Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

General Subjects => Travel / Places to Visit => Topic started by: Maggi Young on March 29, 2017, 04:19:31 PM

Title: SRGC Members have garden open for SGS - Burnside, Ayrshire
Post by: Maggi Young on March 29, 2017, 04:19:31 PM
A number of  SRGC members have their gardens open for  the Scotlands Gardens Scheme -  read here for all details ( 

One such garden is the Ayrshire garden of Sue Simpson and George Watt - Burnside, Littlemill Road, Drongan
KA6 7EN (


This young six and a half acre garden was started in 2006. There is a wide range of plants from trees to alpines. Features include a 200 yard woodland border along the burn, herbaceous beds, screes, an ericaceous garden, three alpine houses, a collection of alpine troughs and a pond. The informal arboretum is underplanted with groups of daffodils, camassia and fritillaries.

Sue  and George are well-known in the SRGC and AGS in the north of England, where Sue is a  successful exhibitor of alpines at the Shows.  George contributed a recent article on his young  Quercus arboretum to the IRG (International Rock Gardener)  free e-magazine of February 2017 . You can read that article HERE (


From A77 Ayr bypass take A70 Cumnock for 5¼ miles, at Coalhall, turn onto B730 Drongan (south) for 2½ miles. Burnside entrance immediately adjacent before black/white parapeted bridge. Ordnance Survey grid reference: NS455162

Garden Openings
By arrangement 1 April - 31 August
Admissions:  £4.00, accompanied children free
Beneficiaries : Alzheimers Scotland receives 40%, the net remaining to SG Beneficiaries

Disabled Access    Dogs Allowed   
Other Details:  Dogs on a lead please. Teas and light refreshments by prior arrangement.


Sue Simpson and George Watt
Littlemill Road, Drongan

Call 01292 592445

As well as their  outside plantings, which include the arboretum and  lovely beds and  rock gardens, Sue and George are well-equipped with workshop and alpine house/glasshouse  space ....

Burnside in snow  - earlier this year


The Burnside - with snowdrops

the rock garden comes alive
Title: Re: SRGC Members have garden open for SGS - Burnside, Ayrshire
Post by: Maggi Young on March 29, 2017, 04:23:22 PM
Meconopsis at Burnside will soon be looking like this

rock garden bed

Dionysias remaining after  what Sue describes as a "hopeless winter"

Hepatica japonica  at a show -  this plant was a gift from George to Sue a couple of years ago - she is growing it to perfection.

A winning six-pan from Sue at he  SRGC Kincardine Show 2017
Title: Re: SRGC Members have garden open for SGS - Burnside, Ayrshire
Post by: Maggi Young on March 29, 2017, 04:25:41 PM
Some shots from the alpine houses -  one of which includes a planted tufa wall





Title: Re: SRGC Members have garden open for SGS - Burnside, Ayrshire
Post by: Maggi Young on March 29, 2017, 04:28:07 PM
more from the immaculately kept alpine houses, with their very fine plants!



George  today - speaking to a visiting group of students from Threave College
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