Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

General Subjects => Alpines => Topic started by: Maggi Young on February 28, 2017, 08:26:23 PM

Title: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Maggi Young on February 28, 2017, 08:26:23 PM
Some time ago David Nicholson prepared a list of  specialist nurseries..... the SRGC List of suggested specialist nurseries which you can find  here

Updated list - not claiming to be complete:

Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Alan_b on March 01, 2017, 07:13:59 AM
Some other organisation was compiling a similar list.  I remember reading it and noting that they did not have Bide-a-Wee Cottage Garden and Nursery ( so I suggested that one.  It cannot have been the SRGC list since our list misses that nursery also (and it's not even too far from Scotland).  I think I might have heard about this 'competing' list through Tim Ingram (Copton Ash Garden and Nursery); perhaps he remembers where it is? 
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Growild on March 01, 2017, 08:35:17 AM
Maybe you are thinking of this new organisation Alan? (
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Maggi Young on March 01, 2017, 10:39:18 AM
The SRGC list was compiled some time ago from nurseries which have been mentioned  favourably  in the forum or who support and  advertise in the SRGC Journal. The more recent  project referred to (which the SRGC was submitted to, by the way and was gratefully received by the organisers)  is intended to  highlight all specialist nurseries, rather than those particularly  allied to rock garden and alpine plants, as the SRGC list tends to be.    :)

There are also the links pages  of the SRGC - reached from the menu at the top of each page ... (
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Alan_b on March 01, 2017, 11:20:26 AM
Thank you, Lisa, that was the website I was thinking of.

Please allow me to give a favourable mention to the nursery I mentioned, Bide-a-Wee Cottage Garden and Nursery.  It's a fantastic garden and the nursery, although only small, contains a selection of the plants grown in the garden which are difficult to find elsewhere.  The garden incorporates a former quarry so it's likely that some of the plants on sale will be appropriate to a rock garden, although I did not pay attention to this aspect of the nursery.

Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Maggi Young on March 01, 2017, 12:52:04 PM
Alan,  if Bide A Wee have a website - since the system prefers a direct link be made, you can submit an entry to the  SRGC links pages (
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Alan_b on March 01, 2017, 02:37:39 PM
Maggi, I cannot figure out how to submit an entry but I gave the address of the web site in my first post: (
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: astragalus on March 03, 2017, 01:22:09 PM
Some time ago David Nicholson prepared a list of  specialist nurseries..... the SRGC List of suggested specialist nurseries which you can find  here

This is a list to make any American rock gardener pea green with envy. You are all so lucky!!
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Maggi Young on March 03, 2017, 03:16:47 PM
We are lucky, Anne - some really great growers/ nurseries there - but, you know, a few years ago there would have been lots more.
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Darren on March 03, 2017, 03:23:02 PM
Indeed Maggi. I'm re-reading old SRGC and AGS bulletins from when I first joined (mid 1990s) and was thinking the same thing when looking at the adverts in the back.
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: astragalus on March 03, 2017, 10:23:52 PM
That's also happening in the U.S., but we start from a much smaller number.
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: fermi de Sousa on March 03, 2017, 11:48:24 PM
That's also happening in the U.S., but we start from a much smaller number.

Even less here! We're always impressed when we go to NZ and see the interest in Alpines and Rock Garden plants there! :o
And the ads in the Journals make us green with envy :-[
Fortunately we have lots of dedicated "amateurs" (in the true sense of the word - they do it for the love of the plants) who are always trying new plants from seed,
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Alpineman on May 09, 2024, 01:41:57 PM
The alpine nursery list does not open on my pphone. Is it for a PC only and could you convert it for phone use.
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Maggi Young on May 09, 2024, 05:23:19 PM
The alpine nursery list does not open on my pphone. Is it for a PC only and could you convert it for phone use.
David Nicholson's list is old and has been superseded, try this page of the website:
 There are some updates need to the "new" list, with retirements, deaths not noted- I will try to update - this is a start....  [attachurl=1]

 A seed supplier list is here:
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Yann on June 18, 2024, 09:37:54 PM
Great update, among them and not to advertise but great experience with fresh short living seeds from plant world seeds.
Alan from Alplains will release new list despite his said it'll be the 2023  ;)
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Leucogenes on June 19, 2024, 08:50:43 AM
Right Yann...there is still a small list from Alan. But delivery is now only within the USA and Canada...due to the regulations for importing into the EU.

So if you have private contacts in the USA or Canada, you have an advantage...😉
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Hans J on June 19, 2024, 01:36:47 PM
Short update for the Cacti - and Succulents part

Jörg Pilltz is died before some time - his shop ist closed

Here is a very interesting seller from France :

Maybe can anybody add it to the list ?

Thanks Hans
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Yann on June 19, 2024, 10:14:26 PM
Aymeric de Barmon provide seeds of quality, i know someone who often order from him.
Title: Re: List of Specialist Nurseries
Post by: Yann on June 19, 2024, 10:19:15 PM
Right Yann...there is still a small list from Alan. But delivery is now only within the USA and Canada...due to the regulations for importing into the EU.

So if you have private contacts in the USA or Canada, you have an advantage...😉

I still have a mailbox in Indiania from where i tranship stuff i buy in the usa. There's plethora of companies that offer this service for an annual subscription but it worth the cost only if you import each month.
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