Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

Seedy Subjects! => Grow From Seed => Topic started by: Guff on September 29, 2022, 12:04:04 AM

Title: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on September 29, 2022, 12:04:04 AM
Soaked cyclamen purpurascens and coum seeds for 30hrs in 2 cups water with 1 teaspoon mixture of Ful-Power. I should have done some hederifolium seeds as well. Maybe next year I will redo this, just to see which show above ground first. I realize fresh cyclamen seed germinate easy on their own, but this is late to be starting cyclamen seeds here outside.

I made a small bed, maybe only 6 inches deep. I think the purpurascens are top and coum bottom. Seeds were planted September 21. Put down about 2 inches of compost on top of the seeds. Winters here will pop them to the surface. Usually have to put more compost down at some point during the winter to cover them back up.




Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: MarcR on September 30, 2022, 07:19:04 AM
Soaked cyclamen purpurascens and coum seeds for 30hrs in 2 cups water with 1 teaspoon mixture of Ful-Power. I should have done some hederifolium seeds as well. Maybe next year I will redo this, just to see which show above ground first. I realize fresh cyclamen seed germinate easy on their own, but this is late to be starting cyclamen seeds here outside.


I tried to Google 'Full- Power' and was unable to find anything about it.
Please share information on where or how to access the product.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on September 30, 2022, 02:35:07 PM
Purchased mine from Amazon. You have to be careful with items on Amazon though. I was reading sellers reviews and I guess some sell fake stuff. Make sure it's free shipping and or ships from Amazon for free($25.00 purchase and over to get free ship) I bought mine from Amazon seller OMEGA STAR, he has a good rating, There are cheaper prices also, but I like I said some reviews I read it's fake stuff.

Amazon seller OMEGA STAR.

Mine came in a different type of bottle then in the Amazon ad, but think mines legit. Cap has a plastic ring seal attached to cap that breaks off when you first open. Plus seller has a good rating.



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: MarcR on September 30, 2022, 05:53:04 PM

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on November 25, 2022, 07:16:00 PM
Coum are popping up. Bed was covered with fallen leaves.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on December 05, 2022, 03:50:23 PM
Decided to start a bin to grow under lights through the winter. Used a nickle apart for hederifolium(90 seeds) and a quarter apart for purpurascens alba(36 seeds). These will be misted with water for two weeks, twice a day. They will be covered with screened leaf compost/sand mix when I see some growth starting.



Collect seed from a red hederifolium.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on December 14, 2022, 09:52:02 PM
Hederifolium are starting to germinate.



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on December 19, 2022, 06:01:14 PM
Most of the Hederifolium seeds have germinated, the purpurascens alba haven't yet...
Covered the Hederifolium seeds up with leaf compost/sand mix.

Starting to form the tuber.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on January 01, 2023, 07:23:26 PM
Hederifolium seedlings are starting to pop up. Still no germination with the Purpurascens alba, I did cover them up with leaf compost/sand mix.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on January 09, 2023, 11:21:40 PM
Some silver leaf Hederifolium seeds may have been mixed in with the red/purple seeds. Usually the dark purple from what I recall all had darker leaf centers. Could be a cross, or I had grabbed a pod from another plant.  When planting out all my dark purple plants, I had mixed them in with pinks and whites, hoping they would cross and make different shades and leaf patterns.


One of my better original dark purple plants, may or maynot have this plant anymore.....


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Yann on January 14, 2023, 05:29:52 PM
Very natural looking bed
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on January 15, 2023, 07:33:44 PM
Yan, thanks. That was in 2011. Kinda forgot about it, was over grown with self sown Hellebore seedlings. Last Summer I cleaned up alot of the seedlings that were growing in the bed.

Making some progress, around 20 Hederifolium seedlings are above soil, still no sign of the Purpurascens alba.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on March 14, 2023, 12:57:49 AM
Making some progress, one seedling is starting to put up it's fifth leaf. Put down perlite, was having problems with green junk growing.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on March 22, 2023, 09:04:38 PM
Have around 50 seedlings of the Dark Purple/Red Hederifolium , none for Purpurascens alba. Every week a few more of the Hederifolium show above the perlite. Biggest seedling is putting up it's seventh leaf.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on April 21, 2023, 04:54:59 PM
Might have to remove a couple seedlings, they are getting so big. They are covering up other seedlings. No purpurascens alba seedlings so far. Seems strange, maybe the seeds didn't form right? I picked the pods when they had cracked open.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: MarcR on April 22, 2023, 05:12:46 AM

I have several seedlings of C. purpurascens [NOT alba] from the HPS seed ex.

I could give you 2 or 3 if you like.  They are still too small to ship well now.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on April 22, 2023, 12:25:22 PM
Marc, thanks, but no need. I have hundreds- maybe thousands of purpurascens seedlings growing.
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Leena on April 23, 2023, 06:41:42 PM
No purpurascens alba seedlings so far.

I am no expert on Cyclamen, but the few times that I have sown H.purpurascens (fresh in the autumn), they always germinated in summer, maybe July, so I wouldn't be worried yet. I have thought it is because they start to grow new leaves also in summer, and seedlings have the same cycle. I might be wrong though.. :)
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on April 26, 2023, 03:39:37 PM
When I collect fresh purpurascens seed and plant right away outside, usually see seedlings above ground by September, and more come October. If I plant out seed that I never got around to planting the following year, If planted by July or so, come Ocotber-November the seedlings will start to show. I have planted out 4-5 year old cyclamen seed and they do germinate.

Some progress, a bud already....think anyways. With the led light and fertilizers I'm using, would space them half dollar apart due to how fast they are growing.



Fianlly purpurascens alba seedlings starting to show. Two so far.



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on May 02, 2023, 08:37:35 PM
Whether I can keep the buds growing to see a flower...... 4 months from above ground to buds forming.

Was going to remove the bigger seedlings and plant them outside. They are covering up the smaller seedlings. Will give it a couple more weeks, just to see if I can see a flower.



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on May 23, 2023, 09:50:55 PM
Getting closer. Looks like it's going to be purple.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Jeffnz on May 23, 2023, 09:57:22 PM
Did you run a control by any chance, no Bioag?
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on May 23, 2023, 10:15:35 PM
Jeff, no.  This was a last min project. Mostly did it to make the winter go faster.

This has been the fastest to flower for Hederifolium. I recall when I bought the purple seeds from Jan, it was around 9 months to a year to see flowers under lights. The original seedlings(Jans seed)were fertilized with Miracle Grow all purpose.
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on May 27, 2023, 10:30:15 PM
Well, not red or a dark purple I had hoped for.....

I need to make a bed and get the bigger seedlings planted outside. Might just plant them all out except for the  purpurascens alba seedlings. Need to make room for Daylilies.



Project completed, will post pictures of seedlings if I get some decent reds or dark purples.
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on June 10, 2023, 02:30:43 AM
Purpurascens seedlings are popping up, will be feeding them all Summer long with Bioag Ful-Power and Bat Guano. Will update in the Fall when the Coum pop up. Some Coum survived the winter ground upheaval.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on June 10, 2023, 02:46:51 AM
Another plant has put up a flower, decent shade of pink.......


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on July 16, 2023, 08:28:33 PM
Hederifolium seedlings, this is the darkest purple shade so far.



Purpurascens alba. This one is the biggest seedling. Might be two plants there.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on July 22, 2023, 12:43:45 AM
Same purpurascens alba seedling as the above post. Three months old and I have buds forming..... Hopefully it's white, could have crossed with a pink or could have picked a pod from a pink when I was collecting by accident.

Either way, this will be the fastest yet for me growing purpurascens.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on July 28, 2023, 10:41:54 PM
Took a closer look, and it's just one seedling.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on July 29, 2023, 05:44:08 PM
Purpurascens Alba seedling bed. Been feeding them with the same mixture as the seedlings being grown under lights. Very happy with the amount of seedlings showing. Will take an update video in the Fall.

The bigger seedlings at the bottom of the bed were planted out last year. One seedling has flower buds. The others may as well, but can't see them yet.

Purpurascens Alba being so close to the pinks, some of my seedlings may be a cross. I want a mixed bed of different shades and with whites and pinks. Had planned on growing more seedlings this winter, but the deer ate all the seed pods, and the leaves during the winter. I'm surprised their flowering so well.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on August 11, 2023, 08:47:44 PM
Still putting up flowers.

Winter 2024-25 project is to grow 100+ seeds collected from the Alba plants and grow under lights. Alba seedlings that flower white will be planted in a new bed far away from any pinks.
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on August 13, 2023, 01:23:30 AM
Making some progress, think it's going to be white


Seedling at the bottom of my Alba seed bed is a light pink. Must have crossed, because I only had 30 seeds that year, and couldn't have grabbed a seed pod from a pink plant.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on August 19, 2023, 02:34:23 AM

The fragrance is amazing.............
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: kris on August 20, 2023, 03:16:50 PM
That Cyclamen field is amazing.Thanks for showing it Lynn
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on August 20, 2023, 07:35:33 PM
Kris, thanks.

Well, it isn't white. Think the white tips is fading from the LED grow light. It is interesting that it has two stripes like Hederifolium. When I get a chance will take another picture with my camera, these were taken with phone.

Going to plant it outside next week or so, along with the Hederifolium seedlings. Another Purpurascens Alba seedling has buds forming. Hopefully when it's planted out the buds still bloom.

Will have to grow a lot of seedlings from the Purpurascens Alba plants and hope some white show up. Then plant far away.....



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on August 22, 2023, 01:31:54 AM
Put them outside, will plant them in a week or so.



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on August 29, 2023, 09:01:51 PM
Another flower has opened, same plant as above post. It's very short so it's hard getting a picture. Will try again in a few days, when it's opened all the way. Hopefully, there is no darker nose, would be nice to have a light pink form. Seems the LED grow light does strange things to flowers.



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: kris on August 29, 2023, 09:57:33 PM
Hi Lynn how do you feed the Cyclamen purpurascense out in the garden and how long
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on August 29, 2023, 10:43:56 PM
Kris, I use Miracle Gro all purpose for the flowering plants. One tablespoon x 2 gallons of water.

I usually feed them every couple of weeks from Spring (Late May , early June) until they stop flowering. When it's really hot and no rain and they are drooping, I will water the bed twice in a week. Once with ferts, then again with plain water. When I water the purpurascense bed, usually do 6 trips so, 12 gallons.

Purpurascense  Alba seedling bed is an experiment. It's being fertilized with Bat Guano, Roots HPK and Bioag Ful-Power. So far I'm very happy with the progress. Will make an update video end of October.

Purpurascense  Alba seedling bed

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on August 31, 2023, 03:05:37 AM
Has two marks, no dark nose. This has to be a cross of the Alba and pink. Wondering growing out seedlings from this plant the two marks would disappear? Last picture,  lighten the image to be able to see the nose better.



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on October 07, 2023, 06:56:23 PM
Purpurascens Alba seedling bed.
Will make another video in a month to see the differences from now. Next week will be the last feeding with all three ferts, then switching to just the Roots HPK.
Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on December 22, 2023, 04:52:34 AM
Dug up 20 seedling from my Purpurascens Alba seedling bed on Novemebr 19. Hopefully some are white flowering plants.

November 19, 2023


December 19, 2023


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on January 19, 2024, 06:27:09 PM
Probably going to dig up more seedlings come Spring, grow a couple more tubs under the LED's until they are flowering.  Would make faster progress in finding white flowering plants.


Bare spot is just starting to put up new growth.


Most of all the plants have buds forming.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on February 09, 2024, 06:02:30 PM
Not white, but it's a beauty. Hopefully the plant on the right is white. time will tell..........


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on February 19, 2024, 10:30:18 PM
No Alba flowers yet. Flower on the left is a nice pink shade, has two marks and no dark nose. Any like this will be planted in a bed together and hand pollinate with Alba pollen. Not sure if they will put up new flower come Summer, might have to wait another year to pollinate.



Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on March 18, 2024, 08:49:59 PM
8 plants have open flowers, no Alba's. Might be harder then I thought getting white flowers being so close to the pinks. Some seedlings are a very light pink shade.


Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on May 02, 2024, 11:40:41 PM
Taken today, it's finally been warm enough at night to get them outside. Still putting on a show, but no pure white Alba flowers. Some fade to a white shade.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on June 21, 2024, 06:09:43 PM
Finally have an Alba, this plant was from my first batch of seeds collected. Now to get another 10-20..... Once I'm sure I have some backup plants, will dig and move my three original big plants.

Title: Re: Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment
Post by: Guff on July 15, 2024, 05:32:50 AM
Have a second Alba plant
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