter: amount, size, and variety of shapes & colours is just amazing!
............ amount, size, and variety of shapes & colours is just amazing!
Of course when I go back in a fortnight it will have changed. 8)
There are groups in amongst the scrub that are superb.
- and this is beautiful group of Dactylorhiza maculata - differences between very similar photo of Dactylorhiza fuchsii clump, is clearly visible..
Sorry but the group photos really do need the larger size like this.
Then I think back to dial-up connections and it would have taken 20 minutes just to download this photo. It wasn't that long ago. ;D
I'll whisper it Fred, but I think that even on dial-up it would be worth the wait for those pix!
Kristof I could do with some help identifying some orchids I put up on Estonian Odyssey.