Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Bulbs => Ian Young's Bulb Log - Feedback Forum => Topic started by: Ian Y on March 12, 2015, 09:07:47 AM
I am experimenting with a Bulb Log video diary here,I hope, is a trial version. (
Ian Young's youtube channel main link : (
A nice wee tour of the bulb bed there, Ian. Lovely to see so many plants pushing through now with a promise of flowers yet to come as well as those looking good now. If that was taken on your usual camera the image quality is pretty good.
Matt I have borrowed a video camcorder to try out hence the better quality, plus using YouTube allows higher definition it is now time for me to improve my part of the operation so hopefully more improvements will come.
All Ian Young's you tube videos can be found from this page:
Just having my coffee break at work enjoying your video Ian.................quite a few snowdrops there ;D
Great accent too!
I'm finding seedlings appearing in my garden now so hopefully my beds will resemble yours someday.
Great fan of your bulb log Ian - it is a fantastic resource.
Your video was really interesting and looked very professional. Well done! I look forward to seeing further installments. Being able to view the individual plants with a running knowledgeable commentary adds a extra dimension to this exciting time of the year. So much more informative than gardening programmes on tv. The Beechgrove Garden would be greatly improved if they included a video such as yours in their programme.
Thank you, Ian, for a most enjoyable video. The producers of Gardeners World could learn a thing or two about INTERESTING content from your film. You have brightened up a dreich morning here.
Looking forward to the next video.
I can't recall the last time I learned something from watching Gardeners World, always very superficial information
The only good thing about GW is Carol Klein, a plantswoman whose enthusiasm is truly engaging and infectious.
Beechgrove by comparison is full of useful information, tips and trials etc. and I get so much more from this show.
That's true Matt, I met Carol at The Garden House a few years ago at Matt Bishop's snowdrop day & noticed when I spoke to her how intent she was on listening to what I was saying. As you say truly engaging.
The bit I really liked was the Dactylorhiza shoots just poking through and the erythroniums - all that excitement to come! It would be great to do something like this - and to see it more on gardening programmes. I've just been reading 'North with the Spring' by Edwin Way Teale, and he makes references throughout to people like Thoreau, Audobon, John Muir - lots of naturalists, as well as country people (rather like Roger Deakin in his 'Journey through Trees'). He loves birds, just as John Muir did and wrote about them, but also plants. It will be a treat to follow the spring garden like this - a lot to learn.
Thank you Tim, I value all feedback as I am learninng to use video - all tips and comments will help me ito mprove.
The most difficult bit is holding the camera in one hand while remembering to look at the viewing screen to ensure I have framed the plants that I am speaking about.
Super to watch and lust after some of the plants and growing conditions, but I can't help thinking it would be so much better shot in sections and edited, adding the commentary after. There is so much to think of doing it live, the plants in frame and saying what you really want to say without tripping over them or flattening some.
Was this the first take Ian? If it was congratulations.
Thanks for the feed back Brian. - yes this was a one take video.
I take onboard what you say and agree that it could be more polished if I edited and added the commentary later.
However I like spontaneity and want to pass some of the feeling that the viewer is with me as I see what is new today in the garden.
Also I do not have the time to do the edit and cut a separate audio track so will try and get better with the one take live version for now.
No idea when Ian would have the time for editing and so on, even if he had time to learn how to do that stuff. ::) :-\
He is well used to live radio broadcasting, so one take is all he'll do. :)
Oh - he's just said that! ;D
Ian can you tell us which camera you were using, apparently one handed and at such a low angle for some of the plants? The steady focus was particularly impressive for hand held video. We are all so used to seeing these TV cameras that seem to float in the air we sometimes forget how difficult it is to hand hold a steady video.
Thank you, Thank you Ian It is so wonderful to listen to you and see yours and Maggi's garden again. Its like going to one of your lectures.
I wish we had interesting gardening shows on Television here in Australia we are so starved of any information on Alpines or garden plants, all we ever hear about is vegetables, vegetables, and more vegetables not that there is anything wrong with vegetables we all need them to live, but it would be lovely to have more information about other plants.
I find it very interesting in your garden where you have everything coming up at different stages growing very closely together, I am also trying to do this in one of my garden beds. Do you have to keep plants from flopping over each other? like the Dactylorhiza or do they behave themselves and stay in their own area. I have read in your bulb logs that you hand weed as things are so close to each other.
I love the spontaneity in your voice as you find something pushing up through the ground no retakes there,
Again thank you regards Viv
Congratulations Ian!!!
I have always found your bulb log to be an invaluable resource. It is a thoroughly entertaining read, packed with information and pitched at just the right level such that it appeals to relative novices (me) and skilled growers alike.
The "walk-through" video format is the perfect companion to your bulb log. I find the Cinéma vérité style far more engaging and spontaneous than any "polished" heavily edited studio production could be. It seems to me that your garden is more about interconnected plant communities than formal structured beds; a place where the plants take precedence over grand design. Your garden walk-through & Frit house videos show you to be the enthusiastic and knowledgeable curator of a wonderful living collection of attractive and desirable plants and I look forward to further "episodes"
.........and a version translated from the Doric to auld Fife-ish. ;)
However I like spontaneity and want to pass some of the feeling that the viewer is with me as I see what is new today in the garden.
Video made me feel like I was visiting your garden, I liked it very much and I'm looking forward to seeing hopefully more later in the spring.
I like the bulb log because I can read slowly and think about the text and pictures, video shows other things. Both ways are great.
Ian can you tell us which camera you were using, apparently one handed and at such a low angle for some of the plants? The steady focus was particularly impressive for hand held video. We are all so used to seeing these TV cameras that seem to float in the air we sometimes forget how difficult it is to hand hold a steady video.
Brian I have been using a borrowed JVC camcorder but have now ordered my own a Cannon using the Amazon link on these pages so the SRGC will get a cut. It should arrive this week so I will use it for then on.
Vivienne, Steve and Leena many thanks for your encouraging words and support of my new efforts, it reinforces my belief and enthusiasm to continue with this project.
It is my intention that the video will act as a supplement to my written bulb log.
I think there is tremendous potential in video medium and the website.
Have now watched Ian's video on YouTube on my television set. Also viewed Ian's video about his Frit House made on 13th February. Great to see them on a 40 inch screen rather than on a small computer screen - the detail is so much better.
Just search for 'Ian Young bulb' on YouTube to get the videos.
Ooh! You can get them on the TV screen? I've heard something about linking to TV but no idea how it works or what kit you need. Such fun!
Yet another natural talent of yours, Ian. Not even taking into account the gorgeous plant materials, everything to do with recording itself seemed so effortless, yet done so well!
Thank you so much!
Ooh! You can get them on the TV screen? I've heard something about linking to TV but no idea how it works or what kit you need. Such fun!
The simplest way is to use the tv as you would a digital projector. On mine an hdmi lead works fine between the 2, but you only get the definition of the computer, as far as I know. Smart TV's can no doubt do much more when I get time to learn about using it.
But this brings me to something else more general that came up at our AGS meeting last Friday. The village hall we use now has wifi, so my laptop could access the internet when we were using it to feed a projector for a digital presentation. So I could easily show Ian's video, or anything else for that matter, to the audience. I.e. a public display. (I didn't)
So the question is; is this legal, regardless of without permission etc. etc. ?
Ooh! You can get them on the TV screen? I've heard something about linking to TV but no idea how it works or what kit you need. Such fun!
We have a Samsung Smart tv with a wireless connection to our broadband. Got it after many years of rude comments from our children about our ancient tv set.
Thank you Rick for your kind words.
Brian I think that once something is on YouTube then it can be viewed in any way you want. Certainly I would have no problems with you showing my YouTube videos in this way as long as you mention the SRGC :)
Bob - smart TV eh - we don't even have smart viewers here ;)
Here is the Video Diary from the Frit house to go with Bulb Log 11, online tomorrow, some of you have already found it.
00071 (
You may not see the video player if you are viewing this on an IPad just click the number above to view the video.
It was great seeing your frit house Ian, you have some really great plants in there, especially the fritillaries.
The most difficult bit is holding the camera in one hand while remembering to look at the viewing screen to ensure I have framed the plants that I am speaking about.
Perhaps you need a glamorous assistant Ian
Excellent informative video Ian.
I love the frit chitralensis.
Do you practise and prepare beforehand or just wing it?
Thanks David, I make no preparations I just wing it - I find you loose the spontaneity and freshness if you rehearse - so any slips,stutters etc stay in.
Frit chitralensis is a thing of great beauty.
Bulb Log for week 11 of 2015 here (
We have our Samsung TV connected to the router by an hdmi cable as the walls are too thick for wireless. We use it mainly for watching i-player but we can also look at or listen to things stored on the computer using a program called Serviio. Unfortunately, there has been a message recently saying that Samsung will no longer support YouTube so we wont be able to watch on TV after the end of this month.
What a great idea Ian. I have enjoyed the videos and hope to see more on this channel :D
Unfortunately, there has been a message recently saying that Samsung will no longer support YouTube so we wont be able to watch on TV after the end of this month.
Rather surprised by this and so Googled it. Seems that Samsung have a problem just now with streaming YouTube, iPlayer etc. but are trying to resolve it. Tried to access Ian's videos on YouTube on my Samsung tv and it could not connect although it was fine a couple of days ago. Would be very surprised if Samsung removed YouTube access on purpose.
Isn't technology wonderful. Now you see it, now you don't.
I have been using a borrowed JVC camcorder so far but my new Canon Legria HF R506 camcorder arrived yesterday so here is my first try with it.
00001 (
Well done Ian. Great to see the self seeded Cyclamen coum in your sand bed. Managed to connect tv to YouTube and so able to watch your new video on a large screen.
One small suggestion. It would be useful to have a common set of words (e.g. 'Ian Young bulb log') in the title of the videos so that it would be straightforward to search and find them all on YouTube. Searching for 'Ian Young bulb' brought up the first two videos, but not the new one on my tv. Searching for 'Ian Young sand' or 'Ian Young bulbs' brought up the new one, but not the first two.
Hope that is useful.
An amazing video! Well done.
Its amazing how my season is long yet yours seem to be very compact.
Well done Ian. Great to see the self seeded Cyclamen coum in your sand bed. Managed to connect tv to YouTube and so able to watch your new video on a large screen.
One small suggestion. It would be useful to have a common set of words (e.g. 'Ian Young bulb log') in the title of the videos so that it would be straightforward to search and find them all on YouTube. Searching for 'Ian Young bulb' brought up the first two videos, but not the new one on my tv. Searching for 'Ian Young sand' or 'Ian Young bulbs' brought up the new one, but not the first two.
Hope that is useful.
Thanks Bob that is a useful suggestion I will start doing that very thing.
Guess the length of the season all depends on our weather Mark, the most compact season I have ever seen is in Tromso Botanic Garden.
Excellent informative video, I have enjoyed.
Very similar to Ian's raised sand bed is this raised bed that I have. It used to have alpines but after many years the only one that survived was a lovely Androsace and a lots of Colchicum minutum.
Last autumn I decided it was time for a change so out came the rocks and Androsace and in went a load of different bulbs - various Iris reticulata, various Galanthus, Scilla, various miniature Narcissus, Corydalis, Geranium and two small Frit imperialis
Its worked very well in its first year but time will tell what happens next year.
Enjoying the videos and it's very nice to hear your voice. Your knowledge and enthusiasm shine through!
Great job(s) Ian ! Enjoyed every minute of your videos. Great to hear the sound of your voice again ! ;)
That's a very good supplement to the bulb log. The video gives a better overview of your garden and it is exciting to hear you explaining about the plants. It gives me the feeling of being there myself.
But Ian, take care: One or two time is a trial - 3 times makes it a habit! Now we expect you to carry on ;)
Not having an alpine house, your frit house tour is inspirational but not something I can copy at the moment. The walk round the bulb bed, though, has given me many ideas that I can imitate (not sure about the Meconopsis though!) You are so right about it looking different every day at this time of year. Thank you so much for yet more inspiration. I'll look forward to the next videos.
Latest Bulb Log video diary supplement now available. (
edit by maggi to add Bulb Log link : (
Marvellous leaves on that dark-leaved Erythronium dens-canis Ian, I'm impressed ;)
Crocus pelistericus and some other bulbs growing in the cool sand bed.
Bulb Log video diary supplement. (
What a treat, corydalis, hepatica & erythromium!
Another great video Ian.
There was a dark leaved erythronium at the back of the cold frame I was hoping to have a closer look at Ian, it was in a pot with other erythronium with greener leaves.
I noticed the leaves on the e. citrinus you filmed in the cold frame exhibited an orangey cast. A group of Joana develops the same colouring in my garden.
Can you please tell us the dimensions of your concrete edging? I can only think of paving slabs here with that dimpled finish, and that seems unlikely from the video.
they are described as paving edging and are made to old measurements 3feet x 6inches - I get them at B&Q.
This weeks Bulb Log is now on line at (
It includes another chapter from Erythroniums in Cultivation on Erythronium caucasicum.
Here is one of the Bulb Log video diary supplements showing how I feed the bulbs with potassium.
Bulb Log video diary supplement (
Bulb Log video diary supplement looking at a Saxifrage trough.
Bulb Log video diary supplement (
they are described as paving edging and are made to old measurements 3feet x 6inches - I get them at B&Q.
Thanks Ian. Plenty of them here but all I have seen or have in use in the garden are smooth very pale concrete, one edge square, one edge rounded, hence the confusion.
While we are on the subject your broken concrete plantings never seem to show any flat or square edges. Were these 4" or 8" blocks in another life? I assume they were low density concrete, or are Aberdeen frosts that bad? ;-)
Yes it is the low density blocks - the larger ones they are roughly 17" x 6" x 8" and I break them up and make sure that no flat edges show to reveal their previous existence.
Hi Ian
all I can say is stunning stunning, I just loved watching them and hearing your Scottish voice brought back lovely home memories
thanks you so much for sharing
Thank you Mel.
here are the latest video diaries this one looking at variation in Tecophilaea cyanocrocus and some selections raised from seed.
Bulb Log video diary supplement (
Very nice videos Ian! Its very instructive to me! Thanks for share you're knowledge.
Yes great to see those videos of your plants. Those Erythronium are very nice.
Thanks Yann and Ruben in this video diary I look at some of the Erythronium leaves that are emerging.
Bulb Log video diary supplement - Erythronium leaves. (
Another Video supplement looking at a mixed planting.
Bulb Log video diary supplement mixed planting (
The videos are great, Ian - it's like having a personal tour of your garden. Maybe a Dog-cam might help the problem of needing 3 hands sometimes?
The videos are great, Ian - it's like having a personal tour of your garden. Maybe a Dog-cam might help the problem of needing 3 hands sometimes?
He's giving that some thought, Anne - but it may be he'd have even less control over Dog-cam than he does now.
The videos are great, Ian - it's like having a personal tour of your garden.
I couldn't agree more. :)
Thanks so much Ian for posting these, I'm loving your videos. So valuable to have these guided tours and hear you talking to the plants. This is the kind of detail I yearn for in gardening TV, but you rarely ever get. Please make more! I enjoy the wide shots of your garden too.
Thank you everyone, I will take the suggestion and show some more wide views in future video diaries.
I make the videos in one take holding the camera in one hand and as you will hear in this edition I can think one thing while saying another, so when I say Erythronium dens-canis I really mean Erythronium revoutum - that is life :D
Self seeding in the gravel.
Bulb Log video diary supplement Self Seeding Narcissus bulbocodium and others (
In this weeks Bub Log, ( , I show some of our plantings of Trilium rivale showing the variations.
Bulb Log video diary supplement Trillium rivale in beds (
Bulb Log video diary supplementErythronium revolutum hybrids (
Here is a short update on how one of the Erythronium plunge beds look today.
Bulb Log video diary supplement Erythronium flowers on 16/04/15 (
A vision of paradise Ian, loving your videos!
Bulb Log video diary supplement Bulb house 20/ 04 /15 (
Bulb Log video diary supplement Erythronium americanum (
Bulb log now online (
I know I've said it before Ian & Maggi...........But your garden is absolutely beautiful, an inspiration to us all.
Thank you so much for all your effort in letting us see it.
Thank you Mike, we appreciate your support.
Here is another video installment looking at the Erythronium plunge bed now in full bloom.
Bulb Log video diary supplement Erythronium bed 21 04 15 (
Absolutely wonderful Ian, and beautifully produced ;)
Thank you for your input Brian ;)
So many Erythroniums in flower just now - here are more
Bulb Log video diary supplement - Erythronium in small plunge (
"Take a walk on the wild side"
do be do be do be do be do ......
Bulb Log video diary supplement -Garden Tour 24 04 15 (
EEK! Fast pans again - seasickness tablets needed!
You could relax with the blissfully static Bulb Log, of course: ( 8)
Another video from 'Shaky Hand Productions' name given by our dear friend ZZ.
Join me as I compare three Erythronium revolutum hybrids.
Bulb Log video diary supplement Comparing Erythronium revolutum hybrids (
-- We are loving your wonderful videos Ian. Thank you for giving us so much pleasure, inspiration, ideas & dreams. We are enjoying them so very much - so clear & vivid. Almost as good as having you here with us again.
Regards Edna
New Zealand
Thankyou Edna, I have fond memories of friends and the time I spent in NZ.
How about a Craigton 'Shakey hands' ;D Seriously like the first of the three and the foliage of the third, what if they were crossed?
EEK! Fast pans again - seasickness tablets needed!
I have been trying to imagine rails throughout the garden and Maggie pushing Ian along on a "dolly", if that is what they are called, travelling camera style like in films. Maybe the dogs can pull him ;-)
We must have a cartoonist amongst the members somewhere, or does Ian do that too?
Ian mentions growing Erythroniums in baskets. When I grow these in anything other than very deep pots they inevitably try and escape or form weird shapes in the restricted vertical space. How do they do in the often very tapered baskets Ian? Some of these hybrids form quite large bulbs.
BrianW - No rails or dollies to steady the camera, although one of the TV crews that came to fil the garden did set up the railway buisness - still seems like over kill to me. You just get me camera in one hand trying to keep steady and not move or pan too fast, I am learning.
I replant the Erythroniums in baskets every second year otherwise they do try and escape through the tiny holes -weather permitting I will be replanting this year so will demonstrate fully then or if you prefer follow the link to see the report on the last repot in 2013. (
Brian E
How about a Craigton 'Shakey hands' ;D Seriously like the first of the three and the foliage of the third, what if they were crossed?
Yes it is ever thus the best flowers and the best foliage often comes on different plants - yes I have crosspollinated - but these are only three out of maybe 20 similar that I am watching in the garden.
I have just watched them all Ian, one after the other.
Stills and text are fine, but video and commentary make your feel you are there. It really brings it all to life.
Terrific effort as usual. :)
Thank you Ian. Missed the Erythronium repotting bulb log previously. I find I use more and more sand in my mixes as time goes on. Now if only I could get the leaf mould.
Thank you Ian for these videos and the bulb log.
I was wondering is there something that can be done if Erythroniums just make leaves and stolons and doesn't grow the bulbs to flowering size? Does more fertilizing help?
You can certainly try fertilizing Leena but I am not convinced that helps much with the flowering. I am assuming that you are meaning Erythronium americanum which if you check the video I posted a while back showing our groups you will see that we just left them to run and eventually after some years they now produce a good number of flowers each year.
Bulb Log video diary supplement - Erythronium and Rhododendrons in and around the Raised Bed,
Bulb Log video diary supplement - Erythronium and Rhododendrons Raised Bed (
Bulb Log video diary supplement -Spring bulbs in humus bed.
Bulb Log video diary supplement -Spring bulbs in humus bed (
Some rain at last - after coming back from the East Anglia AGS Show yesterday - so a chance to look at the videos of erythroniums. Really nice to see. I've never grown E. americanum but heard how shy flowering it can be so it's enlightening to see how it can flower so well when well established. It's amazing how much you can learn in a short time from seeing plants compared and contrasted like this, and magical to see such strong stands of plants. I remember 'Craigton Cover Girl' really standing out amongst a display that Ray Drew did for the Essex AGS Group a couple of years ago, but what is so nice is to see such variation across the plants - quite difficult to choose between the three revolutum hybrids. We need to work on our woodland beds for maybe another ten or twenty years :) and erythroniums will definitely figure more in the future. Thanks Ian and will keep watching (look forward to seeing some 'Shaky Hand Productions' from the Czech gardens in the future?).
(look forward to seeing some 'Shaky Hand Productions' from the Czech gardens in the future?).
Now that would be nice Tim - in the meantime they will continue to come from Aberdeen.
Bulb Log 18 now online.
[attachimg=1] (
Bulb Log video diary supplement - community planting (
Latest Bulb log now online (
and here is a link to the latest Bulb Log video diary supplements (
- a second look at the three Erythronium revolutum hybrids to see how they have progressed.
Bulb Log video diary supplement - The importance of dwarf shrubs and conifers to our garden (
You can access all my videos from my You Tube channel. (
New Bulb Log now online. (
Another Bulb Log video diary supplement from Shaky Hand Productions - another look at some of the troughs and raised beds. (
Thanks to Fred who has managed get the embedded you tube video viewer back into the forum.
On my Ipad it has always only been the link that appears easy to click.
Good to have another Shaky hands production, you were missed!
Thanks Brian, the break was mostly down to bad weather rather than the video player thingie.
Ian, can you please tell us the aspect these face, i.e. how much sun do they get, and how do they get watered, by you or nature?
Brian, many aspects are involved even within the smallest of the troughs - all get sun and shade from the trees and also sitting in the shade of the larger troughs. None get full sun all day.
I do water and liquid feed when it is hot and dry, especially in when the spring growth is active, I have been watering recently, but in general we get plenty rain and the evaporation rate is lowered by the high landscaping.
Super video Ian. Almost as good as being there. :)
Next addition from Shaky Hand Productions looks at our front garden. (
New release from Shaky Hand Productions.
I guess that's why they call it the blues - Meconopsis, Corydalis 'Craigton Blue' and more. (
Ian mistakenly gives the 'Craigton Blue' parentage as omieana x elata - it is actually C. flexuosa x omeiana. The Corydalis elata which was around under that name in fact turned out to be C. omeiana.
July issue of RHS "The Garden" features the plant in an article by Roy Lancaster about Hartside Nursery -the cross is given there as flexuosa x elata ..... but hybrid is flexuosa x omeiana.
The latest Bulb Log featuring highlights from the SRGC Botanical Expedition to Golspie - is online now. (
Also Shaky Hand Productions was there so check out the video, more will follow. (
Bulb Log 26 -2015 This week- Scottish wildflowers including the charming Primula scotica (
Shaky Hand Productions releases another video from the SRGC trip to Golspie : Dunbeath Beach featuring Mertensia maritima. (
Latest Bulb log video diary supplement. (
Here is another installment from Shaky Hand Productions on the SRGC Botanical expedition to Golspie - it features salt marsh and sand dunes. (
Another installment from Shaky Hand Productions on the SRGC Botanical expedition to Golspie - it features A visit to Balblair wood with Moneses uniflora and Linnaea borealis. (
I just caught up on these latest videos Ian. Great work.
Thanks Fred,
I released two more in last weeks Bulb Log I will post them here now.
The first looks at the front drive planting. (
Shakey hands presents a video on some of the Dactylorhiza in our garden. (
Latest video diary supplements to Bub Log 37 now available. ( (
Good stuff Ian, there is nothing to beat a visual demo.
Thanks Fred
Next installment of my video Diary shows some of our autumn flowering bulbs, see also Bulb log 39 also now online. ( (
Really enjoyed this weeks video log. Fantastic to see all the different Autumn flowering crocus.
Thanks Dave, sadly the Crocus and Colchicum are taking a battering in the driving rain and wind just now.
The latest Bulb Log video diary supplement looks at some more autumn flowering bulbs in the garden. (
Also the Bulb Log
[attachimg=1] (
The latest Video Diary supplement is now online in which the autumn leaves are falling and creating a gloriously colourful carpet to walk on.
It was shot around 10 this morning and within 20mins the heavy rain that was forecast hit us. It is still pouring down now. (
Here the latest Video diary supplement looking around the bulb houses,noting the tasks that need my attention with a few tips included. (
I really enjoyed a virtual visit to your bulb house, Ian. Thank you :)
Definitely another very enjoyable tour this afternoon. Soon after I made the most of a calm spell in our weather and removed the spent Crocus flowers! Curiously, even though our climate is wetter than that in Aberdeen, the old flowers do not seem to suffer botrytis here. I suspect it's so windy that there is constant and excellent natural ventilation so they are simply desiccated before the moulds can take hold. I'm not complacent though and still remove them.
So funny - Ian hesitates as he calls a plant "narcissus" - it clearly is not - he catches himself and says- as if for final definition, " not Narcissus, snowdrops, galanthus, - narcissus are yellow , galanthus are white ...... " ah yes, thus spake the expert!
He then went on to show us some Narcissus... which were mostly white ;D
I am glad to see you are all paying attention 8)
Another very enjoyable video log.
Thank you
Here is the latest offering from Shaky hand productions. (
Most enjoyable once again Ian and thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge. Merry Xmas..
The latest video shows how the early flowering bulbs take a wee bit of snow in their stride. (
Join me in the latest Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement as I enjoy the sunshine while looking at some of the early flowering bulbs including Galanthus, Eranthis and Leucojum. (
The third Video from the series on lifting and splitting Dactylorhiza reveals the results from replanting the old bulb and stem. (
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Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement looks around one of the Bulb beds which has sprung into bloom. (
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Terrific Ian I love the garden walks. :)
Thanks Fred.
Thanks Ian. I really enjoy my "walks" around your garden.
It's a pleasure to have your company Susan.
Thanks Ian. I really enjoy my "walks" around your garden.
But you never stop for a cuppa....????
Actually Maggi, today I did have my cuppa with me, but you must have been inside. ;)
New Bulb log Video Diary supplement Link 'Colours of Corydalis' (
Ian, is it a general fertiliser you give the corydalis, or high potassium?
Carolyn, I use a 7-7-7 when the growth first emerges switching to high potassium as the flowers fade.
Thanks Ian, my poor plants have been starved! I will copy your advice.
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Excellent stuff Ian. The variety in the seedlings is great. Far more interesting than everyone growing the same clones.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Self-seeding (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement looking at variation in seed raised Erythronium dens-canis. (
Take a short walk with me in the spring garden in this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement, with the birds singing in the background. (
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Shaky hands video productions brings you 'Looking for Primula vulgaris and Viola canina on the cliffs south of Stonehaven with Clay Koplin'. (
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This video also gives proof positive of the number of cars SPEEDING down our road early on a Sunday morning! Not that I suppose showing it to the local police would encourage them to get out early with their Speed gun.
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The latest Video Diary celebrating 700 bulb logs now online. (
Bulb log Video Diary Supplement where I revisit some troughs and slab beds especially looking at how the Dactylorhiza self seed into them.
Features Megan and Molly. (
If you have not found the link in the Bulb Log here is the latest Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement, troughs and autumn blues. (
Bulb log video diary supplement showing the first storm as I water the bulb house. (
Watch me and my shredder at work. (
My goodness - all those minutes of watching and listening- to a running shredder! Akin to paint drying?? But it does show how quickly the shredder disposes of the cut material to become great mulch in future.
In case any of you are thinking that it looks as if the BD is poking his arms dangerously low into the hopper- rest assured that the blades are a long way down and his technique is one he has perfected to get the leafy ends of branches through the cut. :)
Looks a (h)armless process to me :P ;D
To be fair, only 5 out of the 7 1/2 minutes are of a running shredder ;)
I am glad that you pointed that out Matt, I did consider editing it down, also speeding it up in places but after thinking about how popular programs on watching paint dry are on the telly, I mean decorating,I thought this might become a new cult movie:-)
David it is perfectly (h)armless and I still have all my fingers too.
I should have put this on last week!
Bulb log video diary supplement - converting the Fritillaria house from individual pots to a sand plunge planting. (
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This Bulb log video diary supplement looks at Autumn flowers, Crocus, Colchicum and Cyclamen and how the lovely low light paints the garden.
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Walk with me as I look at some of the autumn leaves in this latest Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement. (
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Last Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement for the year, looks around the bulb houses at the winter solstice. (
In this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement I look in the bulb houses at some of the Hoop petticoat Narcissus flowering today 13.01.17. (
Snowdrops!! (
So many drops! :o Your garden is paradise Ian, I would love to sit there with you and ask questions about the plants. I found myself wishing you would name some of the Galanthus. Perhaps a follow up supplement to the supplement? Later when more are open?
No chance of that here, Jamus - once they are out in the garden the odds are we lose the label and , as I'm sure you know - they all look the same! Bless, 'em they nearly all have names, it's just that we're not really bothered! Pretty much all these early ones are named forms - but what is important to us is that they like life here and clump up. We decided long ago that a 'drop in the garden had to take its chances of us remembering what it is. We usually remember when they've come from someone special but I know, shame on us!
Sounds fair to me! It wouldn't bother me either but I do feel compelled to keep mine ordered and organised here in Australia. They are such rare plants here that I'm certain the collection will be of interest to others in the future...
Your eranthis are sumptuous... it's thrilling to see these plants obviously loving the conditions and thriving. They cling to existence precariously here. :D
It took us several "goes" to get the Eranthis established - we thought they were never going to start increasing - they're doing well now- we do like them.
It's fun for us to have a few "fancy" drops, of course and I do try to keep those where I can remember them - or even planted in the glasshouse sand beds when they start increasing - but the garden effect is more important to us. I take your point about the naming being rather more relevant for you over there.
Celebrating the hoops. (
Bulb log video diary supplement - The bulbs have responded to the recent warm weather and are springing into flower. (
A nice walk with you to the garden Ian. Thank you. :) From what I see, if I compare with our home, the season is more advanced in you.
A first look at the growth in the sand plunges in the Fritillaria house which I converted to sand beds last summer - now they are lovely small gardens. (
Bulb log video diary supplement - Spring flowers, Galanthus,Leucojum, Crocus, Eranthis and many more, on a sunny and windy day in Aberdeen. (
Bulb log video diary supplement - Spring brings more colour to the garden with Corydalis,Crocus, Erythronium,Saxifrages, and so much more featuring Megan and Molly. (
Check out the Fritillaria growing in the new sand plunge beds. (
Hi Ian
Thoroughly enjoyed your video of the sand beds as I'm particularly fond of fritillaries.
Your sand beds don't look very deep, what depth are they? Is it all sand with just a reliance on feeding?
Thanks, Chris
Thank you Chris, they are just 15cms deep and I do add some dilute liquid feed most times I water - mor details in the Bulb Log.
Thanks Ian.
Crocus pelistericus and Erythroniums enjoying the sunshine. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Corydalis and Erythronium dens-canis are among the plants featuring in the garden landscape this week. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement come on a walk to look at the spring growth on 02/04/17 with Scoliopus bigelovii,Trilliums, Erythroniums, bird song. (
Walking with Erythronium................ (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Walking with Erythroniums the sequel - there are so many in flower in the garden it is beautiful time of year. (
Two little white dogs were pottering round the garden and Megan said to Molly-"Tell you what Mol, I'm getting quite worried about Ian, he's spending more and more time wandering round the garden with that thing glued to his eye and talking to himself" Woof.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Walking with Erythroniums sequel part 2 (
Two little white dogs were pottering round the garden and Megan said to Molly-"Tell you what Mol, I'm getting quite worried about Ian, he's spending more and more time wandering round the garden with that thing glued to his eye and talking to himself" Woof.
David they are well used to the unusual things that happen in this household and garden - they do think they should get additional treats when they make video appearances.
...... and they should! ;D
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement A walk in part of the garden on 2nd May,2017 (
quote author=Ian Y link=topic=12953.msg376889#msg376889 date=1493806430]
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement A walk in part of the garden on 2nd May,2017
When Ian mentions the dwarf Rhodo. 'Wren' - he means 'Merganser' (they're both yellow and named after birds! Merganser is by far superior though. )
The latest Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement celebrating the ordinary - plants that grow themselves delivering extraordinary colour and interest . (
Meconopsis and Dactylorhiza are flowering now and feature in this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement. (
In this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement I look at the front garden and driveway plantings. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Dactylorhiza are still flowering plus an update on some new, reworked, beds. (
Crumbs, over 100 videos from Ian loaded to YouTube so far - loads of garden advice in there!
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Looking at the design and layout of the garden (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Autumn flowering makes an appearance with the first of the Colchicums flowering while many summer flowering plants continue producing more flowers. (
Bulb Log video diary supplement Autumn Crocus, Colchicum and Cyclamen flowering in the garden. (
Bulbs flowering in the bulb house sand beds includes Colchicum, Crocus, Galanthus, Sternbergia and more. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement- 25th October sees flowering in the garden slowing down while it is just getting going in the bulb houses. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - In the garden the dying embers of autumn colour hang on while inside the bulb house we enjoy the blossoming of the new seasons Narcissus flowers. (
Bulb log video Diary Supplement Snow Business the first snow of the winter (
This time a six minute slide show of colourful memories of Erythronium photographed in the garden on 14 April 2017 to brighten the dark cold winter days. (
To view full screen view it from my YouTube channel click or copy and paste the link (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Join me for a mid winter walk around the garden finishing with the Narcissus flowers in the bulb houses. (
A walk in the garden at the end of January with the first of this years snowdrops coming into flower. (
Narcissus hybrids flowering in the sand beds (
Click the link to this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement and walk with me as I look at Iris, Snowdrops, Crocus, Eranthis and others enjoying some sunshine on 21st February. (
You looking forward Ian, or a long way back? ;D
You looking forward Ian, or a long way back? ;D
It's the cold, David , poor soul is hoping for better weather in the future!
You looking forward Ian, or a long way back? ;D
Thanks for noticing my stupid error David I have edited it to the correct date 21st February and it is 2018 is-int it!!
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement a look around the Bulb houses on 21st February showing what is flowering in pots and the sand beds. (
Bulb log video diary supplement looking at how some of the Spring bulbs are after the snow and freezing winds. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Rhododendrons, Galanthus, Corydalis and more flowering on 1st April (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement where he colours of Corydalis are the stars for now with Erythronium and others playing supporting roles. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement where Erythronium sibiricum joins in with a host of other spring flowers saxifrages as well as bulbs. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement a few warm days triggers a burst of growth and flowering. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Walking with Erythronium as they bring a spectacular display of colour to the garden. (
Walk with me among the Erythronium and Trillium as we enjoy the arrival of some warm weather in this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement summer in the garden. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement a look around some of the troughs and slab beds with some Meconopsis towards the end. (
In this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement I look at how plants are surviving in what is an unusually for us a sunny dry garden. (
Bulb Log Video Diary The early signs of Autumn (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement among the autumn flowers from Crocus and Colchicum - see if you can spot my silly slips where I mix up a couple of names in my commentary the first time I mention Eucomis I mean Arisaema and once I say Crocus instead of Colchicum. (
Autumn in the garden........ (
Dear Ian
I have been enjoying your videos and my favourites are the special edition of splitting dactylorhizas
Did you show what the old ones looked like after time in soil again?
It would be interesting to know if these also produced flower sized rhizomes or if it was many small
Kind regards
Thank you Joakim yes I did here it is again for you. (
Thanks a LOT Ian
I am not sure how I could miss it
If I may come with a suggestion to reach an even wider crowd
Video is a good way to show things so if there are a subject to be covered a special edition is a great idea!
Maybe filming repotting or trough making and call it “Repotting of xx” this way it is easier to find for more than the regular followers.
That is when you do the task anyway in order not to create a lot of extra work for you.
New Year new Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement looking at the Narcissus flowering in the sand beds on 2nd January 2019. (
Join me in this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement while I look at the flowers in mid-February, Galanthus, Crocus, Eranthis, Helleborus, etc..... (
Walk with me in this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - while I enjoy an unusually warm day in the garden which brings on the flowers and bees . (
In this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement I look at what is flowering in the garden in early spring, 18 03 19, including Corydalis, Hepatica, Hellebores, Primula, Ipheion, Rhododendron, Erythronium among others....... (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - The colours in the garden are changing quickly with Corydalis, Hepatica, Hellebore, Erythroniums and all the spring flowers. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Join me in a walk looking at some of the Erythronium and other plants flowering in the garden. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement -this year 20 April is Peak Erythronium Time there is so much colour in the garden............. (
Click below to view the latest Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement (
Join me in the latest Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement where I take a walk round the garden in the rain featuring Molly (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - looking at some of the garden habitats in the early morning sunshine. (
In this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement I take a look around the front garden with the drive way plantings in full flower and bursting with colour. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Join me in this Autumn walk looking at crocus flowers in the bulb houses and the garden as I try out my new compact camera. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement
Join me for a short wet windy autumn walk round the garden appreciating what remains of the seasonal colour. (
First Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement of 2020 join me on a walk in the mid winter garden ending up looking at the smaller Narcissus flowering in the bulb houses. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Looking at the Narcissus bulbocodium group flowering on 11 01 20 (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement -Join me and Molly on a walk in the winter garden where Eranthis, Galanthus and Narcissus are among the plants flowering. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Join me and Molly in a garden walk on 29 February looking at the flowers on Corydalis, Crocus, Cyclamen, Eranthis, Galanthus, Leucojum, Hellebore and many more.................... (
A short Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement showing some of the Narcissus flowering in one of the bulb houses. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement
Join me in this walk round a part of the garden, on 17.03.20, where there are many flowers and plants to see (
Thank you Ian that was so lovely. I feel so lucky to be able to walk with you in your wonderful garden. We gardeners in New Zealand are looking forward to our spring - your garden is a promise of things to come.
Regards Edna
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Join me for ten minutes of colour in the garden where the Corydalis are in full bloom. (
Ian, I read somewhere that summer travels North at 2mph. This would put your area about a week behind us. Many of your plants seem to be in flower before ours. We are in a sheltered area and don,t usually get extremes of weather.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Join me on a garden walk looking at the flowers on 1st April. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement – the Erythronium seasons starts join me as I look at the first Erythronium revolutum flowers of the season ….. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement.
In this video I talk about the construction and maintenance of the bulb house sand beds while looking at what is still flowering in them. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement looking at (Pseudo)Trillium rivale growing in our garden. Listen out to spot where I say Trillium when I mean Erythronium and vice versa a few minutes later. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Looking at the garden design and layout. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Walk with me as I look at some of the Erythronium flowering on 22 04 20. Towards the end, at14.24, the flower I look at is Erythronium hendersonii not dens-canis - my slip of the tongue. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement -Join Molly and me on our morning walk in the garden seeking out some of the Trilliums growing among the many other plants. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement
Got a spare 25mins? I would love you to join me on this garden walk as I explore some of the carpets of decorative foliage and flowers that combine creating living tapestries across our garden. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement.
Please join me on another walk looking at some of the troughs then walking in the garden wilderness until I get cut short when the battery runs out. (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Come for A walk in the misty wet lush garden.... (
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Join me on a late afternoon walk in the garden looking at the Autumn flowering Crocus and Colchicum among others.............
Join me on this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement walk looking at the garden heading into winter ending up in the Bulb Houses with a host of Narcissus flowers.
All Ian Young's you tube videos can be found from this page:
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Midwinter garden walk.
Join me on a garden walk looking at the first of the Snowdrops and Eranthis to come into flower.
An explosion of colour in the garden.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Looking at the Narcissus and other bulbs flowering in the bulb house sand beds.
Join me on the latest garden walk where more colour is appearing every day.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement.
In this walk I look at many different plants from the large Rhododendron flowers above my head down to the tiny Saxifrage flowers in troughs.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Please join me on this garden walk as I view the plants recovering after the storm with Trillium, Erythronium, habitats and so much more.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - a garden walk looking at how despite the cold Erythronium are taking over the garden along with a host of other woodland plants plants.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement - Join me on a walk looking at some of the large Rhododendrons and the garden after yet more wind and rain.
Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement Join me on walk in the garden at the start of the transition into summer where Aquilegia, Meconopsis, Allium, Tulipa, and a host of other colourful plants are encouraged to seed and mingle together in the naturalised plantings typical of our garden.
Join me on this Bulb Log Video Diary Supplement in a walk round the garden looking at some of the Autumn flowering bulbs.
Join me on the first Bulb Log Video Diary of 2022 looking round the Garden in January where we see Daffodils, Eranthis, Snowdrops and the different organic mulches we apply.
Thank you for the video. It is always nice to take walk in your garden. :)
You said in the video that you can increase snowdrops by planting them in a pot where they make small bulbs quickly. Can you tell more about that, it sounds like something I would like to try.
You said poor soil, do you mean like sandy soil? Is there a difference if the pot is small or bigger and how deep you plant the bulb? How long does it take to get a potful of small bulbs like you had?
Thank you Leena
I discover this method through mistakes I made when I first started growing bulbs when I did not plant them deep enough and or kept them too dry the bulbs reaction was to break down into many smaller bulbs so I have turned this to my advantage.
To quote from Bulb Log 0420
'A few years ago I intentionally planted some Galanthus bulbs too near the surface of small pots to put them under stress resulting in the single large bulb breaking down into several small ones then I have spent the next two years growing them well to get them back to flowering size.
The link is
Thanks Ian!
I must have read it year ago because I remember those Eranthis pinnatifida pictures and writing :).
I will try it with some snowdrops which increase very slowly. :)
Join me on a winter garden walk in sunshine with bird song this is such an exciting time of year where I look at flowering Crocus, Cyclamen, Eranthis, Galanthus among others.
Bulb Log Video Diary - Join me on this windy garden walk during that short time window when winter and spring flowers combine to fill the garden with colour.
Bulb Log Video Diary Spring garden walk in bright sunshine with carpets of flowers.
Bulb Log Video Diary - join me at this exciting time of year as I walk round the garden exploring the many flowers growing though the ground cover.
Bulb Log Video Diary walking in the garden with Erythroniums.
Bulb log video diary a garden walk appreciating the wave of fresh spring greens with a few flowers including Corydalis 'Craigton Purple' - you may spot my slip when showing this plant I have had Erythroniums on my brain recently. Please join me.
What's in the trees at 1.45-1.52? Witch's broom or mistletoe?
Those are Witches Broom in one of our Birches (Betula) - spread from an old tree with them in a neighbour's garden.
Often ignored or even missed - I find them endlesly fascinating, as much as the bulb log.
Thanks Maggi
Bulb Log Video Diary garden please join me on a walk through the garden landscape of trees, shrubs, lush growth and alpines. Oh it is Hepatica transsilvanica I am propagating not Hepatica nobils.
Bulb Log Video Diary
Please join me for a short walk in the snowy garden.
As you mentionned, electricity is now a luxure. The ratio between the price of the bulbs/seeds and the energy bill is quickly calculated :-\
Hi Ian,
Jasmin and I certainly enjoyed your most recent garden video. For me sound is an element of the garden that is frequently overlooked. I especially enjoyed the sound of the ice-crusted snow as you walked through the garden. We have one very old wind chime that was hung outside my bedroom window when I was a child. To this day, I enjoy it subtle tones in our Sacramento garden. I also enjoy the sounds of wild birds in our garden. The sounds of the wind in various trees and shrubs can also be very pleasing and calming. I especially like the soft whisper of the wind through the conifers in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. For me, the element of sound certainly adds another dimension to the garden experience.
Thank you for sharing your Bulb logs and garden videos. They have been very inspirational and full of practical gardening concepts. Each visit to your garden is unique – absolutely never repetitive or monotonous.
Bulb Log Video Diary
Please join me in the January garden looking at the first of the Snowdrop flowers with Eranthis including the beautiful Eranthis pinnatifida.
Bulb Log Video Diary join me on a walk in the February garden with flowers appearing on Galanthus, Eranthis, Leucojum, Cylamen, Iris and many more.
Plase join me walking round the March garden in the latest Bulb Log Video Diary
Bulb Log Video Diary - a garden walk on 7th April please come with me.
In this latest Bulb Log video diary I take you on a garden walk looking at some of the Erythroniums, Trilliums and many more woodland bulbs that are now in flower.
Bulb log video diary.
Please join me as I walk round the garden on 28 04 23 enjoying the Erythroniums, which are at their peak flowering, growing alongside many other plants that I meet on my way. It is 10C on a bright but cloudy day so the light is low contrast which is good for the video.
Bulb Log Video Diary - With much of the mass flowering of the early bulbs now over come with me on a garden walk looking at all the new foliage growth including the fast emerging tree canopy.
Bulb Log video diary. Join me on the June garden walk where there is lots of colour and interest but the gardener and the plants are flopping in the very hot and dry conditions.
Bulb Log Video Diary
Please join me for a walk in the garden on 14th July reflecting on the weather while appreciating lots of foliage and some of the more common pollinators that are an essential part of our garden.
Amazing how your garden is still in the green, thanks your sharing a bit of your paradise.
Amazing how your garden is still in the green, thanks your sharing a bit of your paradise.
I consider ourselves to be lucky with the cool moist weather this year Yann, thanks for watching.
Please join me in this Bulb Log Video Diary for the August garden walk where I confess to being the 'weedy gardener' and explain why we grow such plants.
Bulb Log Video Diary.
23 September garden walk.
In this walk I look at some of the many Colchicum, Crocus and Cyclamen that are seeding around often flowering through other plants in the process of dying back in the autumn.
Bulb Log video diary.
In this walk I show what the garden looks like on 23 11 23 after a month of storms blew all the autumn colour away and now winter takes hold. Please join me.
Looking for something to watch?
On Ian's YouTube channel there are 200 videos of the garden at all times of the year to brighten winter's darkness.
Bulb Log Video Diary Please join me for a short walk in the snowy garden on 17 01 24.
Bulb Log Video Dairy garden walk 19 02 24.
This February garden walk features some early flowering bulbs including Crocus, Eranthis, Galanthus, Leucojum and other plants I spot while walking round - please join me.
Sunny Scotland and very nice garden's tour.
Thanks Ian for providing a guided walk which has enlivened an otherwise dreich (and non-gardening) afternoon at home.
Bulb Log Video Diary 22 March 2024. Please join me on a windy garden walk looking at the mass of spring colour where you will see plants such as Corydalis, Eranthis, Hepatica, Erythronium, Hellebores, Primula and many others seeding around the garden.
For best viewing click to watch on YouTube.
Bulb Log Video Diary 11 April 2024.
The next wave of flowering responds rapidly to a day of warm weather with Erythroniums, Trilliums, Primula, Rhododendron and many more plants now in full flower.
Please join me on this walk in the garden looking at all the colour.
For best viewing click to watch on YouTube.
Please join me on another Bulb Log Video Diary Garden walk. 4th May one last look at the low carpets of spring flowers before the garden grows into its lush summer growth.
For best viewing click to watch on YouTube.
Bulb log video Diary garden walk on May 21. Please join me as I look at the next flowering sequence in the garden, the trees and shrubs especially the larger Rhododendrons are in full bloom with Bluebells flowering below.
Bulb Log Video Diary.
Please join me for a garden walk on 21 06 24 when the garden turns into a jungle of growth. Starting in the front looking at the driveway plantings then moving to the back garden in it's lush early summer growth phase.
Bulb Log Video Diary.
Please join me for a garden walk on 21 06 24 when the garden turns into a jungle of growth. Starting in the front looking at the driveway plantings then moving to the back garden in it's lush early summer growth phase.
Thanks for letting us walk round the garden with you. We had a laugh when you couldn't remember the name for the Crinodendron - know how it feels like! We have a garden full of "thingies" and "What's its name". It is not unusual for either of us to shout out a name during watching TV referring to a plant name we had forgotten.
hours ago."
It reminded me of the late Sir Richard Attenborough calling everyone "Darling". He said that it was because he could never remember anyone's name so he always called them Darling!
Thanks Tom, memory recall becomes increasingly challenging as we get older. I am reassured when younger people have a lapse it reminds me that it is not just us seniors.
Thanks Tom, memory recall becomes increasingly challenging as we get older. I am reassured when younger people have a lapse it reminds me that it is not just us seniors.
My current lapse is, I know the days of the week, but never get them in the right order. I now work on watching my neighbour's wheely bins going out. It must be a Thursday!
Bulb Log Video diary garden walk 31 08 24.
An update showing the state of the garden as we transition into autumn.
Here are some of the names that I could not instantly recall during my walk. The scarlet flower was Philesia magellanica, the orchid I think might be an Epipactis, the pineapple plant is Eucomis bicolor, the climber I didn't mention is Codonopsis grey-wilsonii.
Here is the first Bulb Log Video Diary garden walk of 2025.
On the one good day in weeks I dug out my old video camera and went for a walk to see what was in flower. It inevitably features the early bulbs where Galanthus, Eranthis, Leucojum, Crocus and Cyclamen along with others are in full flower.
Please join me by clicking the link.
Bulb Log Video Diary 03 03 25. Please join me on this walk looking at how the flowers have advanced since the last video I did a few weeks ago. We have had some bright sunny weather which has encouraged the flowers to open wide and show themselves. A feast of Galanthus, Leucojum, Crocus, Corydalis, Erythronium, and the rest. Plus a visit from a Bumble bee.