Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Bulbs => Bulbs General => Topic started by: mark smyth on February 21, 2008, 08:06:12 PM
The date and venue have been set for this year's Mid Anglia AGS bulb sale.
It's on Sunday 24th August at Andrew and Jenny Clarke's, Pentlow Mill, Cavendish CO10 7SP from 2pm. Signs will be out.
I hope to see at least 5 forum members there including me! John, Alan, David, Tony ...
You guys are being very quiet. Too early for committment?
Just a reminder for next Sunday. See you there?
I will be there - it is one of my 'local' Groups!
...and I have my fingers crossed, it depends on the driver :-\
Forgive my ignorance of the finer points of English geography, it far from Norfolk to Cavendish ? ( Cavendish, I might add, I thought was a "who" rather than a "where" :-[ )
So, how big a bribe to the driver are we talking, Brian? 1 jumbo bar of Cadbury's Caramel ? 2 of fruit and nut? Fresh cream cakes...... really good supper with wine..... ????
Pay the price, for goodness can't leave Arthur to battle Mark singlehandedly for all the bargains :o
It's easy to distract Mark. Just release a couple of bats into the building. That'll keep him busy for a while, while you get the bargains!!! ;)
So, how big a bribe to the driver are we talking, Brian? 1 jumbo bar of Cadbury's Caramel ? 2 of fruit and nut? Fresh cream cakes...... really good supper with wine..... ?
He has just said "All that and more." It's going to be an expensive trip!! It's only about 65 miles Maggi.
Paul I'll remember the tip about the bats ;D
"All that and more."
So, he and I have quite a lot in common then? Apart from the fact I have no driving licence . Which may be why I get out so little!
However, we will be off to Pitlochry for the Trough Day (and weekend visit with Julia !! YIPPEE!!!!!)so I will think of you bulb hunters in Cavendish :-*
I might be popping over - just wondering - is it really starting no earlier than 2 p.m. ???
"All that and more."
However, we will be off to Pitlcohry for the Trough Day (and weekend visit with Julia !! YIPPEE!!!!!)so I will think of you bulb hunters in Cavendish :-*
The Trough Day sounds more like a Gourmand's delight rather than an Alpine event.
Arthur, where is it written that one cannot be both a gourmand and an alpinist?? ::) Though I do prefer the appellation gourmet to that of gourmand ! ;) ;D
'Fraid so Luc, I was speaking to Richard Hobbs tonight who will be selling bulbs and he said it wouldn't be starting earlier.
Thanks Brian - so this will be a late return for us then on Sunday night !
No worries, hope to see you there !
The date and venue have been set for this year's Mid Anglia AGS bulb sale.
It's on Sunday 24th August at Andrew and Jenny Clarke's, Pentlow Mill, Cavendish CO10 7SP from 2pm. Signs will be out.
I hope to see at least 5 forum members there including me! John, Alan, David, Tony ...
Who are John,Alan, David and Tony? I would like to meet you all at the Bulb Sale, but I need to know who I am looking for.
Good point, Art: suppose you could all be wearing your SRGC tops, if you had 'em !! ;) Bit early fora snowdrop buttonhole.... :-\
Who are John,Alan, David and Tony? I would like to meet you all at the Bulb Sale, but I need to know who I am looking for.
Id be guessing (perhaps incorrectly) that they would be John Forrest, Alan Grainger, David Nicholson and Tony Goode?
Tony Goode
Alan B - into snowdrops
John Finch - maybe too far for John to make it
I cant remember which David I'm refering to.
If you live in the south east it will be very worth while to make the journey
You're supposed to remember who you mention in your own emails. ::) Makes it much harder for everyone else to work out who you're talking about when even YOU can't!! ;D
Well I got ONE right anyway. ::)
You want me to remember what I was thinking of in February! I can hardy remember last week LOL
I do have selective bad memory. I can remember for 6 months the date of the bulb sale but I cant remember what I was sent to buy at the local shop
Sorry, who were you again? ;) ;D
good question - sometimes called Sparky, Marco Polo and Marcus Arelius by friends
Good point, Art: suppose you could all be wearing your SRGC tops, if you had 'em !! ;) Bit early fora snowdrop buttonhole.... :-\
Just a point on SRGC tops. I thought I had read in the last 'The Rock Garden' that details of all the SRGC merchandise could be found on the Main Page of the Web Site? I can't find it! I am sure that many us who find it very difficult to participate in Club activities, for geographical reasons mostly, would welcome the possibility of buying the odd top or bobble hat in order to feel more part of the Club. Surely the Club is missing out on a very useful income stream here.
Um... what's a "bobble hat"? ???
what's a "bobble hat"?
Think bogan. Think of the customary headgear of a recently departed gardening presenter - then add a bobble on top. :P
If you're meaning "recently departed" as in from the TV show, and not from the living, I think I know what you mean. Sort of like a woolly beany with a ball on top, or something like that? All I could picture were bobble head toys, like the noddy dogs for your car windows. :o
I'm now back. I heard Brian Ellis was there but I didnt see him. I did meet Luc and his friend Luc and Arthur. All good guys
Nice to meet Luc briefly and to chat to David, missed you to Mark and Art - my apologies but we had to get back to Norwich for 4pm so couldn't stay for the auction - despite wanting most of the lots!!
Any idea of the results of the auction anyone?
I kept well away from it only to hear after it was over there was a G. krasnovii auctioned. It sold for £27. I would have raised it to £30
In that case even more regrets that I was not able to stay on :-\
Any idea of the results of the auction anyone?
Hi Brian
Sorry I missed you - certainly enjoyed meeting Mark, Luc and the lurker from Belgium.
The bulb of 'floccon de neige' went for £55 - even more reason for leaving early.
I bought the enormous pot of Gladiolus flanganii grown from AGS seed for £34.
We had a grand day attending the bulb sale ! :D
The "harvest" was excellent and meeting some Forum friends was even better !!
We enjoyed it thoroughly ! I'm sure Mark will post some pictures of the "happening" ;D
The bulb of 'floccon de neige' went for £55 - even more reason for leaving early.
Yes, I would have been hard pressed to keep quiet ::)
Arthur the shy guy from Belgium is also called Luc
Let there be no mistake !
I am not the shy Luc.... ;D
Where are the photographs?
David, you are quite right, the journal does state that the SRGC kit can be seen on the website... and as soon as we get the pix and details... it will be! In the meantime, I hope you are all saving your pennies ( what a daft thing to say in a thread about a bulb sale!!) for the glorious day when the pix appear for your SRGC spending spree!!
I kept well away from it only to hear after it was over there was a G. krasnovii auctioned. It sold for £27. I would have raised it to £30
I thought everybody was kidding when they mentioned these daft prices. Just shows how little you know when you are a hermit stuck in the North. I was given 3 bulbs of G. krasnowii last week. I gave a ramonda seedling in exchange,c'est la vie!
I thought everybody was kidding when they mentioned these daft prices.
If only Tony :-\
hi Mark I only told you to be devilish. Got another couple called G. emerald something or other, can not remember and it is raining so not going outside to look. ::)
Are you hiding the pictures as "classified information" ? ;D
too much mañana
Goodness me, Art, we can hardly see you behind that huge pot of Gladiolus !
So, in the first photo, is the chap to the left our lurking friend, Luc the second?
I know second left is Mark, then Luc the Channel Hopper with artful Arthur on the extreme right......... :-\
Eh?? ........Where did the first photo go? ???
Goodness me, Art, we can hardly see you behind that huge pot of Gladiolus !
That was the general idea
I took it off but here it is again. The other Luc took the photos. I now know Luc is said like look and not Luke but that depends on the regional English accents
The man on the left is recently back from Iran and was planning to go to the mountains in Georgia where the Russians are currently sitting.