(I’m just learning to insert images. And I would be thankful for assistance.)
resistance to the myriad charms of the little plants that so captivate us here on this forum is futile....
From Chris S.: I see that quite a few new members have signed up during the past month - it would be super if they could be encouraged to introduce themselves and their interests through this thread.Chris, nothing would please me more! I have stated in the forum intro/help threads that we would very much appreciate if forumists would add some details about their location etc to their profiles and make a post in this page to tell us something about themselves. I'm not sure what else we can do other than repeat the plea here. Since many people register for the forum without even stating their full names, it seems that they are very keen to remain anonymous and I hesitate to contact them to press them further since they might see that as an unwarranted intrusion. Personally, I feel that it is only polite to introduce oneself when entering a conversation, which, basically, is what one is doing when entering the forum. Many register but still take no active part, too, which again seems a shame.
QuoteWe live in Canada near Lake Superior, south of Thunder Bay Ontario.
Hi there, nice to hear from a fellow Canuck! I used to live in the relatively balmy Toronto which thwarted my gardening spirit with the long winters and short summers. I came back here to a climate that allowed gardening year round after 20+ years. i can't imagine how you have managed to create such a wonderful garden up there when you can only penetrate the soil for three or four months of the year. I take my hat off to you. Great photos, great garden, keep it up!
mostly I’m just an unfocussed plantaholic... bless you, it's no crime and there is much fun to be had with this condition! we are delighted to have you join us and we will look forward to hearing what is and isn't doing well in your garden.
in between working on a book on the sexual propagation of natives of Eastern Canada.Really? Is that so different from that used by other natives?? :o ;) ;D
Thus far, my feeling is that this is THE plant forum!!!!!!!!
hence my recent interest in a home self-cloning kit!Now, Frazer, you must know that Do It Yourself is responsible for huge numbers of accidents in the home... don't you think this is a bit risky? ;)
Thanks Maggie will take this up - twinkling jewels - perfect!
By the way, Sue, I have got a super ID for you, if you'd like it:
(Attachment Link)
Although I won't be able to get to Hythe in October (see other thread), I will be driving to Chipping Campden, which is pretty near Cotswold Garden Flowers :) :) And Hidcote (Kiftsgate closed in October :()!
Maggi, the little girl's called Millie and she's to be the main character (with her brother, mum, dad, grandad and gran) in a series of books (if this first one sells!) There's a brief synopsis of the storyline if you click the cover picture on the amazon website, but basically Millie's got the idea that she has a little baby brain, which is why she struggles with her maths homework; so she's expecting it to fall out like a wobbly baby tooth, then her big-girl brain can grow in and she'll manage her homework easy-peasy, plus the brain fairy will come and take her baby brain away and leave a load of dosh under her pillow ('cos after all, she has lots of baby teeth but only one baby brain, so it must be worth more!)
I'm trying to post a photo.Hi Cris
If it is well suceded, you can seed an Allium flower, a lovely plant that grows wild here.
A late welcome to everyone and especially to Katherine or is it Katalin?Hi, Joakim! Yes, in fact I am Katalin but I thought Katherine is easier to spell for all of the forumists. I am revealed now ::)
I will also be spending a lot of time on field trips but there are not many bulbs native to NZ.
Hi Luit,
I am not sue, but is the picture Dactylorhiza foliosa? Please tell me it isn´t......I heard some fantastic stories from Peter...See you in April in Utrecht!
Yes, I send to GB, it is no problem when plants are wrapped good.
Hi Renate ,
Nice to have you with us ;D
A warm welcome and have joy here !!!
Greetings from the south of Germany
Susan ,
I did not know for the high costs for a parcel in England .....but I get a lot of parcels from England ( small packets ) and they are always cheeep -so I dont understand it why I have to pay 25 GBP for a small parcel !
But I think you will understand me if I hesitate to order from such nurseries ....for 25 GBP can I buy some plants ....
With the money is it a other problem -if the nurseries give the prices also in Euro so we could send a money transfer in Euro with no costs !( and we need the IBAN and BIC numbers )
What is with the costs for you if we pay with credit card from Germany ?
...I'm so fortunate to have nice friends in England so they order somtimes for me - send me the plants and I send my friends later the money ( in Euro or in GBP )
Hi to everyone,
I am glad to be a member of this great forum now and want to tell you something about myself.
I am 43 years old, married and live in the north of Germany, near the Dutch border. I am especially interested in bulbs and own a small nursery for rare plants, and bulbs offcorse. As I only have a small greenhouse with 20m² which is full with Amaryllidaceae like Clivia, Hippeastrum, a.s.o. I try to cultivate more hardy bulbs like Eranthis, Cyclamen and last year I started to grow Crocus.
Beneath the plants and ourselfs are two Border Collies, two cats, some fishes and rabbits living in our garden - so live is colourful.
The same from the western part - near Düsseldorf and Köln (Cologne),
today everything out of control because of ' Weiberfastnacht'
Welcome John. Thialand would be a bit of a shock after Scotland I'd imagine. :o
Welcome in the Forum Hans, it is the best one
Hans, your Iris pamphylica is a great treat for me to see. I've lost mine several years ago and can't replace it
I hope to see in some years flowers of them with the southern alps in the background... ;)
Do you mean you DELIBERATELY fed him Disa seedlings? Lucky bunny :P ::)
I stand corrected Maggi.
it was meant to be a joke.
Do you not have such a term in Dutch? I cannot believe a nation with such a finely tuned sense of humour cannot be described as 'potty' in one of its definitions
By the way Luit ... Johnny D. was actually modelled on one the characters in the series, but I am not at liberty to say which one!
I'm Michal Hoppel and I live in Western Poland, in Poznań - mid-size town.
I wasn't aware that meconopsis grew well around Le Jardin de Métis, in fact I have never been there but now I will put it on a list of places to see.
I germinated some blue meconopsis earlier this year, but the croaked on me one by one ):- will have to try again sometime.
Ackkkk I made a mess of that last reply!!
Teach me to proof before whacking send.
.... not to worry, there is no time limit for you to click "modify" and edit your goofs!
Hi Paul, were you affected by the fires in Canberra some years ago? Can't remember exactly what year it was.
Lovely little chap Cliff hope Santa brings him loads-no doubt Grandad and Grandma have spent a fortune!
Coosheebooquack.... now that is a name to conjour with!
Welcome to the forum ;D ;D
I didn't realize you were an artistic painter. Would it be much trouble to put pix of some of your work on the the Forum ???
I'm sure a lot of us would be interested. ;)
John...... "beautiful water"........ 8) ;) My Mi'kmaq is good, but not that good! ::)
Welcome to the forum ;D ;D
I didn't realize you were an artistic painter. Would it be much trouble to put pix of some of your work on the the Forum ???
I'm sure a lot of us would be interested. ;)
Se Rafa's link, on his sig. box, Luc..... http://ilustracion-botanica.blogspot.com/ ..... this man has many talents.
Here are some ... Garretts.And here are some moving one's ::) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3L1OmfffmxE&NR=1
From Gunilla: My enthusiasm is a lot bigger than my skill but I learn something here every day.
Egads, I have spent 40 days on this forum...... that is rather scary when you think about it..... 40 x 24 hours...... :o :o :o :o
Maybe I should start a new introduction...... Hi, my name is Paul, and I'm an SRGC forum addict!! 8)
Egads, I have spent 40 days on this forum...... that is rather scary when you think about it..... 40 x 24 hours...... :o :o :o :o
Maybe I should start a new introduction...... Hi, my name is Paul, and I'm an SRGC forum addict!! 8)
Egads, I have spent 40 days on this forum...... that is rather scary when you think about it..... 40 x 24 hours...... :o :o :o :o
Maybe I should start a new introduction...... Hi, my name is Paul, and I'm an SRGC forum addict!! 8)
How can you possibly have spent that long here, when I have only spent 18 days? ???
Yes Mark, I'm planning to go to both. Got my gala ticket already, saving pocket money up now.
Sorry but I introduced myself in a woody link about Viburnum.
My favorite bulbs are allium and the wild tulips. So here from Dominique that A. chamaemoly is in bloom, let my think to a friendly member of the SRGC in Germany that make a promise to me to get this species in April.
...or perhaps they have fallen asleep in the forest?Surely not, Anthony, with all your jokes to keep 'em awake?
Welcome Simon
I look forward to your posts as our correspondent in Bulgaria
two and a half years ago moved to Bulgaria to establish a plant nursery- so fulfilling a lifelong dream. Why Bulgaria? A developing alpine garden with mountain views - paradise! We were lucky to find a house with a large plot of land on a south facing slope. The former paddock is now being landscaped into a nursery, alpine gardens, a woodland garden and wildflower meadows. We are also converting the barn, hopefully for holiday lets in the future;)
Don't be cruel, Maggi ... let them go of their own volition! ;)
I was similarly curious, Carol.
Simon says ( where have I heard that before?) that they're in the Stara Planina Mts, and I found this....
thanks, luc..i still have to figure out where such pictures should be posted...
Oh, and as new members will discover we go off at tangents all over the place ;)Yes, I like Tangiers....... and tangerines.... ::)
...and tanagers. ;D
good to see a group that doesnt mind some tangents
i totally agree maggi! i run a yahoo group on cacti and succulents where you will find occasional threads on weather, wildlife, spiders, pets etc! while there are groups that are all business, and thats ok--esp for very focussed--family or genera specific groups--for a more general group, i think one of the functions is social, and its much nicer to talk about the plants we all love with friends, and you cant really make friends if the talk is all business!
I was similarly curious, Carol.Sorry to take so long to reply to this theme. The Stara Planina is thename for the mountains that form the backbone of Bulgaria stretching from almost as far as Sofia in the west across in to the east where they lose height and become a series of hills as they reach the Black Sea. We are lucky to be located almost smack bang in the middle of these mountains 60km from the historic city of Veliko Tarnovo, and 16km from the picturesque town of Elena. The nearest mountain, Chumerna, is around 1500m above sea level- and easily visible while sitting on the throne ;)
Simon says ( where have I heard that before?) that they're in the Stara Planina Mts, and I found this....
Thanks for putting that so well, Cohan. 8)
A little while ago, I would have been surprised at someone in the middle of Canada with a cactus passion..... but now that I have seen Kristl's cactus growing outside and doing so well, I realise that I was being somewhat narrow minded.
Pretty stupid of me to have doubts anyhow, since I know so many folks in the UK who have large cactus collections... all under glass. ::) Funny how we get these daft notions in our heads, isn't it?
We are lucky to be located almost smack bang in the middle of these mountains 60km from the historic city of Veliko Tarnovo, and 16km from the picturesque town of Elena. The nearest mountain, Chumerna, is around 1500m above sea level- and easily visible while sitting on the throne ;)
A little while ago, I would have been surprised at someone in the middle of Canada with a cactus passion..... but now that I have seen Kristl's cactus growing outside and doing so well, I realise that I was being somewhat narrow minded.
Pretty stupid of me to have doubts anyhow, since I know so many folks in the UK who have large cactus collections... all under glass. ::) Funny how we get these daft notions in our heads, isn't it?
it sounds like a beautiful area--looking forward to pictures; any sempervivum in your area? i know there are some in bulgaria, but not sure about the areas.
I'll be sure to look out for them- i know there are some Bulgarian endemics, but as yet i am not sure where they are.
sinchets--is it simon? there is a semp forum that has a list of habitats for sempervivum in various cuountries, if interested i could check there for you and give you some places to look in bulgaria..Hi Cohan yes of course you can do this and we will be happy to look out or any sempervivum, when we are on our travels.
In a land where your name sounds like someone clearing their throat you learn to improvise- sorry!
Okay Cohan it will be interesting to have a list of places to work through. We have a Flora Bulgarica here on CDRom but it isn't very specific about where to find things just by large areas and the plants could be anywhere within these areas!
Well i found Bakovo today- it is NW of Sofia so should be easy to visit. Anthoborio and Latsch (Albula-tal) really do have me stumped neither sounds bulgarian. The only hits i get online are for Latsch and Albulatal in Switzerland.
http://www.panoramio.com/user/499271/tags/Latsch%20Albulatal (http://www.panoramio.com/user/499271/tags/Latsch%20Albulatal)
So maybe a mistake has been made on that location. I look forward to your next list- we still have lots of snow outside here!
Hi I am Ray from the state of Victoria in Australia.
Hi I am Ray from the state of Victoria in Australia.I see there are a few Aussies in this forum never met any of them but know a couple by name.Have a interest in any bulbs but leaning towards Liliums at the moment.Have spent a few hours going around the forum to see how it works and what people were saying.When you see the amount of knowledge on this forum it's a bit daunting to a ordinary gardener,but any way i shall be asking plenty of ? and for ID's.
bye Ray
Welcome Ray, we all use the forum as a great resource (not quite the sum of all human knowledge, but comes close!). And there's no such thing as an ordinary gardener, so don't be daunted.
All these welcomes make it sound like Giles is new to the forum..... he's posted more than 400 times!! :D
This alpine lark is a breeze by comparison!
Hello everybody, I am Erika from Hungary
I found this site very interesting, but need time "to gnaw myself through+ the topics.
Please forgive me if I am not use the suitable expressions, because my English is poor. I hope my garden and my Englis will improove:-))
I just translated some and put up in my site
This forum appeals to me for its friendly, no nonsense, interactive approach, experience and expertise on display, with beautiful digital pictures to match, on the best website around.
This forum appeals to me for its friendly, no nonsense,
Thank you Ragged Robin,
Perhaps one more from my "collection". Her's my "head gardener" CAPUCINE ( Nasturtium ) keeping the Tropaeolum pots.
Don't you think I'm addicted?...
My goodness, Capucine has eyes which match the pots... or is it the other way around? ::)Well... let's try with, say, a green pot and see what happens...
(I noted your 'Sousa': Do you speak Portuguese?)
Thanks everybody for such a kind reception! I hope to post pictures of my plants soon.
I googled “Schwarzenborn, Germany” and came across your website and “A touch of Frost” by Thomas Huber thread, which brought back many memory of Schwarzenborn, Knüllköpfchen, and the frost.
Hi My name is Angela ( Angie )And a warm welcome from a southern sassenach!
I feel that I have made so many new friends on this forum already. I live in Aberdeen which is in the North East of Scotland, married to a golf addict Derek. ... . I joined our local club and was made so welcome and then I plucked up the courage to come onto the forum. I am sorry that I don't bring the Knowledge that I see that most of you have.
Would just like to finishing by saying thanks for making me welcome I so do enjoy everyones company.
Angie :)
..........So in short I like all of you enjoy the occasional plant or two. Some people at work think its an addiction but as long as I don't admit it I won't have to get help for my non addiction...
Bryan, I am sorry to confirm that you do actually a very serious addiction if you have over one and a half thousand orchid plants.............
I grow my orchids in an 8 x 20 section of my friends 8 x 75 greenhouse. The GH has radiant floor heating and is equipt with humidifiers and a misting system. My Indian collection is mostly coeloegny bulbophyllum and "painted leaf" orchids, with some other jems mixed in (biermania oberonia Tania liparis etc...) the cloud forest species are best if humidity can be kept at 80% or higher with good air flow. In the gh we use 2 fog America foggers. They seem to keep the humidity up well for me. Some of the Indian species may do well for you, some of the bulbophyllums are deciduous and really only need care for six to nine months a year.
Bryan, I am sorry to confirm that you do actually a very serious addiction if you have over one and a half thousand orchid plants.............Goodness me, Richard... it's the season of goodwill.... why are you breaking bad news to poor Bryan at this time? :o Wait till the new year... then we can enrol him in the self help group...... :-X
This place is beginning to sound more like an AA meeting: "Hi, my name is Bryan. I have an obsession with orchids".
I suppose it's a change from snowdrops.
My orchid collection is only around 1600 or so.... ::) then there is the Agave collection, and the bulb collection.
what kind of Madagascar stuff you looking for??? I have a bunch from there too.... maybe I do have a problem...
Hi David,Sibylle - I already love your family!
no, three boys and a girl.
But she plays in the boys soccer team and is better than her brothers. ;D
She is my best tree climber too.
I love weird plants and weird pets.
And I think I'm a little bit weird too. ;D