Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

General Subjects => General Forum => Topic started by: mark smyth on November 15, 2006, 04:30:50 PM

Title: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on November 15, 2006, 04:30:50 PM
This for existing and new members to add their own intro

I'm Mark Smyth from Antrim (town) Northern Ireland.

My main interests are bulbs. Galanthus and Crocus are my main collections. I also have a good selection of alpines in troughs and a hardy Geranium collection.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: admin on November 15, 2006, 04:45:28 PM
I am Fred Carrie from Alford in Aberdeenshire.

I used to run an alpine plant nursery but I got better after counselling  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Greenmanplants on November 15, 2006, 05:52:27 PM
I am John Humphries from Lanark but exiled in Hampshire.

I intended setting up a nursery when I took early retirement, but the closer I get to the target age the further away it seems.

My main interest is in woodland plants and hardy orchids.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ichristie on November 15, 2006, 07:27:15 PM
Hi, to everyone, I am sure you know that I have just been elected president of The Scottish Rock Garden Club and have been entrusted to look after all of you out in the big wide world 'The Scottish Rockers.' I thank every one for all the messages since my election and I will post as often as possible with some thoughts on how we can all enjoy growing and being part of everything  we know as one of the friendliest clubs in the world cheers to you all.  Ian Christie.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on November 15, 2006, 08:06:45 PM
Hi, as my signature line says I'm David Nicholson from Devon in the far South West of England (and a proud Yorkshireman by birth). I grow Auriculas,  a fair collection of European Primulas both species and hybrids, Lewisias and am getting into a whole range of general alpines and bulbs. I reckon that joining the SGRC and the Forum are amongst the best gardening thingies I have ever done. Since I joined the Forum I have learned so much from so many from all over the world and long may it continue and flourish.

Thought I would use an "avatar" (is there no end to my learning!) of one of my Auriculas rather than a photo of me, it's much better to look at.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 15, 2006, 08:15:56 PM
OK, here we go. I've been fiddling about for a whole hour I think and hopefully am coming to grips. Would have liked a pic of Martha Argarich in the Musicians option.

I am Lesley Cox, quite unknown to anyone on this Forum. I live down under and have job as Manager of Otago Farmers' Market in Dunedin. A part time job, I also garden and am currently resurrecting my small nursery which specializes in alpines but has other odds and ends as well.

I love the Forum, seeds, the blue sky and Bach, Beethoven, Brahams and Bartok.

Lesley, do you like this photo of Martha Argerich?... we do try to oblige, you know! (Maggi)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on November 15, 2006, 10:01:08 PM

I'm Anthony Darby, although friends and colleagues call me Tony. I have a tiny garden and bulb house and specialise in bulbs and hardy orchids. I am also keen on insects, in particular butterflies. My hobbies include choral singing and listening to, among others, Bach, Gibbons, Purcell, Monteverdi, Mozart and Beethoven.  I'm married (to Vivienne) with two children, James (10) and Lucy (7). I teach Biology at secondary level.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on November 15, 2006, 11:19:52 PM
Hello, I'm Margaret Young ....many of you know me as "Maggi" and I'll answer to anything that isn't openly abusive. I've been married to Ian Young, aka the Bulb Despot since 1972  (I was a child bride, really I was!)  We have a very crowded garden of about two thirds of an acre (no, I don't know what that is in metric) at the top of a hill overlooking the city and across to the sea (about two miles away)
Gardening with someone as forceful as Ian ( I myself am a quiet, shy and retiring person)  means that I don't get much chance to grow things under glass so most of "my" plants are in the garden. Ian says they make nice habitats and microclimates for his bulbs. I am devoted to Rhododendrons... manage to have hundreds in our small space.. and their relatives the ericaceae luckily these grow very happily with other favourites, such as bulbs, which I couldn't live without. I love most flowers, really, especially the small, wild flowers of the mountains and wild places of the world, which is how I came to the SRGC, of course. If I had more space, and a stronger constitution, I'd like to grow EVERYTHING I see on these pages and in the Shows!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on November 16, 2006, 07:24:33 AM
Great idea, Mark - here is my introduction:

I'm Thomas Huber - called Hubi1 - live in a small village 120 km north of Frankfort in Germany. I'm married with Tanja and have two little Hubis - Chris ( 8 ) and Celine ( 5 ). My main interest are small bulbs, Galanthus, Fritillarias, Iris, Tulips, Colchicums, but on top of my favourites list are Crocus, which need 70% of the space in my garden.
I also love mountainbiking, hiking, playing guitar in my band (mainly English and German pop and rock of the 70s and 80s) and all my friends on the SRGC forum!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Susan Band on November 16, 2006, 09:25:26 AM
I am Susan Band, new to the forum but not new to the SRGC. I run a bulb (mail order and wholesale) and seed nursery ( growing mainly primulas and mecs for a seed company) on a 55 acre hill which I am gradually colonising. My mum, well known as a tea lady in the SRGC, has a large garden which is packed full of all sorts of plants and is opened for a day in May to all fellow Rockers. See you all there. 8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Shaw on November 16, 2006, 01:17:35 PM
David Shaw calling!
With my wife Carol, busy lady, we have a medium sized garden in Moray with TWO greenhouses! We have a very ecelectic collection of plants but all loosely connected to the term 'alpine'. We are both active within the SRGC and our local group just because we have so muuuuuch fun :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on November 16, 2006, 04:26:41 PM
Martin Baxendale here. I feel an autobiography coming on! I used to go on SRGC outings with my parents when we lived in Broughty Ferry in the early 1960s and I was about 10, and have been a member on and off since I was 16 (with some long absences!)

I live in Gloucestershire, married to Ivi, an environmental worker from Slovakia, with our two children, Misho (12) and Zuza ( 8 ), and an older daughter, Rosie, from 1st marriage, now at university (God, how time flies!)

I'm a writer and cartoonist. Hobbies gardening and grumbling at small children. I've killed my fair share of alpines through work-enforced neglect over the years, so now concentrate mainly on bulbs, especially galanthus (which I collect and breed) but also crocus, narcissus, erythronium, cyclamen, etc. Oh, and rhododendrons (which takes some doing on a dry limy soil, so mostly in containers). My small town garden used to have a lawn and borders but is now a gloomy and overgrown woodland where small children get lost for days at a time.

Oh, and I'm a handsome devil (see photo).

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: SueG on November 17, 2006, 02:16:52 PM
Hi All

If everyone else is doing this may be I should too. (It's a bit like that 'creeping death' at meetings where you all have to go round and say who you are and why you're there!)

I've been gardening since I was very young (not that long ago, honest) and still haven't learnt that space in the garden is not infinite, so I can't buy or grow every plant I want! I have a tiny, but VERY full garden in Northumberland, England in which I grow lots of plants that can cope with the crush and my heavy clay soil. In my even smaller back yard I have lots and lots of pots (hopefully) full of bulbs. I've recently begun growing species gladioli amongst other things from seed and so have dozens of pots in the house too. Luckily the cats and I (mostly) manage to tip toe round things!

When I'm not in the garden I work for Newcastle University where colleagues and I have just raised £150 for charity this morning selling our home made cakes. Guess that qualifies me to be a member of the SRGC then? Plants and cake - not a bad way to go through life ;D

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 17, 2006, 07:43:50 PM
Hi, I'm Paddy and I'm a gardener.

While I admire the intensity which many alpine gardeners bring to their hobby I am not so single minded myself and am as happy in the vegetable patch, cutting the grass, doing a bit of pruning, weeding or any of the other things we do in the garden. I like a bit of everything but, yes, alpines are truly fascinating and visiting this site has always been both a pleasure and an education.

The garden is situated just to the outside of Waterford in the south-east of Ireland. Our winters are generally mild, late spring frosts are the only real threat we have to our plants. I have two unheated glasshouses which are used to overwinter potted plants and grow on seedlings as well as house some of those nice bulbs which visiting this site has led me to purchase and try out.

The Irish Garden Plant Society(IGPS) is an important gardening interest. For those in the U.K., this is very similar to the National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens. I edit the quarterly newsletter for the IGPS, something I enjoy a great deal. I read a lot and write the book reviews in the newsletter and for some other similar newsletters.

The day job is principal teacher in a small rural school - no wonder I need the garden. I joke; the kids, parents and staff are great. Married, three sons, 25,22,13. Age: 53, low-sized, well-rounded at the waist, bald, glasses - so now you know I am not posting to the forum hoping for romance!

No photograph of myself available - I generally take the photographs and so am on the wrong side of the camera. As a substitute, below is a photograph of the garden taken by a friend from the local rescue helicopter.

Looking forward to continued visiting to this site and exchanging views and information with other contributors.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: hadacekf on November 17, 2006, 08:12:23 PM
My name is Franz Hadacek. I live in Vienna the capital town of Austria and I am rock gardening for 45 years. I grow a wide range of different alpine plants. Sometimes without large success! One of my interest are the bulbs,
because I saw many of them at my journeys in the Mediterranean regions. I have no alpine house, I cultivate all plants in frames or my rock garden. Many bulbs grows very good in my meadow, because our summers are dry, hot and sunny.
If you are interested, have a look at my websit
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: tonyg on November 17, 2006, 11:30:27 PM
Hello, I'm Tony Goode from Norwich. 
I've been a gardener all my life, Grandad taught me the names of plants almost as soon as I could walk and I've been hooked ever since.  I graduated from annuals to alpines when living in a first floor flat where the plants had to be small, grown as they were on windy ledges!  I especially love bulbs and grow far too many crocuses.  I would like to have more time for growing 'proper' alpines but I find these are best enjoyed in their natural homes.
In other lives I am a full time Dad, work as a shop manager, lecture on alpines and bulbs to any garden club that will listen to me and volunteer on the Talyllyn Railway (in North Wales). So it's no wonder that I never seem to have time to do anything properly!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dan on November 18, 2006, 09:20:31 AM
 ;D hi my names Dan Hale.....thar's me with Stonehenge in the background.......I live in East Yorkshire at the minute outside of Tork in a small town....although Im a geordie and have lived in Newcatle most of my main interest is plants of course.........and I love collecting rare woodland plants and orchids.......I have qite a lot of cypripedium and also grow amongst others....trillium, lillium, hepatica, meconopsis etc anyone who has discovered something new in that area then please talk to me about it!!!!.... 8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dan on November 18, 2006, 09:22:17 AM
 :o.....thats York btw not Tork!!!!! ha ha i've just read my msg back and there's quite a few spelling mistakes!!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ian Y on November 18, 2006, 09:44:34 AM
I am Ian Young, I am the SRGC Web Committee Chairman and web team leader, and what a team I have.
I have been interested in plants since I was 11 years old when I got hooked on the Scottish Mountain flora.
Although I am interested in most plants from trees, which I still grow from seed and have far too many of, down to the smallest of alpines my main interest is in bulbs.
I find them fascinating and love to share my passion for them with anyone willing to read or listen.
I write a weekly,
bulb log      bulb log    bulb log     bulb log  

on this site and also love travelling  speaking to groups and infecting them with bulboholicism.
In my spare time I am an artist, I also do some broadcasting and I love playing and listening to music.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 18, 2006, 10:12:46 PM
Thank you Maggi, a much younger Martha I think, and great fuel for one of my more outlandish fantasies! I haven't played a piano for 30 years!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on November 20, 2006, 03:40:37 PM
Hi all. My name is John Forrest (could there be a blood line connection to George?)
I used to describe myself as a passionate gardener but what with the ravages of time I’ll have to settle for compulsive. I still have more plants than I can look after properly even though I have reduced my collection substantially in the last few years due to the old joints playing up. My collection of plants is very varied since I have always tried to apply the brakes if I find myself becoming to obsessed with a particular genus or species. Bulbs play a fairly large part in the collection (most notably Trillium, Crocus, Narcissus) as do hardy orchids Dactylorhiza, Cypripediums etc. I have all but given up showing but still enjoy judging and the banter and the buzz at the shows. I live in Blackpool, at least that is my postal address although I live nearer to Poulton le Fylde, an altogether more sedate dwelling than the brash & bawdy seaside town. The Lancaster group I attend is affiliated to both SRGC and AGS and the annual flower show at Blackpool is only a couple of hundred metres away from my front door but is over the boundary in Blackpool. One year the show is run by the SRGC and a Forrest Medal awarded to the best plant whilst the next is AGS rules, with a Farrar Medal.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on November 20, 2006, 05:56:51 PM
Hello, everyone.
My name is Anne Wright and I live with my husband near York, in Yorkshire, England. We have two children, 20 and 22 years old.
I do some part-time work for the environmental consultancy that my husband works for, and in my spare time, I am a botanical painter, and a lithic illustrator (drawing stone tools). Also, we will soon be getting our first injured bat for rehabilitation.
I have a medium sized garden, which contains everything from fruit and veg to alpines, bulbs, grasses etc. My husband is very keen on ferns, so we have a large collection of those too. We look after the spore exchange for the British Pteridological (fern) Society. My favourites are probably the bulbs, and I have a lot of fun hybridising narcissi just to see what happens!
I enjoy reading everyone's posts on the forum, and no doubt will figure it all out for myself sooner or later, but am floundering a bit so far.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on November 20, 2006, 05:58:21 PM
Having no success at posting a pic of myself, which is probably just as well....
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on November 20, 2006, 06:25:47 PM
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Staale on November 20, 2006, 09:16:34 PM
Hello everyone.
My name is Staale Sorensen (or it isn’t really, as my first name is spelled with an a with a ring above it, rather than a pair of a’s, and the o in my sir name comes with a diagonal line - but Scandinavian spelling aside for now).

I have been gardening on my fathers plot since long before I got my own garden. Together with my partner, my plants and I have recently moved to a rather large property (some 11000 sq.m.) close to the biggest lake in Norway, with  a magnificent view (wich I am told it is prohibited to obscure with rigorous and voluminous planting). Lots of work ahead, happily.

I particularly like woodland plants, small AND big, and often find myself as intrigued with foliage and bark as with flowers. Getting alpine doses on a regular basis from this forum, however, is slowly getting to me, and it’s no big guessing that alpines will play more important roles in the garden along the road. Among countless favourites these genuses would be hard to live without; Acer, Sorbus, Rhododendron, Hepatica, Crocus, Colchicum, Meconopsis.

To support my plantaholicness I work in a company producing seed for agricultural uses. When not in the garden (but there also) bird watching is fun.

With some luck a picture will be included.....
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 20, 2006, 09:23:31 PM
Welcome to the amazing SRGC Forum, Mark 2, Staale. You are among friends and we will look forward to hearing from you and seeing some more Norwegian pictures soon. If for no other reason, this new Forum is great in that some of the previous lurkers have come out into the daylight and become posters.

Anne, a lovely picture of you which I'm so pleased to see. Not nearly so much grey in the hair as with many (most?) of us.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Gene Mirro on November 21, 2006, 06:48:05 AM
Hi, I'm Gene Mirro from the magnificent state of Oregon  --- the green, wet northwest corner of the US, which inspired the oft-repeated phrase  "grows only in favored climates such as the Pacific Northwest".  My obsession is species lilies, but I will grow anything that looks or tastes extra-good to me.  I gravitate towards plants that are "difficult" to "impossible", since I love a challenge, and the occasional success allows me to put on airs 8) .  I grow nearly everything from seed, just to make it a bit more interesting.  This forum appeals to me for two reasons:  first, the level of horticultural experience and expertise on display here is unmatched; and second, the website is beautifully put together and easy to use.  I love the plant photos.  Very nice job, SRGC.

 Many thanks for your kind words, Gene, delighted to have you with us ! SRGC WebTeam
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on November 21, 2006, 02:44:52 PM
Hi Staale. Thanks for the Norwegian spelling lesson. Unfortunately I can't get my keyboard to make those letters. Is it the same with your keyboard or is it when you are using the internet that it doesn't produce them? I envy you your beautiful Lake view and look forward to seeing pictures in due course.

Welcome also to Gene who like myself has made life difficult by trying to grow the ungrowable. It's a good idea to empty your 'dead label box' frequently to avoid depression setting in. ;D
I am also looking forward to more pictures from you also.

Hi Anne nice to see your picture
Hi Anne nice to see your picture
Hi Anne nice to see your picture     ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on November 21, 2006, 02:58:20 PM
Welcome also from me, Staale - and here another lesson in Norwegian spelling.

Press Alt and type 0229 for å
Press Alt and type 0242 for ò   or 0243 for ó
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Staale on November 21, 2006, 07:00:53 PM
Hopefully my fellow forumists will forgive me for letting this thread turn into a spelling topic.

Sorry Thomas, but your procedure doesn’t seem to work on this keyboard.
However, Our Norwegian keyboards are supplemented with our three extra letters, so I have no problem writing my name, but was afraid it would look a bit odd to use them when most forumist will not be familiar with them. Also I have no idea if they will appear on the forum the way I wrote them, or if they will be altered by the system, but here goes:
 Ståle Sørensen

Oh, and I really must add Trilliums to my favourites. How could I forget them!  And Arisaemas.  And Galanthus. And…

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on November 22, 2006, 07:25:00 AM
Sorry Ståle, seems like the procedure only works with German keyboards!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on November 22, 2006, 09:02:48 AM
Press Alt and type 0229 for å ! Well it works for me...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on November 22, 2006, 09:55:43 AM
Thomas' trick won't work for me, Anne. I just get annoyed bongs from the machine! It is easier for me to use copy and paste when I want to use these names in their "proper" fashion. It is great to have you here, Ståle, that is easy to say!
It is good of the overseas forumists to be so patient with us daft Brits!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on November 22, 2006, 10:25:53 AM
a late hello to all those I havent 'met' before
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Casalima on November 22, 2006, 12:19:43 PM
I live in the normally relatively green and damp north-west corner of the Iberian peninsula, in a town with ambitions to become the gardening capital of Portugal ( Locally we can't grow real cold lovers (no meconopsis :'(), no real chalk lovers (nice acid soil in general) and no pure tropicals - but apart from that almost anything else! Frosts only on clear nights.

I am slowly building up a plant collection on my two balconies and one day, one day!!!, I hope to be able to move myself and my plants to land I have in the country. I am particularly fond of bulbs, but appreciate almost everything else too. My avatar is a local Aquilegia growing on my land - dichroa I think.

For the Alt + number codes, you have to use the key pad, I think. They work for me.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Andrew on November 22, 2006, 04:42:30 PM
Yes that's right Chloe, the key/numeric pad (the numbers on the right of the keyboard for the non-technical, assuming a 'standard' keyboard). ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on November 22, 2006, 07:03:09 PM
AH HAA! It all becomes clear now! So, I have tried  it and it works... no more bongs! Why didn't Thomas say this in the first place? And please don't tell me it's because everyone else KNEW it!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 22, 2006, 07:32:53 PM
å Works for me too. Maggi, aren't we all daft? or we wouldn't be here in the first place. I'm writing drivel this morning to take my mind off my two friends in Australia's Blue Mountains. They are both surrounded by bush fires at the moment. Don's house is very close but I think he can get out but Huw can't, the single road to his house is cut off by back-burning. I'm worried sick for him.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on November 22, 2006, 07:53:47 PM
Bad news out of Australia for your friends, Lesley. Let us hope that it all ends with them safe.
Bush fires are so deadly, we should be jolly grateful if we're in an area where we need not fear our lives and homes being lost in such events.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Staale on November 22, 2006, 09:41:14 PM
Hope your friends and their homes come away unharmed, Lesley!
I am still not signing on to the 'daft' cathegory (not voluntarily, anyway) I work on a lap top. It has a key lock tab, but it makes no more sense than before. Though I'm sure one can alter the system to make it work, I'm too lazy to try.

More presentations, please!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on November 23, 2006, 08:16:25 AM
Uuuups - sorry Maggi. I've never tried anything else than the key-pad  :-*

Welcome Chloe!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on November 23, 2006, 09:54:43 AM
Ok, my time to introduce myself.

My wife Rita and I live in Harelbeke - Belgium (Dutch/Flemish speaking part of the country) with our two grown up daughters Elke and Wendy (24 and 21) being visited much too often by successive boyfriends... ;D

I (we) got into Alpines some 15 odd years ago and have since been piling up rocks in our front and back garden, much to the disbelief of our neighbours...

I love many different genera that I grow more or less succesfully.  Meconopsis is one of them but it's quite difficult to get them through our occasional hot spells, then tere's Lewisia, Dianthus, Saxifraga, Aquilegia, Hepatica etc... etc... 

I do not have an Alpine house  :( so everything I grow has to be able to cope with all that nature trows at it.  One exception : my Pleione collection that I keep dry and frostfree in winter and early spring in our veranda.

I love this forum, have learned lots and lots of interesting things here and I hope to post more pix in the coming season.

Three cheers for the SRGC.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on November 23, 2006, 11:51:00 AM
Welcome Hans. You certainly are a fully paid up member to the plantaholics fraternity and so are amongst friends. You don't have your second name on your profile but perhaps you do not wish to publish it.
Good job I'm sitting down with all those numbers and keys, like being back at school but on the receiving end!! Is there a list than one can call up to show the alternative letters and signs. Degrees C is perhaps the one I would like to know but am intrigued by other possibilities.
Nice to see Luc's 'curriculum vitae' but he is a longstanding member of the SRGC Forum family.

John, here is the tip I use for degree signs when I'm writing the Aberdeen Group Newsletter. Our local weather-man, John Lupton keeps great records and lets us use them each year. He cheats by giving me his report in pen on paper so I had to find the key to convert for typing! Cheers,Maggi

To type a degree symbol to show degrees celsius etc,
At appropriate spot, type ctrl+@,space  to obtain , e.g. 23.5°
I must confess, this may only work in "Word" applications... we'll see!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on November 23, 2006, 12:54:50 PM
John, you can see a list of all symbols in Microsoft Word.
I only have the German version, so I can't tell you exactly what to click in
the English version, but it has to be something like: add / symbols...

A new window will open, where you can choose your symbol. You will
get the key in the lower part of the window by clicking on the symbol.

Hope this helps!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: SueG on November 23, 2006, 01:09:46 PM
to put symbols and a huge range of other 'things' into Word docs you do (from the menu in Word)
you then have the options of lots of fonts - degrees celcius you want to use the font called (normal text) - you acn scroll the list up and down until you spot what you want, click on it, then click on the insert button and that's it.

take a look the Wingdings font too as that has useful things like arrows and thumbs up signs and aeroplanes (must be useful to someone)

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ian mcenery on November 23, 2006, 05:16:40 PM
I suppose I'd better follow suit.

Hi I'm Ian I'm a compulsive (obsessive) collector and occasionally manage to cultivate - most I struggle with - a catholic range of plants including alpines. I have a scree, humus beds, herbaceous and a woodlandly  type area which I love. My main loves are Rhodos and Ericaceous plants, Trilliums, meconopsis, orchids including a collection of cyps and woodland plants and Hellebores.   Lately I have taken an interest (obsession) in bulbs and have accumulated far too many bulbs and pots of seeds. I try to grow nearly all plants in the open garden and grow only a few bulbs in pots.

Our garden is not large but neither is it small and is situated at about 600 ft above sea level in the West Midlands. As we live in an area which could be described as open woodland although being high up we are protected from strong winds. Although it can be very cold here in UK terms - you can't get any further away from the sea here - we are not in a frost pocket so sometimes I get away with some very early flowering Rhodos like Macabeanum which flowers in February - but mostly it gets blighted

I am married to Pam and we are grandparents a few times over so maybe I can encourage them to be interested in plants as to date my sons have shown little interest. Maybe this skips a generation, as my grandfather was a very keen gardener. I still work but thankfully a little less these days.

Because my garden is unsuitable for growing veg I have recently acquired an allotment. The plans are also to grow on seedlings of plants such as hellebores to select better forms
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 23, 2006, 07:13:45 PM
Lovely to get all these notes about well-known friends and about new posters too. That's one great result from the new Forum. Ian, all the seedlings from your single and double black hellebores are growing on well. Thanks so much. Whatever there eventual shades turn out to be, I'm looking forward to them very much. Winter after next I expect.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Magnar on November 24, 2006, 01:48:22 PM
Hi all.

I am Magnar Aspaker from North Norway. I have been a memeber of SRGC for many years, think I joined some time in the 1980-es. If you want to see what I grow in my garden you can visit my home page at

I want to congratulate the club with this new forum :), it looks great and I'm sure I will be visiting it often.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on November 24, 2006, 02:38:09 PM
Thanks Maggi, Thomas & Sue I have found the symbols in word and am now not 1º under but am ØVĔŔ ŢĦĘ ΜƠŌŊ.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Mick McLoughlin on November 28, 2006, 12:47:37 PM
  I'm Mick McLoughlin from near Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Married with 1 daughter at home, we moved house a year ago in order to have some garden space. Still developing the garden and an interest in alpines.


Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 02, 2006, 11:22:22 PM
Hello All,

I'm Paul, and I'm a Plant Addict!!!

I live in Canberra, Australia with my long suffering (suffering from the affects of my addiction of course!) wife Yvonne who deserves at the very least a medal, but probably more than that she deserves a rest from me!! ;)  Also present here in the house is my maltese terrier by the name of Elfinraer (which she only gets when she is in trouble.... her usual name is Elf).

I grow just about anything I can lay my grubby (from gardening) little hands on!!  Preference is given to unusual bulbs and perennials, but I'm adaptable!!  ;D  You name it, and if it can grow here then I've probably got it or a relative, or tried it at the very least.  WAY too addicted to this gardening caper.   8)  In my usual email signature to gardening lists I include the following (which sums it up pretty well)....
Growing an eclectic collection of plants from all over the world including Aroids, Crocus, Cyclamen, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Galanthus, Irises, Trilliums (to name but a few) and just about anything else that doesn't move!!

Welcome everyone who I haven't met before, and nice to find out more about some of you that I have!!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on December 02, 2006, 11:32:02 PM
hello Paul! Can we see a photo of the dog? I dont know it
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 02, 2006, 11:35:45 PM
You mean that you haven't seen my dog, or you haven't heard of the breed "Maltese Terrier"?  A Maltese (white fluffy thing that is usually on speed or some other drug that turns it into a hyperactive bundle of energy. ;)) is a common breed here in Aus.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on December 03, 2006, 10:48:38 AM
I suggest that you use a high speed setting on your camera to photograph Elf, if she is in hyperactive mode. I think you should also bite the bullet and post one of yourself on your profile. It's much nicer to see the person you are talking to. ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 03, 2006, 11:23:06 AM

I dunno about that..... I think you'd find it is actually much nicer to speak to the empty space without having to look at me!! ;D

I do have pics of Elf when she has slowed down at times.  Pretty rare though.  Best done when she is asleep! :P
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 03, 2006, 11:34:56 AM
By the way John...... where exactly is Blackppol?  Anywhere near Blackpool?  :D  Sorry, couldn't resist!! :-X
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on December 04, 2006, 05:33:53 PM
Paul, I think it's very unkind of you to make fun of my stttutter. Have now managed to correct my profile. Obviously everybody else was too polite to point it out. ;D
Still waiting for that empty space to be filled and to see Elf.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 05, 2006, 12:30:00 AM

Well unfortunately, that is me.... unkind! <sigh>  Sorry, couldn't help myself!! ;) 
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Olga Bondareva on December 05, 2006, 07:36:07 PM
Hi to everyone!

I am Olga. I’ve been reading old forum for a year but did not say anything. Think this is a good opportunity to stop hesitation and introduce myself.

I am alpine lover from Moscow, Russia. I am crazy about all kinds of alpines but mostly gentians, daphnes and primroses. I am very interested in our native plants. I make several trips every year looking for new plants or unusual forms.

I’m happy to join you! Your magnificent images and good advances were my good friends and assistants this year. Best wishes to new forum!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 05, 2006, 08:23:54 PM
Welcome Olga!!!!!  Glad to have you with us!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 06, 2006, 03:44:49 AM
Welcome Olga, to the lovely Forum. How wonderful that we now have someone from Russia. Next stop the moon maybe?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Olga Bondareva on December 06, 2006, 07:45:54 AM
Paul and Lesley, thank you for welcome! I am pleased to enlarge geography of this lovely Forum!   :D

( (
Saxifraga scleropoda, spring Caucasus.

(I’m just learning to insert images. And I would be thankful for assistance.)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on December 06, 2006, 07:56:15 AM
(I’m just learning to insert images. And I would be thankful for assistance.)

Hello and welcome Olga. In the old forum I was a prolific poster but like you I needed help to post images in here. Below the text box it says Additional Options. Click on it and it opens. You will see Attach and browse. The browse button allows you to search for your own image saved on your computer. To post multiple images click beside browse where it says more attachments Each time you click it it opens another browse option
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on December 06, 2006, 08:03:42 AM
Welcome also from Germany, Olga!
I've tried to have a look at your website, but it failed  :'(
Can you give us the exact adress, please???
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Olga Bondareva on December 06, 2006, 08:30:37 AM
Thomas, hope this link is working:

And here are some my images:

Mark thanks a lot! (
Trying again...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Olga Bondareva on December 06, 2006, 08:34:17 AM
Hurray! It's happened!   :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on December 06, 2006, 08:51:15 AM
Well done, and welcome, Olga!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on December 06, 2006, 09:23:31 AM

May I also add my welcome from Belgium into this worldwide community Olga !
Look forward to many pix from faraway Russia.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on December 06, 2006, 10:02:48 AM
Thanks Olga, these two links work for me!
Great shots - hope to see many of them here on the board in future!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: hadacekf on December 06, 2006, 10:32:26 AM
May I also add my welcome from Austria. Glad to see your wonderful photos and the website.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on December 06, 2006, 02:40:46 PM
....And from wet and windy East Lancashire, may I thank you Olga for your lovely images. Welcome to this wonderful community...we hope your stay is very long, highly productive and totally enjoyable.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 06, 2006, 10:01:01 PM
Your images are fine Olga. I thought when I saw the camera in your profile picture, that we were on to a good thing. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the Russian flora and perhaps some Russian gardens too. We know so little about those. I know many irises are grown there. Many thanks.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Olga Bondareva on December 07, 2006, 08:03:58 AM
How many warm greetings! Thank you very much!  :-*

Lesley, you ask a very interesting question about Russian gardens. May I create a separate topic to show them?

Currently we are waiting for a real winter. No snow, warm weather. Bad time for making images.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on December 07, 2006, 08:32:05 AM
Olga, feel free to open your own "Russian Garden" thread!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Olga Bondareva on December 07, 2006, 09:10:20 AM
Yes, sir!  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 07, 2006, 10:41:16 PM
Lovely pictures Olga, let's have lots more please. And feel free to start a new thread for Russian gardens - or anything else that takes your fancy.

Cliff, I've just noticed your profile name of Ranunculus (why doesn't that surprise me?) Do you know your Gilbert and Sullivan? -

"I'm called little buttercup, dear little buttercup, though I can never tell why,
But still I'm called buttercup, dear little buttercup, sweet little buttercup I." or words to that effect.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 07, 2006, 11:00:34 PM
Something bizarre happens which I am at a complete loss to explain. When I open pictures to enlarge, I click on the pic and it enlarges. That's OK. But if I click on the file name UNDER the pic, it opens in Ulead Instant Viewer which I have on my computer and again, there it is enlarged, OK.

What is odd though, is that if I idly roll the mouse knob as if to scroll up or down - which I don't need to do to see the whole pic - I get more and more pics, totally unrelated to the one I clicked on. I get some pics from my own files, but also some from many different threads on the Forum, both this and the old Forum, also some pics I've never seen anywhere in my life before and quite unrelated to plants (the pic of Jonathon Lemalu the other day)  and all sorts of other stuff, cookery recipes, cars, scenery, cartoons etc etc. What on earth is happening and HOW? No-one else uses my computer.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 07, 2006, 11:11:13 PM
Goodness me, Lesley, I have no idea!  I did once get a pic open and then get others, but it was a one off... now if I click  on the file name I get a window that asks me if i want to open the file in ASee DC, which is the photo system we use. In the beginning, all of two weeks ago, I just got the pic enlarged, just like clicking on it!
All a mystery to me, like so much in life!  Ho, Humm!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on December 07, 2006, 11:40:14 PM
a late hello from what is supposed to be the Emerald Isle. With all the rain we have had we should be under water
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on December 08, 2006, 10:52:46 AM
It's a bit late to say welcome Olga because you have already made yourself a part of the SRGC family. Keep posting your super pictures. Best wishes from the not so bright but very breezy Blackpool.
Lesley, your problem is common to these packages. They have a set routine to display images and have a stock of their images, which they generate after the one you open. NO invaders, so don't worry that the 'thought police' are tapping in. ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on December 08, 2006, 11:17:12 AM
Lesley, I think your picture viewer shows the "Temporary Internet Files" Folder,
which saves all the pictures from any webpages you visited in the past.
As John states below - no need to worry!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on December 08, 2006, 12:10:24 PM
Lesley, I just tried it and my picture viewer does the same sort of thing. Thomas is right; it's showing pictures from earlier web pages visited, stored in Temporary Internet Files - not neccessarily what you've clicked on but any bits and bobs of illustrations, heading logos, etc., maybe even links to other sites and pages. If you're seeing stuff from long ago and stuff you don't remember, you may have a very full Temporary Internet Files folder.

It's a good idea to clean out all those temporary internet files regularly (daily) to get rid of all that clutter on your hard disc, and especially as viruses picked up when web browsing can hide there ad keep reinfecting your computer even if your anti-virus thinks it has removed them.

You should have a disc clean-up facility on your computer that will do this. Or, click Tools or Settings on your browser toolbar, and look for 'internet' options. That should bring up a window in which you can click to remove temporary internet files, remove cookies etc.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on December 08, 2006, 12:18:49 PM
Lesley, also if your temporary internet files hve not been cleared out for a very long time, you may even have pic files in there that were downloaded without your knowledge if you've picke up a downloader trojan type virus that uses your computer to download and send out spam. Your anti-virus could have got rid of the trojan horse programme but downloaded pics could still be on your hard disc, I think. So that may be why you see pics you've never seen before - maybe spam ads for web sites. Seriously, I'd get those files cleared out.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on December 08, 2006, 12:22:02 PM
And while we're on the subject of wierd computer behaviour, is anyone else having problems with forum email notifications being treated as spam by their anti-spam software? My BT-Yahoo anti-spam keeps putting most of my forum emails into my spam box, even when I keep marking them as 'not spam'. Been going on for a few days now.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on December 08, 2006, 12:38:32 PM
Martin you are right, telling us to clear the "Temporary Internet Files" folder regularly, but
I don't agree with your recommendation to do that daily!!! This folder allows you to reduce
the download time of all regular visited pages. You will not have to download it when
you visit a website again, because Internet Explorer will take the picture from your
computer. If you delete the files, you will have to wait for downloading it again!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on December 08, 2006, 01:28:45 PM
Hi Thomas. Okay, maybe daily clearing of temporary internet files might be a little on the cautious side for some people, especially if they're using a slow dail-up connection or if they only visit a few safe web sites each day like this forum (although I'm sure even the SRGC site could be hacked and infected) and if they tend to visit the same few sites very regularly, like several times a day.

I do clean my hard-disc of internet files, cookies etc at the end of every day (when I remember!). But then I am on a reasonably fast broadband connection and don't have a problem with re-downloading pages. When you're on broadband you do tend to forget that a lot of people are still on dail-up.

But, as you say, regular purging of the temporary internet files cache is certainly highly advisable, especially if you do a lot of web surfing to a lot of sites. I'd suggest anyone in doubt tries clearing their temp internet files then sees if they have problems with slow page loading afterwards - in which case maybe clear the files less frequently but still on a regular basis (maybe once a week).
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on December 08, 2006, 01:48:25 PM
Thomas, I forgot to mention that I also have a 13-year-old son who uses my computers daily to go onto internet games sites, swapping stuff with friends, and things like that. Hence my caution re internet temporary files purging!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on December 08, 2006, 01:49:48 PM
OK, I understand, Martin!
In this case you are completely right!!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Tim Murphy on December 09, 2006, 07:29:47 PM
My name is Tim Murphy. I am 32 years old and for the past 8 years I have been growing hellebores and cyclamen. In 2003 I moved to a 1930’s house with a ¼ acre rear garden and set up a part-time nursery which is generally devoted to the study and cultivation of wild species hellebores. I started to travel out to the Balkans in 2001 to study hellebores in the wild and have been back every year since (twice in 2004 and three times in 2006).

I am fond of cyclamen too and have three glasshouses full of stock plants. Most of the plants are my own with the rest belonging to The Cyclamen Society. My favourite species is C. purpurascens, probably because I see it often in the wild when I’m out in the Balkans studying hellebores.

I’m not really all that interested in any other plants, which is a good job as the hellebores and cyclamen take up all of my spare time. If I had to pick another plant to grow here, I suppose crocus would probably be next on the list, but so far I have resisted…

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 09, 2006, 07:39:06 PM
A warm welcome, Tim!  I admire your dedication to Hellebores and Cyclamen but I should warn you, resistance to the myriad charms of the little plants that so captivate us here on this forum is futile.... you have been warned ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: admin on December 09, 2006, 07:55:51 PM
resistance to the myriad charms of the little plants that so captivate us here on this forum is futile....

You will be assimilated and become part of the collective.  :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on December 09, 2006, 08:34:53 PM
My name is Joakim Balogh and I am interested in hardy orchids, hepaticas and anemones (nemorosa) that also grows wild around where we live in Sweden. I am also interested in galanthus and crocus (that have escaped captivety and lives semi free around where we live).
Another interest is in hardy cyclamen and colchicums that grows wild in Hungary the country of my father.
Since we now also live part time in Portugal, the country of my wife, I will also test "non hardy" spieces of the above spieces.
I must admit that I buy more plants in the supermarket than in specialised stores. I am now going more towards the true spieces then commercial hybrids.
Is it OK to like both?
Thanks for a lovely webpage

Kind regards
Joakim Balogh
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on December 09, 2006, 11:39:17 PM
admin must be a fan of the Borg!?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Tim Murphy on December 10, 2006, 08:00:00 AM
... 'seven of nine' in particular, I'll bet...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on December 10, 2006, 08:24:46 AM
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 10, 2006, 10:32:15 PM
So THAT'S the problem. Thanks everyone for excellent advice and I'll get onto it shortly. In fact, it's quite interesting going all those steps back to last Forum etc. I even had various pics come up from the BULB LOG but I swear to God the pornography pics weren't mine. Apart from any other consideration, they were all women and any I downloaded wouldn't have been! NO-ONE else uses this computer so something from outside must have been lurking. But I have the softeware to clean up, just need to set it in motion. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: BjorgS on December 10, 2006, 10:59:59 PM
Well, here's another one from Norway.
My name is Bjørg Sookermany.  I live in Bergen, on the West Coast of Norway, and my main hobby is gardening.  I have been interested in plants for as long as I can remember, and that is a good many years.  I used to have a good collection of Fuchsias, but have been cutting back on that lately.  There are so many other plants I would like to grow, and space is limited here in my garden.  The garden is approx. 750 sq.meters and I have absolutely no lawn as I need every bit of land for my plants.  In the Summer I also have plants in pots all over the place.  This creates a lot of work (watering) when the weather is good, like it can be here in Bergen.  This year we have had a lovely, warm and sunny Summer followed by a mild, windy and wet late Autumn.  Actually it has rained more or less every day for the last 5 weeks, and the forecast says more wind and water is on its way.  BUT.. this is great weather for staying inside, dreaming and making plans for next season.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on December 10, 2006, 11:25:06 PM
welcome to the forums Bjørg. Glad you have come in from the side lines. You'll learn lots here as we all do
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hkind on December 11, 2006, 08:25:48 AM
I think it's time to introduce myself.

I am borne in Hamburg, Germany, but live since 40 years in Stockholm, Sweden.  I got my garden 1980, when we bought a summer house 300 km north of Stockholm. Since I retired 2001 I use to spend the time between 1 May-15 October in my summer house/garden.

My first plant obsession were the Kabschia saxifrages. Now that the garden has grown up and there is more shade I have more woodlands and peat beds, but there are still some small rock gardens and I still growe Kabschias.

My special love are Gentiana, Anemone nemorosa cultivars, Hepatica, Meconopsis, orchids and ferns.   But there are plants of all kind. Restrictions are only given by the unfriendly climate. We have almost every winter temperatures down to -35 C. Snow cover is not reliable. Summers can be hot and very dry, but it's a good thing that nights are usually quite cool.

I have a husband - who doesn't share my gardening interest - three sons and two grandsons.

Here are two pics of my garden. If you want to see more of my garden, you can visit my web site.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on December 11, 2006, 11:05:09 AM
Welcome, Bjørg, Tim and Joakim.
And a special welcome to Hannelotte - didn't know that you were born in Germany!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hkind on December 11, 2006, 03:47:10 PM
Vielen Dank, Thomas!

I felt a bit silly when introducing myself, since I have been with the forum almost from the very start (old forum).  But I am not always participating in the discussions - mostly because I have nothing to say  >:(.

My gardening conditions differ so much from most other forumists: when the discussion starts about Hepatica my garden is still covered by snow and when they start blooming in my garden, the thread is dead. New Zeeland plants are beautiful and exciting, but I cannot bring them through our rough winters, etc. Most bulbs don't survive more than one season, etc. - On the other hand there are plants - like for example Chinese gentians, which are very easy in my garden and most of you have difficulties with them. 

By the way, I am quite often in Germany. This spring I visited Eugen Schleipfer (the man who raised the double gentian 'Eugens Allerbester). So maybe we'll meet some time in the future.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on December 11, 2006, 03:53:04 PM
Would be great to meet you, Hannelotte!
You will be welcome here every time!!!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on December 11, 2006, 08:56:31 PM
Welcome, Bjørg, Tim and Joakim and Hannelotte. It's wonderful to see new forumers appearing from cyberspace, although some are reappearances. Must be the magic of the new forum site or the enticement of this thread.
Hannelotte I have just been pearing over your garden fence to enjoy some of your beautiful flowers.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: snowdropman on December 12, 2006, 03:27:04 PM
My name is Chris Sanham, I am a Retired Banker, and I live in West Sussex, close to the south coast of England. No prizes for guessing that my main interest is snowdrops! I grow most of them in and around a wooded area in my garden, mainly under a large horse chestnut tree - I do not have a greenhouse, so they either survive outside, or not at all - so far they seem to have survived and I am able to grow the more 'sensitive' varieties, such as g. cilicicus, without any apparent problems. My house is sited on a sandstone ridge, which stretches all the way up into Kent, so my soil is very sandy & free draining - good for snowdrops, but not so good for other plants/shrubs (quite a few of which I lost during the drought this summer)

We have had a hosepipe ban in place here continuously for the past 21 months, which makes for some challenging gardening, & we got close to a drought order in the summer. We have just had the warmest autumn since records started about 350 years ago but, thankfully, we have also had buckets of rain so fingers crossed that our water reservoirs are being filled up ready for next year!

I am also interested in cyclamen, hellebores, trillium & camellia and have just tried some colchicum for the first time.

I do not own a camera but if and when I do I will try to post some photo's.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: hadacekf on December 12, 2006, 04:40:06 PM
A warm welcome, Chris! I'm looking forward to seeing the first photos from you.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 12, 2006, 06:10:20 PM
Welcome Chris-you will soon find some fellow "snowdropaphiles" on the Forum
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: KentGardener on December 12, 2006, 07:22:17 PM
Welcome Chris

75% similar taste in plants here.

I am in Medway and my parents live in Cooden Beach so I am sure I must pass your way at least once a month.  If you don't get a camera for Christmas..... and want some pictures taken in the spring, to post on the forum, let me know and I shall endeavour to stop off en route.

Enjoy reading (and hopefully posting too :)).



Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: snowdropman on December 12, 2006, 08:12:30 PM
Thank you to Hans, Maggi, Thomas, Franz, David & John for their welcome - much appreciated
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on December 13, 2006, 02:46:59 PM
Welcome Chris.
You know what to ask Santa for this Christmas, then you can share some of your plants with us.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Doreen Mear on December 18, 2006, 09:03:21 PM
Signing in has been somewhat delayed - too much tripping about and gardening, not to mention finding my way around the new forum and digging out last year's passport photo!

I'm a new Kiwi (6 years old) originally from the north of England, so a big hello to all the Yorkshire and Lancashire folk! I have a quarter acre of paradise here, surrounded by spectacular lakes and mountains, with cold dry winters and hot dry summers. No alpine house, but the climate and the soil (pure glacial moraine) means I can grow all sorts of things outdoors that I only ever cossetted in pots in the UK. I grow anything and everything, and sow masses of seed, with a particular weakness for buttercups or anything resembling a buttercup.

I've enjoyed getting involved with the NZAGS and the Frit Group over here, and since getting into digital photography a year ago, recently presented my first PowerPoint talk. Thankfully the technology was perfectly well-behaved ... as was the audience!

Christmas Greetings to you all, home and abroad. Off out now to see what's grown by a millimetre or two  overnight!   
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 18, 2006, 09:07:29 PM
Welcome to the new forum, Doreen... we missed you!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: snowdropman on January 30, 2007, 03:26:44 PM
Maggi - I see that quite a few new members have signed up during the past month - it would be super if they could be encouraged to introduce themselves and their interests through this thread.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 30, 2007, 05:18:04 PM
From Chris S.: I see that quite a few new members have signed up during the past month - it would be super if they could be encouraged to introduce themselves and their interests through this thread.
Chris, nothing would please me more! I have stated in the forum intro/help threads that we would very much appreciate if forumists would add some details about their location etc to their profiles and make a post in this page to tell us something about themselves. I'm not sure what else we can do other than repeat the plea here. Since many people register for the forum without even stating their full names, it seems that they are very keen to remain anonymous and I hesitate to contact them to press them further since they might see that as an unwarranted intrusion. Personally, I feel that it is only polite to introduce oneself when entering a conversation, which, basically, is what one is doing when entering the forum. Many register but still take no active part, too, which again seems a shame.
So, a plea from me: join the forum , introduce yourselves and join the SRGC too, why don't you ? :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 31, 2007, 02:53:51 AM
I have to agree with every word you say Maggi, BUT just a little caution here. A couple of days ago after a certain Australian registered, I had my fingers smacked for putting his photo in his profile information. As if I were Anthony, I told him "it wasnae me." Personally I love to see it there, but maybe someone should be asked before having a photo applied, even if it has previously appeared on the Forum. I think we're still on speaking terms though.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 31, 2007, 09:20:29 AM
Holy moly, Lesley, I'm sorry you took flack about that. I will contact said Aussie forthwith and offer abject apologies, for, yes: mea culpa! I admit I was taking the fact that a photo had previously been on the forum as a tacit "okay".
However, I still urge everyone to give us a name and location when they post, it is easily added to your posts automatically by entering that info in the signature section of your profile.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Tim Orpin on January 31, 2007, 12:53:31 PM
Looks like my picture has forced me out of hiding. Said Aussie wasn't in the least bit concerned about having his picture posted. I did try to give Lesley a hard time but in a loving way of course. I have no problem with Maggi playing God on this forum - she seems to be well qualified for the role and even better, she apologises like a champion. Now that I am here I guess should give people the quick bio to go with my hijacked picture.

I live in the Dandenong ranges outside of Melbourne in a rare pocket of the Australian mainland that is suitable for alpines and woodlanders. We are at about 600m with good rainfall and fantastic soil. My garden is big, old and filling up fast. I have been addicted to plants since I can remember and started working in a nursery at the age of 13 - the child slave who was paid in plants and could not have been happier. I have a formal degree in botany and genetics but I consider myself to be much more a gardener than a botanist. I spend a lot of my time overseas, primarily in Asia and the US and have lived and gardened in Singapore and Hong Kong.

My neighbour is a wonderful man and alpine guru called Otto Fauser who ran out of space many years ago and is gradually walking his garden over to my place a few rare plants at a time. I encourage the visits! I love all woodlanders and many many other things but Trilliums, Paris and Podophyllums are a particular passion at the moment. I need drifts and I am not a patient man. Quarantine will be the death of me.

Oh, and I have 3 kids 14, 11 and 8 and a wife the last time I came in from the garden. They pretend to understand the disease. As my oldest says, we also have a complete food chain - fish, mice, birds, cat, dogs and the odd possum, echidna and platypus in the garden.

It is great to be amongst people with a shared passion. Time to jump off the therapists couch and back to my lurking.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on January 31, 2007, 01:08:45 PM
Hello Tim and welcome to the forum!

Would be great to see some photos from your, especially from Otto's garden,
who is told to have many, many beautiful bulbous plants (Crocus, Galanthus etc.)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 31, 2007, 03:58:31 PM
Thank you, Tim, for letting me off the hook! I will get some stick from Fred and Ian about "playing God". I don't mean to do that, or appear to do that. :-[
It would be a fantasy come true if I could however, be seen as a "goddess", which has kinder, not to mention more glamorous, connotations! Fat chance! And, yes, there IS often a clue!!

Sounds like you have a super family, though I'm a bit iffy about some of the critters in "your" food chain  :P ;) I do think it's a sound idea of you always to check whether you still have a wife when you come in from the garden, it's the little things that count, you know!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: snowdropman on January 31, 2007, 05:42:03 PM
Hi Tim - a big welcome to the Forum. Seeing mention of the Dandenong's brought back memories of riding through them on the 'Puffing Billy' about 24 years ago!

Look forward to your postings on Woodlanders - Trilliums I like (not sure yet whether they like me!) - I do not know much about Paris, but would like to.

If any of Otto's galanthus have walked your way I would love to see photo's (Otto very kindly sent me a photo of his 'Phideas' last year, but I am also keen to get photo's of his other introductions, 'Friedl' & 'Katie Campbell').

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: KentGardener on January 31, 2007, 06:35:58 PM
welcome Tim

in four short paragraphs (well five if we chose to mention the therapist!) you have managed to give a really good picture of who, what, where and how you and your garden are - thank you and welcome.

I wish I had the space to have a neighbour like that - I myself am slowly taking over 3 other gardens besides my own!

kind regards

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 31, 2007, 08:50:50 PM
Well Tim, it's great to have you here at last. No-one sends you a bigger welcome than I do, but you know that already. Maggi could probably do with one of your wonderful big hugs, but she's not getting one you gave to me.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Tim Orpin on February 01, 2007, 03:20:50 AM
Thanks to all for the kind words of welcome. Maggi goddess it is!

Lesley, I can assure you that your hugs are not in jeopardy. They have been stockpiled and are waiting for you when you come over in a few months.

I will do my best to post photos of my little piece of heaven and some of Otto's rare treasures. Attached is a pic of the creek at the bottom of my garden. It is a wild and beautiful place.   
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: fermi de Sousa on February 01, 2007, 06:08:03 AM
Welcome back, Tim.
Just in case readers of the Forum think that all Australians have gardens with fern gullies, here are some pics from our garden in Central Victoria - definitely dryland gardening! And this first one is a winter pic so reasonable rain had fallen! The next ones are spring shots so you can see that "summer dry climates" are still worthwhile for gardening!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 01, 2007, 09:50:18 PM
Some interesting shots there Fermi. Obviously little daffs like your garden very well. I'll have to see if Tim and Otto can be persuaded into a longish journey, come April. (I fly into Melbourne early on Easter Monday, the 9th).
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: fermi de Sousa on February 01, 2007, 10:15:18 PM
hi Lesley
Narcissus viridiflorus would be the the only daff possible at that time of the year! But, of course, you'd all be very welcome!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 02, 2007, 12:07:47 AM
Thanks Fermi, I'll be trying.

Lesley, I'm saying nothing, though I may be thinking plenty!!  ::) M
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Bjoerg47 on February 02, 2007, 01:02:43 PM
Hello, friends. I'm a woman from Telemark in Norway,at age 60 (soon) who has been gardening for many years. My main interests up to now are Clematis and Hosta. But we have a cottage up in the mountains of Norway, where I want to 'cover' the mountain with alpines. I like to read (browse?) on internet, and some years ago I was a member of SRGC, so I'm now a member again. Once a year me and my husband are cyckling in Great Britain or Ireland on holiday, so perhaps one day we can visit some of you.  ;)

I think I will learn a lot just to read what you discuss, thank You for that. :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: snowdropman on February 02, 2007, 08:07:37 PM
Hi Bjoerg - a big welcome to the forum and thank you very much for taking the time to tell us a little about yourself and your interests, which is always appreciated.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Mark Griffiths on February 10, 2007, 02:07:40 PM
Hi, I'm Mark Griffiths, currently living just outside of Oxford, formerly Newbury and before that Worcester in England. I've been interested in alpines since I was about 14, my history teacher was John Hill, now at the AGS centre (though I didn't know of his interest until I moved to another school). I also got a lot of encouragement from Percy Picton, Joe Elliott, Tony Colmer and many others. I've built and lost several collections over the years, I prefer cultivation under glass. My interests change over the years, now I grow alot of Cyclamen (almost all from seed), Frits and Primula allionii forms plus a number of other odds and ends. I've written for the AGS journals, Cyclamen Society etc. I'm not however the Times Gardening correspondent who once wrote to me to ask me to state I wasn't him on my website!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 10, 2007, 02:12:58 PM
Welcome, again, Mark. Thanks for telling us a bit about your gardening interests. It is hugely satisfying to grow plants from seed, isn't it? Not that it isn't fun to buy plants but somehow, when you've grown them from seed there is the added treat of feeling it all your own work, that's how I feel, anyway ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: PEAK on February 10, 2007, 03:37:08 PM
So this is probably a good day to intruduce oneself, sitting home with a cold and fever! My name is Per-Åke Löfdahl, there is a possibility that my name looks strange on your computers because there are some dots and circles over some letters. I am 47 years old and live together with Lena in Tyresö (more dots), 30 km SE of Stockholm. I have two daughters but since I was an early starter both have left home. This is very convenient because it gives me more room for plants ;)
I am working as a scientist at The Royal Institute of Technology and my research is in the area biotechnology / biophysics. I started my gardening career with growing cacti and other succulents, quite soon I began sowing them, and then I were hooked up! The best description of me is probably that I am a seedaholic! Last year I did sow 540 different species. Of course I like to keep the plants, but the most joy I find in germinating seeds and learn their requirements for breaking dormancy. Nowdays I don't have that many cacti left, I have more turned to alpines and bulbs. When it comes to bulbs my highest interest is in South African and Chilean winter growers. This is a quite stupid interest in Sweden since these plant grow when the levels of day-light here are almost none. So the electricity deliverer loves me, and the light of my 450W HPS lamps enlightens the whole neighborhood :D
When not at work in greenhouse or garden I do some running and cycling, last year I ran the Stockholm marathon but this year it will pobably be some cycling race instead!
Best wishes from a Stockholm where forcast says we can get below -20C tonight!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: hadacekf on February 10, 2007, 05:30:24 PM
A warm welcome Per-Åke, I had 300 seed pots in my best time!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 10, 2007, 06:07:58 PM
Döt and circle away Per-Åke - they all come through "loud and clear". By the way, the green bush cricket is.....?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: PEAK on February 11, 2007, 01:10:16 PM
Thank you Franz, I do not intend to set a new personal best this year!

I äm häppy that the förum software is able to handle our strange letters. I am also glad that at least someone realized that the green guy wasn't me :) I am the grey one!
The green creature is living in South America and is a species in the Praying Mantis family, it is the most weird animal I have ever seen. But then of course I have never been to Scotland :D
If not stopped by moderators I will post a larger picture of it!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 11, 2007, 01:22:47 PM
It is okay to post a bigger picture of the green monster,Per-Åke , since I am sitting down with a can of pesticide ready!  I must say, I much prefer the grey guy!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Corinne on February 11, 2007, 01:43:25 PM

Greetings to all,

This pup is Cleo The Provider.  Isn't she  thoughtful?

Cleo, Zoe, (the Ruler), Fritz, (the Follower), and I live in Iowa, USA, Zone 4.

I have been working on a  rock garden for some time.  I raise many plants
by seed, and lose many plants by the weather.

This is a fine group with a grand sense of humor, and curtesy prevails.


Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 11, 2007, 04:51:35 PM
Welcome to the forum Corinne. I hope you enjoy the banter and the pics. Post away as we are all keen to see what other people grow far away from our mild wet climate. 

Per-Åke, I would also like to see a bigger picture of this beastie. We don't have mantids in Scotland, but I do hope to see some of its cousins in Mexico this summer? It looks more Orthoptera than Mantodea though.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 11, 2007, 07:26:06 PM
Hi Corinne,

You are very welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your visits and we look forward to your contributions.

One of the delights of the forum is the exchange of comments, photographs and information from across the globe, so a contributor from the USA will be a great and interesting addition.

Regarding courtesy on the forum - I think that with those cute puppies you have that you are guaranteed courtest. Woof, woof.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 11, 2007, 08:18:31 PM
My welcome too, to two newish members. Not sure if my own software will handle the dots and circles (Anthony?) but I'll try. Very pleased that you obviously have a nice sense of humour Per Ake. You'll never be safe again (look at poor tOOlie)! And Corinne, I'm so glad you posted a larger picture than the one in your atavar. I really thought that was some kind of a kangaroo and wondered what relevance it had to someone not in Australia. Nice dog and such a good provider as well.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: PEAK on February 12, 2007, 08:08:36 AM
Hi Corinne and welcome, I can only second your opinion concerning this group! It's always interesting hearing from a gardener with a climate colder than the Swedish. Thanks for the welcome Lesley, but humour me, it must be problems with my Language ;) BTW newer mind the dots and circles you won't see them again, afterall this is a Scottish forum.
A larger version of the green guy should be shown with this message. I am a bit embarassed here :-[ This is not a Praying Mantis but a bush-cricket the name of the species is The Spiny Devil Katydid, Panacanthus cuspidatus.
Maggi, don't you think you can put the pesticide away. I would say that by introducing one of these to your greenhouse the aphids would die either by fear or laughter :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 12, 2007, 10:42:05 AM
Hi Peak,

Is that a real insect? It looks very plastic!

Whichever, you are very welcome to the forum and I look forward to your postings.

Any particular interest in flowers?

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 12, 2007, 11:48:22 AM
My dear Per-Åke, I don't care how many aphids the monster will eat, It is my survival I'm worried about... those legs, those spines, those antennae, those eyes , those.... whatever the heck those other bits are!! Help!
On the other hand, Ian says can you send six?!!!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 12, 2007, 03:38:34 PM
Not seen anything like that. Looks like a wingless female, but as well as antennae for analogue signals, it seems to have a bizarre satellite dish too!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: PEAK on February 12, 2007, 04:05:13 PM
Thank you Paddy! I am quite sure that it is real, another picture of mr Green more of a portrait

Anthony, if this one is not real, don't tell me. I would like to stay in my belief that something like this is actually walking out there! I have understood that when not appearing in this forum he rests in the forests of Ecuador.

My main interest is in almost all plants with bulbs, corms or caudexes. And then especially what is usually called winter growers. I grow almost all plants from seed, and I like if they have a reputation to be a challenge to grow! Of course this means that I loose many each year, but then it is just to try again with a bit different angle.
Plants I have wanted to try for a long time are the Vellozias from Brazil. I have understood that they are almost impossible to cultivate. Does anyone grow them?
Perhaps the green guy will eat them for breafast  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 12, 2007, 07:17:33 PM
"Spiny devil katydid (Panacanthus cuspidatus);  omnivorous; ears are located on its forelegs; Ecuador"
I rest my case!

I have never seen these Vellozia, Per-Åke. They are most unusual, but I can see that with that thick caudex they would be a nightmare to transplant etc and to keep healthy in cultivation. i wish you luck with sourcing some seed, and the rest of the task!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 12, 2007, 09:04:45 PM
That beastie is certainly real. The Great Green Grasshopper/Bushcricket (Tettigonia viridissima) and the Wart Biter (Decticus verrucivorus) are UK equivalents, although not found far from the south coast of England. There are some rare Scottish species, such as the Bog Bushcricket (Metrioptera brachyptera). I seem to recollect that one of its remaining habitats in the Scottish Borders is scheduled to become a landfill site, after all, to quote a famous wit/2 Ronald Reagan "once you've seen one bog you've seen 'em all".
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 12, 2007, 10:40:23 PM
What a creature!

Isn't it amazing that with all our intelligence, imagination and creativity we never produce anything as fabulous as that produced by nature itself.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 12, 2007, 11:01:34 PM
Yes, the green guy is amazing all right! Maggi, that "ears are located on its forelegs" says it all really, doesn't it? I see what you mean Per-Ake, by suggesting he might laugh Maggi's aphis right out of the greenhouse  ;D. The portrait made me laugh too.

The Velloxias are thrilling as well. Some look like enormus bushy Acantholimons. What an  incredible world is out there and how little we (I) know about it.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 12, 2007, 11:09:57 PM
What a schmuck that man was, let alone the present incumbent.

Anthony, is the UK govt not interested in saving such sites as the Borders one you mention? Here recently, where a massive coal mining company wants to mine part of the South Island's west coast, they have to locate and re-locate, at massive cost, a small population of endangered native snails before they can start operating. The snails are in very thick scrub and bush and virtually invisible so it is some task. They are working with the Dept. of Conservation and recently, we were shown pics of some of the snails living in boxes in refrigerators, awaiting their new homes nearby. Of course this was the condition put on the consent to mine. Better still, if the consent had been refused altogether. There must be a website about it somewhere. I'll see what I can find.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 13, 2007, 12:02:09 AM
They tried Lesley, but it wasn't special enough, citing that they were only using half the habitat. The trouble is, what remains won't be enough to support a viable population.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Geebo on February 14, 2007, 07:27:38 PM
Hi To all in the Forum,
Suppose the time has come to introduce myself to all the plantsman Gardeners specialist and amateurs and friendly group of people in the SRGC.
I am from Belgium nationality and came to live in Ireland 26 years ago.There is always been a great interest in nature in general,and plants became a second nature,brought with me true my fathers love for his garden<(dont the say in Ireland,Black Cat- Black Kittens)Being an artist at hart got me involved in gardening and the plants,the various colors and the composition of them get me carried away more then often,aways liked the chalence in life,it made me starting a small nursery 20 years ago here in the south of Ireland.
The propagating of plants true seed and cuttings is what I like most
It is always exiting to see the first cotyledons or fibrous roots appearing.
Helleborus became a must,I admid the are dangerous addictif,began hybr with hell for the last 15 years,gues the are slowly taking over my life.
Also woodlandplants have developed an interest for the last few years and the collection is building up.
Wel I am 62 now and as the say the clock is ticking,so I have to fit in as much as possible that is what keep the hart young.So thanks to you all for all the advice Im getting in the Forum.
Hope you all know a bit more about me by now,if there is more you would like to find out just send me an @mail.
Sorry if my English is not always as it should be,im still learning.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on February 14, 2007, 08:39:18 PM
Geebo I have no problems with your English it's every bit as good as mine.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on February 15, 2007, 04:27:11 PM
Hello,  I joined SRGC recently and took advantage of the seed exchange straight away, and am now germinating things right left and centre.  What a great organisation you are.  My local group is the North Northumberland RGC that meets in Belford.  I live just south of Alnwick about 3 miles from the sea with non-gardening husband and Lakeland Terrier.  a Yorkshirewoman by birth, I've been gardening since I could walk when my dad had me pulling up weeds (under instruction).  Spent over 20 years of my younger adult life rearing my daughter in Southern Ontario, where gardening is only possible six months of the year outside, and returned to England in 1986.  I have the National Collection of Diascia (more at ( but have recently started to get interested in Armeria.  But I just enjoy gardening generally and am a confessed plantaholic.  I was part of the URG (uk.rec.gardening) group when it was in its infancy (before Windows even existed!) but stopped reading that group when spam took over and ruined it.  Our current garden is now 12 years old.  My web site gives more detail - its sandy, dry soil on top of sandstone, so its slightly acid.  I could go on but I bet you've moved on to the next post by now.  Look forward to more chatting.  How do I post a picture please?  Haven't quite figured that one out yet.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: DaveM on February 15, 2007, 08:14:19 PM
Hi, and a welcome from East Lothian, just over an hour north of you on that dreaded A1. To add a picture file click the "Additional Options" link to the bottom right ...oops left....of the reply message box, then click Browse and add the file. To add a second etc file click (more attachments) and repeat process.... easy peasy..... and the best of luck!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 15, 2007, 09:40:59 PM

Now, where is this little nursery that you speak of?

Name, details etc.

Inquisitive Paddy
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 15, 2007, 09:53:03 PM
Paddy, Geebo, otherwise known as Guy, has his nursery here:
"Field of Blooms Nurserie "
Lisnamoe /Ballymackey
Nenagh  _  Co Tipperary
He's got some really good plants, too, I can assure you. I don't know where he and Maureen are in relation to where you live, but if I were you, I'd feel a visit coming on!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on February 16, 2007, 09:56:55 AM
Hi Dave,

Thanks for your help.  I didn't say what I meant, ie how do I put up my mug shot.  But now I've figured that out I think, anyhow, it has appeared.  Must alter my strapline to give my location, seems sensible and what everyone else does.  Our group is venturing into Scotland for one of our bus trips in the summer.  Can't wait!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ian Y on February 16, 2007, 10:11:36 AM
Welcome to the forum Chris, I am glad you are enjoying being a Member of the SRGC, there is no going back :)
I am coming to the North Northumberland RGC at Belford soon perhaps I will meet you.
Looking forward to seeing your pictures.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on February 16, 2007, 07:51:35 PM
Thanks Ian.   I look forward to hearing more about erythroniums next month.  Wouldn't want to miss it.

Here is a picture of my Trillium rivale taken last spring.  Its leaves are just poking through right now, can't wait for it to return!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Geebo on February 17, 2007, 06:23:57 PM
Now Maggy you are spilling the beans on me then, ;)Only joking,
Its good you are breaking the ice,so I wont be so shy. :-\

Yes Paddy Maggy is giving you the right address,so if you feel like making the journey or you are around sometime please give us a call.You are most welcome to visit,we have always time for a chat
What I make up out Your previous post you must live near Mount Congrave Nursery,all acid soil there he,I was in the nursery and seen there selection of Camelia`s and rhododendron`s,azaleas and al the other ericacea`s.
A warm welcom to all the new and not so new in the forum,thanks for joining the familly.
Guy...(pronounce Gee) ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 17, 2007, 07:53:40 PM
Welcome Chris. Hope you enjoy your visits here and looking forward to your contributions.

Guy, Now that I have the information I will be able to drop in but to be honest it is an area of the  country to which I rarely travel. The nearest I go is to Limerick because my son is in college there.

Yes, I live very close to Mount Congreve, just along the river bank from them. It's a glorious garden and the head gardener there is very welcoming and very generous with his time...and plants actually.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: galanthophile on February 24, 2007, 08:55:36 AM
Hello all, I've just joined the forum this week. I live in Newcastle in the North of England and have a small garden at the back and front of my semi. I have over 500 plants crammed in and particularly love galanthus, lilies, peonies, crocus, trilliums and hellebores. I am becoming very interested in alpines and small bulbs (maybe because I can cram in even more of those!). I've got 2 raised beds and 4 stone sinks. Most of my plants are grown in the open garden as I don't have a greenhouse. My parents were very keen on gardening and have passed on their interest to me and my sisters. I've never exhibited any plants but like to attend shows and admire others. I also love to take photos of my plants.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on February 24, 2007, 10:27:19 AM
Hello galanthophile.  I've just joined the forum too, after my friend told me about it.  I belong to the SRGC that meets at Belford, too far for you to travel I suppose.  I live near Amble.  Do you belong to any groups?  AGS would be a good group to join, they meet in Ponteland once per month.  There you will find many fellow galanthophiles.  Their Newcastle Show takes place in Hexham on March 31st so don't miss it - its wonderful!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: galanthophile on February 24, 2007, 10:32:08 AM
Hi, at the moment I don't belong to any groups. I am an AGS member and will be at the Hexham show and it'll be my birthday!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on February 24, 2007, 03:03:06 PM
See you there Ann.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 24, 2007, 03:06:15 PM
Sadly, I won't be there to enjoy the show and wish you a happy birthday Ann, but have a bun to celebrate, anyhow!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: galanthophile on February 24, 2007, 03:14:35 PM
Thanks Chris and Maggie. It'll be a good show I'm sure.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Gerard Oud on February 27, 2007, 09:15:30 PM
Hello everyone,finally i found the right site full of enthusiasts who do share the same hobby.
I did visit a belgian site called, and it took ages before it got some reply.
I am Gerard Oud and i come from the Netherlands and i grow bulbs.For several years Fritillarias(Rubra max and Persica),Arum,Eremurus and Ornithogalum.3 years ago i got infected by the snowdropfever, and i do grow some snowdrops at the moment and will start breeding next year
In the last 2 years i have found already some new things,anyone who'se interested i can send some pics.I cant put them on this site because i get easily over the 300kb.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: snowdropman on February 27, 2007, 09:34:18 PM
Hi Gerard

Welcome to the SRGC Forum - good to have you on board - you will certainly find lots of interest in snowdrops here.

I am sure that someone, a little more technically gifted than I am, will tell you how to reduce the size of your pictures, so that you can post them to the forum.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on February 27, 2007, 10:12:47 PM
hello Gerard. I have emailed you editing information.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 27, 2007, 11:35:26 PM
Mark, thanks again for your help to a newbie.

Gerard, we are pleased to have you join the forum. You will find other interesing plants here on the SRGC site, I am sure, and perhaps you will be tempted to take out a membership in the Club.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: KentGardener on February 28, 2007, 05:27:49 AM
Hi Gerard

welcome to the SRGC - I too like the snowdrops.  The result of all my web searching on the subject is that the place to visit for snowdrop chat is this forum.

Have you found the link to the old forum on the SRGC too?  The new forum has been in place for less than a year so I still use the old forum often to see previous posts on galanthus.

I look forward to seeing your photographs.


Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: SueG on March 01, 2007, 02:14:07 PM
Hi Ann
welcome to the forum, glad to have someone else from the North East joining Chris and I. If you make it to the Hexham show, I'll be there with (hopefully) some of my plants. Come and say hello, I'll probably be on the members plant table persuading people to part with their cash!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: galanthophile on March 01, 2007, 08:38:38 PM
Ok Sue, I'll look out for you there :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: illingworth on March 04, 2007, 03:03:23 PM
We live in Canada near Lake Superior, south of Thunder Bay Ontario. We have a cold continental climate; our coldest temperature is -40 C/F, but lately the coldest has been more like -30 to -35 C. We usually have snow cover, but again, that is getting problematical; our most disastrous winter as far as plants are concerned was about 3 years ago when we had prolonged cold with no snow. The natural site is wonderful and we were very fortunate to have found it 35 years ago. There was nothing here but the land when we started and most everything has been done the hard way.  Our garden is very much a shared effort and more enjoyable because of that.  We have been at it now for about 18 years.

I have posted plant photos to the old forum, but winter is really my time to enjoy my photos.  I have recently started a Flickr photo site which, like any website, is not that great for those who, like us, have a slow internet connection as the files are large and I have already  posted a lot.  My intention is to give the viewer willing to take the time a virtual garden tour.  Spring 2006 is now up and summer garden shots are next. Eventually I will do the plant portraits.  In some of the photo captions I refer to the gardener - that's Sharon; I'm just the yardboy. I have divided the photos into sets which may make viewing easier.  Please take a look. I hope the photos will be worth a thousand words here.

The site address is

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on March 04, 2007, 03:45:50 PM
Rob, a great site with some wonderful pictures.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on March 04, 2007, 03:47:10 PM
Utterly brilliant Rob.....more compliments will surely abound.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on March 04, 2007, 04:10:25 PM
Brilliant website and a stunning garden. I recommend the slide shows!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on March 04, 2007, 05:20:47 PM
Rob why not post some in the Flowering Now forum when they are in season.

There is something very nice about white Digitalis
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on March 04, 2007, 09:18:31 PM
Absolutely flabbergasting Rob !  Brilliant photos and what an area to garden in !!!!
I don't think in these circumstances you have to worry about building crevices - mixing grit into the soil etc... like all of us flatland earthlings have to do  ;D  But I'm sure you'll have your problems as well..
I'll be keeping a close watch on what's happening on that site.
Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 05, 2007, 01:11:33 AM
Add my congrats and heartfelt admiration to the batch above, Rob and Sharon. I remember the stunning pics of Cypripediums last year on the old Forum and look forward to more of the same and others over the coming months. A lovely website and a magnificent garden. Many, many thanks.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: illingworth on March 05, 2007, 03:47:32 AM
Thank you indeed for the positive responses to our garden photos. Rob will be posting  pictures to the forum as spring and summer come along, although we have found it hard to post during the summer.  Our seasons are way out of synch with Britain - we are lucky if we have snowdrops by mid April - and usually we are coming in with our plants like runners trailing in last in the marathon. The compressed spring is very busy, with plants hurling themselves into growth and bloom, and we don't have the mild climate option of digging, planting, pruning etc between October and the end of April.  Rob manages to take the photographs, but going any further with them  gets put on the backburner until winter. Now he has a new and faster computer, but we have a very slow dialup connection.

And yes Luc we do have problems. Black flies alone can drive a gardener mad, as can mosquitoes, deer flies,  and even wood ticks (new to us here the past couple of years). Getting access to new plants when you live back of beyond is frustrating. Otherwise, our problems are similar to everyone else's. We all face the vagaries of weather, water or lack thereof, storms, animals...

Mark, I really like the white foxgloves and last year we had a bumper crop. They are marginally hardy here - one year we had none - but there was  seed stock in the ground to get us going again. I always yank the pink ones the minute they appear. It always horrifies garden visitors if I do this in front of them.With rescue in mind they sometimes go off with what I've pulled  up.

Our son posts a lot of bird pictures on Flickr and he got Rob set up with an account. Rob is enthused with it as he can post large numbers of big images.  You need to be a Flickr subscriber to post comments or ask questions there, but if anyone here has any questions  we are happy to respond either on or off this forum.
Again, thanks for the encouragement. You put a big smile on Rob's face.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on March 05, 2007, 10:44:59 AM
Yes, Sharon, I remember the link to your son's super bird photos from the old forum. It seems you Illingworths are a talented bunch all round! Thanks for sharing with us, we really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on March 05, 2007, 07:22:00 PM
We live in Canada near Lake Superior, south of Thunder Bay Ontario.

Hi there, nice to hear from a fellow Canuck!  I used to live in the relatively balmy Toronto which thwarted my gardening spirit with the long winters and short summers.  I came back here to a climate that allowed gardening year round after 20+ years.  i can't imagine how you have managed to create such a wonderful garden up there when you can only penetrate the soil for three or four months of the year.  I take my hat off to you.  Great photos, great garden, keep it up!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: illingworth on March 08, 2007, 06:40:17 PM
Chris, we don't member Toronto being that great either but have since discovered many wonderful gardens in and around that city. Lori P. who lives about 50 miles north of the Toronto was on the old forum but I haven't noticed her here on this one.  Lori and her husband visited us last August.

Our brief growing season is in a way a blessing, as without it we would have both burned out long ago. And long winter is time for other passions like reading, woodworking and photography. And then after so much winter spring arrives with such a release of energy that it is euphoric.

I have posted many more pictures to the Flickr site and we appreciate your compliments about what we’ve done.

I wonder why so few North Americans are on this list when there is so much to learn and share?

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: derekb on March 25, 2007, 05:16:09 PM
Hi ,I am Derek Bacon I started growing Alpines in mid 1960`s joined the AGS late 60s and SRGC early 70s.When I joined the Central Sussex Group Will and Paul Ingwerson were members and also Bob And Rannvieg Wallis so had a lot of help, Bob gave me 2 Cassiope so that started me I used to grow and show Ericaceae and Primulaceae,Bo used to take my plants to London shows with his.
I was at the Bangor and Nottingham conferences, but about 14years ago it all went Pearshape and for 10 years I stopped growing starting about 4 years ago ( and Lesley incase you ask I was not a guest of HMG) so that is the reason I have been using a lot of nurseries and asking questions trying to catchup.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on March 25, 2007, 05:21:34 PM
Well, Derek, it is great to have you back taking part in Club activities again. That's the thing about gardening, isn't it, you can leave it for a while , but you can always pick up the threads again later as circumstances allow.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 25, 2007, 09:58:37 PM
Hello Derek,
   You do me wrong! It didn't occur to me that you may have been a guest of HMG, well, not until you mentioned it :), and I know very well that things CAN go pear-shaped. In my own alpine gardening life of close to 50 years, that very thing has happened a few times and it was ONLY gardening that kept me sane and hopeful, so I'm pleased that you didn't give it up altogether. I was at the Nottingham conference too. But I seem to remember there were around 700 people registered that time, so not surprising we didn't meet. Maybe another time.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: derekb on March 26, 2007, 07:31:58 PM
Lesley, I was not being rude just reading some of your posts I thought we had the same sense of humour but you had more Lady like language.
At Nottingham did you sit where you could hear the speakers?
   Derek : :P
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 26, 2007, 09:21:58 PM
There's nothing ladylike about me Derek!

Mostly I was near the back I think, and many of the speakers came across as very muffled or echoing. Not helped either by the occasional very foreign accent, such as Rolf Feidler's. Looking back, I didn't appreciate then, how lucky I was to meet him and hear him speak. A wasted opportunity.

I do remember, meeting in the coffee queue, a much younger Alan Titchmarsh. He was new to alpines and we had a good chat then we decided to write to each other, but it never happened.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on July 04, 2007, 09:48:16 AM
This thread is an excelent thread to present Yourself on.
I have the feeling that we have got many new members on the forum and it would be interesting to know more about You.
I have already introduced myself and to make it short I garden (plant things) where ever I can and mostly in Sweden and Portugal but also in Hungary. Interested in all plants (that rock) not only rock plants.
This little fellow (Rafael) is new to the forum and his big brother (Gabriel) is now watering everything he can.

Hope we will see more introducions here
Kind regards
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on July 04, 2007, 11:20:47 AM
Joakim, many congratulations to you and your wife on the arrival of Rafael and to Gabriel on his smart new brother! [attach=1]
I am pleased to hear that Gabriel has begun to help with the watering

I think it is a very useful thing to have forumists introduce themselves here, also to add their name and location to their signature bar of their posts so we can have an idea of their gardening climate and conditions: welcome to you all.....
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on July 04, 2007, 01:20:09 PM
Maggi nice illustrations :-* ;D
To answer the question placed elsewhere
Rafael was born 2007 June 13 0522 at 4480g and 54cm in Lund Sweden. That is 10 pounds and 1.75 feet in old money.
I do not know how many stones that is :)
So far it is only daddy that use the above watering technique ::) and never on pots and absolutely never on plants with needels :)
Gabriel uses water when watering :P and use all devices ("watering can" and buckets) he can to make it come out on the ground or floor if he is indoor. >:(

We are now in Sweden but will go to Portugal on Friday so I will see how those plants have developed.
Gabriel will appreciate the pool (I hope) at least daddy will, even if daddy will have to inflate it and fill it him self. Sweden is currently changing temperatures every day and generally with 10C so no weather for baths for us.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Loripep on July 04, 2007, 02:13:29 PM
Hello everyone;

I'm Lori Peplinskie from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada which is located just northwest of Toronto. Even though I started gardening at the ripe old age of 7 in my parents vegetable patch, I still consider myself a beginner with the alpine and other plants in which I'm interested. They include but are not limited to: hepatica, cypripedium, all woodlanders, actually I'm interested in too many to mention here. I've just started getting the necessary working areas of my garden together including a cypripedium frame, styorfoam box troughs and a sand plunge. Now I just have to convince the hubby that replacing the remaining lawn with garden beds will save him an immense amount of time for lazing about in the hammock.

Take care everyone and keep the posts coming. I've learned so much from this forum and club.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on July 04, 2007, 02:48:02 PM
Congratulations Joakim and a big welcome to Rafael!!


And of course a warm welcome to Lori, too!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 04, 2007, 11:19:48 PM
Maggi I do like your little lad watering the cactus plant. It reminds me of a time some years ago when a rugby team returning home after a match stopped outside my place and a couple of them proceded to "water" a rose I had climbing on the fence. The rose was no problem to them but I happened to have a high pressure hose in my hand at the time....... ;D

As of yesterday (4th) we have lived exactly 10 years at our current address. That being so, why is my garden STILL largely a collection of pots and weeds?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: breconeer on July 14, 2007, 03:53:20 PM
Hello All - I'm John Latusek. After 33 years in the design,survey,construction, maintenance and restoration of buildings (apart from dropping out for six years to work as a rural postie in the eighties) I quit the day job a few weeks before my 50th birthday (9+ years ago) and downsized to a hovel north of Swansea, so I could play the stockmarket online for a living instead, and switch off whenever the sun comes out :)

I've always had a preference for plants that don't need mollycoddling. I like plants that grow happily in scree beds, walls, crevices, and which look after themselves with minimum input from me! Those which I grow in soil also need to be hardy self-sufficient ones that will cope unattended when I am away. I am no good with annuals and vegetables.

I would be happy living just above the treeline, with a disused quarry as my garden. Or on a windswept rocky coast. Instead I live in the Amman Valley, which is damper than some alpines like. But my assorted sedums, saxifrages, sempervivums, etc grow happily enough. As do my various ferns. And various other stuff (lavenders, osteospernum, ornamental grasses, hebes, potentilla bushes, spirea, foxgloves, and wild things which I don't remember the names of).

Although newly registered in this New Forum, I did make a few postings under the same name last year in the Old Forum.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on July 14, 2007, 04:28:57 PM
Hi John good to see another new member to the forums
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on July 15, 2007, 02:00:15 PM
welcome back, John!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: gote on July 16, 2007, 06:19:06 PM
Hi everybody.
I am Göte Svanholm. I live in Örebro in mid-Sweden but I do nearly all gardening at the old family estate 25km away (sounds grander than it is - totally only ca 35 hectares) where my mother still lives (93 years old).
The "garden" is in a woodland area on a lake (Hjälmaren 25km across 40km long) shore. I used to grow alpines but now my main interest is woodland - especially monocots.
I try to specialize in everything but I am not very sucessful in that ;D.
So I try to grow species lilies, trilliums, corydalis, berberidaceae, nymphaeas, anemones, hardy orchids you name it
I used to be an engineer but am now trying to retire.
Wife Birgitta (yellow martagon) since soon 50 years,
Two daugters. Four grandchildren.
That is all I think.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on July 16, 2007, 06:47:30 PM
welcome Gote! That now makes two Gotes in here
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on July 16, 2007, 11:08:16 PM
Are you quite sure about that Mark? The Gote above, is the only one I know about. And he is so well known both through this Forum and through Trillium-L.

You've been around here a long time Gote, but still, welcome to the Forum. It's good to know a little more of your background and your garden. I treasure your lovely cards with your own flower photos on them.
Title: Let me introduce my dog....
Post by: Paul T on August 10, 2007, 01:34:50 PM
I promised back at the beginning of December to post a pic of my little doggie.  I know I at least promised it to Maggi and she ocassionally emails me to remind me I still haven't....... so this'll get her off my back!  ;D  I was tossing up between this thread and the wildlife thread, but our dog isn't particularly wild (she has her own doona to sleep in, so you can't really call that wild!!  :o)

Anyway.... Let me introduce my little Maltese Terrier......


Her name is Elfinraer, or 'Elf' for short (which fits, because she is a small mischievous creature like the elves of legend!!  ;D) and she is a bit over 12 years old, despite still looking like a pup.  She's a tiny little thing but such a big part of the family!!  :-*
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 10, 2007, 03:01:48 PM
HA! Elfinraer, at last! And JUST as I was about to send another reminder, Paul! What a cutie, can't believe she is quite an old lady, she looks in the peak of health, bless her. As you might imagine, since the arrival of our Little White Dog, Lily, in March, we are even keener on LWDs than we were when Molly was only visiting. Having spent so many years with cocker spaniel dogs, these wee terrier girls have been a revelation to us... we love 'em! We are waiting to meet another LWD, one peggy Sue, a Bichon Frise puppy who is ruling the roost of some chums. I feel another obsession coming on!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 10, 2007, 09:56:30 PM

Now, at last, I understand where that  photograph came from.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on August 11, 2007, 12:06:48 AM

So you were thinking I'd just gone to the dogs eh?  ;D

I thought it was much nicer to have a pic of my doggie instead of having to see my ugly mug up there looking at you every time I make a posting!!  8)


Yeah, she's cute isn't she?  She's only 3.5kg, never run to fat like so many Maltese do.  She's like the engergiser bunny, just keeps going on and on and on.  I have no idea where she gets her energy from but I am SO jealous at times!!  :D  I didn't know you had a new LWD so congratulations!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 11, 2007, 11:38:37 AM
Paul, see page 10, reply 141 of the "Weather moans to 31st March " thread..;topicseen#msg6886

We rehomed Lily in March. We are besotted with her !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: fermi de Sousa on August 14, 2007, 12:23:34 AM
so you should be, she is a delight!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ashley on August 14, 2007, 07:38:53 PM
Hello all,

I came across the forum (and Ian’s fascinating Bulblog) late last year, and have greatly enjoyed lurking since.  This soon moved me to join the SRGC (though neither a Scot nor owner of a rock garden, as my teenage son Michael so scathingly observes).  However I’ve been a member of the Irish Garden Plant Society and Cyclamen Society for quite a while.

We live near the mid south coast of Ireland (roughly USDA Zone 8b), 20 km west of Cork city and almost the same distance inland.  Our 0.4 ha garden is beside the River Lee on good alluvial soil, south facing and partly wooded. As the main gardener in the household I have a greenhouse, several raised bulb beds and plans for frames to provide drier summer/winter conditions.

All my life I’ve loved growing plants and seeing them in the wild.  Major interests are bulbs and trees but mostly I’m just an unfocussed plantaholic.  Above all, I enjoy growing from seed.  Unfortunately I can’t offer any great expertise to the forum but continue to learn and may chip in occasionally.

Good growing!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 14, 2007, 08:26:31 PM
Hello, Ashley, a very warm welcome to the Forum.
mostly I’m just an unfocussed plantaholic
... bless you, it's no crime and there is much fun to be had with this condition! we are delighted to have you join us and we will look forward to hearing what is and isn't doing well in your garden.
Be so good as to reassure Michael that lack of Scottish blood and/or a rock garden are no barrier here.... I know any number of folk who belong to golf clubs but they are a long way from being Tiger Woods! Also, I don't suppose you are actually a garden or a plant, either, and the Irish Garden Plant Society are pleased to have you... how did you come to raise this literalist child? Perhaps it is just his age!

I am sure it is the fact that you have always loved seeing plants in the wild that has lead you to the SRGC.... I know not all wild flowers are alpines, but I am willing to bet that seeing LITTLE wild flowers has piqued the interest of many millions of gardners, even if they spend time growing giant delphiniums!
Charming little wild flowers and beautiful scenery.... hard to beat that and it is everything that we are about here!
Glad to hear about your bulb enthusiasm... Ian will be pleased to hear of another Bulb-lover around!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on August 14, 2007, 09:29:54 PM
Hi Ashley! Welcome to the forum

I suppose the majority of us are unfocussed plantoholics. Do I need to go to Beeches Nursey, again, this Sunday or go to the East Anglia bulb sale
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 15, 2007, 09:49:13 PM

Welcome to the forum!

Good to have a fellow IGPS member and from a neighbouring county here.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Kristl Walek on August 16, 2007, 12:36:11 AM
Hello Everyone,
I've finally made the jump across the ocean official, although I have lurked here for some time. This is not to say I have abandoned Alpine-L, but sigh, things have become all too quiet there....

I know many of you personally, indirectly, or by reputation only and am happy to be in your company.

I am the owner of a seedhouse in eastern Canada, Gardens North, which grew out of an intimate obsession with seed for most of my adult life. Had it not been that way, I do not think the business could have lasted this long. I spend most of the warm season in the wild collecting seed, the cold season selling it, and in between working on a book on the sexual propagation of natives of Eastern Canada.

I make time to read and to indulge myself in the kitchen. It's a simple life.

My Ottawa Valley garden is large and in a tough climate. Summers are steamy and uncomfortable, winters can get to -45C. Most plants hate the summers here, yet my 8 acres are full to bulging. Winters take less of a toll on both the gardener and the plants. My dream is to live and garden in Alberta.

Kristl Walek
Gardens North Seed

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 16, 2007, 01:09:56 AM
Kristl, good to have you begin posting. It is a pleasure to have you around! As you know, we are anything but quiet around these parts.....I think gardeners are the friendliest folks and we all seem to be obsessed with our plants and gardens and desperate to celebrate the wild places of the world where these great plants grow. And where would those gardens be without seedsmen? Sorry, I guess that should be "seedspersons" :P
Welcome !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 16, 2007, 01:13:47 AM
in between working on a book on the sexual propagation of natives of Eastern Canada.
Really? Is that so different from that used by other natives?? :o ;) ;D
Or are we talking native PLANTS?  ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on August 16, 2007, 01:59:29 AM

Lovely to have you here with us.  See your postings all the time on other lists so nice to see you here with us as well.  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Kristl Walek on August 16, 2007, 02:28:28 AM
Maggi, Maggi, Maggi....
I knew by your smile-in-the-rain that I liked you already...but now I know you are a woman after my own heart.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on August 16, 2007, 10:11:05 PM
Hi Kristi,

Great to have you on the forum - a new perspective, new experiences from a new area and I am so glad Maggi dealt with the delicate matter of sexual reproduction of your natives. For a moment there I thought we were going to be told a little more than we needed to know about you Canadians and what you get up to in the  privacy of your own homes. Pheeeww!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Corinne on August 16, 2007, 11:34:13 PM

Hello Kristi!

Friends, this lady has the best seed house on this side of the pond!

The American Rock Garden Society just published Kristi's article on
seed germination.  Very fine, indeed.


Iowa, USA
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Linda_Foulis on September 07, 2007, 04:47:28 PM
Hello Kristl,
Great to see you here as well.  I second that Corinne, Gardens North seed house is second to none.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Kristl Walek on September 07, 2007, 04:51:31 PM
How wonderful you are here --- I am finding more and more friends and connections on this site every day. Thus far, my feeling is that this is THE plant forum!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on September 08, 2007, 03:18:32 AM
Thus far, my feeling is that this is THE plant forum!!!!!!!!

No-one's going to argue with that Kristl :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: FrazerHenderson on September 16, 2007, 08:42:29 PM
Hello All

Thought after lurking for a wee while and then posting in recent months I'd introduce myself. I'm based in West Lothian in an old mining village with a 60 acre wildlife reserve out of the backdoor.

The house garden is very much of the cottage-garden style with various garden rooms overstuffed with geraniums, astrantias etc. as well as in other areas a good stand of Gunnera manicata and a large hosta collection.

My plant interests are collecting Hylotelephiums (60+ species), Cryptomeria Japonica named sports, Sempervivums (Calcareum) and easy to grow alpines and bulbs! Other, non-plant  interests are too numerous to list - life really is far too short to do everything one wishes, hence my recent interest in a home self-cloning kit!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on September 16, 2007, 08:51:42 PM
hence my recent interest in a home self-cloning kit!
Now, Frazer, you must know that Do It Yourself is responsible for huge numbers of accidents in the home... don't you think this is a bit risky? ;)

You mention Astantias... you don't happen to grow/have seed of the delightful dwarf Astrantia minima, do you? At least, that was the name I grew it under... sweet little thing only six inches/ 15 cms high, perfect miniature.Lost it years ago and been looking for replacement ever since.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on September 16, 2007, 11:12:03 PM
I've been looking for that astrantia too Maggi.  If you find the seed, do let me know.  Been on my list since I first saw it about five years ago.  Hard to find....
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on September 16, 2007, 11:20:58 PM
Will do, Christine.
Just a thought, should it be Astrantia minor ?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Michael on September 24, 2007, 02:39:17 PM
Hehe ups... I think I introduced myself on the wong place. I just found this place for introductions today.
Well here we go again:

Hi ;D
My name is Michael, I'm 21 and I am at the 3rd year of Biology course. I live at Madeira Island (Portugal) and since i was an embryo I got freak'd by the plant kingdom!!! Recently I got really obsessed with bulbs (mainly hardy ones) and I want to try and grow some in the next few years, a real challenge!! This forum was the best thing I ever found!  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on September 25, 2007, 08:08:57 PM
Yes, Maggi, you are quite correct.  A quick check in the Plantfinder confirms it is Astrantia minor
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: SueG on September 26, 2007, 10:30:15 AM
Bob Brown (Cotswold Garden Flowers ( does have astrantia minor sometimes but does not rate it highly at all, and says that it is variable in height so not all plants are quite as minor as others.
PS he's got a new web site and the featured plant on the front page is a 'ABROMEITIELLA RCB RA-P-27 ' well worth a look!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on September 26, 2007, 12:58:11 PM
Thanks, Sue.  We've had Bob Brown visit here, actually, some years ago... brought me a Stokesia laevis !
The Astrantia minor, as we grew it, was a delightful little thing. Kept neat and short and flowered well..... must have been a ggod clone, so now I am even more annoyed to have allowed it to die out. >:(

By the way, Sue, I have got a super ID for you, if you'd like it:
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Casalima on September 26, 2007, 02:23:15 PM
Although I won't be able to get to Hythe in October (see other thread), I will be driving to Chipping Campden, which is pretty near Cotswold Garden Flowers  :) :) And Hidcote (Kiftsgate closed in October :()!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: SueG on September 26, 2007, 03:03:02 PM

By the way, Sue, I have got a super ID for you, if you'd like it:
(Attachment Link)
Thanks Maggie will take this up - twinkling jewels - perfect!

Although I won't be able to get to Hythe in October (see other thread), I will be driving to Chipping Campden, which is pretty near Cotswold Garden Flowers  :) :) And Hidcote (Kiftsgate closed in October :()!


Hi Chloë
I'd make sure you have PLENTY of money and space with you as he sells some superb plants. I'm hoping to arrange a visit to the nursery next autumn for my local NCCPG group as part of a weekend trip just because I want to go again.  ;D I used to live close enough to get to the nursery once or twice a year (I couldn't afford to go more often) and went with another gardening friend who had a volvo estate so we could fit lots of plants in!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on September 26, 2007, 11:09:55 PM
I think Mr Brown is the ultimate optimist. He lists irises (an an example) which he has ordered but hasn't actually aquired yet. His pic of Iris cuniculiformis is wrong. Probably his plant is wrong. The original ACE collection as cuniculiformis was actually I. bulleyana.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on September 28, 2007, 05:49:35 PM
Let me introduce myself. I'm what's been keeping Martin so busy that he couldn't find time to post any photos (or get out in the garden!) all spring and summer...well, me and two other books he was working on at the same time.

But he's especially pleased with me, as I'm his first book for children and I've just arrived from the printers, so he thought he'd show me off. The others are a book that he still hasn't finished (so he's not too pleased about that one!) and a jokey gift-book about stress (which he says he got the idea for after working so hard on me and the one he hasn't finished yet!) He's a bit of a show-off, so I expect he'll be showing you the Stress book next (it doesn't arrive from the printers 'till next week).

Ow! He didn't like that bit about being a show-off! He's bending the corners of my pages!! Ow! Get off! That hurts!!!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on September 29, 2007, 10:52:54 AM
Oh, my word! Her brain is wobbling .... (there are a few of us here, rather older, who feel the same thing!) her baby teeth wobble before they come out ! I love it! Not much wonder her Mum looks worried. What's her name, Martin?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on September 29, 2007, 11:04:29 AM
Maggi, the little girl's called Millie and she's to be the main character (with her brother, mum, dad, grandad and gran) in a series of books (if this first one sells!) There's a brief synopsis of the storyline if you click the cover picture on the amazon website, but basically Millie's got the idea that she has a little baby brain, which is why she struggles with her maths homework; so she's expecting it to fall out like a wobbly baby tooth, then her big-girl brain can grow in and she'll manage her homework easy-peasy, plus the brain fairy will come and take her baby brain away and leave a load of dosh under her pillow ('cos after all, she has lots of baby teeth but only one baby brain, so it must be worth more!)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on September 29, 2007, 11:14:43 AM
Lesley, Bob lectures are, well the one I saw/heard, very gloomy and negative. "Too Many Plants ..." was dont buy this dont buy that. Some of the oldies didnt like his jokes
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on September 29, 2007, 12:40:41 PM
Bob was a teacher Mark. ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on September 29, 2007, 10:50:45 PM
Thanks Mark. I knew my own opinion was always the best one ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Casalima on September 29, 2007, 10:58:59 PM
"When will my baby brain fall out" - love it!! My children have ordered me to get it when I am in England!!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on September 29, 2007, 11:17:12 PM
Martin, I suspect that book on stress could be a best seller. One should come this way for sure. I the meantime, let me introduce everyone to another superb little book, just available for the first time yesterday.



The luscious cover is much clearer than my poor picture suggests. $25NZ is approximately 8 UK pounds. It has taken almost a year from start to finish but is well worth the effort everyone has put in from taking the original idea to all the vendors, The Star newspaper then coming up with a proposal, the arranging of polytech photography students to do the recipe pics, and a photographer from our local Allied Press (of which The Star is a part) to do the Market pics, Star staff who did the text - there's a little personal profile/story about each participant - and the chef at a top Dunedin restaurant who made the recipes, sometimes "tweaking" them to make the best possible finished product. We're immensely pleased with it and I have bought several copies already, a few of which will go north prior to Christmas.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ArneM on October 02, 2007, 08:40:23 PM
Hey All!

I am Arne from Germany, I am 15 years old and I live in a village near to Dusseldorf (USDA zone 8a). I am very interested in woodlanders, snowdrops, anemones and more. Since I can think I was interested in plants and flowers, later I concentated on the plants above (I started with snowdrops this year) and now I am writing in this forum. It is very nice here.  :)

Hope my English is ok.  :-\

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 02, 2007, 09:09:07 PM
Arne, your English is very good! Welcome to the Forum. You will find lots of information here about the plants you are interested in and we look forward to hearing more from you.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 02, 2007, 09:34:03 PM
A very warm welcome to the Forum Arne. It's wonderful that you are so interested in plants at your age. I have a grand-son and g-daughter of the same age. I wish their interests were like yours, rather than what music is new and what funky clothes or colour of lipstick to wear.

You will get on well with the many snowdrop fans on the Forum and there are several German Forumists as well, so you are definitely among friends.  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on October 02, 2007, 09:39:34 PM
Hi Arne and welcome. Check my link below for snowdrops
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ArneM on October 03, 2007, 12:05:44 PM
Thank you all.  :D

@ Lesley Cox

I am interested in those things, too. Ok, maybe no lipstick but I think you what I mean. ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on October 04, 2007, 02:32:12 PM
 Wooohooo! Just heard my first children's storybook, the 'Baby Brain' one I posted a cover picture of earlier, is going into the Waterstones chain.  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D !!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Michael on October 04, 2007, 02:47:53 PM
Hello Arne!

Welcome to the Forum! It's nice to meet you!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 04, 2007, 03:41:15 PM
Good News, Martin! A celebratory cake is called for, don't you think ? And we'll all raise a glass to Millie, bless her!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on October 08, 2007, 01:09:27 AM
Congrats Martin!!  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Cris on October 16, 2007, 04:16:40 PM
I'm Cris, from Portugal (near Lisbon).
Finaly today I took courage to register, after some time reading you.

A little more about me: Bulbous plants are my passion, I grow/plant them for some years. It is a wonderful world, always with new plants to discover. At this moment, I'm dedicated to try to grow them from seed. In my opinion is more greatful than simply buy the bulbs. But I also buy bulbs, not so much as I bought in others years. The reason must be that you search each time more rare bulbs, and as you just find de "normal", they already don't have so interest.

I sure that I'll learn much things from you.

Kindly :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 16, 2007, 04:20:40 PM
Hello, Cris, a warm welcome to the Forum! Good to have another member from Portugal. Bulbs are really fascinating, I agree, and so much fun from seed.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on October 16, 2007, 08:10:22 PM
Hi Cris,

Tell us where abouts in Portugal you are, and what your garden is like if you can.  Its good to know the conditions you are growing in etc.  Welcome to the forum!  I'm collecting armerias and many come from your part of the world I think.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Cris on October 17, 2007, 01:30:01 PM
Maggi and ChrisB,

Thanks for your welcome.

At this moment I've many bulbs planted, in flower just one Amarillis Beladona and one Acidanthera. Oh...and there is a Nerine starting to bloom, also. All the others were planted a few weeks ago, and other are dry off their leaves.

I've also sown several and some have already born, but others are more difficult.

In the place I live the weather now are very instable: much hot, the nights are a bit cold. It is difficult to keep the degrees of humidity stable.

If you can, take a look on my garden here:
I created this blog this year to share my bulbous flowers with everyone that also like these plants.

Sorry for my terrible english.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 17, 2007, 07:26:49 PM
Cris, time enough to apologise for your English when most of us have learned Portuguese! You are doing vey well. I think that maybe only Chloe and Joakim have your language in this forum  :-[

We can all enjoy the pictures... and the music... on your blog, though  :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on October 17, 2007, 07:34:11 PM
Senor Micas is an unusual colour

Senor Micas is a rather handsome cat of a very unusual colour, shown in Cris' blog pages!

There are some amazing photos os reticulate tunics fron some bulb or other there, too.... off to see if I can determine what they might be! On the seneth August they are dietes, I think, but what the  complicated tunics shown on 8th August are, I don't know  ??? edit Maggi
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Cris on October 18, 2007, 01:12:19 PM
Maggi, thanks.
To read my blog you can click on the translation (in the beggining of the blog, on the right part of the page, just below the part of the photo with the Alissum.

Mark, Micas is realy a beautiful cat, but I don´t know were was my head when I brought it home. As all cats, he like to make holes and lie down the pots. Its a nightdream. A few days he saw an insect on the wall, and jumped to a pot with a Hoya, falling down on the floor.
To the garden I found a solution : pine rind. He don't like to walk on this, so he don't make holes.

Without these problems, he is an adorable cat.

I'm glad that you've liked my blog, and finaly there as semeone that apreciate the tunics of the bulbs, just like me. The tend to be so surprising.
The one of 8Th August I don't know what may be, but I think that must appart to the Watosnia family. The Watosnia bulbs also have tunics with this kind of marks. I hope this year to can see it blooms.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: SueG on October 18, 2007, 02:05:45 PM
Hi Cris
the bulb tunics and the cat are both amazing. Great photos, thanks very much
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on October 21, 2007, 08:52:40 PM
Wellcome Cris
It is nice to have yet an other Portugueses here. There are 2 real and 2 fake here. I am one of the fake Portugueses and I am not good enough in Portuguese to understand all from Your blogg but I will look into it and learn both more Portuguese and about plants that can be grown there.
Hope You will share pictures here as well as on Your blogg. :)
Kind regards
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Casalima on October 21, 2007, 09:11:02 PM
Hello Cris! Benvinda! I'm the other fake Portuguese :) I already know, read and enjoy your blog and I've been meaning to contact you for ages!

I'll contact you in Portuguese when I get back to Portugal later this week.

um abraço

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on October 22, 2007, 03:36:27 PM
Maggi, the little girl's called Millie and she's to be the main character (with her brother, mum, dad, grandad and gran) in a series of books (if this first one sells!) There's a brief synopsis of the storyline if you click the cover picture on the amazon website, but basically Millie's got the idea that she has a little baby brain, which is why she struggles with her maths homework; so she's expecting it to fall out like a wobbly baby tooth, then her big-girl brain can grow in and she'll manage her homework easy-peasy, plus the brain fairy will come and take her baby brain away and leave a load of dosh under her pillow ('cos after all, she has lots of baby teeth but only one baby brain, so it must be worth more!)

Since Saturday I'm the proud owner of Martin's new book and after reading half of it I
can recommend whoever likes laughing to buy this great book -
It's exactly my kind of humour!! Well done Martin!!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Cris on October 24, 2007, 01:46:26 PM
Joakim, you can click on the translator. Is is not very good, but that's what we have.
I don't know yet how to put photos here, but i'll try.

Chloe, i've already heard about you, Rafa told me that you were living in Portugal and that you also like the bulbous plantas. I've tried to find, but I searched for Chloe and your nick is other. And now, here you are, giving me the welcome. Thanks.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on October 24, 2007, 04:13:05 PM
Cris using a translator is cheating ::) I need to learn better Portuguese so I will not use that feature :) :o
Nice to learn to know more people in Portugal that are interested in bulbus plants and gardening :) I really felt that I was lacking people with the similar interest when I was in Portugal.

Kind Regards
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Cris on October 24, 2007, 09:31:08 PM
Joakim, you are wright, here the persons like to have their garden with flowers, but if you ask for a bulbus name, they don't know it. Of course I'm generalizing.
Its is very nice to can talk with people that like the same kind of plants.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Cris on October 25, 2007, 01:22:13 PM
I'm trying to post a photo.
If it is well suceded, you can seed an Allium flower, a lovely plant that grows wild here.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ashley on October 25, 2007, 05:36:04 PM
Very nice, Cris.  What is it?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: scalpasurfer on October 26, 2007, 12:01:48 AM

I am 28 and live in France (Selles/Cher, well-known for its cheese...), 2 hours south of Paris. I love plants but have a small garden, hope to have much bigger in the future. Winter is my favorite season. Hellebores (especially orientalis), trees/shrubs with beautiful barks, bulbs like snowdrops for example are important in my garden, but much more plants interest me.
Nobody can know all the plants in the world, so it's interesting to share tips and points of view. I am not a collector but I love plants of collection. I don't search all the species and hybrids of a genus, I just would like to have what could be beautiful in my garden and well associated.
I had the chance to work in a famous garden last spring (even if I my job has no link with plants). I will tell you in this forum my impressions about it and the gardening places I advise if you come in France.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on October 26, 2007, 09:10:02 AM
Bienvenu Pascal !
Funnily enough there seem to be very few French (active) forumnists
so you're filling up a gap here !
We'll look forward to your contributions.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 26, 2007, 12:43:06 PM
Luc speaks for all of us... a very warm welcome to you, Pascal!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on October 27, 2007, 01:25:34 PM
Welcome to the forum Pascal, I'm still fairly new here myself.  Look forward to seeing pics of your garden and plants when you can.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Cris on October 30, 2007, 09:48:27 PM

Aslhey, it is an Allium, but I don´t know the variety. In spring I hope to post more pics of it, and you can identify it. 

Pascal, soyez bienvenu dans ce forum, je l'ai découvert il y a peu de temps et je le trouve trés intéressant. 

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: WimB on November 16, 2007, 03:42:34 PM
If haven't introduced myself yet  :-[
so here goes

I'm Wim Boens, I live in a small village in Belgium, called Zwevezele (near to Bruges). I'm still studying, I'm in my last year western european archaeology at the university of Ghent.

In plants my interests are mainly shade loving plants, rock garden plants and small bulbs.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on November 16, 2007, 09:15:51 PM
Hello, Wim, glad to have you introduce yourself!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Katherine J on November 17, 2007, 04:55:15 PM
Hello to Everybody,
Actually I have introduced myself in the Bulblog forum, but I have noticed just now that there is a special topic for this. :o

So, I am Katherine Jozsa (pronounce: something like Yosha) from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. This is a small country with low mountains (max 1000 m), so I have started a few years ago to collect alpines. ;D
And now, reading the bulblog I am more and more interested in small bulbous plants. Especially cyclamens (they have tubers, I know), but others too. In Hungary there is a single nursery which has a few special alpines, and there are no nurseries which have small bulbs >:(. Hungarian people are busy with politics and running for money, so they don't have time for gardening.
Fortunately there is a society for "plant-lowers" here, in Budapest, and we make seed exchanges with many botanical gardens and nurseries of the world.
I am married for 11 years with the best husband who ever existed, and we make wonderful trips in the Alps and take many photos with alpines (OK, he makes the photos, and I determine the plants). Last summer we spent two weeks in the Dolomites.
In the meantime I am working in our miniature prepress studio, but this is the less interestig thing in my life.
We don't have a garden of our own, only a balcony. but we live in a big house with 9 flats which has a garden, so I can have a little space for my plants (mostly in pots and plastic troughs). And there is an unheated and frost free staircase with big windows which is my glasshouse ;D.
I am very happy to meet you all here, on this forum, this is fantastic!
Here is a Thlaspi rotundifolium from the Dolomites to cheer you in the winter (I hate winter):
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on November 17, 2007, 05:24:19 PM
Hi Kathrine ,

A warm welcome from Germany !
Here a question : I have heard that my name "Joschko" comes maybe from Hungary - is it true ?
I believe that "Josef" is Joschi  - so your name is similar ?
You are lucky to be in Hungary -there grows many fine plants like Helleborus ,Paeonia,Sternbergia .....

Have fun
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Katherine J on November 17, 2007, 06:27:12 PM
Hi, Hans!
You are right, Jozef = Joschi and Joschka too.
And indeed, here live some good plants: the Sternbergia colchiciflora, some Helleborus species (odorus, purpurascens and dumetorum), Paeonia officinalis ssp. banatica, Colchicum hungarica and C. arenarium, Pulsatilla hungarica, Primula auricula ssp. hungarica (I have never seen that), Linum dolomiticum, and so on. But they are extremly rare and difficult to find. :(
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on November 17, 2007, 06:44:26 PM
Hi Katherine ,

Thank you for confirmation  :D
Yes - this plants are rare .....but if you are diligent .....may be some days you can show us pics.
Do you grow any Helleborus ?
Maybe we can swap something in future.....
Paeonia officinalis sspp. banatica have I found in Slowenia and Croatia  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Katherine J on November 17, 2007, 07:10:10 PM
No, I don't grow Helleborus, but I have a friend who does, and I'm sure he would give me seeds if I ask him. We will talk about next summer. ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on November 17, 2007, 07:40:39 PM
Katherine ,

Here is a pic of a P. bantica in my garden -this plant I have received from one of my friends -this clone comes orginaly from the loc. class. in Hungary :)
I grow

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on November 17, 2007, 09:31:47 PM
Welcome Kathrine, Wim and anyone else I've missed.  All the best from sunny Canberra, Australia.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on November 18, 2007, 04:50:21 PM
Welcome to this great forum Katherine and don't you dare complain about your 1000 m "low" mountains, we don't come even close to that out here in Belgium...  ;D

Welkom Wim - altijd blij een land- en streekgenoot hier te zien !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on November 27, 2007, 06:38:36 PM
I'm trying to post a photo.
If it is well suceded, you can seed an Allium flower, a lovely plant that grows wild here.

Hi Cris
your pic  is Allium roseum.
I am a new member of SRGC and of this forum. I'm french, in Burgundy where the rivers Saone and Doubs married them. My garden ( 3500m2 ) has sandy soil off danger from the water level. I love particularly bulbplants ( Crocus, Colchicum, Narcissus, Sternbergia, Tulipa, Galanthus, Leucojum and Allium), Gentiana, Primula and dianthus. I am sure that this forum will give before all new friends from all over the world with the same passions and different experiences.

Pascal, bienvenue réciproque. Ce sera facile d'échanger nos points de vue en français !!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on November 27, 2007, 07:11:06 PM
Bievenue Dominique to the best forum in the world !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on November 27, 2007, 07:14:14 PM
Welcome Dominique!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on December 06, 2007, 01:18:36 PM
A late welcome to everyone and especially to Katherine or is it Katalin?
I am also gardening in Hungary near Zalaegerzeg (maybe wrong spelling) when I visit Hungary. I am half Hungarian after my father but I do not speak the language so I am more Swede now and am getting more Portuguese than Hungarian with time.
I have also heard of cyclamen growing in Hungary at lest my grandfather used to love them when he was walking in the alps (or what is left of them  when they come to Hungary) near Sopron. We have found a nursery that once sold cyclamen and they are now growing in Sweden. It may be Dutch bulbs that have nothing to do with Hungary but for us they are special.
I mostly grow iris myself in Hungary and roses so they are not really alpine plants but we are trying to have some other plants as well like sedums.
Take care and it is nice to see people from all over the world here.
Kind regards from
Joakim in Portugal
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Katherine J on December 06, 2007, 02:24:11 PM
A late welcome to everyone and especially to Katherine or is it Katalin?
Hi, Joakim! Yes, in fact I am Katalin but I thought Katherine is easier to spell for all of the forumists. I am revealed now  ::)
Zalaegerszeg is not too close to Budapest, but if you come some time for gardening let me know, maybe we can meet somewhere.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 06, 2007, 07:17:40 PM
Then surely, Katalin, we should call you Katalin?  I WILL call you Katalin!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Katherine J on December 06, 2007, 07:34:54 PM
I confess you even more, Maggi. My friends here, in Hungary call me Kata. :) If you like it... ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 06, 2007, 07:41:57 PM
That is very pretty... so I will call you Kata!  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ezeiza on January 13, 2008, 03:34:50 PM
        I am Alberto Castillo from near Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. I maintain a Botanical Garden dedicated to the conservation of geophytes from all over the world, particularly those of the American continent.

         We have a huge collection of species and a few hybrids. I have travelled widely over several countries of South America to see the plants in habitat and am most interested in sharing this information in order to improve other people's methods of cultivation.

         Sadly, several countries in this subcontinent are being transformed in soybean fields and very many species are in the verge of extinction after a few years. Stock of several species in cultivation might well be all that is left in the world of them alive. Along this, the role that succesful growers can play in an overall conservation program is of paramount importance.

Best regards

Best regards
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ian Y on January 13, 2008, 03:55:02 PM
Welcome to our forum, Alberto, I had a suspicion it was you.

We are delighted that you have chosen to share your wealth of knowledge and experience with us on the SRGC forum.

I agree entirely with you about the importance of preserving the plants that we have in cultivation as sadly that may be their last place on the planet as habitats are being destroyed.
Continually raising from seed and confirming the identities of our plants is very important work and we all love doing it.
I am so proud of this forum - the combined level of knowledge and skills in cultivation of our forumists are awesome.
I am lucky and am travelling to New Zealand this week to talk about Bulbs I will also be spending a lot of time on field trips but there are not many bulbs native to NZ. Luckily I have always had a big interest in NZ alpines and they were among the first plants I bought from Jack Drakes Nursery in 1972.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ezeiza on January 13, 2008, 04:04:08 PM
Hi Ian:

         My pleasure, after all this is the best plant forum in the galaxy!.

         Reading with envy where you are going now, that wonderful country full of outstanding gardeners.

         Take a good look around, they grow many species of South American bulbs. Due to the strict quarantine rules, it seems all the material is virus free. The presence of virus is a problem in Australia, the States and other parts of the world. But apparently no tin New Zealand.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Alberto on January 13, 2008, 04:07:39 PM
Alberto, it is really a pleasure to have you on this forum. It was a long time I have not read of you on PBS. I hope on next spring you will be able to send the bulbs of Hymenocallis you promised me, times ago.
Your land is really rich in bulbous plants, so if you can share experience and seeds it should be fantastic for Europeans!

My regards

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ezeiza on January 13, 2008, 04:15:10 PM
Hi Alberto:
              Congratulations on your article in "The Plantsman", it was great to read it.

               Seed is ripening right now for you. Thank you for your patience but you know, I can hardly cope with so many requests for our plants.

Alberto Castillo
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Casalima on January 13, 2008, 04:23:16 PM
¡Bienvenido, Alberto!

I posted my Ipheions and the next message I read was your introduction - a pleasant coincidence! I look forward to reading your posts!

um abraço
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on January 13, 2008, 08:16:37 PM

Your name has been familiar before you posted on the forum - so to speak, we grow you in our garden. Great to have you with us and looking forward to many interesting posts from South America.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on January 13, 2008, 08:37:46 PM
You are very welcome Alberto. Good to have your knowledge and  expertise available on the Forum
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: John Forrest on January 13, 2008, 09:18:21 PM
Hi Alberto,

I got from you (through Rafa) 2 of your Ipheion hybrids in January 2006. I promised at the time that I would not show nor publish photographs before you had written them up. They are 'CHUBBY' and 'SAIV', both of which are still growing. Do you have any more information on them and please let me know if I can put a photograph on the forum OR perhaps you will be doing it now that you are here yourself.

Best wishes
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 13, 2008, 10:39:01 PM
Fabtastic. 8) Wow. :o To be named after a plant. :) Brilliant. ;) Seriously though, welcome welcome welcome Alberto.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 14, 2008, 12:03:59 AM
How wonderful to have Alberto Castillo on our Forum. You and all your excellent information are so, so welcome Alberto. Now, perhaps Rolf Feidler.....?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 14, 2008, 12:08:22 AM
I will also be spending a lot of time on field trips but there are not many bulbs native to NZ.

There are NO bulbs native to NZ Ian, except some little pseudobulbs attached to orchid species. When the subject of bulbs comes up (and when doesn't it?), we in NZ hang our heads in deepest shame - "But we haven't got any :'( :'( :'(" - which is why we love everyone else's so much  :D :D :D.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ezeiza on January 14, 2008, 12:43:44 AM
Dear Leslie and dear all:
                                Many thanks.
                                Sadly Rolf died many years ago. He moved to Patagonia to start a nursery long ago when it was too early for that. The whole venture was a failure and now lots of nurseries hit the big time over there.

                                 Although there are no bubs (Iphigenia?) native to New Zealand yet the quality of the stock in cultivation over there is superb, about the best in th world. 


Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 14, 2008, 01:18:11 AM
Thanks Alberto for your note. I didn't know about Rolf Feidler and am very sorry to hear he had died. I remember his amazing talk at the "Alpines `81" conference on Nottingham.

The nursery business is such a contrary thing. Little specialist nurseries which flourished in the 70s and 80s are now almost a thing of the past, here anyway with just a single nursery at present specializing in alpines. The "chain" garden centres do very well but they grow more and more of fewer and fewer plants, often not suitable for the local climate. Those of us who love the little plants and always crave something new, are relatively hard-done-by, especially when bio-security rules prevent the import of any new material at all. But don't get me started on that.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ezeiza on January 14, 2008, 02:04:57 AM
Dear Leslie:
               Rolf frequently mentioned that talk and how scared to death he was in front of the fantastic audience, many luminaries attending to it and Brian grinning to encourage him to get into the arena!

               The biohazard is an interesting subject but I am sure it has been treated many times.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martijn on January 14, 2008, 08:44:26 PM
Dear friends,

I am Martijn Jansen and live in a small town called Tonden in The Netherlands.

I was infected with the alpine-virus 15 years ago and first started with the ´easy´ alpines. Fortunately, Harry Jans lives about 15 kilometers away, and he was so kind (and had the patience ;D) to teach me how to grow the ´rare´ alpines.

About ten years ago, I started a small nursery in my spare time, specialising in rare and unusual alpines. My interest goes to Daphne, European Primula´s and natural hybrids, Gentians and Campanula. For those memebers with the same interest, I am always interested in exchanging plants!

During ´our´ conference in Wageningen in 2005, I had the pleasure of meeting some of you.
It is always a pleasure to see how many of us are visiting this perfect forum, keep up the good work!

Good gardening,

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 14, 2008, 09:07:12 PM
A very warm welcome to you Martijn! You are indeed lucky to have been able to learn from the wonderful Harry Jans... he is a fine man and a great grower.
It is interesing that you make mention of your fortune in learning from Harry, this is related to a matter we have been talking about in another thread... see here... 
Reply #273 on: January 13, 2008, 10:33:01 PM »onwards....

Perhaps you, with your experience of growing these alpines will  mark a renaissance in discussion of more "alpine" plants in the Forum!  ::) 8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lvandelft on January 14, 2008, 10:09:39 PM
Nice to meet you here on the Forum at last, Martijn! This is really the best Forum,
but I believe you will have known this for years already?
Too many Dutch are a little shy for publicity!

Veel plezier in de club!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martijn on January 15, 2008, 08:21:55 PM
Hi Luit,

You are right, it is the best forum...I discovered it recently, I think I was too much in the garden ;D

I am not sure, but is the picture Dactylorhiza foliosa? Please tell me it isn´t......I heard some fantastic stories from Peter...See you in April in Utrecht!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lvandelft on January 15, 2008, 08:49:58 PM
Hi Luit,
I am not sue, but is the picture Dactylorhiza foliosa? Please tell me it isn´t......I heard some fantastic stories from Peter...See you in April in Utrecht!

Yes it is!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lars S on January 18, 2008, 10:51:12 AM
Hello all,

I guess it is time to take the step in from the cold so to speak (I have noticed all comments about "lurkers" on the forum).

I am Lars Stark and I live in Stockholm, Sweden, with a wife and two little girls. I have had a somewhat slumbering interest for bulbous plants for some time (especially crocus and narcissus) and now I have finally gotten around to try to grow them from seed.
Reading the posts on this forum has also opened my eyes for the fact that there are so many other bulbous plants (even though many of them probably won´t survive our harsh climate ...)

I really look forward to benefit from all the knowledge on this forum even though I may not have so much to contribute with myself.

Best wishes

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on January 18, 2008, 11:33:14 AM
Welcome Lars, to the best source for information on bulbs in the world!
We're looking forward to see many great photos from Sweden!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 18, 2008, 12:05:13 PM
A warm welcome, Lars, good to have you join us.
Have you visited the Göteborgs botaniska trädgård? There they grow so many bulbs  in Gothenberg it is hard to imagine... and there are so many experts, too!

See here:

 site in English for other:
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on January 18, 2008, 01:29:21 PM
I will add another warm welcome Lars.

Now that you have raised the subject of Gothenburg Maggi, does anyone have any helpful advice about where to stay in the city, about other gardens, nurseries or places of interest for an alpine gardener/photgrapher and travel tips that would assist a first-time visitor to Sweden?  There is a possibility that we may visit for a few days in mid-April.
Many thanks in anticipation of any advice or assistance.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hjalmar on January 18, 2008, 01:58:14 PM
I am a lurker in the Gothenburg/Göteborg area. We are happy to have two world class attractions, the Botanical Garden and Peter Korn's garden. Peter also sells plants.  There is a smaller botanical garden/park called Trädgårdsföreningen, which is less interesting, but since it is in the middle of the city you will probably go there. Then there are of course lots of interesting private gardens, but the two first mentioned you definitely should not miss.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 18, 2008, 02:18:44 PM
Hello, Hjalmar, I see you have had no replies to your question about Pterospora andromeda yet   ???

Though I have not had the pleasure to vist the Gothenburg/Göteborg area myself, I feel quite familiar with it, because of all the stories I hear from Ian and our Friends when they are visiting there. I have seen so many photos I could probably find my own way around!

The town (city) of Göteborg is full of interesting place to visit, shortage of attractions outside the plant world either. Great restaurants, and the  local people are all most helpful to idiot foreign visitors, I am glad to report! Ian, Jean Wyllie and the Gang have stayed in the Hotel Flora, which I suppose you can google, but I'll look out details and post them later. It's not fancy, but central and very comfortable.... Ian was pleased with his stays there and would go again. Public transport is very good so that is always a bonus.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on January 18, 2008, 02:44:56 PM
Many thanks Hjalmar and Maggi,
Just the kind of advice that will be of immense help.
I may well request a little more info' over the weeks to come if that would be o.k.?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 18, 2008, 02:55:00 PM
But of course, Cliff.
 Here are some details about the Hotel Flora.....
Hotel Flora

Grönsakstorget 2
41117 Göteborg, Sweden
Telephone (00)+46 31 13 86 16   Fax (00) 46 311 324 08
Here is little map !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 18, 2008, 02:57:49 PM
Just been for a look at their website... looks like it has undergone something of a upgrade! Not sure how prices compare with last time the Gang were there......if Alan N or David B. are lurking, perhaps they'll let us (me?) know... ???

Ooh, the hotel has pages in English, too, I missed that!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hjalmar on January 18, 2008, 03:05:52 PM
Since Maggi mentions attractions outside the plant world, the one thing I tell all my foreign visitors to see is Ostindiefararen. It is a copy of an 18th Century ship that was used for trade with China. In fact, the copy has sailed to China and back. It seems it will be in Gothenburg until May, when it will go on a shorter trip in the Baltic sea.  When I was there a few years ago there was an exhibition about how the ship was built (using 18th Century techniques) and I guess that's still the case. Anyway, it is very interesting and something you cannot see anywhere else.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 18, 2008, 03:16:35 PM
To China and back. That's a fair number of miles on one galleon
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 18, 2008, 04:03:03 PM
Lucky for you, Anthony, that Cliff owes me so much chocolate already that I am relaxing my sanctions.
I do think you should come to the front of the class and sit up straight until the bell goes :P
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lars S on January 18, 2008, 07:03:23 PM
Thank you all for your kind words of welcome.

Yes Maggi, I have often been to the Göteborgs botanical garden, I actually grew up in the Göteborg area.
My main interest so far has been rhododendrons and magnolias and the garden has a great collection of those as well. However, this autumn I attended a lecture given by Henrik Zetterlund (who is one of the experts you mentioned) and got hooked on bulbs ...
Hjalmar also mentioned Peter Korn´s garden and I can add that Peter also has a home page ( There is a version in english.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 18, 2008, 09:42:09 PM
Is that me on the naughty step again Maggi? :-[
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 18, 2008, 10:08:29 PM
Anthony, if I get enough of you reprobates on the naughty step, i think I'll need about five, I'm going to start a new band... the previous "Steps" are no more and I feel there could be a gap in the market... you will sing lead, of course... :-\
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on January 21, 2008, 02:24:30 AM
A belated welcome from me too.  Catching up after a week that was spent forum-less, so LOTS to read.  Welcome to all the new non-lurkers!!  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: fermi de Sousa on January 21, 2008, 06:23:04 AM
Welcome, Lars,
it's easy to understand getting hooked on bulbs after hearing Henrik talk about them! I felt very priveleged to meet him and spend some hours at Goteburg last year.

the YHA has a place within walking distance of the Botanic Garden and was very reasonably priced.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on January 29, 2008, 03:50:59 PM
My apologies friends.....for Gothenburg please now read Western Crete!   It seems that Peter Korn will be in the States during our proposed visit to Sweden so, rather than miss a visit to his beautiful garden, we will postpone our short trip to Gothenburg for approximately twelve months and we have now plumped for a week in Western Crete in mid-April (on the shrewd advice of Vic and Janet Aspland).  We are now eager for suggestions of places 'not to be missed', if you would all be so kind?  Obviously the orchids are going to be an enormous attraction (and the bulbs, of course), so any localities would be greatly appreciated.  We are staying about 8 kms west of Chania and will have our own transport.
Many thanks in anticipation....
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Renate Brinkers on January 30, 2008, 11:23:47 PM
Hi to everyone,
I am glad to be a member of this great forum now and want to tell you something about myself.
I am 43 years old, married and live in the north of Germany, near the Dutch border. I am especially interested in bulbs and own a small nursery for rare plants, and bulbs offcorse. As I only have a small greenhouse with 20m² which is full with Amaryllidaceae like Clivia, Hippeastrum, a.s.o. I try to cultivate more hardy bulbs like Eranthis, Cyclamen and last year I started to grow Crocus.
Beneath the plants and ourselfs are two Border Collies, two cats, some fishes and rabbits living in our garden - so live is colourful.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 30, 2008, 11:29:19 PM
Hello, Renate, a warm welcome to the forum. Thank you for introducing yourself to us.
Has your nursery got a website?  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 30, 2008, 11:31:12 PM
Welcome Renate. Great to have you join our merry band. :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Renate Brinkers on January 30, 2008, 11:35:42 PM
Hello Maggi and Anthony,

thanks for the warm welcome.
Yes, it has. The website is, maybe I should write it in the profile, will try this.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 30, 2008, 11:39:34 PM
Renate, of course, I should have known your name, Hans J. has already given us note of your website.. we have a link here:;cat=1

You have some very interesting plants... do you send to the UK?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Renate Brinkers on January 30, 2008, 11:51:06 PM
great, Hans was it who made me real courious for this forum, so I watched it and now I am here.
I followed the link, there are some real good nurseries, some of them I visited as I have been in Great Britain. Yes, I send to GB, it is no problem when plants are wrapped good.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 30, 2008, 11:59:44 PM
Yes, I send to GB, it is no problem when plants are wrapped good.

Oh, GOOD! Hans told me your plants were good but I did not know if you sent to  GB... this is excellent news!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on January 31, 2008, 06:59:26 AM
Welcome Renate, from the other side of world where it is high summer.  Glad to have you with us.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on January 31, 2008, 07:07:25 AM
And of course a big welcome from me, too, Renate!!
Great to have you here!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on January 31, 2008, 07:09:20 AM
Hi Renate ,

Nice to have you with us  ;D
A warm welcome and have joy here !!!

Greetings from the south of Germany
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Gerdk on January 31, 2008, 08:15:14 AM
Hi Renate ,
Nice to have you with us  ;D
A warm welcome and have joy here !!!
Greetings from the south of Germany

The same from the western part - near Düsseldorf and Köln (Cologne),
today everything out of control because of ' Weiberfastnacht'

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on January 31, 2008, 08:33:05 AM
Gerd : dont go out of your house !!!! is "Fasching" or "Fasnet" too :o :o :o

Maggi : Do you see : the german connection is growing and growing !!!

To parcels from nurseries : It is never a problem to send a order from GB to Germany - but I dont understand why so many nurseries in GB write : sorry no overseas !!!
Also I dont understand not this high prices for P&P of the nurseries to send anything to Germany :
p.e. Cotswold will have 25 GBP ...... :'(

a parcel from Germany to GB : 17 Euro ( - 5kg )
a small parcel : 8,60 Euro ( - 2 kg )
a letter ( called Maxibrief ): 2,00 Euro  (- 1000g )
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 31, 2008, 10:01:31 AM
I received a packet from Europe - €9.10 "signed for" with two wee bulbs: a green leaved Galanthus plicatus and a G. 'Lightbulb'.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on January 31, 2008, 10:32:53 AM
Anthony ,

I suppose this nursery was not from Germany ......sorry !

What is G. "Ligthbulb" ? any pics ?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 31, 2008, 12:19:22 PM
Alas, there is no flower Hans, and it was from Belgium - a swap. It is in Bishop et al. but only a clump from a distance.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on January 31, 2008, 12:38:46 PM
Anthony :

I have it later seen in the snowdropbook - as you says ..there is only a clump

Please send a pic if you will have next year flowers ...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Susan Band on January 31, 2008, 12:41:24 PM
Hans, I am afriaid I will have to stand up for UK nursery postage prices to Europe.
Up to 2kg isn't too bad as it can go as a small packet at about £8, but after that you have to go parcel post with a 5kg parcel costing over £32 to Germany. Also bank charges are much higher here, a direct transfer costs at least £7 into a Uk bank, thats why we are keen on using paypal
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on January 31, 2008, 01:01:52 PM
Susan ,

I did not know for the high costs for a parcel in England .....but I get a lot of parcels from England ( small packets ) and they are always cheeep -so I dont understand it why I have to pay 25 GBP for a small parcel !

But I think you will understand me if I hesitate to order from such nurseries ....for 25 GBP can I buy some plants ....

With the money is it a other problem -if the nurseries give the prices also in Euro so we could send a money transfer in Euro with no costs !( and we need the IBAN and BIC numbers )

What is with the costs for you if we pay with credit card from Germany ?

...I'm so fortunate to have nice friends in England so they order somtimes for me - send me the plants and I send my friends later the money ( in Euro or in GBP )
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on January 31, 2008, 01:08:32 PM
Wellcome Renate in this magic Forum where everyone takes his proper place friendly and where we read experiences of all of those who accept to tell all what happens in their garden. Wonderfull trip for every day in the countries as in the hearths
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 31, 2008, 02:39:01 PM
Susan ,

I did not know for the high costs for a parcel in England .....but I get a lot of parcels from England ( small packets ) and they are always cheeep -so I dont understand it why I have to pay 25 GBP for a small parcel !

But I think you will understand me if I hesitate to order from such nurseries ....for 25 GBP can I buy some plants ....

With the money is it a other problem -if the nurseries give the prices also in Euro so we could send a money transfer in Euro with no costs !( and we need the IBAN and BIC numbers )

What is with the costs for you if we pay with credit card from Germany ?

...I'm so fortunate to have nice friends in England so they order somtimes for me - send me the plants and I send my friends later the money ( in Euro or in GBP )

Hans, you should be able to work out the cost on the Royal Mail website?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on January 31, 2008, 02:46:19 PM
Excellent idea Anthony !
Here is the link to german post :
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Armin on January 31, 2008, 06:17:47 PM
Hi to everyone,
I am glad to be a member of this great forum now and want to tell you something about myself.
I am 43 years old, married and live in the north of Germany, near the Dutch border. I am especially interested in bulbs and own a small nursery for rare plants, and bulbs offcorse. As I only have a small greenhouse with 20m² which is full with Amaryllidaceae like Clivia, Hippeastrum, a.s.o. I try to cultivate more hardy bulbs like Eranthis, Cyclamen and last year I started to grow Crocus.
Beneath the plants and ourselfs are two Border Collies, two cats, some fishes and rabbits living in our garden - so live is colourful.

a warm welcome from me, too.
I'm pleased to read you started to grow crocus.
I hope you will get soon the crocus fever infection ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Renate Brinkers on January 31, 2008, 09:28:55 PM
Thanks to you all who gave me a warm welcome, I am sure I will enjoy this forum.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Renate Brinkers on January 31, 2008, 09:38:31 PM
Hello paul, on the other side of the world,
my avatar picture was made in Toowoomba!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Renate Brinkers on January 31, 2008, 09:48:15 PM
Hans, Thomas, Gerd and Armin,

now the north of Germany also is here.

Armin, thanks a lot for the Pulsatilla seed, could grow to another fever.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Renate Brinkers on January 31, 2008, 09:52:37 PM
hmm, another bulbmaniac...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 31, 2008, 09:54:16 PM

The same from the western part - near Düsseldorf and Köln (Cologne),
today everything out of control because of ' Weiberfastnacht'


Gerd, I hope you managed not to have any of your favourite ties cut in half today? ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Farang9 on February 01, 2008, 02:11:53 AM
I am John Gosden.  For 30 years (1967-97) I lived and worked in Edinburgh, where I was a keen member of SRGC.  When I retired I moved here to tropical Phuket, Thailand, where I still garden, but in a very different way - almost none of the genera are the same (except Rhododendron, represented by Vireyas) but I still get enormous pleasure out of the garden.

Now, just as in Scotland we were continually trying to push the boundaries of what we could grow, so it is here, where such genera as lilies provide a challenge to flower (although they grow happily, they have no resting period).  Now I am wondering if Hellebores (just orientalis hybrids) might be worth trying.  I used to have a large collection, mostly Eric Smith selections, from when he was with Jim Archibald as The Plantsmen, and they were among my favourite non-bulbous herbaceous perennials.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 01, 2008, 07:59:00 AM
A warm welcome from windy, cold, wet Dunblane John. Good luck with your quest. I'm sure there will be of help from our happy family. Cheers.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Casalima on February 01, 2008, 08:50:23 AM
Welcome, Renate!

Welcome, John! I think we have already coincided elsewhere on the internet  :)

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 01, 2008, 11:34:17 AM
Welcome "home", John !!  Good to hear that even a move to glorious Thailand has not dimmed your gardeners' capacity to be difficult.... yes, liliums, hellebores... why not!  I am just sitting here in very cold very wet and unbelievably windy Aberdeen, dreaming of Vireya rhododendrons..... ah! BLISS!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on February 01, 2008, 11:49:25 AM
Welcome John.  Thialand would be a bit of a shock after Scotland I'd imagine.  :o
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Farang9 on February 02, 2008, 01:08:49 AM
Welcome John.  Thialand would be a bit of a shock after Scotland I'd imagine.  :o

Well, I spent the first 8 years of my working life in Malaya, so I already knew and loved this part of the world, and after 30 years in Scotland I was determined NEVER TO BE COLD AGAIN!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans A. on February 05, 2008, 10:21:10 AM
Hello all,

I am Hans Achilles - five years ago I moved from germany to spain.
Here i do my best to grow some bulbous plants which are adapted to the local climatical conditions - mainly mediterranean species but also from other regions like asia, southafrica and chile -  my favorites at the moment are Iris (Oncocyclus, Junos ...)
I am glad to join the forum - and i am sure I will learn a lot here.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on February 05, 2008, 10:27:13 AM
Welcome on this great forum Hans !
Don't forget to pos your pix - Iris are very popular here !  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans A. on February 05, 2008, 10:38:39 AM
Luc, thanks a lot for your welcome - be sure I will not forget to post pix - the first iris bloomed here in the south already because of the  warm winter - the next i will show here in the forum - looks like it could be an I. kirkwoodii - Iris paradoxa flowered some weeks ago ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on February 05, 2008, 10:40:36 AM
Welcome Hans!
Where have you lived in Germany before?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans A. on February 05, 2008, 10:49:01 AM
Hello Thomas,
thanks for your friendly welcome,
first I lived in Bonn - then I moved to Dresden and now I live here in the frostfree mediterranean - what makes growing bulbs quiet easier. ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 05, 2008, 11:30:38 AM
Welcome Hans! With the winter weather here in Aberdeen at the moment, I am thinking that your move to Spain was a clever one!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on February 05, 2008, 11:44:30 AM
Welcome Hans, I look forward to seeing some pictures.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on February 05, 2008, 12:59:12 PM
Welcome in the Forum Hans, it is the best one
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Gerdk on February 05, 2008, 05:10:33 PM
Welcome in the Forum Hans, it is the best one

Exactly - so ist es - or ' eso es ' for Spain!
Welcome in this International Forum from me too.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 05, 2008, 10:37:24 PM
And a warm welcome from the deep south too, to all new Forum members and posters. There has been so much to catch up on lately that this thread has evaded me for some time.

Hans I'll be very interested to see your oncos and junos and hear about how you grow them. They are two of my great loves as well.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 05, 2008, 10:58:12 PM
Good to have you on the forum, Hans. Enjoy your time here and I look forward to your postings.

And Renate and John also, of course - I hadn't visited this thread for a while!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans A. on February 05, 2008, 11:21:05 PM
Not an Onco or a Juno - but I want to thank all of you for this very warm welcome with a picture of Iris pamphylica flowered last week here in my garden.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Roberto G on February 06, 2008, 08:29:07 AM
Hello to everybody
I have joined the Forum recently but I have noticed only now that there is a special topic to introduce myself.
I am Roberto Gamoletti from Italy and I live in the north near Milano.
I am a member of the SRGC, HPS and RHS.
I am very interested in hellebores and peonies both species and hybrids. I grow, propagate and hybridize these plants in my small garden. I grow also a few bulbs (aroids, trillium, crocus, fritillarias among them) and several are from seeds obtained through the seed exchange.
A couple of years ago I joined the Aril Society and I have started growing aril hybrid irises, too.
I am very happy to have joined the Forum and to get in contact with other "plant enthusiasts" like me.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: arillady on February 06, 2008, 08:33:43 AM
Welcome Hans and Roberto from another newby to this forum.
Seems like there is some pretty experienced growers of rare and wonderful plants on this forum and they are all so welcoming.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on February 06, 2008, 08:46:53 AM
Benvenuto (if that's spelt right ?) Roberto !
Hope you have a lot of fun here !  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on February 06, 2008, 09:44:46 AM
Hi Roberto, welcome.  Love your part of the world, bet your camellias are starting to bloom right about now too.  Was tempted to buy one when I was there but didn't.  There seems to be a lot of growers in those parts.  Just a tip, could you put as a sig under your name where you garden, it helps when you are posting to the group to remind us, and for those who are even newer than you! Ciao
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 06, 2008, 07:49:44 PM
A special welcome to Pat. You won't remember me Pat but we did meet at the NZIS convention in Tauranga, 2000. I remember talking to you on a bus, about your wonderful oncos and how you grow them in South Australia. Since that time, your name has come up many times when I've talked with others about arils.

Warm welcome too, to Roberto in Italy. What a wonderful place this is. How many countries are NOT represented here now?

Hans, your Iris pamphylica is a great treat for me to see. I've lost mine several years ago and can't replace it but in any case, I've not seen it in a garden before, just in pots. Yours looks very happy and healthy. Somewhere recently I read that it was no longer or very precariously in cultivation now. I hope whoever wrote that, sees yours looking so good
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on February 06, 2008, 08:15:25 PM
Welcome to the Forum Roberto.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Roberto G on February 07, 2008, 07:56:42 AM
Dear Friends,
thank you very much for your warm welcome.

Pat, nice to to see you here; I have seen the photos of your wondeful oncos in the ASI publications.

Benvenuto is the right word, thank you Luc.

Chris, unfortunately I do not live in the lake district of Italy, I am little bit south  in the river Po valley but I have a few camellias in my garden and they are starting in flower now.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: arillady on February 07, 2008, 09:04:21 AM
When I saw your photo Lesley  I did feel as though I remembered you from NZ. I might be speaking for the NZIS in 2009. I have indicated my willingness.
Roberto good to see you here too.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on February 07, 2008, 09:34:54 AM
Pat and Roberto,

It's very good to have you with us.

What I find particularly and enjoyable about the forum is the opportunity to hear and see from people all around the world and so your contributions will certainly be welcomed.

Roberto, not too far from you: our most enjoyable holiday ever was at Sirmione on Lake Garda, absolutely wonderful place but then all Italians are such nice people.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans A. on February 07, 2008, 12:54:59 PM

Hans, your Iris pamphylica is a great treat for me to see. I've lost mine several years ago and can't replace it

thanks - I hope to get some seeds. ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on February 07, 2008, 08:04:48 PM
Roberto,  good to know the camellias are coming on nicely.  The autumn flowering ones were in full bloom when we were there a year ago last October, and were just stunning.  I now have one in my garden, and will be looking to get another if I can find one here.  C. sasanqua is the one I fancy.  Took a wonderful picture of one whilst there.  I'm sure they must all look wonderful in spring.....
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 07, 2008, 08:20:48 PM
Oh Hans, that's such a dangerous statement - "I hope to get some seeds." Remember me if you have 2 or 3 to spare. ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans A. on February 08, 2008, 10:19:12 AM
I hope to see in some years flowers of them with the southern alps in the background... ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on February 09, 2008, 12:19:21 AM
I hope to see in some years flowers of them with the southern alps in the background... ;)

Now that WOULD be something to see. :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on February 11, 2008, 01:10:58 AM
Welcome everyone!!

Hans, that is a lovely Iris!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Otto Fauser on February 13, 2008, 06:39:32 AM
So nice to have you on the Forum Hans, such a friendly club, and we all learn
from each other, so herzlich willkommen !How lucky you are to grow and flower Iris pamphylica, your,s seems a paler colour to the one I grew many years ago-it was in 1969 when Martyn Rix collected it in Turkey and sent it to me,but it is no longer with me .I know my friend Lesley Cox in New Zealand
is on top of the list ,should there be a few seeds to go around, but may I add my name too ?
 Danke und Ciao
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans A. on February 13, 2008, 12:00:06 PM
Hello Otto,
Thanks a lot for the friendly welcome to this wonderful forum  - yes you are right I think I will learn a lot here and I hope I also will be able to contribute somthing to the forum.
Otto, I cannot promise you seed of I. pamphylica at the moment  but looks not bad - your name is added. ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ulla Hansson on March 06, 2008, 02:45:50 PM
My name is Ulla and I am from Sweden. I have read on this fantastic forum for the last year, and have learn a lot of thing, especially from Ian Young’s bulb log, thank you .
My English is not so good, it’s easier to read than writhe. I hope You can understand me.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on March 06, 2008, 03:52:13 PM
Ulla, great to have you join us and I know that Ian will be delighted to learn that you enjoy his Bulb Log. 8)

I don't think we will have any trouble to understand you: you are doing very well so far!
I think from your post yesterday, about a seed order, that you are in Sweden.... please tell us a little more about you and where you live and make your garden?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ulla Hansson on March 07, 2008, 12:28:25 PM
I live 28 miles east Gothenburg. My garden is not so big only 950 square meters.
Spaces is always limited. I grow many different plants. I like plants with beauty
and coloureds leaf, and I like to sow seeds .After 30 years of sowing seed it’s
still pleasant to se the seed swell and begin to grow.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 07, 2008, 12:32:44 PM
Welcome to the forum, Ulla.

Hope you enjoy your visits and I look forward to your postings from Sweden.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on March 07, 2008, 12:33:25 PM
Hi Ulla, and welcome!  I know just what you mean about seeds, they have fascinated me since I was very small.  It never ceases to amaze me how something so big can grow from something so small.....
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Katherine J on March 07, 2008, 04:56:53 PM
A warm welcome from Hungary, Ulla. You are in a very good place. Here everybody is so kind, helpful, and also full of humour, which is great. Enjoy yourself! :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ulla Hansson on March 12, 2008, 02:31:00 PM
Thank you for your warm welcome. It is very pleasant to be here. Internet is fantastic.
I have learn a lot from here the last year, and so many beauty pictures.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Roma on March 30, 2008, 11:04:24 PM
My name is Roma.  I have been lurking here on the Forum for a while as a Guest and as a member since November.  I live near Aberdeen in North East Scotland.  I worked for 27 years in the Cruickshank Botanic Garden at Aberdeen University and retired 4 years ago. I worked mainly in the Rock Garden and the greenhouses.  I like to grow all types of plants and miss the propagation facilities and warmer greenhouses than I have at home. 
I have been a member of the SRGC for 31 years and the AGS for nearly as long.  I grow too many plants to look after properly but do manage to show plants sometimes and get the occasional red ticket.
I have another time consuming hobby which limits my time with plants - I have 4 ponies - 3 Fells and 1 Shetland. 
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on March 30, 2008, 11:09:45 PM
Roma, I suppose you do KNOW how pleased I am to welcome you here ??  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Roma on March 30, 2008, 11:15:43 PM
Yes Maggi I'm sure you are delighted you have flushed me out.  You'll have me posting pictures next! 
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on March 30, 2008, 11:22:04 PM
Yes indeed! I haven't spent all those years with gundogs not to learn something about flushing game! ;)

I just thought about something related to Roma that I really must tell you all: Roma has Tulipa sprengeri on her property like other folk have hairy bittercress.... that is to say, they grow in great profusion and strength!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on March 31, 2008, 06:05:41 PM
Hi Roma!

Is a Fell a fell pony?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on March 31, 2008, 07:41:01 PM
Welcome Roma
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Roma on April 01, 2008, 09:18:31 PM
Thank you for the welcome Mark and David.

Mark, Fell ponies are native to Cumbria and were originally used as pack ponies to carry iron ore and lead from mines high up on the fells.

David, glad to see you having success with your first bulb to flower. you will soon have to evict some auriculas to make room!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: DavMac on April 07, 2008, 09:26:00 AM
Hi. My name is David McConachie and I am originally from Palmerston North, New Zealand and moved to Korokoro in the hills above Wellington Harbour 4 years ago. I found the forum via Paul Cumbleton's Pleione website as they are a favourite orchid.

My primary plant interests revolve around orchids, in particular hardy orchids. I also have a growing collection of Arisaemas and similar aroids.

I look forward to being able to learn more and share experiences in the forums.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on April 07, 2008, 09:44:56 AM
Welcome David and Roma!!  Great to have you with us.  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ian Y on April 07, 2008, 09:55:11 AM
Hi David may I also extend my welcome to you.
I am always delighted when we get another forum member I look forward to seeing some pictures of your plants.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on April 08, 2008, 06:16:39 AM
A warm welcome David, to this best of all plant websites. Are you by any chance related to Cora McConachie? I have met her just once, many years ago but she was a loyal nursery customer for ages, it seems. I'd like to know if she is still well and gardening.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: DavMac on April 08, 2008, 10:46:04 AM
I don't think that I am related to Cora. My grandfather and one of his brother emigrated to New Zealand just before WWI and my greatuncle died in France.

My mother was a Bayne and her family comes from your area so you may know some of my relations on that side.

I think that we may have a friend in common. When I was living in Palmerston North I grew a lot of plants with Jenny Mair and learnt a lot from her.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on April 08, 2008, 10:36:47 PM
Yes, I do know Jenny tho' haven't seen her for years. We usually meet at things like the recent NZAGS Study Weekend but I don't think she was there this time.

I do know a lot of Baynes in Dunedin, tho' I think most of them are Baine or Baines. David, of course. What a botch up that was (probably! :-\)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Heinie on August 10, 2008, 09:29:42 PM
Hi Forum Members.

I am Heinie from Cape Town , South Africa and probably the first member from here. I grow Clivias as a primary hobby but have a very keen interest in any bulbous plants. I became addicted to Daylilies about a year ago because there are such beautiful colours and shapes around. My collection is expanding rapidly and have just completed potting my first crosses of some 70 seedlings into individual 2 litre plastic bags.

You will find out more about myself as the discussions go along here in future.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Armin on August 10, 2008, 09:43:40 PM
Hi Heinie,
it is great to have you in the forum!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 10, 2008, 10:05:08 PM
Terrific to have you join us, Heinie. We do look forward to  learning more about you.

Actually we do have at least one other South African here in the Forum: Rogan Roth in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa  though he has not been around much forthe last few months, I think he is busy with a new house!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on August 10, 2008, 10:19:03 PM
Hi Heinie ,

nice to meet you here   ;D ( we both know us from other forums too )

I'm glad that you are now like to share your knowledge about south african plant with all of us !!!

Maybe you can post some pics of your growing area and your plants here !

Enjoy your stay here on this wonderful forum
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Heinie on August 10, 2008, 10:54:57 PM
Thank you Aruby, Maggy and Hans for the welcome. I am looking forward to learn from this Forum members about different plants from around the world here.

Hans, I will certainly continue to post my plants on this Forum too but I will have to find my way around here first to see what the discussion headings on the main menu is about. I do not want to misplace my posts and upset the apple cart so to speak.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on August 11, 2008, 12:21:37 AM
Hello Heinie, by all means have a look through the main index because there are so many different topics and points of view, but don't be too worried about posting something in the wrong place. Our marvellous Saint Maggi keeps us all on the right track and sorts our posting problems, and never a grumble from her, or not here anyway. Maybe Ian gets an earful occasionally.

My All Black lads will be with you at the weekend. You will be nice to them, won't you?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: arillady on August 11, 2008, 01:08:14 AM
Yes welcome Heinie from another fairly new member of this forum who has learnt so much already from the diverse interests that forum members display. 
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on August 11, 2008, 06:35:00 AM
Welcome Heinie from another Aussie member.  As Lesley says, don't be too worried if you post something somewhere incorrect.... The Maggi will move it for you, with a smile.  As you'll discover as you wander through the site, she is also open to bribes with chocolate to fix up mistakes!  ;)

All joking aside, we're a friendly bunch and rarely get upset with anyone, so post away and don't be too worried about putting a foot wrong.  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 11, 2008, 11:31:32 AM
Hmm! I thought when my ears were burning that someone was talking about me...... ;)
Thank you for your kindly words about me, Folks.... I am feeling more saintly by the minute..... :-[ :-*

Heinie, as my friends tell you, don't worry about things.... I can usually sort out a muddle if it arises.....I get practice sorting out my own muddles  :-[   The Forum is easy to navigate, I think ( well, I can manage it!) and you can correct lots of little mistakes yourself by simply returning to "edit" your post . This thread is helpful, too :
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Heinie on August 11, 2008, 12:50:18 PM
Thank you for the kind advice. I will have no problem finding my way around it is only to get through all the lovely posts of a long time ago to present. I am also a member on two other plant Forums where the same program is made used of. Although the Main Menu on the Home page is a little different and perhaps easier with many more sub sections I have no problem to navigate and I will get assistance from kind members too who will pick up that I am going in the wrong direction. I will post some photos of my Clivia shade houses soon. It may be something a little different to what you are used to here but enjoy it please.

Here are two links to the Clivia Forum and the Gardener Forum run by my local friends. Have a look and join us there too as we are all plant growers.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on August 11, 2008, 02:09:35 PM
Welcome from me too Heinie, as a new grower of some South African species I look forward to reading your posts to further my learning.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on August 11, 2008, 02:23:01 PM
.... and from me, also a warm welcome on the best Forum in the world Heinie !

Veel plezier !  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on August 11, 2008, 07:17:34 PM
Welcome Heine, lots of people mad about S.African plants, me included!!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on August 12, 2008, 12:37:09 AM
And some of us are just plain mad! (me included) ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: LarsB on October 27, 2008, 10:51:14 PM

I'm new to this forum. I found it through the Pleione website nad that give a small hint about my main interests, namely Orchids. I've been growing a wide range of tropical orchids for many years. I have kind of specialised in Disa and Pleione, but a couple of years i ran out of space indoors, so hardy orchids suddenly became interesting as well. I grow a bit of everything in my garden.

I love to propagate plants, which is the main cource of my space problems. My childrens pet rabit was probably the only rabit in Denmark that was fed Disa seedlings.

Kind regards

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 28, 2008, 02:47:42 AM
Do you mean you DELIBERATELY fed him Disa seedlings? Lucky bunny :P ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on October 28, 2008, 09:16:45 AM
Welcome Lars !!!  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: JohnnyD on October 28, 2008, 10:34:56 AM
Having posted a few things since giving up my career as a ‘lurker’, perhaps I should introduce myself.
My name is John Dower, my wife of 43 years is Clare, and we live in Frodsham, Cheshire with a tiny garden. The two kids, 42 & 39, have now left, (though much of their ‘stuff’ has yet to follow!)  :(
Our son Andrew and I own a small company specialised in the development and manufacture of non-combustible composites for ships, and which consumes far more time than is appropriate to the full enjoyment of alpines.
Specialisation – none really, except an ambition in respect of plants that don’t die! :-\
Success rate – lousy, but hoping to do better with the recently commissioned alpine house. ::)
Currently very interested in bulbs, and especially pleased to have discovered the bulblog -  thanks Ian. I have also had some success with mini gardens, which have been a passion from the start.
Clare and I have been showing at AGS shows for the last 15 years or so and Clare now needs just a handful more firsts until we both have our gold medals.
We both enjoy mountain holidays in Europe, especially the Picos de Europa, and hope to do more once Andrew allows me to retire!
We are both enthusiastic members of the East Lancs local group, (you know the one – the Smethies, Bookeroo etc.!), where I am now being recycled in my second stint as vice-chairman.
Perhaps the nicest thing I can say about the SRGC forum is that it has the same approachability, camaraderie and innate (and slightly potty ;D) sense of humour which we have in the East Lancs group. Long may it continue. 
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: WimB on October 28, 2008, 10:51:49 AM
Lars and John, welcome to this forum.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: LarsB on October 28, 2008, 11:27:31 AM
Do you mean you DELIBERATELY fed him Disa seedlings? Lucky bunny :P ::)

When you grow orchids from seed yo uget a lot of plants. If you are stupid enough to grow something like Disa, which is hardly never grown, you end up feeding seedlings to the rabit or the compost heap. The rabit liked them, perhaps because they were so crisp and crunchy :)

Kind regards

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 28, 2008, 11:35:08 AM
It is super to have these introductions from Forumists to tell a little more about themselves, thanks for your posts  8)

Lars, I must admit my first thought on reading about the rabbit diet was to wonder which you strangled first, the rabbit or the children?  ::) :P ;) Now I see it was a re-cycling policy.... very good!
You will find quite a few dedicated orchid growers in these pages and I hope you will enjoy the forum and share your experiences with us.

JohnnyD, it's good that you come right out of the garden shed and tell us everything!!  Was particularly interested in your comment "Perhaps the nicest thing I can say about the SRGC forum is that it has the same approachability, camaraderie and innate (and slightly potty ) sense of humour which we have in the East Lancs group. "  Words sincerely and kindly meant, thank you, but I'm sure you must realise that all gardeners really SHOULD have a potty sense of humour.... unlike farmers, whose humour comes out of left field............ :P ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: JohnnyD on October 28, 2008, 01:24:08 PM
I stand corrected Maggi.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 28, 2008, 01:40:22 PM
I stand corrected Maggi.

Blast, that wasn't a correction... it was meant to be a joke..... I must be losing it... I'll fine myself a bar of chocolate forthwith.... ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lvandelft on October 28, 2008, 02:07:02 PM
Oh dear, when even you British don't understand the jokes.... how should
we "foreigners" do then??  ;D ;D
Please have a look at this Site: (

You will understand what I mean, I hope.

A lot of "potty" there. Which one was meant by Johnny D.  :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: JohnnyD on October 28, 2008, 03:27:28 PM
Hi Luit,
I think there is no really accurate dictionary definition of 'potty' which describes what we mean in this case.
It might be 'silly' - but that would be rude. >:(
It might be 'crazy' - but that only applies to either a) getting up in the middle of the night to take plants to a show, or b) filling pots of such a size that a hospital appointment should be planned before lifting! :'(
It could certainly be 'slightly intoxicated' - see shows above, :P
But it is NEVER 'trivial' or 'of little importance'.

Being a self-deprecating view of how others might see us, it is a warm and friendly condition which we should all enjoy hugely.

Do you not have such a term in Dutch? I cannot believe a nation with such a finely tuned sense of humour cannot be described as 'potty' in one of its definitions!

Thanks for the dictionary by the way, I shall be looking into that further.

p.s. Maggi, I think you should make that TWO bars.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on October 28, 2008, 03:44:02 PM
Hi Luit,
Do you know of the Goons and their radio shows?
They were perfectly 'potty' ...
If not, then please do not investigate them on Google ... we may lose you to this forum! :)

By the way Luit ... Johnny D. was actually modelled on one the characters in the series, but I am not at liberty to say which one!

(To newcomers and friends from across the water - J.D. and I are (should that be were) very good friends!  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: derekb on October 28, 2008, 06:54:16 PM
Lars welcome from another Disa grower, also Johny.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 28, 2008, 08:26:39 PM
I knew EXACTLY what you meant by "potty" Johnny, as soon as you mentioned the East Lancs group, knowing that the Booker is also a member there. ;D

I have lots of Disa seed in at present (love the yellow, Lars) so now I'm worried as the last thing I want to do is encourage the local rabbits. If crunchy and palatable to bunnies, I wonder how they'd go in a salad? With avocado and walnut oil perhaps and a squeeze of lemon juice? (Sorry Derek ::))
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: LarsB on October 28, 2008, 08:42:30 PM

I've never tried to eat them myself :)

The Yellow is Disa uniflora Christmas Gold. I bought it sa a flask plant from SA and t took me a long time to get it turned around to our season, but when i did, the flower open on the 24th of June.

Kind regards

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lvandelft on October 28, 2008, 09:17:55 PM
Hi John and Cliff, it is not so that I did not understand what was meant by 'potty',
(though I had a short look in my dictionary), but I simply could not resist when reading Maggi's answer:

it was meant to be a joke

I must say that I really love the British humour and would love it, if I could use it
myself, but I'm afraid this is hardly possible when speaking daily another language.

Do you not have such a term in Dutch? I cannot believe a nation with such a finely tuned sense of humour cannot be described as 'potty' in one of its definitions

 John, it is right that the Dutch too have, as you said, such a finely tuned sense of humour,
but when translating into English it would mostly sound rather 'rude'.

I never heard of the man before, but Maggi showed somewhere else this week this
great poem of Gerald Nolst Trenite, which proves that Dutchmen might have some humour.

By the way Luit ... Johnny D. was actually modelled on one the characters in the series, but I am not at liberty to say which one!

Cliff, I googled a bit this evening about The Goons and I hope for John,
you did not mean Mr. Flowerdew  :-\ :-\ :-\  :-X :-X
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: JohnnyD on October 28, 2008, 09:26:11 PM
Clare agrees with you Luit!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lvandelft on October 28, 2008, 10:25:34 PM
Pffff.... ;D ;D ;D

Good to know that Clare has this finely tuned sense of humour too John.  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Michal Hoppel on October 30, 2008, 08:33:14 PM
I'm Michal Hoppel and I live in Western Poland, in Poznań - mid-size town.

Climate here is rather continental with a couple of days with 35C in summer and many more >30C. Winters may be quite heavy, even -20C but usually no less than -10 to -15C. Some winter weeks are wet and >0C so many plants require rain protection . Elevation only 80 meters above the sea level.

My main interest are small alpine plants including Dionysia, Androsace, Primula, Draba, North American small alpines and many others. I grow them maily outside in alpine gardens build of diffrent rocks (calc./shist/granite/other silicaeous rock) and also in small alpine house (Dionysia ans Primula allioni and cv.).

Best wishes for all members and I hope we well hear each other in other threads. ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on October 30, 2008, 09:04:26 PM
Welcome to the Forum Michal !
We'll be looking forward to your pix !
Have fun !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on October 30, 2008, 09:17:51 PM
Greetings Michal ... welcome to the best forum in the alpine world.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ruweiss on October 30, 2008, 09:20:36 PM
Hello Michal, nice to see you at the forum. Hope you had a good
trip home from Nedvedice.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: snowdropman on October 30, 2008, 09:22:38 PM
I'm Michal Hoppel and I live in Western Poland, in Poznań - mid-size town.

Witaj !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 30, 2008, 09:40:19 PM
Great to have you join us, Michal.
I have been looking at your website and you have some lovely plants!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on October 31, 2008, 09:42:24 AM
Welcome Michal
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: JohnnyD on October 31, 2008, 11:56:48 AM
Welcome Michal - what a variety of super pics on your website.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: hadacekf on October 31, 2008, 08:23:34 PM
Welcome to the Forum !
You have a wonderful website and many interesting plants.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on October 31, 2008, 10:09:14 PM
Welcome, Michael,

though I have already enjoyed your posting on the Maritime Alps, a great series of photographs.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on October 31, 2008, 11:02:09 PM
Welcome Michal. I have correspondance with Poznan Botanic Garden with seeds exchange
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: The Russian on November 01, 2008, 06:35:55 AM
My dear friends! I was late for 10 months but as speak in Russia "better late, than never" :). My name is Elena. I live in Russia, in the city of Moscow. Very much I love flora of Russia, Japan, China. I collect a lily collection. Wild and hybrids. Especially I love L. martagon. In my garden there live 70 variants of these delightful lilies! And constantly it would be desirable more more more more more :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ichristie on November 01, 2008, 08:54:47 AM
To all our new members of this forum a very warm welcome we really are so  pleased to hear from you and thank you for allowing us to share with you the flowers the plants the fun, keep posting, cheers Ian the Christie kind.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Michal Hoppel on November 01, 2008, 06:16:51 PM
Many thanks for all for very warm welcome!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on November 01, 2008, 06:45:30 PM
A very warm welcome to The Russian - Elena - and I look forward to seeing photographs of your wonderful collection of lilies.

Best wishes, Paddy
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 13, 2008, 11:01:15 PM
Hello, I have just spent a couple of hours ( most likely more) reading the 'let me introduce myself' thread, as well as following links to personal garden pics, sigh!!

I have to say I enjoyed reading about so many members and their passions for various plants, I will be busy googling for days.
Not good is the fact that a lot of the names I have googled already have already gone onto a wish list.

I'm Helen Poirier, spent my first 50 odd years in Australia gardening in zone 10, am now in Atlantic Canada trying to build gardens in zone 4b.
I came to Canada in 2001 and retired in 2006  to a  tiny village in the boonies, and bought a house with no gardens apart from a tiny overgrown rockgarden full of weeds and black plastic.
When spring came, a tiny clump of green put up some stems with weird looking heads, which later opened up and turned into checkered lillies, I fell in love.

My favourite plants are hardy geraniums, small flowered clematis, violas, aquilegias,hellebores, snowdrops, snowflakes,viburnums, phildelphus.
I love little plants that nod.
Unfortunately, I tend to fall in love with what I can't have.

At the moment I have several hundred baby hellebores and most likely the same amount of clematis seedlings plunged in the veggie garden.

It is such a voyage of discovery gardening in a cold climate, long winters and short growing periods, but I am finding it fascinating to walk around the garden very early spring, and see the signs of growth.
I love having 4 distinct seasons.

I am having so much fun playing with seeds, mostly during winter, it helps to peek into baggies, and discover signs of germination, and then potting them up.

I do look forward to getting to know people here on the forum.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: tonyg on December 13, 2008, 11:30:28 PM
Welcome Helen - I think you'll find a few friends here who face the same challenges with the climate and seasons that you do.  Hope to see pictures of your developing garden in the spring.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: johnw on December 14, 2008, 02:27:08 AM
A warm welcome Helen. You will find this group to be generous and helpful. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn so much.

With the name Poirier and in zone 4b I'd guess you must live in New Brunswick, north of Fredericton.  As you know one of the best places to grow Meconopsis is in the very cold area around Le Jardin de Métis so I'm sure there will be many more exquisite plants that will do well for you.

Hope you missed that devastating freezing rainstorm that New England got yesterday.


Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 14, 2008, 02:32:46 AM
I didn't realise it had been so long since I last looked in this topic.  Welcome to all who have introduced themselves that I've missed.  Thanks for joining us.... the more, the merrier!!  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 14, 2008, 01:00:27 PM
Thanks Tony, with all the freeze /thaws we are having at the moment I hope I have something left alive by Spring.

John, I hope to learn a great deal from the group.
Btw, I live just over an hour north of Moncton, almost half way between Moncton and Miramichi. I wasn't aware that meconopsis grew well around Le Jardin de Métis, in fact I have never been there but now I will put it on a list of places to see.
I germinated some blue meconopsis earlier this year, but the croaked on me one by one ):- will have to try again sometime.
We had some freezing rain for awhile but then the temp rose to 11C. The rain did away with our snow cover though.
Thanks for the welcome.

Hi Paul, were you affected by the fires in Canberra some years ago? Can't remember exactly what year it was.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: johnw on December 14, 2008, 02:33:39 PM
I wasn't aware that meconopsis grew well around Le Jardin de Métis, in fact I have never been there but now I will put it on a list of places to see.
I germinated some blue meconopsis earlier this year, but the croaked on me one by one ):- will have to try again sometime.

Helen - Welcome to the other club - where members have problems starting Meconopsis!

Le Jardin de Métis is reputed to have a field of 30,000 Meconopsis, definitely worth a visit.  If you are in the NB area that usually has moist summers you should do quite well with them.

johnw   -  -4c
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 14, 2008, 04:28:27 PM
John, I don't think the summers here are particularly wet, we did have quite a lot of rain last summer though, and we only had a few very hot days.
We did however get our first hard frost September19 which was a bit of a shock.
I have never actually seen a meconopsis face to face, can only drool over pictures.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: johnw on December 14, 2008, 04:40:13 PM
Helen  - Just wondering if you are in the same general weather pattern as northeastern New Brunswick or the southeast.

It seems Le Jardin rarely has drought situations and virtually no heat combined with humidity.

September 19th is early but I doubt frost will bother Meconopsis.

A friend here divides his in late November even with severe freezes imminent.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 14, 2008, 05:57:16 PM
John, we live in Kent County and get pretty much the same weather that Moncton does. We're about 12 minutes south of Kouchibouguac National Park.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 14, 2008, 06:29:12 PM
Coosheebooquack.... now that is a name to conjour with!
Hi, Helen, I'm so pleased to see you getting to know us.... may I suggest  you put " New Brunswick, Canada" and your climate zone in your signature box of your profile, so it shows in all your posts ?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 14, 2008, 06:50:30 PM
Hi Maggi, you've very well with your pronuciation.
I think I have added the extra info.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 14, 2008, 06:51:39 PM
Ackkkk I made a mess of that last reply!!
Teach me to proof before whacking send.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 14, 2008, 06:56:20 PM
Ackkkk I made a mess of that last reply!!
Teach me to proof before whacking send.

Yes, I know all about that problem... quivering trigger finger !.... not to worry, there is no time limit for you to click "modify" and edit your goofs!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 14, 2008, 07:41:20 PM

.... not to worry, there is no time limit for you to click "modify" and edit your goofs!

Thanks Maggi, that will get used a bit i think.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on December 15, 2008, 10:51:03 AM
A very warm welcome from me too Helen !
Your surname makes me think of one of the best know Belgian export products...  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 15, 2008, 12:16:18 PM
Thanks Luc, much appreciated, I am really enjoying reading the forum topics.
Belgian exports .....hmmmmmm there's Poirier chocolates???
Have never seen those, both my daughters are chocaholics.

Or do you  mean Hercule Poirot?

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on December 15, 2008, 01:58:38 PM
Your second guess was the good one Helen  ;)

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 16, 2008, 08:20:36 AM
Hi Paul, were you affected by the fires in Canberra some years ago? Can't remember exactly what year it was.


Not directly, most thankfully.  If there'd been a wind shift we would have been toast, but instead they headed into the city to the south of us.  About the time they hit the suburbs I was standing about 2 or 300m from our house on a rise, watching the massive columns of smoke to our south, driven by horrendous winds and 38'C+ temps.  Only afterwards did I find out that some of that smoke was likely to have been the first houses burning.  :'(
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 16, 2008, 09:04:22 AM
My goodness, I haven't seen this on the news, but sounds awful. We rarely, if ever, get temperatures as high as 28oC, let alone 38oC, but that, coupled with raging fires is not nice. :(
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 16, 2008, 10:39:57 AM

It happened 3 or 4 years ago, not this season.  We ALWAYS get to at least 38 each summer, usually at least a couple of times if not more.  We almost always hit 40'C at least once, again sometimes more than others.  We always get plenty of 35 and above, and by mid summer 28'C is most definitely a cooler day, although we do get quite a bit cooler than that at times with rain etc.  The average daily temperature for January is around 28'C (average nightly minimum temp is around 13.C), so the hotter days and the cooler days balance out to that average.  February is 27.1 max and 13.1 min averages.  If you're interested, I can give you any other average climate info you might be wanting. 

At the moment 28'C is rather warm and I find it amusing that in a month or so it will feel somewhat cooler.  All somewhat different to your temps, if 28'C is rare for you, then again we're somewhat cooler than some other areas.  It's all in perspective.  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 16, 2008, 11:18:37 AM
Yep, and this is why I haven't had a holiday in the UK for nearly 30 years.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on December 16, 2008, 12:38:05 PM

 Am glad you escaped the worst of it.
Was such a tragedy and must have been terrifying for residents.
The pictures I saw were unbelievable.
 How much regeneration has taken place in the parks and bushlands since the fires?

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 16, 2008, 07:30:23 PM

The majority of the pine plantations around Canberra are gone now, although we're actually lucky that most of them burned the previous year without hitting the houses.  If the main plantations had still been there the year of the big fires then the fire would have ended up right through the centre of the city, maybe even hitting the Lodge and Parliament House etc.  That was one time when fires had been good, because the bad year the pines fueled the fire as it approached Canberra, increasing the intensity dramatically.  Then again, that particular day the fire was burning across what almost appeared to be bare ground, feeding on the barest wisps of grass to keep it going.  Very nasty combination of conditions.


You mean you want a break from the stereotype rain and gloominess on your holidays?  ;)  Where's your patriotism.  :o ;D ;)

Come to Australia in the middle of summer here if you want some warmth, although most definitely bring your sunscreen or you'll end up looking like a crisp!  ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 16, 2008, 08:35:00 PM
I live here. I don't have to like it. Anyway, one day I'll have a few days on the North Yorks Moors Railway. God's own country. :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on December 16, 2008, 09:11:35 PM
Just for you Anthony ... taken on Saturday ...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on December 16, 2008, 09:20:21 PM
"Catching the train".

Great shots, Cliff.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 16, 2008, 09:23:54 PM
by, 'eck, it wor a grey day, eh?
 If it were not for the patches of colour on the engines, I would think Cliff was taking arty black and white shots..... instead, of course, they are arty colour shots!!  Atmosphere ? ... by the train load! 8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on December 16, 2008, 09:53:10 PM
You are both right and wrong, Maggi ... the first shot was converted to greyscale, the others are as they were taken ...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on December 16, 2008, 09:56:53 PM
Thought you might like to see young Ollie as he spotted Santa Claus entering the railway carriage ...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 17, 2008, 02:04:34 PM
Awesome. Your grey day brightened up mine. My ultimate ambition, well third after the Galapagos and Papua New Guinea, is to see the big Garretts on the Zimbabwean railways.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 17, 2008, 02:57:16 PM
Lovely little chap Cliff hope Santa brings him loads-no doubt Grandad and Grandma have spent a fortune!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on December 17, 2008, 03:13:01 PM
Lovely little chap Cliff hope Santa brings him loads-no doubt Grandad and Grandma have spent a fortune!

How could we afford tripe if we had to buy presents EVERY year, David?
We have got him a nice Ranunculus pyrenaeus and a new memory card.   ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ichristie on December 17, 2008, 03:37:17 PM
Hi Cliff, great shots we are all steamed up here these giants from the past were alive and thankfully we have a local Steam railway with a replica Thomas which we and our grandchildren love. I hope you also got yourself a new memory card, we all need one, cheers ian the Christie kind
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Rafa on December 18, 2008, 12:32:33 AM
Hello, for those who might not know me I am Rafael Díez Domínguez from Spain. I live in Segovia province and I am artistic painter. I paint oil landscapes and watercolors of plants and animals.
My interests as a gardener is to allow to promote our most important flora for conservation purposes. I am specially interested in bulbs and perenial herbs like Erdoium, Aconitum,....

In the picture my wife Delphine and I collecting Narcissus seeds in Sierra de Malagón, Ávila, Spain.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: johnw on December 18, 2008, 12:57:51 AM
Coosheebooquack.... now that is a name to conjour with!

Maggi - Well done.

So, now try Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 09:25:00 AM
I would say musko-dobbo-it?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on December 18, 2008, 10:32:05 AM
Welcome to the forum  ;D ;D
I didn't realize you were an artistic painter.  Would it be much trouble to put pix of some of your work on the the Forum ???
I'm sure a lot of us would be interested.  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 18, 2008, 10:48:06 AM
John...... "beautiful water"........ 8) ;)      My  Mi'kmaq is good, but not that good!  ::)

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 18, 2008, 10:49:00 AM
Welcome to the forum  ;D ;D
I didn't realize you were an artistic painter.  Would it be much trouble to put pix of some of your work on the the Forum ???
I'm sure a lot of us would be interested.  ;)

Se Rafa's link, on his sig. box, Luc..... ..... this man has many talents.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 10:54:12 AM
A rare talent. Rafa is not the only painter on the Forum.

Here are some National Railways of Zimbabwe Garratts.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on December 18, 2008, 10:59:36 AM
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Maggi !
I hadn't noticed it before...  :-*
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on December 18, 2008, 11:02:46 AM
I was about to post a few more images from Skipton for you, Anthony and then spotted these wonderful pictures ...
Ah, what the heck ... it's Christmas ...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on December 18, 2008, 11:18:38 AM
Anthony do You know for how long these Garretts were in use?
My father-in-law was working in Beira, Mozambique at the time it was part of "Oversees Portugal" and Beira was the "port of Rhodesia". Now the city has lost a lot on the lack of traffic coming and going to Zimbabwe. We gave the father-in-law a "book of 100 trains of all time" or something similar and I think the Garretts where there and he mentioned that they in Mozambique also had Garretts.
A small world we are living in!?

All the best
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 11:53:18 AM
They are still in use Joakim. These are recent pics.

Cliff, those pics are really atmospheric. Not so many years ago the A4 "Union of South Africa" was used between Edinburgh and Perth for driver training. I was in Stirling railway station when the train was stopped on the north platform (2). I asked the driver (it was actually the owner John Cameron) to "give us a skid". He said "I couldn't possibly. I'm a professional". Well did he skid those wheels?! 8) John then leant out of the cab and gave me the thumbs up. Fantastic! ;D In the mid 60s I used to run up to the bridge over the railway at Stirling after my piano lesson in time to see 'Bittern' or 'Kingfisher' or another A4 (streamlined loco of the same class as 'Mallard', the world speed record holder for steam) leave with the 5 o'clock mail train.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 18, 2008, 12:01:21 PM
Got the Ian Allen books and the anorak Anthony? ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 12:09:21 PM
Just the anorak David. :-\
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 18, 2008, 12:19:40 PM
Do you remember the 1040 double header out of Huddersfield to Newcastle, it was always two 'namers'?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: johnw on December 18, 2008, 12:21:32 PM
John...... "beautiful water"........ 8) ;)      My  Mi'kmaq is good, but not that good!  ::)



More non-Nova Scotians stumble over that one than any other place name. The village even has a small train museum.

johnw - +1c / -13c tonight
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 12:43:25 PM
Welcome to the forum  ;D ;D
I didn't realize you were an artistic painter.  Would it be much trouble to put pix of some of your work on the the Forum ???
I'm sure a lot of us would be interested.  ;)

Se Rafa's link, on his sig. box, Luc..... ..... this man has many talents.

Must remember to check these as I quite fancy one of the Ophrys paintings for my study wall. The detail is stunning.

Hudds to Newcastle? That would normally be ex-LNER but I suspect Jubilees?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 18, 2008, 01:33:51 PM
Can't remember if they were Jubilees or not. Was 'Bihar and Orissa' a Jubilee class?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 03:02:41 PM
Yep, that's a Jubilee.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 18, 2008, 03:10:17 PM
Ah! makes me quite nostalgic. Thanks for that.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 03:35:09 PM
Who said nostalgia isn't what it used to be? :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 18, 2008, 03:55:22 PM
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: snowdropman on December 18, 2008, 05:27:38 PM
Here are some ... Garretts.
And here are some moving one's  ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 07:18:37 PM
That Garratt was fantastic, and no doubt built in Manchester!? Here's one skidding!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on December 18, 2008, 10:08:05 PM
There is a new kid on the block for all you steam train spotters. See
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 18, 2008, 11:19:59 PM
I saw that. I think it is marvellous, especially as the designer Peppercorn's widow was there to witness the inaugural run.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Gunilla on December 21, 2008, 10:10:03 PM
My name is Gunilla Malmström I'm 52 years old and live in the south of Sweden.  I have a special interest in bulbous plants and Hepatica but like to try all kinds of plants in my garden. 
I have been registered for some time and have spent a lot of time on the forum trying to absorb some of all the knowledge and experience shared by members here.
My enthusiasm is a lot bigger than my skill but I learn something here every day. 

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 21, 2008, 10:14:51 PM
From Gunilla: My enthusiasm is a lot bigger than my skill but I learn something here every day. 

Many of us can say the same, Gunilla !
Thank you for letting us know a little about you, we look forward to a long friendship  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: TC on December 22, 2008, 12:31:25 AM
I am not much of a train buff but Garratts were also built at the NB Engine works in Springburn, Glasgow and supplied to South Africa.  I can remember seeing them loaded onto ships at Finnieston Quay in about 1960 when I started work in the Customs Dept.  The joke was that the dockers were paid tonnage for loading the ship based on manual labour of carrying goods aboard.  They made a fortune watching the giant crane ship the engine aboard whilst they stood around !  The picture attached was taken in 1979 on the old Colne valley railway.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on December 22, 2008, 09:47:35 AM
Welcome to the forum, Gunilla.

Looking forward to your postings.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 22, 2008, 09:56:32 AM
Welcome to the Forum Gunilla.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: kap-horn on December 22, 2008, 10:26:46 AM
my name is Karin and I am 48 years old and live in Germany near Bonn.
Like Gunilla I have been registered for some time and have spent a lot of time on the forum reading and learning. I am waiting longingly for every new bulblog and wisley alpine log, especially at winter.
My special interest is for woodlandplants, focus on hellebores and cyclamen.

Merry christmas and a happy new year to all forumists, Karin
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on December 22, 2008, 10:31:01 AM
hello Karin and welcome. It's better to be late, one year and four months, than never to come in and say hello.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 22, 2008, 10:38:48 AM
Hello, Karin, good to hear from you.
 I know Ian and Paul will be delighted to hear that you enjoy their Bulb and Wisley Logs ....thank you for your kind words.

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on December 22, 2008, 10:44:01 AM
A very warm welcome to Gunilla and Karin !
The more the merrier !  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 22, 2008, 10:26:43 PM
Gosh two new members in amongst these old puffers. Welcome from me too Karin and Gunilla. :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 22, 2008, 10:32:26 PM
Anthony, I believe  Karin and Gunilla have introduced themselves to redress the balance of feminine elegance in the Forum   :D.... even though those engines are usually called "she" , they are pretty clumpy- even I was feeling svelte!  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: kap-horn on December 23, 2008, 09:39:00 AM
Thank you very much for the warm welcome between elegant and ageless steam engines  ;D

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 23, 2008, 10:01:24 AM
Welcome to Gunilla and Karin, from way down in Australia where it is most definitely summer.  Somewhat different from your winter.  ;)

Glad to have you both with us.  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Gunilla on December 23, 2008, 10:46:22 AM
Not much winter here I'm afraid, just dark, wet and windy.  It would be nice with some snow for Christmas but there is not much hope of that. 
Thank you for the warm welcome and I want to wish you all A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lvandelft on December 24, 2008, 04:21:27 PM
I have seen so many trains in this Topic. So I thought I could add another one here.
If you need some late Christmas shopping on the market, don't go to Bangkok! ;D (
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on December 28, 2008, 11:33:11 AM
Egads, I have spent 40 days on this forum...... that is rather scary when you think about it..... 40 x 24 hours......  :o :o :o :o

Maybe I should start a new introduction...... Hi, my name is Paul, and I'm an SRGC forum addict!!  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 28, 2008, 01:43:18 PM
Egads, I have spent 40 days on this forum...... that is rather scary when you think about it..... 40 x 24 hours......  :o :o :o :o

Maybe I should start a new introduction...... Hi, my name is Paul, and I'm an SRGC forum addict!!  8)

Or, given the number of mentions of trains lately... You're Paul, you are  ;D a Rocket.... I'm, Maggi, I'm a Rockette!!
What we need is a twelve step programme.... luckily that's just about how many it takes to get me to the nearest alpine house!!  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jo on January 01, 2009, 01:50:53 PM
Hi Maggi, 

I'm Jo Hynes and with my husband Tom and kids (19 & 21 ) have about an acre of garden in North Devon. ( Kids both at uni so don't count )

I am mostly a keen gardener, of everything, and open the garden for the NGS for snowdrops, Cyclamen etc in February and in summer for general flowery stuff.( For details,,  Cherubeer Gardens.)

 I am a provisional holder of an NCCPG national collection of Cyclamen ( not the florist ones ) and I've been a keen snowdrop fan since being given a few named ones in 1988 so this must be my 21st aniversary of Galanthophilia

Computing skills minimal

Jo :)

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 01, 2009, 01:56:14 PM
Hi, Jo, I'm very pleased to "meet" you! 
That's some busy gardening life you have there.... I bet you were relieved when the offspring went off to university... that must have freed up a couple of hours a day??!!

Your introduction has given me a pleasant picture of warm summer days with garden visitors in sunny Devon... just the tonic for a cold wet January day in Aberdeen.... thank you!

 To see the Cherubeer links ( SUCH a wonderful name!!) at the National Gardens Scheme site...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on January 01, 2009, 02:17:10 PM
Jo are you going to the Gala or CGS Snowdrop Group days?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jo on January 01, 2009, 06:48:12 PM
Yes Mark, I'm planning to go to both. Got my gala ticket already, saving pocket money up now.

I wish it was warm sunny Devon on a lovely evening,  :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 01, 2009, 08:42:51 PM
Egads, I have spent 40 days on this forum...... that is rather scary when you think about it..... 40 x 24 hours......  :o :o :o :o

Maybe I should start a new introduction...... Hi, my name is Paul, and I'm an SRGC forum addict!!  8)

How can you possibly have spent that long here, when I have only spent 18 days? ???
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 01, 2009, 08:56:12 PM
Egads, I have spent 40 days on this forum...... that is rather scary when you think about it..... 40 x 24 hours......  :o :o :o :o

Maybe I should start a new introduction...... Hi, my name is Paul, and I'm an SRGC forum addict!!  8)

How can you possibly have spent that long here, when I have only spent 18 days? ???

I think perhaps he logs on then falls asleep, Lesley..... ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Martin Baxendale on January 01, 2009, 09:57:37 PM
Yes Mark, I'm planning to go to both. Got my gala ticket already, saving pocket money up now.

Have the gala tickets started arriving in the post? Haven't had mine yet.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on January 01, 2009, 09:59:24 PM
I think I am in trouble, I only just found the place and already have 1 day, 14 hours and 17 minutes :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on January 01, 2009, 10:07:18 PM
I've been here 23 days 16 hours  ::)

Jo make sure you say hello to those of us who will be at the Gala
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jo on January 02, 2009, 05:47:35 PM
Will do Mark,

I suppose I'll need to recognise you all from the tiny little photos. Means dragging my eyes off the plants !

If I can find a respectable pic of me I'll put it on my profile  :-\
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on January 02, 2009, 06:04:03 PM
All the sellers should know me if you get a chance to ask
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jo on January 02, 2009, 06:31:46 PM
Will Do Mark,

sounds ominous when all the sellers know you, I hope its not cupboard love,   :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: art600 on January 02, 2009, 06:40:17 PM

He is like a little leprechaun - and could make all your wishes come true  ;) :) ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 02, 2009, 07:20:59 PM
Arthur, have you been on the port again.... leprechauns are little, magical creatures..........what are you thinking?


Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jo on January 02, 2009, 07:45:18 PM
Excellent Arthur,

at the moment I could do with a few dreams coming true,  I'll look out for a little leprechaun. ;D  Can they stop varmints eating my hellebore buds  ???
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on January 02, 2009, 11:02:05 PM
Next year's Gala will be my 7th or 9th. It will be easier to meet me at the CGS day
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on January 03, 2009, 12:06:48 AM
People really do know Mark.... a month or so ago I was talking to a Northern Irish couple who were visiting Australia.  They are actually in a garden club with Mark.  Talk about a small world!!  What are the odds of a couple visiting Australia happening to know one of the very few people I know from their country.

So.... it just goes to show that everyone DOES know mark.  ;D ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on January 09, 2009, 11:42:00 AM
Mark is a bit tall for a little leprechaun is he not?

Just to tell You how bad it is the counter stops counting time if You are not active on the forum during 15 minutes so it really is that amount of active time. But I would not tell Your partners that it is better to say it is when You forgot to log out that the number went up. ::)

All the best to the newcomers
Kind regards
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: sippa on January 13, 2009, 09:18:38 PM
My name is Marianne and I live in Vermont, USA, zone 4-5.  I am originally from Sweden so the climate suits me here.  I grow all sorts of things but am specially interested in primula, hepatica, androsace, arisaema and daphne.  I have also started a rockgarden and am trying out a variety of alpines.  Most of the plants I grow from seed, so I love seed exchanges.
I remember some of the people who post on the Forum, from the Czech rockgarden conference 2 years ago.

Marianne Kuchel
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on January 13, 2009, 09:39:19 PM
Welcome Marianne and Jo to this wonderful forum.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mark smyth on January 13, 2009, 09:51:39 PM
Paul I just thought who you might have met. Was it Liam and Joan McCaughy?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on January 14, 2009, 10:31:58 AM
Welcome Marianne ! You should enjoy it here - another fabulous Hepatica thread will soon get started I guess !!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: KentGardener on January 14, 2009, 05:06:08 PM
Hi Jo

it's not often I get over to this part of the forum - I spend my summer months growing 'hardy' exotics and winter months drooling over on the Galanthus bit.

Just wanted to say welcome to another Galanthophile (and I personally think you have chosen a GREAT photo for your avatar.  I look at your thoughtful happy smilling face in it and feel that I already know you.)

With kind regards

John x
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jo on January 14, 2009, 06:16:25 PM
Thanks John

I love all the Galanthus stuff, but now I've joined I might spend more time on all the other stuff during the rest of the year.

I think my son had to do some serious 'red eye' stuff on the pic  :D

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Knud Poulsen on January 17, 2009, 11:12:20 AM
I'm Knud Poulsen from Måløv, a sub-urban area of Copenhagen, Denmark.

My main interest is integrating alpine plants - bulbs mainly - in perennial borders. Alliums and Fritillarias are my main interest.

My Allium collection includes Allium alexejanum, A. nevskianum, A. trautvetterianum, A. protensum besides the "usual suspects" amongst the big globe ones.

In Fritillarias I'm mainly focusing on the large ones. My stock consists of 9 bulbs of F. Eduardii and 60 bulbs F. Raddeana. The latter includes 50 bulbs acquired November 2008 at a good discount (€ 155 for 50 bulbs).
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 17, 2009, 12:14:28 PM
Hello, Knud, a very warm welcome to you, both to the Forum and the SRGC. I hope you will find much to interest you in the forum. We look forward to hearing more of your gardening plans in times to come.
Good discount you got on those Frit. raddeana! Such a good strong  plant, you should soon have a great colony!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 17, 2009, 12:39:56 PM
Welcome from me too, being one of the usual suspects on the Forum. ;D I look forward to seeing some wonderful perennial borders. Crumbs, you write English like a native! 8) :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on January 17, 2009, 05:15:00 PM
Welcome in the Forum, Knud . I grow much bulbs plants and many Allium. Now I have the very minute Allium chamaemoly in bloom (ex Italy). All the best
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Michael J Campbell on January 17, 2009, 05:33:08 PM
Welcome to the forum Kund, you will get lots of information here.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on January 19, 2009, 10:13:05 AM
Welcome to the forum Knud.  Look forward to reading your posts, and learning more about integrating bulbs into borders, something I have a lot of difficulty in understanding.  Could you add your location to your sig when you get a moment, it really helps people understand where you are coming from when you write.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on January 19, 2009, 10:50:24 AM
Welcome in this happy little (???) community Knud !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Onion on January 19, 2009, 08:12:59 PM
Sorry but I introduced myself in a woody link about Viburnum.
My favorite bulbs are allium and the wild tulips. So here from Dominique that A. chamaemoly is in bloom, let my think to a friendly member of the SRGC in Germany that make a promise to me to get this species in April.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on January 19, 2009, 11:37:39 PM
Hi Uli
As you I like Allium, wild Tulipa. I like too Crocus, Narcissus, Colchicum etc.. If you don't obtain chamaemoly, I can send you it. It resists this cold year at -10°C in the rock garden  between stones in sandy soil, but I have a pot of security under lass. Idem for Acis autumnale;
Welcome on this forum
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Gerdk on January 20, 2009, 07:21:18 AM
Sorry but I introduced myself in a woody link about Viburnum.
My favorite bulbs are allium and the wild tulips. So here from Dominique that A. chamaemoly is in bloom, let my think to a friendly member of the SRGC in Germany that make a promise to me to get this species in April.

Please send me a PM for the 'onion'!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Robert G on January 20, 2009, 01:44:28 PM
Hello Everyone,

I introduced myself, like Uli, on a link about viburnum cuttings. I work at arboretum in Ottawa, Canada. I live in the country just outside the city. I have a great deal of interest in woody plants, woodland plants and Arisaemas. I must be honest and say that pretty much anything green that will grow here is of interest. I love finding plants new plants that will grow here and having success with ones that are not supposed to grow here. This is a great forum and I am looking forward to being part of it.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on January 20, 2009, 04:38:33 PM
A warm welcome to Knud, Uli and to Robert I'm sure you will find much to interest you here.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 20, 2009, 04:52:02 PM
I thought it might be appropriate to show here some links to the "Old" archived Forum, where messages of introduction were posted previously...... so that newcomers can "meet" some "old folks" !!
So, here we go....   ...........  ......... here our  "Buttercup "unveils  ( Cliff Booker)

and here, the "Style Icon" Dave Toole) ......  ...I see that it was on the 17th January 2005 that t00lie joined us - blast it, missed the chance of some cake there. :(

and here are some more.......    ...hope you all enjoy meeting us, whether for the first time, or to renew acquaintances!    ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Onion on January 20, 2009, 06:01:34 PM
Thank you all for the warmly welcome at this forum. As a guest I follow the bulb blog from Ian, the wisley blog for a long time. So it was time to get member of the forum and of the SRGC.

Dominique, you see me speechless. Be a member of the forum since Saturday and the second offer for plants. What a fantastic forum of plant crazy people.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 20, 2009, 08:51:14 PM
Goodness Maggi, those links are going back a bit. It's like meeting old friends all over again. Sad though that the occasional name no longer appears among the present posters. Maybe they lurk.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on January 20, 2009, 11:25:20 PM
...or perhaps they have fallen asleep in the forest?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 20, 2009, 11:38:48 PM
...or perhaps they have fallen asleep in the forest?
Surely not, Anthony, with all your jokes to keep 'em awake?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 18, 2009, 08:54:53 AM
Hello- my name is Simon- a one time member of the SRGC in Aberdeen. I moved back to England to teach, and two and a half years ago moved to Bulgaria to establish a plant nursery- so fulfilling a lifelong dream. Why Bulgaria? Well it was cheap- but then when you get here - wow- why not! A developing alpine garden with mountain views - paradise! We were lucky to find a house with a large plot of land on a south facing slope. The former paddock is now being landscaped into a nursery, alpine gardens, a woodland garden and wildflower meadows. We are also converting the barn, hopefully for holiday lets in the future. The last few years have involved lot of hard work, but this year we are determined to get out into the mountains and explore more - Flora Bulgarica has been teasing us with its list of endemics for far too long ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 18, 2009, 09:07:28 AM
Welcome and well done Simon. I would love to do the same but don't have the nerve. :(
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ian mcenery on February 18, 2009, 09:09:33 AM
Welcome Simon

I look forward to your posts as our correspondent in Bulgaria
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on February 18, 2009, 09:14:14 AM
Welcome Simon

I look forward to your posts as our correspondent in Bulgaria

Do we have a correspondent in Burkina Faso, yet?     Any SRGC members growing alpines in Ouagadougou?    :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 18, 2009, 09:25:15 AM
two and a half years ago moved to Bulgaria to establish a plant nursery- so fulfilling a lifelong dream. Why Bulgaria? A developing alpine garden with mountain views - paradise! We were lucky to find a house with a large plot of land on a south facing slope. The former paddock is now being landscaped into a nursery, alpine gardens, a woodland garden and wildflower meadows. We are also converting the barn, hopefully for holiday lets in the future;)

Welcome Simon - David & I visited Bulgaria twice a few years ago and really loved it... We've always planned on going back so let us know when you've got your steading converted and we'll book in an instant, alternatively we could come over and give you a hand in the nursery?  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 18, 2009, 11:14:05 AM
Thanks for all the welcomes! Give us another summer and the barn will be ready!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2009, 11:23:39 AM
Simon, great to have this update on your "life after Aberdeen" !! I  have a feeling that when you get the barn finished you will have no shortage of visitors  8)

It is a bold move for you and I wish you every success... and be sure that we want to hear ALL about the progress made with the nursery and barn.... 8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 18, 2009, 12:59:02 PM
Maggi thought this might be interesting to others.
Our house is set in over 4000 m2 of land. This was an overgrazed paddock with the remains of an orchard and a decently built barn. We had some interesting wild flowers in places. We had been thinking about offering the barn for summer lets- we just need to finish converting it! We are quite isolated here so it would be a great place for people who want to get away from it all and explore the woods, hills and mountains, which are in easy access of the house. We have a lot of landscaping work to finish, but the 1ton of plants we dragged across Europe in a trailer seem to be happy enough- well most of them. The bulbs did very well over the first summer and split fantastically. Unfortunately the voles found them last winter and had a feast on the Crocus. They also had a go at some Tulipa and Muscari and moved loads of other things around so much that we now have lots of labels that just say Muscari?, Narcissus?… So hopefully we will get to re-identify many to these soon. A plus side is that we now have one bed full of randomly planted Oxalis brasiliensis and O.obtusa as well as Ranunculus kochii and R.ficariiformis – which should be interesting when they flower! We hope to do more exploring this year in the mountains, with a view to being able to recommend good places to visit for wild flowers. We have had a list of good sites recommended to us, so we shall get up there in the summer when the snows have gone.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2009, 01:12:26 PM
Simon, this is so interesting to many of us, whether it is just envy of the scale of the lifestyle change the two of you have taken on to move to a new country to begin a new business, or to hear how you wage war against the voles   :o    Janis Ruksans in Latvia will sympathise with you.... he has more voles than he knows what to do with.... they burrow under the snow and chomp on his bulbs at will  >:(

Perhaps a new forum group of Vole Haters is on the cards? Make a change from the Galanthophiles, though there will be something of a crossover membership, I expect.

My own knowledge of Bulgaria is restricted to a love of the folk music and small glimpses of the country through some TV programmes which show the beauty of the countryside and the possiblility to develop property there..... I tell you many will have be seduced by that thought, but how FAB to actually get out there and DO it! 
Looking at  the photos I can see why you decided to take this plunge......the land looks so rich and fertile..... happy growing possiblities, indeed..... now then, who has a good anti-vole plan?????
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on February 18, 2009, 01:26:17 PM
Simon, you look like you have found your own little paradise.
Good luck with the nursery.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on February 18, 2009, 01:55:51 PM
Don't be cruel, Maggi ... let them go of their own volition!   ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2009, 02:34:55 PM
Don't be cruel, Maggi ... let them go of their own volition!   ;)

Janis is good to them... he's always giving them tasty snacks in his vole restaurants   ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 18, 2009, 02:46:05 PM
Simon, out of serious curiosity, where are you in Bulgaria? We spent time in the Pirin and the Rila Mountains when we visited, first time we'd ever seen folk mountaineering in bare feet!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 18, 2009, 02:48:54 PM
I was similarly curious, Carol.
Simon says ( where have I heard that before?) that they're in the Stara Planina Mts, and I found this....
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 18, 2009, 08:25:35 PM
well, i originally thought to read through the other introductions before posting my own, but after 2 full pages, and i see it goes to 40 or so, i guess that may be an ongoing project!

i've read articles from the SRGC site online for some time, and had a couple of mentions of this forum--Kristl Walek in Ottawa, etc..just a forum member, at this point;

as mentioned today in a thread on feeding birds, i am in west central alberta, canada--
for those who know anything about this canadian province second to the west, after british columbia,  i am midway between the two large cities of edmonton and calgary, then straight west;i am in the area where boreal forest (north and west) meets aspen parkland (east and south), and this an area of mixed farming and petroleum extraction, forest growth is very vigorous--my weeds include aspen and spruce;
 half an hour driving will put me in the foothills biome, but an hour to reach the real hills, 90mins will put me in the rockies; hope to share some photos with you all from field trips there and to the drylands (cacti etc) of southern alberta..

this is where i grew up, but just moved back summer of 2007 after 25 years living in the hearts of several large cities, most recently toronto, where i grew(and still do) lots of indoor plants, esp cacti and succulents (and branching into other tiny odd south africans, bulbs etc) but had little to no outdoor growing space;

now i am back at my mother's place, around 6 acres, much of it forested, slowly working on carving out some sunny spots and coaxing the tree roots to surrender some beds for veggies, herbs, rock gardens, native woodland (lots here already, a matter of enhancing and concentrating) and bog/marsh plantings etc;

we can have bitterly cold but fairly sunny and dry winters (min low -45C, but rarely seen, usually a few days at least with nights near -40C), usually fairly good snow cover, but it is variable; summer can reach 30C and above, but the frost free season is short(usu june to mid-late august), and nights usually still cool, even in i think i should be in good shape for lots of alpines! so far i have just a few natives, and  a couple of sempervivum, which do well here; very interested in native alpines from alberta and neighbouring areas, but i am no purist, and will want some great europeans to make my semps feel at home! and central/asians to go with things like rosularia and orostachys i hope to try....

the photo is at Abraham Lake, at the edge of the rocky mountains, in early feb this year; nearly blew away!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 19, 2009, 01:48:52 AM
i've only got through 4 full pages of the intros, so i am not sure if anyone else has posted this list of special alt characters-- remember, as mentioned earlier to use the numeric keypad to the right of regular keyboards:
the other method mentioned--you have to have microsoft word and have an open document to use that, right?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on February 19, 2009, 08:09:02 AM
Welcome to the merry world of this grand Forum Cohan - I'm sure you'll have lots of fun and we all look forward to your pictures of great Canadian scenery and blooms !  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 19, 2009, 08:25:13 AM
I was similarly curious, Carol.
Simon says ( where have I heard that before?) that they're in the Stara Planina Mts, and I found this....

Thanks Maggi, that is an area of Bulgaria we haven't visited but would love to.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 19, 2009, 06:22:28 PM
thanks, luc..i still have to figure out where such pictures should be posted...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 19, 2009, 06:48:30 PM
thanks, luc..i still have to figure out where such pictures should be posted...

Oh, let's see.... a new page in  Flowers and Foliage Now , or in General Forum ....... choice is yours,  by and large!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Carol Shaw on February 19, 2009, 09:06:09 PM
Oh, and as new members will discover we go off at tangents all over the place  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 19, 2009, 09:10:16 PM
Oh, and as new members will discover we go off at tangents all over the place  ;)
Yes, I like Tangiers....... and tangerines.... ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on February 19, 2009, 11:16:05 PM
...and tanagers. ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 20, 2009, 07:41:33 AM
good to see a group that doesnt mind some tangents ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 20, 2009, 12:04:02 PM
...and tanagers. ;D

I haven't got any children, Anthony, so I'm not that keen on tanagers   ..... I do like birds though  ;D

good to see a group that doesnt mind some tangents

Cohan, life is full of tangents, why should this place be any different?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 20, 2009, 06:41:39 PM
i totally agree maggi! i run a yahoo group on cacti and succulents where you will find occasional threads on weather, wildlife, spiders, pets etc! while there are groups that are all business, and thats ok--esp for very focussed--family or genera specific groups--for a more general group, i think one of the functions is social, and its much nicer to talk about the plants we all love with friends, and you cant really make friends if the talk is all business!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 20, 2009, 06:54:01 PM
i totally agree maggi! i run a yahoo group on cacti and succulents where you will find occasional threads on weather, wildlife, spiders, pets etc! while there are groups that are all business, and thats ok--esp for very focussed--family or genera specific groups--for a more general group, i think one of the functions is social, and its much nicer to talk about the plants we all love with friends, and you cant really make friends if the talk is all business!

 Thanks for putting that so well, Cohan.   8)

A little while ago, I would have been surprised at someone in the middle of Canada with a cactus passion..... but now that I have seen Kristl's cactus growing outside and doing so well, I realise that I was being somewhat narrow minded.
Pretty stupid of me to have doubts anyhow, since I know so many folks in the UK who have large cactus collections... all under glass. ::)  Funny how we get these daft notions in our heads, isn't it?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 20, 2009, 07:31:05 PM

I was similarly curious, Carol.
Simon says ( where have I heard that before?) that they're in the Stara Planina Mts, and I found this....
Sorry to take so long to reply to this theme. The Stara Planina is thename for the mountains that form the backbone of Bulgaria stretching from almost as far as Sofia in the west across in to the east where they lose height and become a series of hills as they reach the Black Sea. We are lucky to be located almost smack bang in the middle of these mountains 60km from the historic city of Veliko Tarnovo, and 16km from the picturesque town of Elena. The nearest mountain, Chumerna, is around 1500m above sea level- and easily visible while sitting on the throne ;)
The foothills leading up into the mountains are all well wooded and several valleys radiate from the slopes of Chumerna. The woods are managed for timber but have an amazing amazing diversity of woodland plants especially bulbs. in a few weeks we re hoping to be able to recommence our walks across the valley here looking for interesting colour forms of Corydalis and Erythronium dens-canis,as well as large flowered forms of Anemone ranunculoides, we will post pictures soon.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Hans J on February 20, 2009, 07:42:35 PM
Thanks for putting that so well, Cohan.   8)
A little while ago, I would have been surprised at someone in the middle of Canada with a cactus passion..... but now that I have seen Kristl's cactus growing outside and doing so well, I realise that I was being somewhat narrow minded.
Pretty stupid of me to have doubts anyhow, since I know so many folks in the UK who have large cactus collections... all under glass. ::)  Funny how we get these daft notions in our heads, isn't it?

Maggi :

It is not so simply as you believe with Cacti growing in winter ( outside) - there are more than 3000 genus ...and they comes from North America - to south Chile .
Some must have warm in winter ( 15° ) -some must have totaly dry from September until April - the most can not have frost .
It is always depending which Cacti you grow and from where it came !!!
The biggest problem for Cacti are the wet- not the cold .

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 21, 2009, 06:16:14 PM
it sounds like a beautiful area--looking forward to pictures; any sempervivum in your area? i know there are some in bulgaria, but not sure about the areas..

  We are lucky to be located almost smack bang in the middle of these mountains 60km from the historic city of Veliko Tarnovo, and 16km from the picturesque town of Elena. The nearest mountain, Chumerna, is around 1500m above sea level- and easily visible while sitting on the throne ;)
..... we will post pictures soon.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 21, 2009, 06:29:56 PM
A little while ago, I would have been surprised at someone in the middle of Canada with a cactus passion..... but now that I have seen Kristl's cactus growing outside and doing so well, I realise that I was being somewhat narrow minded.
Pretty stupid of me to have doubts anyhow, since I know so many folks in the UK who have large cactus collections... all under glass. ::)  Funny how we get these daft notions in our heads, isn't it?

yes, facts can mess up our cherished ideas, cant they? ;) most of my cacti are more or less tender--as hans mentioned, they have a wide range of tolerances, and i do have many that could stand some/quite a bit of frost, but not as much as i get! i'm hoping someday to have a greenhouse, maybe a couple or different sections, to accomodate plants that can take from just barely freezing to something like zone 5; not just cacti, but south african bulbs and other things; for now, they are all in my house year round;
there are 3 species of cacti native to alberta, including the most northerly cactus in the world, Opuntia fragilis (a tiny 'prickly pear' pad type cactus)  a widely distributed species,which grows across a wide swathe of western canada, and widely in the u.s. up into the peace river area of alberta--far to the north of me!
there are a number of other species in at least 3-4 genera that i should be able to grow outdoors, just starting on that! my winters are a bit colder than kristl's, and a lot colder than places like toronto (we wont even mention vancouver) but my one advantage is a drier winter--wet and cold are two very different seasons here..
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 21, 2009, 09:45:35 PM
it sounds like a beautiful area--looking forward to pictures; any sempervivum in your area? i know there are some in bulgaria, but not sure about the areas.

I'll be sure to look out for them- i know there are some Bulgarian endemics, but as yet i am not sure where they are.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 21, 2009, 10:50:37 PM
sinchets--is it simon?  there is a semp forum that has a list of habitats for sempervivum in various cuountries, if interested i could check there for you and give you some places to look in bulgaria..
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Kristl Walek on February 21, 2009, 11:16:22 PM
Hello Cohan,
I had a feeling we might finally meet here too. Welcome to this wonderful group, where I have always felt welcome and cherished (a rare and wonderful thing) and I know you will too.

Look forward to your thoughts and comments,


Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 22, 2009, 12:29:07 AM
thanks, kristl,
i finally got around to
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 22, 2009, 08:11:17 AM
sinchets--is it simon?  there is a semp forum that has a list of habitats for sempervivum in various cuountries, if interested i could check there for you and give you some places to look in bulgaria..
Hi Cohan yes of course you can do this and we will be happy to look out or any sempervivum, when we are on our travels.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on February 22, 2009, 03:49:35 PM


 Sam?   Sam???????
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 22, 2009, 04:01:29 PM
In a land where your name sounds like someone clearing their throat you learn to improvise- sorry!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 22, 2009, 07:27:21 PM
In a land where your name sounds like someone clearing their throat you learn to improvise- sorry!

;) i say, if your name can be written on the keyboard, stick with it the way it is :) if we ever meet in person, you can give a lesson on how to pronounce it, throat clearing and all!

meanwhile, i started to go through the habitat locations list at semp forum, and i will send the list to you when i get all of it--i realised the habitats are listed alphabetically, not by country, so i have to go through the whole alphabet to find references to bulgaria!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on February 22, 2009, 07:39:08 PM
Welcome on the Forum Simon
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 23, 2009, 09:48:01 AM
Okay Cohan it will be interesting to have a list of places to work through. We have a Flora Bulgarica here on CDRom but it isn't very specific about where to find things just by large areas and the plants could be anywhere within these areas!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 23, 2009, 07:15:55 PM
Okay Cohan it will be interesting to have a list of places to work through. We have a Flora Bulgarica here on CDRom but it isn't very specific about where to find things just by large areas and the plants could be anywhere within these areas!

i have sent you the first part of the list--up to R--likely most of it will not be helpful--too general again, or wrong! but maybe we will be lucky with one or two...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 23, 2009, 09:22:48 PM
Thanks Cohan- i recognise some of the place names as misspellings and mistransliterations of Bulgarian place names.
Ali Botusch is Alibotush or Slavjanka on the bulgarian/ greek border.  Pancerevo is Pancherevo. The Pirin and Rila mountains- we will be visiting anyway this summer. Anthoborio, Bakovo and  Latsch(Albula-tal) will take more work- but with the snow we have outside just now i am glad to do the research. The biggest surprise was Aitos as a habitat of S. ruthenicum- it is an interesting area i have been through many times, and i can only guess that the sempervivum would be hiding up in the broken hills that form an end to what is mainly agricultural land.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 24, 2009, 06:52:02 PM

i'm glad there were some potentially useful names there :)
it seems in old days, not all of the collectors were really careful or precise about locations, spelling, local languages etc--so you might get something too vague like 'mountains of bulgaria' or a word that ends up being a local word for 'hill' or a village name that occurs repeatedly; then there's funny stuff, like a hungarian name for a place in slovakia!
i will send you anymore i find (after R) when i get through them..

if you find any populations in habitat, i'm sure the semp forum people would love to hear from you as well!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 24, 2009, 07:11:17 PM
Well i found Bakovo today- it is NW of Sofia so should be easy to visit. Anthoborio and Latsch (Albula-tal) really do have me stumped neither sounds bulgarian. The only hits i get online are for Latsch and Albulatal in Switzerland. (

So maybe a mistake has been made on that location. I look forward to your next list- we still have lots of snow outside here!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on February 25, 2009, 07:47:18 AM
Well i found Bakovo today- it is NW of Sofia so should be easy to visit. Anthoborio and Latsch (Albula-tal) really do have me stumped neither sounds bulgarian. The only hits i get online are for Latsch and Albulatal in Switzerland. (

So maybe a mistake has been made on that location. I look forward to your next list- we still have lots of snow outside here!

its quite possible--i threw in a couple names that didnt list a country, and where i was unsure of the now seeing 'tal' i should have known--i think that is german for valley?
lots of snow here too! still plenty on the ground, and  around another 10cm this morning, and probably more overnight and tomorrow...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sinchets on February 25, 2009, 08:14:24 AM

lots of snow here too! still plenty on the ground, and  around another 10cm this morning, and probably more overnight and tomorrow...
I understand exactly how you feel- more snow here today ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ray on March 27, 2009, 10:15:51 AM
Hi I am Ray from the state of Victoria in Australia.I see there are a few Aussies in this forum never met any of them but know a couple by name.Have a interest in any bulbs but leaning towards Liliums at the moment.Have spent a few hours going around the forum to see how it works and what people were saying.When you see the amount of knowledge on this forum it's a bit daunting to a ordinary gardener,but any way i shall be asking plenty of ? and for ID's.
bye Ray
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on March 27, 2009, 10:24:37 AM
Welcome Ray, we all use the forum as a great resource (not quite the sum of all human knowledge, but comes close!). And there's no such thing as an ordinary gardener, so don't be daunted.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on March 27, 2009, 10:45:06 AM
Hi I am Ray from the state of Victoria in Australia.

Hi Ray, welcome to the forum.
I'm an Aussie living in Canada, well am really a Cozzie now  :)
This forum is a treasure trove of people, information and advice, not to mention gorgeous pics of plants you will fall in love with. ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on March 27, 2009, 11:57:04 AM
Hello, Ray, great to have you join us. In our household a man who likes Liliums is always a good guy so you are MOST welcome!!  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: JohnnyD on March 27, 2009, 12:25:57 PM
Welcome Ray.
I agree with Anne - there is no such thing as an ordinary gardener.
Prove this by trying to find two who are exactly the same!
It is the infinite variety which fascinates - and the willingness of every member to share their knowledge.
I love it.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on March 27, 2009, 01:09:40 PM
Welcome Ray !
I'm sure you will enjoy the Forum !  :D
Good that you join the Southern Hemisphere gang - they're outnumbered right now !  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on March 27, 2009, 02:28:43 PM
Welcome Ray, good to have somone else from the 'upside down world' joining us.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on March 27, 2009, 05:45:18 PM
hi and welcome, ray,
i'm a newcomer here, too, from faaaar to the north of you ;) and in most ways, a newcomer to alpines; there are always lots of questions to ask, and lots of good folk here to answer!
one of the fun things about this forum is the wide spread of the membership, so we get to see whats growing in all sorts of places
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 27, 2009, 06:40:49 PM
Welcome Ray... jump right in and enjoy yourself... you'll soon discover which of us has bats in their belfry! As Johnny said there is no such thing as an ordinary gardener but there are a heck of a lot of extraordinary ones here  ;D 8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ian mcenery on March 27, 2009, 07:03:57 PM
Hi I am Ray from the state of Victoria in Australia.I see there are a few Aussies in this forum never met any of them but know a couple by name.Have a interest in any bulbs but leaning towards Liliums at the moment.Have spent a few hours going around the forum to see how it works and what people were saying.When you see the amount of knowledge on this forum it's a bit daunting to a ordinary gardener,but any way i shall be asking plenty of ? and for ID's.
bye Ray

Welcome Ray, we all use the forum as a great resource (not quite the sum of all human knowledge, but comes close!). And there's no such thing as an ordinary gardener, so don't be daunted.

Welcome to this great forum Ray I think the best part is the sharing of our gardens and knowledge. 2 plus 2 here definitely makes 5
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on March 27, 2009, 08:02:12 PM
Welcome Ray!! (from one of the other Aussies)  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: arillady on March 28, 2009, 06:34:05 AM
Welcome Ray. Australia is large - want to pinpoint where you are living and gardening?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ray on March 28, 2009, 09:25:29 AM
Hi All and thanks for the welcome.
Hi Maggiepie,with a user name like that their would have to be a Aussie connection,hope it's not a connection to a certain footy team,if it is we are enemies :)
Hi arillady,Colac Victoria and i will attend to my profile.
Hi luc, may be outnumbered but the quality is there :)
bye Ray
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Carol Shaw on March 28, 2009, 02:56:59 PM
Ray - did you know you can use the signature box to tell us all where you live? Makes it easier with an international community  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 29, 2009, 10:49:48 PM
Hi Ray, I think the Aussies outnumber the Kiwis now on the Forum and we have only a couple of South Africans and just one, I think, from Argentina. But hey, that's OK. All the best rugby teams in the world  ;D are represented here.  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Shaw on March 29, 2009, 11:13:19 PM
Do we have any Fijians, Lesley?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on March 30, 2009, 12:07:07 AM
A below the belt comment David, though it was the Kenyans who did for us in the 7s. Seriously though, and I may be quite wrong here, while NZ Maoris do grow vegetable crops for the kitchen, I don't know of a single Maori who grows ornamentals for their own sake. When I had a quite decent mail order list - about 800 recipients many of whom I knew - there was only one Maori name on it and she was the wife of a quarter blooded Maori. So far as Fiji and other islanders are concerned, I supposed when you are surrounded by orchids, hibiscus and many other gorgeous tropical plants, there's not much need to be a gardener.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ray on March 30, 2009, 07:02:05 AM
Hi Carol,done that and it works :) bye Ray
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: fermi de Sousa on March 30, 2009, 08:58:19 AM
Hi Ray,
if you get up to the Dandenongs or North of Mt Macedon we should plan to catch up.
Our AGS Vic Group meets in Olinda on the 2nd Saturday of each month, bu not April due to the Holiday Weekend.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Giles on April 05, 2009, 10:04:08 AM
I hope this doesn't seem too much of an ego-trip, but people sometimes ask me how I grow my plants, and I thought some photos might help.
My main interest used to be this sort of thing:
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Giles on April 05, 2009, 10:06:10 AM
I moved here about 10 yrs ago.
Gardening here is tough. I get full sun all day, and am fully exposed to the wind.
I can kill a primula here in 2 hours in the Summer.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Giles on April 05, 2009, 10:09:26 AM
My garden is undergoing some changes:
My asiatic primulas live in a side alley. I've cleared the rest of the garden over the past few years.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Giles on April 05, 2009, 10:11:31 AM
I like sowing seeds, growing primulas and daphnes.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Giles on April 05, 2009, 10:15:07 AM
My next big thing is to build a bog garden.
I've got all the ingredients now, peat blocks, sand, grit and compost  - so watch this space......

Special thanks to all those who have sent me articles, catalogues, seeds and plants over the past year.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on April 05, 2009, 11:05:26 AM
Nice tour Giles.  So much space!!!!!  :o
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: maggiepie on April 05, 2009, 11:58:37 AM
Giles, I have never seen sweet peas with such long stems, I can almost smell them from here.
You live in a beautiful area, I hope you will post step by step pics of your bog garden when you start.
The daphnes are beautiful, I can only imagine what it smells like when you walk into your greenhouse  :)
Do you have another pic of the garden with the roses and the stone fence?
I'd like to see all of it.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on April 05, 2009, 01:29:33 PM
Nice set up Giles keep the pics of your bog garden development coming.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on April 05, 2009, 02:25:48 PM
Giles, those early days with the cut flower displays are fantastic, but how good that you have "seen the light at the end of the alpine house", and followed it!  There lies a life of more flowers and more colour for more of the year, for sure.   All you need now that all the materials are there for the bog garden is a strong back and industrial quantities of linament to get you through the work ::)  Really looking forwrd to seeing how it goes.  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on April 05, 2009, 09:27:16 PM
Welcome Giles !  ;D ;D
Hope to see lots more from you soon..  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on April 06, 2009, 01:25:19 AM
All that lovely empty space just waiting for PLANTS! ;D Definitely work in progress. I too look forward to further episodes of this saga. I do envy you your beautiful stone walls.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on April 06, 2009, 03:25:28 AM
giles,i agree with others--nice space, great stone walls! and i envy you all day sun, here on the forest verge where my concerns are trying to find bits of full
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Tony Willis on April 06, 2009, 05:22:02 PM
Giles what wonderful sweet peas,I envy you the skill to grow those so well.

Nice to see your ideas on developing the garden
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: tonyg on April 06, 2009, 06:03:00 PM
Giles, like TW I admire the sweet peas.  My gardening started with sweet peas and other hardy annuals when I was very young.  I still grow them now :)  When you've got time you could pop over to Norfolk and give my garden that kind of makeover - it needs it ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Giles on April 07, 2009, 10:01:18 AM
I grew about 1,000 cordons (you had to, if you wanted a reasonable chance of cutting 50-60 good stems on show day).
Getting up at 5am each day, to spend 2-3 hrs with the plants before going to work, then another 2-3 hrs in the evening when you got back.
Cutting the flowers the day before the show, arriving at the the hall about 10pm, setting up the vases overnight, for judging at 8am the following morning.
A rain storm, the week of the show, and your whole years work is down the pan.
This alpine lark is a breeze by comparison!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on April 07, 2009, 11:25:35 AM
So are you planning to grow 1000 cassiopes now, Giles?   ;)

Welcome to the forum!  I must have missed you at Chesterfield - we were probably in the pub - I was the one staggering about with my camera upside down and the lens cap still on!   ;D ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on April 07, 2009, 12:32:42 PM
All these welcomes make it sound like Giles is new to the forum..... he's posted more than 400 times!!  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on April 07, 2009, 12:38:13 PM
All these welcomes make it sound like Giles is new to the forum..... he's posted more than 400 times!!  :D

... Welcome to you as well, Paul!   ;D ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on April 07, 2009, 12:49:14 PM
Why Thank You Cliff!!  Nice to meet you.  :P

 :-* :-*
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Diane Clement on April 07, 2009, 01:23:45 PM
This alpine lark is a breeze by comparison! 

So we look forward to seeing your plants on the show bench Giles   ;D  ;D

I have heard it said that you typically need 1000 plants in pots to stand a chance in a 6 pan class - it's to do with the odds of having 6 perfect plants on any one single day. 
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on April 07, 2009, 01:52:07 PM
Nice to put a plant on the show benches if you have one suitable, of course, and where wouldthe shows be without the hardy souls who grow, primp, pack, drive, stage and exhibit ....... but there are folks who don't have that urge and, so long as they take their cameras to the shows and share.... that's fine by me! ;D ;D   Anyone of that persuasion free to cover the Aberdeen show???????
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Arykana on August 04, 2009, 01:23:40 PM
Hello everybody, I am Erika from Hungary
I found this site very interesting, but need time  "to gnaw myself through+ the topics.
Please forgive me if I am not use the suitable expressions, because my English is poor. I hope my garden and my Englis will improove:-))
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on August 04, 2009, 01:31:02 PM
A very warm welcome to you Erika.  Please do not worry about your English ... it is FAR better than our Hungarian.  :D
We hope you enjoy our forum and the many interesting subjects that it contains.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 04, 2009, 01:39:10 PM
Hello, Erika, how nice to have you join us here.  8)

 There are a great many people here who have English as a second or even third language, so please do not worry.... I am sure we will understand you, or, if not, we can ask questions .... that way we will all learn more! :D

 We have some other members from Hungary also, so you will have help from them, I am sure.  :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Brian Ellis on August 04, 2009, 02:27:16 PM
Hello Erika, you are most welcome, a quick look at the recipes on your website makes me know you will fit in.   8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Arykana on August 04, 2009, 07:00:20 PM
Thank you for the warm words.
ranunculus as boglárka: maybe your Hungarian will improve too ;D
Brian, you are always welcome at my table :-*
I already have common "love"  with Maggi  :D
So, thanks again
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Armin on August 05, 2009, 10:14:52 PM
a warm welcome. Just screened your webpages...
It looks you like Rose flowers and Cake - a wunderful combination! - forumists all over the world love cakes from Hungary!!!  ;D ;D ;D
What kind of cake is your favourite?

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on August 05, 2009, 11:01:38 PM
Hello everybody, I am Erika from Hungary
I found this site very interesting, but need time  "to gnaw myself through+ the topics.
Please forgive me if I am not use the suitable expressions, because my English is poor. I hope my garden and my Englis will improove:-))

hello and welcome from canada ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Arykana on August 06, 2009, 07:45:16 AM
Thank you!!
I love all tipe of cake :-*, mostly I made on my way, not from recipe ::)
I just translated some and put up in my site  /I forget to save, please forgive me ???/ , I do it again
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Brian Ellis on August 06, 2009, 08:50:47 AM
I just translated some and put up in my site

Thanks Erika, that makes it easier for us ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on August 06, 2009, 11:37:09 AM
Erika, that is excellent, thank you!
 I have made a post about these recipes in our Cooks' Corner page :
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on August 06, 2009, 03:07:25 PM
A warm welcome from Belgium too Erika !!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Tecophilaea King on September 04, 2009, 11:44:45 AM
Hi,  I am Bill Dijk from Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.
Some of the SRGC members already know me from the PBS or Daffnet.
I was born in Holland, were I acquired most of my horticultural education, but 45 years ago, we emigrated to green, clean, and yet unspoiled, beautiful New Zealand.
We (husband and wife) manage and operate a small mail-order nursery (mainly bulbs), both hardy and tender, which originally started of as a hobby.
I am now semi-retired (whatever that means) but I seem to work harder than before retirement. No rest for the wicked they say.
My main interest are in rare and unusual bulbs and plants, although I will grow and enjoy almost anything that offers a challenge and produces beautiful plants.
My favourite geophytes are Tecophilaea (in full glorious flower at the moment) miniature Narcissi species and varieties, Cyrtanthus, Lachenalia, Romulea, Lapeirousia, Fritillaria, Hipeastrum, Brunsvigia, Oxalis, Leucocoryne, Rhodophiala, Tropaeolum, Trillium, Gladioli, Moraea, Ariseama, etc. jus to mention a few.
Anyway, I am now a fully paid up SRGC member and l look forward to participating, and meeting other knowledgeable like minded people.
This forum appeals to me for its friendly, no nonsense, interactive approach, experience and expertise on display, with beautiful digital pictures to match, on the best website around.
Great to be amongst people with the same shared passion.
Bill Dijk
Tauranga, New Zealand :annual rainfall :1250 mm.
Sunshine hours, mean annual  :  2350 hours.
Temp.mean max.Summer : 25°C.   Winter:15°C.
Temp.mean min. Summer :14.5°C. Winter: 5°C.
Wet mild Winters with occasional light frost.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on September 04, 2009, 11:49:09 AM
Greetings, Bill!
It's really great to have you join us.... as you say... many of us do know of you and we will look forward to sharing your expertise.  There are MANY bulboholics around here!  ;D

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Tecophilaea King on September 04, 2009, 12:00:28 PM
Hi again,
Can anyone tell me please how to get my ugly face  ;D profile photo inside the message.
That was a quick response Maggi, thanks for the welcome
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ragged Robin on September 04, 2009, 12:09:02 PM
Welcome Bill, you sound as if you are growing many tantalizing plants and bulbs and I can't wait to see more of your collection from your nusery in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty (good name  :)).
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on September 04, 2009, 12:46:11 PM
I'll send you a personal message with mug upload instructions, Bill !  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on September 04, 2009, 01:30:23 PM
Welcome to the Forum Bill !
(That may once have been Willem ??  ;) )
Don't hesitate to post some of these marvelous Tecophilaea in full bloom !!  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on September 04, 2009, 02:00:38 PM
Another warm welcome, Bill ... you already appreciate most of the attributes of this wonderful forum!  It's only fair to warn you just how addictive it can become!    :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on September 04, 2009, 02:08:18 PM

Great to have another member in the southern hemisphere as we always get the most interesting reports from there. One of my great enjoyments of the site is that members show me things I would never otherwise get to see, a great thrill for me and a great enjoyment.

From your introduction, I think you will have lots of interest to members here. Looking forward to your postings.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on September 04, 2009, 02:12:17 PM
Wellcom to you Bill. You have chosen the best forum
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Calvin Becker on September 04, 2009, 03:43:48 PM
Welcome Bill!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lvandelft on September 04, 2009, 04:03:30 PM
This forum appeals to me for its friendly, no nonsense, interactive approach, experience and expertise on display, with beautiful digital pictures to match, on the best website around.

Welcome Bill from Holland!
I think you are in the right Forum here  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on September 04, 2009, 07:23:43 PM
A warm welcome Bill, good to have you here.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on September 07, 2009, 02:51:21 AM

This forum appeals to me for its friendly, no nonsense,  

You're wrong there Bill. Half of what we all write here is utter nonsense. ;D

(It's all right folks, I know Bill quite well. :))
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on September 07, 2009, 04:58:38 AM
just made my way over to this thread, which answered my question to bill in the southern hemisphere thread--i was wondering if all those tecos were for a commercial nursery --hi and welcome ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jean-Patrick AGIER on September 11, 2009, 11:15:31 PM
Hi everybody
I think it's time for me to introduce myself. I've just come upon this topic but there's so many things to browse through in this incredible forum...
I'm 53 and live in LYON in the centre-east of FRANCE ( zone 7 ). We are going to have here quite mild winters but hotter summer seasons ( an average 30° since June this year ). But some say it's going to be our lot for the future!
I'm devoted to TROPAEOLUM these wonderful and difficult plants I fell in love with many years ago. I'm on the way to building a big collection with the aim of asking for its registration as the national french collection. Utopia? Well...let's wait & see
I really love many plants ( lilium, leucocoryne, lapageria, delosperma, snapdragons,... ) but have limited space to put them. I'd like to buy & try so many species...
I'm learning a LOT from you all
Kind regards
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ragged Robin on September 12, 2009, 09:19:56 AM
Hi Jean-Patrick, you already are very welcome on this forum with your interesting and informative posts  :) It's good to find out more about Forum passions for plants and even though we have plants we love there is always room for new ones..... through Members' posts I have been enlightened as to the beauty of so many Trops and am now converted! I look forward to seeing more of your collection   8) 
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jean-Patrick AGIER on September 16, 2009, 09:57:11 PM
Thank you Ragged Robin,
Perhaps one more from my "collection". Her's my "head gardener" CAPUCINE ( Nasturtium ) keeping the Tropaeolum pots.
Don't you think I'm addicted?...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on September 16, 2009, 10:04:05 PM
My goodness, Capucine has eyes which match the pots... or is it the other way around?  ::)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ragged Robin on September 16, 2009, 11:44:33 PM
With eyes like that I imagine your "head gardener" CAPUCINE is good at staring out cat burglars  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on September 16, 2009, 11:50:33 PM
Thank you Ragged Robin,
Perhaps one more from my "collection". Her's my "head gardener" CAPUCINE ( Nasturtium ) keeping the Tropaeolum pots.
Don't you think I'm addicted?...

well, if your cat has agreed to dirty his paws on human work, i applaud you: i am happy if mine don't cause (much) damage..of course their pest control work is very important!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jean-Patrick AGIER on September 17, 2009, 10:45:28 PM
My goodness, Capucine has eyes which match the pots... or is it the other way around?  ::)
Well... let's try with, say, a green pot and see what happens...
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Bulbophilos on September 29, 2009, 07:16:28 PM
Hello everybody! :)

My name is Marcondes de Resende. I live in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in a tropical climate temperated by altitude (1100m high): Annual average temp: 21ºC. Warmest average temp: 22.9ºC (January). Coolest average temp: 16ºC (July) . Our summers are wet and the winters are quite dry.

There are two main vegetations in my area: above 1000m we find the rocky fields, wherein is possibel to find many geophytes, orchids, bromeliads, cacti, carnivorous plants, grasses and also many schrubs like Tibouchina spp. Below the rocky fields there are a semi-deciduous dry forrest that include species like Tabebuia vellosoi (Ipê-amarelo) , Tabebuia impetiginosa (Ipê-roxo) , Dalbergia nigra (Brazilian rosewood ) and Hymenaea courbaril (Brazilian Cherry).

My main interest is bulbous plants. I grow Hippeastrum, Habranthus, Zephyranthes, Griffinia, Worsleya, Crinum, Clivia, Gladiolus, Aristea, Brunsvigia, Ammocharis, Lilium and many others.

Although living in a tropical climate, I would love to grow mediterranean bulbs like Narcissus, Tulipa, Iris, Hyacinthus, Muscari, etc. The main difficulty is the lack of cold of our warm winters. I am already trying some species and think that I could have success with them.

I found SRGC Forum while looking for information about mediterranean bulbs and I was impressed with the knowledge and the skill of the forumists here. Since them I was a guest in the Forum but now I decided to become a member.

Cheers to you all!

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ragged Robin on September 29, 2009, 07:25:08 PM
Welcome Marcondes, your introduction is very informative and you come from a wonderful part of the world, I hope to see some of the plants you are growing soon  :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on September 29, 2009, 08:22:58 PM
Hello Marcondes,

You are very welcome to the forum. It is a special delight to have someone from far away join the forum as it will mean we will see some very interesting plants which do not grow in our part of the world.

It is funny that you wish to grow the bulbs which we would regard as common in our gardens and we would love to be able to grow those you have in your garden. Gardeners are a funny lot.

Looking forward to seeing many contributions from you on the forum.

Best wishes, Paddy
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on September 29, 2009, 08:50:32 PM
Welcome Marcondes !  :D
I think you are the first Brasilian forum member !
I'm sure you will gave a great time here and look forward to see what you grow !!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on September 29, 2009, 08:54:15 PM
Greetings Marcondes,
We wish you a long and fruitful association with this wonderful forum.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Jean-Patrick AGIER on September 29, 2009, 10:52:05 PM
Hello Marcondes,
That's great to have a Brazilian forumist. A warm welcome to this extraordinary forum and we are longing to seeing pics of the plants you grow . I think ( quite ) everything seems  possible for a plant lover. Only the growing conditions are to be adapted to the plants one wishes to cultivate. And the more difficult they are the more rewarding if you succeed!
Kind regards
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: fermi de Sousa on September 30, 2009, 12:51:03 AM
Welcome Marcondes,
nice to have another bulb lover on the Forum.
You'll find some tips on trying to grow Mediterranean bulbs on these pages; in the Tropics it'll depend on the depth of your pockets ;D maybe you'll need to follow Oron's lead and get a refigerated unit!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Bulbophilos on September 30, 2009, 04:03:03 AM
Thanks everybody for such a kind reception! I hope to post pictures of my plants soon.

Robin - I decided to make an informative presentation because I guess most of the forumist do not know well the natural enviroment we have here in Minas Gerais.

Paddy - We agree that gardening would be less exciting if we do not had such challenges.

Luc and Cliff - I am learning a lot in this forum! It will be unpossible to give more to this forum then I am receiving.

Jean-Patrick - I have to say that is a great pleasure to talk with friends from so far places, including your wonderfull France.

Fermi - In fact, I will need to provide artificial chilling to that bulbs. However, I would like also to find those rare species that could bloom whithout chilling, like Narcissus papyraceus. Maybe I could find them. (Note that there are some species tulips growing almost at sea level in some places: Tulipa sharonensis in Israel, Tulipa australis in Malta, Tulipa praecox and T. clusiana in Chios, Tulipa cretica and T. goulimyi in Crete.) Most of the many decades of efforts to grow Mediterranean bulbs looked to find hardy species and varieties. My effort goes to the opposite direction: I am looking for bulbs that would have low-chilling requirements. I think Australian gardeners have somethings to say about this. (I noted your 'Sousa': Do you speak Portuguese?)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on September 30, 2009, 07:56:16 AM
bemvindo marcondes ;)
i think your main approach to find lower altitude examples from the mediterranean bulbs is the best idea :) good luck in your search..

i know some of brasil's flora, especially cacti since this is my area of greatest experience, also there are some amazing xerophytic orchids and bromeliads; i have some seeds of cacti and dyckia from around sorocaba in sao paulo state that i have to plant; but my favourites are the small ones like some Discocactus..(of course i am growing these indoors here..)..
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on September 30, 2009, 10:38:50 AM
A very warm welcome to you, Marcondes!
 I do not know whether I am most excited about a  gardening member from Brasil or a forum member from Minas Gerais region..... one of the best of the world's gem mining areas!!  8) ;D

 We do have a few members who speak Portuguese, but you are our first Brasilian gardener !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on September 30, 2009, 08:18:51 PM

 (I noted your 'Sousa': Do you speak Portuguese?)

I'm sure he does and he has his own brass band too. ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on September 30, 2009, 08:45:18 PM
Yoooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooo Lesley.

Lesley 1 Rest of the World 0

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on September 30, 2009, 09:10:51 PM
Thank you Paddy. I didn't realize it was that good! ;D Actually, I'm not a brass band fan, even if it were Fermi's.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Onion on October 01, 2009, 06:31:34 PM
Thanks everybody for such a kind reception! I hope to post pictures of my plants soon.


the area you life is Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil. But then you wright 1100 m Köppen Cwb. The spelling of Köppen looks like a German spelling ?! Is that right?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Joakim B on October 01, 2009, 09:03:20 PM
Olá Marcondes
To answer Your question about Fermi He originate from Goa (India) and has thus Portuguese roots. I asked him the same thing some 2 years ago when I joined. I am not so sure about the speaking of Portuguese but he will tell.
Very warm welcome to You. Hope to see the bulbs You grow and People actually have orchids like Cypripedium dormant in the fridge so it is not that uncommon.
South of Brazil has quite a lot of German influence. I saw a Swedish in the name of one of the trees being named after Dalberg probably a disciple of Carl von Linné (Linnaeus with his noble name).
Hope You will enjoy this nice forum. Everyone contributes less then what they receive since there are so many making the forum that it would be impossible not to. Every contribution is making the good forum better and with more places covered we will see more of the plants and maybe some nice nature.
All the best
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mike41 on October 01, 2009, 09:22:45 PM
I googled “Schwarzenborn, Germany” and came across your website and “A touch of Frost” by Thomas Huber thread, which brought back many memory of Schwarzenborn, Knüllköpfchen, and the frost. The Frost I do not remember seeing it at Schwarzenborn, but many times north of Bremen where it would coat everything imaginable.

Let me introduce myself to y’all. I live in the USA, the state of Pennsylvania, city of Lititz and in my retirement I’m a photographer specializing in Virtual Tour photography and Interactive, multi-media products…around 1961 I was stationed with the US Air Force in Schwarzenborn and operated a Radio Relay station on the top of Knüllköpfchen… November 61 we deactivated the Radio Relay site from the Knüllköpfchen and moved it down the hill 200- 400 hundred meters… Looking at Thomas’s pictures, it looks like the area of where the Microwave tower now sit….

A group of us that were stationed at Schwarzenborn were talking about the area and the time and was wondering what it looked like today which caused me to google Schwarzenborn.

I then started to monitor your website “Travel/Places to visit” and the pictures. I liked what I seen and joined…. So I’m now a novice on your website and if there is anything I can do, please fill free to contact me or visit my website at

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on October 01, 2009, 09:29:34 PM
Welcome to the forum Marcondes. Great to have brasilian forumist. Next year I will perhaps send you some bulbletsb of Narcissus, Tulipa and so on I you need of them. Friendly from France. I send you a pic of Epiphyllum oxypetalum in bloom that night for the first time. Great in look and perfume. Lives it in Brasil ?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on October 01, 2009, 09:35:51 PM
Hi, Mike, good to have you posting. I guess Thomas' thread brought back a lot of memories for you.
When you joined the Forum I remember taking a look at your very interesting website; the way forward , eh?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on October 01, 2009, 09:52:24 PM
Hi Mike,

Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to some more of your excellent photography. I looked through all your Maryland selection as I have a friend in Maryland and was particularly interested. As a retired teacher the "Snow Day - No School" was one to enjoy. The "Frederick" you show: is this the same Frederick of "Up from the meadows green with corn, clear in the cool September morn, the clustered spires of Frederick stand, green walled by the hills of Maryland"?

Hope you enjoy the forum; have no doubt but that you will and, again, looking forward to your photographs - particularly if you apply your panoramic views to nice gardens. That would be beautiful.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ragged Robin on October 01, 2009, 10:05:42 PM
Hi Mike,

Welcome to the Forum of all forums - Travel and Places to visit was one of the threads that immediately struck a chord with me too and there are so many threads of all sorts to delve into  ;D  Funnily enough I came across your website before I joined the Forum really enjoyed it  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: arillady on October 01, 2009, 11:42:29 PM
Welcome to this wonderful forum Marcondes and Mike. You will learn so very much about plants etc etc. etc.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Bulbophilos on October 02, 2009, 04:13:47 AM
Thanks everybody for this warm welcome!

Cohan - It is easy to find cacti in the wild. But I have to admit that I never keeped so much attention on them. Only recently I discovered how beautiful cacti could be. Rebutia looks very nice!

Maggie - Mining create Minas Gerais which means 'General Mines' due to the grate diversity of mineral we can find here.

Onion - Guten Tag Zwiebel! Yes! As Joakin said, Brasil received a lot of german imigrants. There is many cities in south Brasil where people speak only German dialects at home. Portuguese is a 'Lingua franca' there. We have also our own Oktoberfest! As a common Brazilian, I am a ethnic salad: besides the Portuguese, Italian and Lebanese origins, I have German blood too. So I learned a little bit of German language.

Joakim - It is great to find a Portuguese gardener in this very good forum. Portugal dicovered Brazil, I think now we should rediscover Portugal.

Mike - Welcome to this great Forum!

Dominique - Thank you! You are so gentle! I hope I could have something interesting to you too. What a beautiful Epiphyllum! It's popular name in Brazil is traslated as ''Queen of the night''

Pat - Thanks! It is not difficult to know why do you like Aril Irises: They are wonderul! The first time I saw them was in website that show pictures of Israeli flora. Since then I was enchanted by its beauty.

Kind Regards to all! ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Thomas Huber on October 02, 2009, 08:44:34 AM
I googled “Schwarzenborn, Germany” and came across your website and “A touch of Frost” by Thomas Huber thread, which brought back many memory of Schwarzenborn, Knüllköpfchen, and the frost.

Welcome Mike and Marcondes.
Mike, Schwarzenborn is still worth visiting, so why do you not come back for a holiday?
I know most people in Schwarzenborn because my wife was born there. Did you have
German friends who you like to contact after so many years? Perhaps I can help you.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on October 02, 2009, 10:34:46 AM
A warm welcome to the forum Mike !!!  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: mike41 on October 02, 2009, 01:59:04 PM
Thank you all for the warm welcome..

"Who touches a hair of yon gray head
Dies like a dog! March on!" he said.

All day long through Frederick street
Sounded the tread of marching feet;

Yes Paddy this is the Frederick of  Barbara Frietchie, who died at the age of 96 and was interred in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick City. My website has a few VT’s of the cemetery….

Before retirement, we lived in Frederick Maryland about 15 years before moving up here to Amish Country…. We wanted to be within 1 ½ hours of our Children and grandchildren….

Thomas, I “really enjoyed” your photos of the Schwarzenborn area… Yes I’ve been back to Europe many times on Company business but never had the time to swing by old haunts.

Bulbophilos, my daughter-in-law is from Brazil and my wife’s Uncle immigrated to Brazil the same day as her grandfather immigrated to America from Italy.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on October 04, 2009, 09:11:08 AM
A warm welcome too, from the Southerners who post to the Forum. Already you have said much of great interest.

Talking of Pennsylvania, I've just had an email from John Lonsdale who occasionally posts here. Some months ago I sent him by post, some information about a Trillium disease which has been a problem here in New Zealand for the past couple of years. His email was to say it had arrived but had been to India and elsewhere in Asia before heading for the States. Emails certainly can't be delivered from time to time for whatever reason but it never occurred to me that my envelope had gone on a world tour. John must have thought I hadn't bothered to send it.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on October 06, 2009, 04:26:09 AM
And welcome from me, another southerner, to all who've joined us recently.  Been AGES since I got into this topic, so I've missed specific welcomes for a lot of you.  Sincere apologies!! :'(
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Cris on October 08, 2009, 09:09:21 PM
Olá Marcondes, it's a good surprise to see you here in this great forum.
Do you remember me? I still have the plants you sent me, by now the Z.candida is blooming. How is the Lilium? Did it bloomed already?
I hope you enjoy being here :D

Ho Mike, welcome to this forum :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: pel1 on November 09, 2009, 05:41:08 PM
Hi, everyone,
I have just joined the forum, my name is James and I live in Kent. My main interest is in species pelargoniums, but I also grow South African bulbs, some other succulents including cacti, and carnivorous plants. I am interested in exchanging plant material and am also happy to help with cultivation questions where I can.
best wishes, James
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ragged Robin on November 09, 2009, 05:51:50 PM
Welcome James, sounds as if you grow some wonderful plants and I really look forward to seeing some photos and hearing about your cultivation tips  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: dominique on November 09, 2009, 06:04:10 PM
Welcome James on this fabulous forum :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on November 09, 2009, 06:23:40 PM
hi and welcome, james!
i also grow various c+s for many years-- and have developed an interest in SA bulbs--esp small with interesting foliage, also very interested in pellies-have none of those yet, and just starting with bulbs! looking forward to your postings and pictures!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: angie on November 10, 2009, 07:30:12 PM
Hi My name is Angela ( Angie )
I feel that I have made so many new friends on this forum already. I live in Aberdeen which is in the North East of Scotland, married to a golf addict Derek.
I have been gardening for years and love all kinds of plants. I got to the point that I ran out of room, so every visit to a nursery I would say if it doesn't fit in the palm of my hand I wont buy it. That's when I fell in love with alpines. I joined our local club and was made so welcome and then I plucked up the courage to come onto the forum. I am sorry that I don't bring the Knowledge that I see that most of you have.
I got my greenhouse last year and I was hooked on SA bulbs when I looked at Wisley's forum, so hear I blame Paul Cumbletons for showing me all these wonderful plants ::) I now spend to much time looking and reading about them. I then found out how hard it is to get these bulbs but already I have had some help from members ( thankyou ). I hope one day that I will be able to post pictures of my SA bulbs on the forum.
Would just like to finishing by saying thanks for making me welcome I so do enjoy everyones company.
Angie :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on November 10, 2009, 08:01:36 PM
James and Angie, you are both so very welcome as are all new Forum posters. The South African bulbs are very addictive, aren't they? As to bringing knowledge to the Forum, you already contribute and I think it can truly be said that while none of us knows everything, together the Forum members seem to know just about everything. It is very rare that a question goes unanswered.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: tonyg on November 10, 2009, 08:58:34 PM
Hi My name is Angela ( Angie )
I feel that I have made so many new friends on this forum already. I live in Aberdeen which is in the North East of Scotland, married to a golf addict Derek. ... . I joined our local club and was made so welcome and then I plucked up the courage to come onto the forum. I am sorry that I don't bring the Knowledge that I see that most of you have.
Would just like to finishing by saying thanks for making me welcome I so do enjoy everyones company.
Angie :)
And a warm welcome from a southern sassenach! 
Don't worry about the Knowledge. 
Most of us are only pretending to have it ;D 
Some of us know a lot about a little ::) 
If you stay here long you'll get to know a little about a lot :D

PS - did we meet when I came to talk to the Aberdeen group a few years ago?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ragged Robin on November 10, 2009, 09:06:02 PM
Angie, you sound as if you come from a similar background of gardening to me and leant on the hoof so to speak over the years!  At first I felt a little restrained about asking questions and then I realised that basic questions posed are actually quite fun for the experts to expound on and show their knowledge! Welcome to your bubbly self filled with plant and people enthusiasm  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on November 11, 2009, 05:15:16 PM
Welcome James and Angie !
I just know you're going to enjoy it here !!  :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: angie on November 11, 2009, 11:49:35 PM
Thanks for the welcome
Robin I too wasn't sure about asking questions :-[ but I soon realised how friendly everyone was I had a go and I couldnt get over how fast the response was.Its a great way of making new friends and I feel that I know you already, I just love gardening and get great satisfaction listing to people talking about there plants and there problems.

Your not fooling me there is so much knowledge on this forum its unbelievable and every speaker that we have had in Aberdeen club is amazing I come away from the club thinking to myself how can someone have that much knowledge about plants and how can they remember all those names let alone pronounce them, like I say it amazes me everytime. Hope to see you in Aberdeen again.

Angie :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paul T on November 12, 2009, 04:09:09 AM
Welcome James and Angie.  Officially!  I've said welcome to both of you elsewhere I think as well.  ;D  Great to have you with us.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: phrag57 on January 14, 2010, 08:11:52 PM
Hi All

Let s introduce myself

I am french, 45 years old, 3 kids, living nord est of France close to Luxembourg (-15C last week)

I started 5 years ago tropical orchids with average success (no green house) and I am still member of orchidee54, an orchid association not too far.

My favorite are phragmipedium ...

2 years ago, incidentally while depotting at a friend orchid, I met Pleiones.

One year later, I had my own ones and my collection is growing even if I have much more bulbils than flowering sizes.

It seems that Pleiones are much more adapted to culture I can offer, Pleione are growing easily in my garden.

As Pleione specialists are British  ;D, I will try to follow your forum, apologies in advance for my poor English.

My second hobby is killifish, special kind of tropical fishes

Best wishes for new year to everybody



Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on January 14, 2010, 08:39:32 PM
Welcome to the Forum Marc. It's just a very short hop, step and jump from Pleiones to alpines in general and the great world of little bulbs so I'm sure you will soon have an interest in many of these as well as orchids and tropical fishes. :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on January 14, 2010, 08:44:09 PM
Welcome to the forum, JMarc. Hope  you enjoy it here and look forward to seeing your posts in the future.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on January 14, 2010, 09:38:01 PM
JMarc-bienvenue! and your english seems quite fine, thank you!
as lesley points out, there is always one plant which leads to another and... a lifetime of learning and joy :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: angie on January 14, 2010, 10:56:27 PM
Hi JMarc. looking forward to your posts and seeing some lovely pictures of your Pleoine collection. I think you will enjoy this forum they are a great bunch of people and they make you so welcome, Enjoy your time here its great, I certainly have.
Angie :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Luc Gilgemyn on January 15, 2010, 10:16:30 AM
Bienvenu Jean-Marc !
There's always room for another Pleione fan on this forum !!  ;D ;D
I'm sure you will enjoy it here !!
Look forward to your pix !
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ragged Robin on January 15, 2010, 12:25:10 PM
Welcome JMarc it's great to follow someone's passion in growing plants and to find out how they grow them - looking forward to plenty of photos of your Pleiones in your garden!!!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on August 09, 2011, 02:12:11 AM
Golly, re-reading some of those after 5 years, it seems like a lifetime ago. Many new Forumists have come on board since and only some have introduced themselves formally. That doesn't matter but maybe we should encourage the use of this thread so that newer members can feel at home right away. The very friendliness and open-ness of this Forum seem to have made it unnecessary for many. If you're reading the thread Alan, feel free to dive in and say 'Hello.' Everyone is very welcome.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: zen on December 13, 2011, 11:54:57 AM
Hi All

I have  joined the forum and the SRGC, my name is Zenon and I live in Poland. My main interest is  hardy ferns, hardy orchis and alpine plants. I know from my close friend Chris (cephalotus),  that I find this forum interesting and friendly people. I hope that I will be able to share with you my experience in the cultivation of plants and also obtain from you a lot of good advice.

best wishes

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Onion on December 13, 2011, 12:37:48 PM
Hello Zen,

welcome in this forum. Nice to have you with us.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 13, 2011, 01:12:32 PM
Welcome Zen, you will enjoy it here.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on December 13, 2011, 01:37:09 PM
Welcome, Zen. I hope you enjoy your time here. Paddy
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: WimB on December 13, 2011, 02:23:19 PM

a warm welcome from me too.

I saw some very nice pictures on your website. Make sure to share some here too.  ;)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: angie on December 13, 2011, 05:28:31 PM
Hi Zen,

Nice to meet you. Hope you have fun as well as seeing some wonderful plants.

Angie :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on December 13, 2011, 05:38:00 PM
Greetings Zen ... beware, this forum is addictive!   :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: zen on December 13, 2011, 07:32:28 PM
I thank you very much for your warm welcome. My friend was right, I'm glad that I can be here :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ChrisB on December 14, 2011, 07:20:22 PM
Welcome aboard Zen.  Show us some of your ferns, would love to learn more about them.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ichristie on December 14, 2011, 07:48:11 PM
Hello Zen, welcome we hope that this is the start of a great friendship with us and we look forward to share our plant pictures with you, cheers Ian the Christie kind.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: fleurbleue on December 15, 2011, 02:45:57 PM
Welcome Zen, great news ! an other ferns lover  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on December 16, 2011, 03:23:35 PM
I like ferns also, Zen! :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: BryanEmery on December 21, 2011, 06:05:43 AM
I guess it is time I introduce myself... My name is Bryan, and I am from Victoria BC Canada. I feel like I know many of you already, as I have been lurking on the forum for a little over two years!... I really enjoy spending my mornings and evenings reading your posts. I have a number of plant related interests. I have a collection of orchids, mostly cloud forest species from south America (Masdevallias pleurothallids etc) and bulbophyllums, as well as strange species from India. My orchid collection is only around 1600 or so....   ::) then there is the Agave collection, and the bulb collection. Most importantly the alpine troughs and 35 foot alpine bed along the drive. Like many of you I also collect non alpine perennials (I like strange and interesting things in the perennial  borders) and interesting shrubs and trees. I also grow pelargoniums some vary old varieties (some date back to the 1700s) from cuttings (I do 700-900 each year) then in the back yard I have my veggie patch, where we grow many different veggies all year long. Last summer I grew 33 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes. So in short I like all of you enjoy the occasional plant or two. Some people at work think its an addiction but as long as I don't admit it I won't have to get help for my non addiction...

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: ranunculus on December 21, 2011, 06:43:17 AM
Many congratulations Bryan on concealing yourself and your passion for so long on this remarkable forum.  It must have taken nerves of steel and very disciplined fingers not to respond to one or other of the topics.
Welcome, finally, and I hope your 'lapse' will permit/force other long-term lurkers to leave the shadows and join us all at this Mad Hatter's Tea party of a forum.
Consider that you have just given yourself a wonderful (and certainly not addictive  :P ::)) Christmas present.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: BryanEmery on December 21, 2011, 07:03:03 AM
Oh yes! I can hardly count the number of times I almost said something... Now that I have started, good luck keeping me quiet...

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Anthony Darby on December 21, 2011, 08:01:16 AM
Now that you've spent time looking in, once you are through the looking glass you will find that you are indeed in wonderland, and a very welcoming place it is.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: angie on December 21, 2011, 10:21:00 AM
Hi Bryan pleased to have come aboard. Nobody needs to tell you how much fun it is here as you have seen this yourself. As you have seen we are a friendly bunch and our boss Maggi keeps us under control  ;)
It's fantastic that we can share, give advice and just be friends from all over the world.
I am looking forward to see some lovely pictures to brighten up my days.
Welcome  ;)

Angie :)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: annew on December 21, 2011, 10:32:54 AM
Hello Bryan. At last- I knew someone was looking over my shoulder! Looking forward to seeing some of your bulbs.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on December 21, 2011, 10:20:44 PM
..........So in short I like all of you enjoy the occasional plant or two. Some people at work think its an addiction but as long as I don't admit it I won't have to get help for my non addiction...

The first time I read this I was sure it said "pint" and not " plant". Never mind, I'm addicted to plants as well!!! ;D A warm welcome Bryan, you'll like it here.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on December 21, 2011, 10:33:25 PM

Good to have you with us; you are obviously an accomplished gardener and will find good company here - David Nicholson is a good chap if you feel like going out for a pint.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Richard Green on December 21, 2011, 11:36:50 PM
Bryan, I am sorry to confirm that you do actually a very serious addiction if you have over one and a half thousand orchid plants.............
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: BryanEmery on December 22, 2011, 04:00:01 AM
Bryan, I am sorry to confirm that you do actually a very serious addiction if you have over one and a half thousand orchid plants.............

But most of them are miniatures, so they hardly count... Although the ones that are not minis are rather large...

My chadwell seeds arrived today! So excited! 55 packages to drool over ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on December 22, 2011, 04:41:20 AM
Welcome Bryan! always good to see another Canuck on here-- though climate-wise, we might as well be on different continents ;)
How/where do you grow the cloud forest orchids? I'm very interested in such things, though my skills/habits are more pleasing to my cacti and succulents indoors! I always tell myself that with the right set-up...... What about the Indian orchids, what sort of habitats are they from?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: BryanEmery on December 22, 2011, 05:13:32 AM
I grow my orchids in an 8 x 20 section of my friends 8 x 75 greenhouse. The GH has radiant floor heating and is equipt with humidifiers and a misting system. My Indian collection is mostly coeloegny bulbophyllum and "painted leaf" orchids, with some other jems mixed in (biermania oberonia Tania liparis etc...) the cloud forest species are best if humidity can be kept at 80% or higher with good air flow. In the gh we use 2 fog America foggers. They seem to keep the humidity up well for me. Some of the Indian species may do well for you, some of the bulbophyllums are deciduous and really only need care for six to nine months a year.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on December 22, 2011, 05:30:52 AM
I grow my orchids in an 8 x 20 section of my friends 8 x 75 greenhouse. The GH has radiant floor heating and is equipt with humidifiers and a misting system. My Indian collection is mostly coeloegny bulbophyllum and "painted leaf" orchids, with some other jems mixed in (biermania oberonia Tania liparis etc...) the cloud forest species are best if humidity can be kept at 80% or higher with good air flow. In the gh we use 2 fog America foggers. They seem to keep the humidity up well for me. Some of the Indian species may do well for you, some of the bulbophyllums are deciduous and really only need care for six to nine months a year.


Tks, Bryan- that's the way to grow orchids :) I know there are some species that do well in the house and with occasional water lapses-just needs careful selection! I had more some years ago, but after some moves, only have one Brassavola  now; I've seen some really amazing Madagascar spp, haven't tried seriously to source them- though tender orchids are probably the easiest category of tender plants to source in Canada!(not counting mass market stuff)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: BryanEmery on December 22, 2011, 08:10:34 AM
what kind of Madagascar stuff you looking for??? I have a bunch from there too.... maybe I do have a problem...

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 22, 2011, 01:00:45 PM
Bryan, I am sorry to confirm that you do actually a very serious addiction if you have over one and a half thousand orchid plants.............
Goodness me, Richard... it's the season of goodwill.... why are you breaking bad news to poor Bryan at this time? :o   Wait till the new year... then we can enrol him in the self help group...... :-X
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Paddy Tobin on December 22, 2011, 04:37:51 PM
This place is beginning to sound more like an AA meeting: "Hi, my name is Bryan. I have an obsession with orchids".

I suppose it's a change from snowdrops.

Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Brian Ellis on December 22, 2011, 05:24:34 PM
This place is beginning to sound more like an AA meeting: "Hi, my name is Bryan. I have an obsession with orchids".

I suppose it's a change from snowdrops.


 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Lesley Cox on December 22, 2011, 07:22:02 PM
Perhaps we need a thread for those among us with serious addictions, to give help and advice about how to overcome them. My bank manager would be a starter when it comes to avoiding seed lists. ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: razvan chisu on December 23, 2011, 07:36:43 AM
My orchid collection is only around 1600 or so....   ::) then there is the Agave collection, and the bulb collection.

I'm sure if we all started counting the plants in our gardens we would soon match Bryan's numbers.
There are only 100 pots in my appartment and I wont start counting things in the garden. :))
Ups should I consider myself addicted too? (I guess I should not mention I have a certain sense of ownership over my clients plants as well - me being a gardener by profession).
I never pondered upon this until now. :P
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Arykana on December 23, 2011, 06:16:18 PM
Did I introduced myself? Should be do it?
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 23, 2011, 07:51:00 PM
No need to, really, Erika.... new folks can see by your posts that you have a wonderful garden.... visit marvelous historic places and are far and away the best baker on the Forum...... what more could an introduction say?!  ;D ;) 8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Arykana on December 23, 2011, 07:57:59 PM
 ::) So, you all know me :o  as a bad money ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 23, 2011, 08:12:37 PM
Yes, Erika... a real bad penny, as we say! With books and paintings and recipes and flowers and .... and.... and.....  you are a typical example of the multi-talented Forumist! Such clever folks .... bad pennies every one!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Arykana on December 23, 2011, 08:14:15 PM
Thank you Maggi, it is a honor to be one of those bad pennies :-)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on December 23, 2011, 08:31:36 PM
Now, I hope everyone knows I am  joking about the members being "bad pennies that always turn up".. I think of you more as prodigies than prodigals, truly!  :)

There may be some who think we are a hopeless gang... and  in another thread, you could be forgiven for thinking this really is a drinking club with a plant problem.....   ::) :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: cohan on December 26, 2011, 08:26:12 AM
what kind of Madagascar stuff you looking for??? I have a bunch from there too.... maybe I do have a problem...


I'd have to look them up I saw them on a bulb group on Facebook --some Japanese growers with really stellar collections! what I recall offhand is terrestrial orchids with lanceolate leaves with some great colours/markings..
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sibylle H on January 10, 2016, 03:00:20 PM

Until now I was only a silent member but I think it's time to introduce myself.
My name is Sibylle and I live in Germany.
Our garden is a little bit jungel style because I don't have much time.
Besides this I have 4 soccer playing kids who kill now and than a (quince) tree.
The conditions are with 6b (6a?) and a high ground water level slightly suboptimal for the plants I would like to grow.

Mostly I have perennial edible plants, fruits and  berries especially unusual ones. I try to grow exotic plants (punica, figs, kiwi) too.
And I have lots of pot plants.
On our sunny terrace there are mostly plants from NZ (Carmichaelia).
But my absolute favourite are Aspidistra, Peliosanthes and some Rohdea.

I hope I will have much fun in this forum. :D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on January 10, 2016, 03:02:43 PM
Welcome Sibylle. Four boys, WOW ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sibylle H on January 10, 2016, 04:05:47 PM
Hi David,

no, three boys and a girl.
But she plays in the boys soccer team and is better than her brothers. ;D
She is my best tree climber too.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: David Nicholson on January 10, 2016, 04:36:26 PM
Ah. That is good. Every family should have at least one girl ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 10, 2016, 04:52:48 PM
Hi David,

no, three boys and a girl.
But she plays in the boys soccer team and is better than her brothers. ;D
She is my best tree climber too.

  Sibylle - I already love your family!
 You have a fondness for  interesting groups of plants , it seems.  Really good to have you in the forum!
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Sibylle H on January 10, 2016, 09:56:48 PM
Thank you Maggi,

I love weird plants and weird pets.
And I think I'm a little bit weird too. ;D
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 11, 2016, 11:47:59 AM

I love weird plants and weird pets.
And I think I'm a little bit weird too. ;D

 You're in good company here, then!
We may be weird, but we're happy - and we grow great plants!  8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Ron on January 16, 2016, 08:21:22 PM
Hi All, thought I would introduce myself after just joining your forum, I am Ron and I live in North Wales, Ive been retired for a few years now so this has allowed me to develop my passion with Orchids, I currently grow Pleione, Disa, Dracula, Restrepia, Habenaria Radiata, Brassia and oncidiums. I also have a reasonable collection of carnivorous plants, but are now focusing on Dionaea and Cephalotus.
I have also had a life long passion for photography focusing more on Macro images which fits in with my interest in plants, rather than landscapes the body complains if I do to much walking.
I have been following this forum for a long time, and like what I have seen, so thought it was time to join, thank you for having me.
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Maggi Young on January 16, 2016, 08:51:02 PM
Hello Ron - and welcome!  As well as seeing your plants, I'm interested to see your macro photos, to 8)
Title: Re: Let me introduce myself ...
Post by: Darren on January 16, 2016, 09:11:59 PM
Welcome to the forum Ron. Habenaria radiata has been the source of much frustration to many of us so we look forward to interrogating you on how you grow it!

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