Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Seedy Subjects! => Grow From Seed => Topic started by: Guff on December 16, 2022, 04:54:58 AM
Thought I would share how I germinate Daylily seeds.
After collecting the seeds from the pods, they are then let to air dry for 4-5 days. They are then placed into the fridge, (I use small plastic seed packets and label with a pen marker). They seem to germinate better with 2-4 weeks cold chill. They will germinate without a cold chill, but usually only a few seeds germinate, then you need to stick them into the fridge for a week or two and try again.
Using 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, I take the cap off the bottle and fill the cap, then pour the cap of Peroxide into a cup/glass. Filling the cup/glass up with 8-10 oz of water, and drop the seeds in. They usually will float and germinate, some drop to the bottom after 4-5 days. I change out the water and Peroxide solution every couple of days in the cups. The Peroxide helps the seeds germinate and also keep the seeds floating. You need to check your cups every day and remove the seeds that have germinated(I use a spoon).
Not all the seeds germinate at the same time, so I count out how many seeds I have of each cross and make holes into my soil mix. As the seeds germinate I place the root down into each hole with the seed at the surface. After 4-5 or so days they will put up a leaf.
They are growing under a ViparSpectra XS1000 and so far the are looking very healthy, using only 20 watts of the 120.
Years ago, I had invested in Daylilies and was mostly interested in blue eyes.
Some seedlings.
All keepers, assume all tetraploids?
Yes all Tet's
Most happy about this cross, only had one pod take and around 10 seeds.
My blue eyed seedling x Precious Candy
Precious Candy
I'm going to add this to my collection. Think the photo has been doctored, but I'm more interested in the shape and edge. Kinda disappointing when you buy a daylily and it doesn't even come close to what they show when it flowers.....
I have one that is like the above plant already, and that isn't blue either it's purple. I have pictures that I had taken, but would take to long to find on the cd's.
Bluegrass Music
I would use the phrase 'blue is in the eye of the beholder'. My analogy is description of dark purple flower color as black.
Irrespective of the color still a great looking day lily, enhanced by the edge frill.
Thats why I won't buy newer daylilies. I wait untill they come down in price.
Bella Sera and Tet Lavender Blue Baby, I did pay $50 each for those years ago. Bella Sera, you can get for around $15, $25-30 for Tet Lavender Blue Baby today.
Making some progress, still have another 5 crosses to germinate(around 40 seeds).
Success, how long does it take for seedlings to flower?
I don't have any full sun areas, so 3-5 years for me. Down South 9 months to a year to flower.
I suppose, If I started seeds sooner and put each seed into a their own 16oz cup it would be alot faster. They are growing fast under the Led light. Made up a batch of Bat fetilizer and Bio Ful-Power the other day for their first feeding. Next feeding I'm going to add in some Roots HPK.
I'm limited with light space, maybe next year I will invest in more Led lights.
Auction site for Daylily plants and seed if anyone is interested. Some are rather steep in price. .......
Thank you, Guff, for a very interesting and helpful thread.
Marc, thanks.
Decided to cut back some of the leaves, seedlings in the middle weren't getting enough light. I have the led light at 35% and can't turn it up more until all the seedlings are big enough. Have 6 more seeds still to germinate and both bins will be filled.
Both bins filled, 135ish or so seedlings. Have the light at 70%, may try 100% end of the month. LED light being on 24/7, thinking 100% might be too much.
I have two crosses left(not enough room) will be starting those come May, and put into single 16oz or 20oz cups to see how big I can get them and plant out in the Fall.
The way the seedlings are growing under the LED, I think starting seeds in September(single cups), then planting out in May(8 months under lights), I think some would flower that same Summer.
Hi Guff
I'm in N. New Jersey and I ahae my LEDs on 7 AM to 6 PM in the greenhouse. Grow mostly SA bulbs.
Since I added the lights during our minimal daylight, this time of year the response has been great. Ferraria's have flowered for the first time. I believe plants need a period of dark to complete their normal metabolic cycle.
6 hrs of darkness would probably help them grow better overall. I have always grown seedlings under 24/7 and they have grown well. Read years ago, as long as you keep the total amount of light they received in a 24hrs period, below a certain amount, they can be grown 24/7. It's when you give them over the amount that the plants can use in 24hrs period is when it becomes a problem.
In the Fall when I get more lights, will invest in a timer.
Impressed with the Led light for growing daylilies.
Impressed with the Led light for growing daylilies.
(Attachment Link)
I have been propagating over 70 species in over 30 genera under LED grow lights very successfully over the last 18-20 months.
Marc, nice
Which brand of LED?
Next light I'm getting is either VIPARSPECTRA XS1500, or I'm going to buy LED DIY kit and parts and put together. Was going to buy a couple more of the xs1000, but the 2023 model uses a cheaper driver and it's only 100, the xs1000 that I have has a 150 driver.
Led DIY kits
Would buy the Diablo Quantum Board or the QB288 Quantum Board and put together. Alittle more expensive, but HLG Boards use the best LED's and have better light spectrum.
Light spectrum
QB288 Quantum Board V2 RSpec
QB288 Quantum Board V2 BSpec
HLG Samsung QB 648 Diablo
Marc, nice
Which brand of LED?
Next light I'm getting is either VIPARSPECTRA XS1500, or I'm going to buy LED DIY kit and parts and put together. Was going to buy a couple more of the xs1000, but the 2023 model uses a cheaper driver and it's only 100, the xs1000 that I have has a 150 driver.
Led DIY kits
Would buy the Diablo Quantum Board or the QB288 Quantum Board and put together. Alittle more expensive, but HLG Boards use the best LED's and have better light spectrum.
Light spectrum
(Attachment Link)
QB288 Quantum Board V2 RSpec
(Attachment Link)
QB288 Quantum Board V2 BSpec
(Attachment Link)
HLG Samsung QB 648 Diablo
(Attachment Link)
I never paid attention to the brand. It is the 'Ballast Bypass' LED growlight sold by Home Depot in old flourescent fixtures.
Led light has been at 100% for a couple weeks. Probably going to have to trim the leaves up again, was hoping I wouldn't have too. Hopefully, the weather is decent middle/late April and can plant them out.
Trimmed the leaves. A couple weeks ago, started 5 seeds, and put them into 12 oz cups.
I would need 3 or 4 more lights to do 150 seedlings starting them in cups. The two tubs of daylilies take up about 2ft by 2ft space and have around 135 seedlings.......
Trimmed the leaves.
Had to trim the leaves. Were getting to close to the light. Been cold here, plus it's going to be a week or two before I can plant them out.
Potted up 14 seedlings of two crosses. Want to see how big I can get them by the Fall. Have both bins outside, will be planting the daylily seedlings in the ground next week.
Making some progress. These are still being grown under lights, took them outside to take a picture.
Seedlings that were planted in the ground.
Seedling from years ago, has flowered for the first time.
Jeff, thanks
Above seedling, is my blue eyed seedling x Linda Beck. Neither is flowring this year. I just don't have enough full sun to grow daylilies well. Maybe next year I can make the cross again.
My blue eyed seedling
Linda Beck
I should add, in case anyone tries growing from seed. Put them into single cups to start with or don't pack them into plastic bins like I did. There was alot of root growth and it was a job getting them apart.
New seedling flowering for the first time. Have decided to hybridize with this one, even though I'm mostly interested in working for blue eyes, and Halloween Theme(orange and black).
This one just needs a better round shape. Maybe it will get a better shape in the years to come. Not having enough sun, will probably be 2 years before it fowers again.
Croseed it both ways with the above seeding.
Pronounced wave pattern to petal edges a very attractive feature.
Next flower that opened had a better shape and round. It was ruined by rain, so didn't take a picture.
I have been trying to get a fan of DESIRE OF NATIONS, no luck yet. So I decided to buy some seeds.
Pod parent
Pollen parent
Should have the seeds next week or so. Will start them right away, and see how big I can get them under lights by Spring. Would be great to see a flower, by that Summer.......
Was able to get a couple seeds pods growing , both ways with the two seedlings that were posted.
This flower was also rained on, not as dark or with vibrant colors. Much better shape.
Nice flower.
Have you ever purchased day lily seed from Urban Seeds USA? They appear to offer a selection of good varieties at a very good price, some reviews of the Company have not been that positive.
Jeff thanks.
Bought my seeds from First time I have bought daylily seed. May buy more if I see something newer with blue eyed crosses.
Three new seedlings flowering for the first time.
I may buy this cross, even though I'm not really interested in those colors. Both have high bud counts 40+ and 8 way branching, Would be mostly interested in the scapes and flower edges. Probably would get some decent flowers from that cross.
The above three seedlings were pollinated with this seedling(one seed pod each and two on the smokey blue seedling). Not going to grow a lot of seedlings this winter.
Bought a new light, went with the VIPARSPECTRA XS2000. Hard to beat $46 off, with the 3 year warranty and free ship. The Diablo is a better light, but with all the parts and shipping it's close to $250 total, and no warranty on the LED board.
I should be able to grow around 50 daylily seedlings in 2 liter coke bottles cut down in size. Might even start them in the coke bottles so I don't have to repot.
Two more pictures of the above seedling.
Just for fun, I put pollen from this seedling onto Forestlake Ragamuffin, two pods are growing.
New light came early....
Have the light at 50%, will keep it at that for a week and then up it and see how they do at 75%. !00% is way too bright. Thinking they are going to take off with more space between them. Plan on planting them outside mid September.
Going to start my seeds tomorrow. Goal is to see flowers Summer 2024..............
Also bought this cross. Should have them Monday.
scroll all the way down for pictures
Extended the bed for the daylilies that are growing under lights.. I may plant them out in the next week or so. The bigger plants are getting root bound.
Seeds arrived. So happy about this second batch(15 seeds) of Desires of Nations x Every Knee Shall Bow. Being two years old, hopefully most germinate. I have tried seeds that I had in the fridge for a couple years and they did germinate.
Daylilies planted. Had to cut the soda bottles to remove them. Removed all the Miracle Gro potting soil around the roots. Will be adding sand and screened compost to the new batch I'm starting. A couple seedlings struggled, and one rotted and died. Wasn't enough drainage and stays too wet for too long.
Thought this was an interesting auction. Wow $53 per seed. I wonder what the highest has been for 5 seeds?. I think $3 is my max per seed, rather buy the plant and make my own seeds.
Edit, didn't realize that one has to have an account to see the auction listing
Redefinable x Starman 5 seeds sold for $266.00
I was never one to buy daylily seeds until now. I wanted some newer genetics crosses to see if I could get flowers by July 2024 and hopefully cross with my blue eyed daylily.
This echo's the prices paid for special galanthus bulbs. Must be some very deep pockets to meet these prices.
I have been watching seed auctions that I may be interested in. Once I see a couple names bid, there is no point. They just keep bidding, until they get the win.
Probably won't buy anymore seeds unless it's something with blue eye and no one bids. Seems those striped and shark teeth are the ones that get bid up. Which is fine, not really interested. Only reason I have ForestLake Ragamuffin was for Halloween Theme daylilies. Figured that peach orange color would work well with orange and black crosses and make some spikes.
So far, I started both packs of DESIRE OF NATIONS X Every Knee Shall Bow. One seed germinated after one week, just stuck them back in the fridge. Will try again Friday.
Power Made perfect x Ruler Of Nations have four that have germinated after one week. I also stuck the other two seeds back in the fridge.
Looking forward to seeing what the flowers are like, impressive parents.
Mostly interested in the DESIRE OF NATIONS X Every Knee Shall Bow cross. Hopefully more germinate, three of the seeds weren't any good after soaking. The rest are plump and hard. I'm hoping with the cold chill, they will germinate. Even with my own fresh seed, I had to do this with some of the seeds.
Mix I'm using this time
Screened leaf compost 6 parts
Sand 3 parts
Miracle Gro 6 parts
Miracle grow is mostly made of peat with small pieces of bark and sticks mixed in. Some perlite, and round pellet type fertilizer. Not the best, but good enough for daylilies.
All mixed together
When filling your container, do not push and compact. It will not drain well when you go to add water. If the soil level drops too much, add more of the mix and water in again. Water will pour right through
I do sterilize the leaf compost and sand mix in an old microwave.
Have green tips. I did sprinkle sand on top, to keep green junk from growing.
I also had a big problem with fungus gnats. They loved that Miracle Gro soil. Have no idea where they came from. probably right out of the Miracle Gro bag. Hopefully I have gotten rid of all them. Put up some of those sticky roll tape things. Putting the daylily seedlings outside took care of most of them. What they do is lay eggs in the soil, and it's never ending cycle.
Making some progress.
All of the Power Made Perfect x Ruler Of Nations germinated. So far I have 6 of the Desire Of Nations X Every Knee Shall Bow. Started the other 3 crosses as well.
Never seen this before, two growth tips from one seed
Desire Of Nations x Every Knee Shall Bow seedling.
Power Made Perfect x Ruler Of Nations. Already starting on it's fourth leaf.
This echo's the prices paid for special galanthus bulbs.
Much worse. At least you know exactly what you are receiving when you pay for a galanthus bulb.
Parents of that cross sold last year at auction(Redefinable x Starman). The prices have dropped to around $500-$800 each.
I am obviously in the wrong business.
Last seed purchase for me for this year., Might invest again next Fall depending how my attempt to have flowers by Summer 2024 goes.
Blue Jean Cutoffs X Every Knee Shall Bow
Plan is to cross the best seedlings from the Every Knee Shall Bow crosses that flower, or hopefully my blue eyed seedling flowers Summer 2024
Every Knee Shall Bow
Blue Jean Cutoffs
Blue Jean Cutoffs X Every Knee Shall Bow seeds arrived. Have them soaking
Making some progress. They are being grown at 25% power. Will be doing some rearranging and the lights will be hung from the celing. The cabinet will be flipped and the back will now be the base to place the daylilies. Won't have to cut back any of the leaves being to close to the LED light come Winter.
Received 8 seeds, so I did stay at my $3 per seed limit. The one bidder that I didn't want bidding on this auction started bidding. Well, not this time..............
Some context, this person(bidder), bids and bids and bids and usually always ends up winning.
Same bidder that paid $53 per seed
Do you know anything about the person who pays a lot? What country do they live in?
Nope, know nothing about this person. All i know from watching auctions for the past couple months, this person bids on almost everything that is listed and bids it up.
And what I don't get, this person doesn't sell, just buys. With all the plants and seed this person has bought, how do you still buy unbloomed seedlings at $300 a pop. One would think you would make your own seed. How many plants does one person need?
The handful of seed I bought, I could work with just those for the rest of my life. I just don't get how this person spends all this money on plants, unbloomed seedlings and seed and it's still not enough.
I should add, people can spend what they want and how much they want... it's their choice
What I don't like and I get it's an auction......but how greedy does one person have to be. I don't know if greedy is even the right word. Bottom line, I just don't get it.
Maybe "obsessed"?
Making some progress. Have one light rehanged and the cabinet on it's side for now. The back has a thin weak backing to it. If I decide to grow some cyclamen this winter, will flip it over for more room and make it stronger with some plywood.
Turned up the power to 50%, so far they seem ok with the extra light.
Hanged the second Led light. Next year will probably buy another XS2000, and will be able to grow 150 seedlings in 2 liter soda bottles through the winter. More then enough seedlings for me to make some faster progress with hybridizing.....
How old are your seedlings in the red plastic glasses?
And how soon do you expect flowers?
Diane, the oldest(biggest) seedlings are one month old, the rest vary. Some are a week-two-three weeks from germination. They are growing faster than last Winter. Temps are around 78 degrees right now, during the Winter it's 55 degrees or so. Putting them into single cups, and more room has helped. Hoping to see flowers Summer 2024....
Daylily seeds, these will vary in size and shape, but should be the size of a plump pea(depending on how much they have dried out in the pod), and or the size of a dry pea when they dry out.
Pictures are of plump seeds, just collected right out of the cracked seed pods. I let them air dry for 3 days, then put them into fridge.
I ordered daylily seeds from an online company in the U.S., and the seeds just arrived - from China!
They don't look at all like your seeds. I will grow mine, to see what they actually are.
Diane, seems you have been sent either by mistake, or it's fraud. Those are not daylily seeds.
Scammers do the same on Amazon and Ebay, ect, with roses and other plants. It's really sad they scam people, knowing they are scamming. I just don't get their logic, other then they are theives............
I did look at the website, and all those daylilies they show are newer daylilies. Just my opinion, but the whole web site is a fraud.
scroll down for feedback people have left for the scam site
Guess there are two site, ones legit , other scammers from China. The difference is an S on the end.
scam site
Yes, I ordered from, the one ending in "seed", not "seeds".
Beautiful website, gorgeous pictures.
Don't buy from them.
I'll post a picture of whatever grows from my seeds - if they grow.
Look what I found on Amazon
Scroll down for the feedback. My guess same scammers
I have the address and phone number of the Chinese sender of my seeds.
Here's the phone number, if any of you speak Chinese:
Sad reading the feedback on Amazon. People were so disappointed. These theives should be ashamed of themselves........
Hi all,
Even the Romans coined the phrase "Caveat emptor "Buyer beware" There have always been scammers and cheats! Anytime I buy from a vendor I haven't used before, unless they have a reputation for integrity, I place a small order that I can afford to have wasted first. If I am satisfied with the quality I will place larger orders.
Diane. if you payed by credit card or paypal. would contact them and report the fraud for a full refund. Contacting the scammer web site won't do anything. I'm sure they ignoore all emails. How this scam site stays up, and same as the listing on Amazon is beyond me.
I woundn't say this is buyer beware, this is straight up fraud and theft. Sending out celery seeds or whatever they are is fraud. I think you will find none germinate, thats probably another part of the scam. If the seeds don't germinate, you can't say what they are, plus they can say you didn't follow instructions(it's your fault they didn't germinate).
I think PayPal would have a hard time refunding my money as the bill appeared on my bank statement, and I have already paid it.
It would work OK if I had used a credit card, as they get paid directly.
The cost was reasonable - it's not as though I was buying one of those thousand euro snowdrops.
So you paid by paypal? They will refund you for fraud. Contact paypal and let them know. They will look into it. esp when your item was shipped from China, when the web site says USA
Wasn't going to buy anymore seeds, bid $5 on this, and no one else bid.
Stenciled Infusion x Spacecoast Rave Reflections
Have six seedlings of the Blue Jean Cutoffs x Every Knee Shall Bow. Other two seeds have been in the fridge for almost a week, will try again tomorrow.
Have decided that I won't be using any Miracle Gro when I pot these up. It's too hot{pellet ferts} and stay too wet, even with the added leaf compost and sand. Will be using screened leaf compsot and sand mixed in, probably 6 parts to 1 parts or 10 to 1. (compost-sand)
Have tried the 6-1 with the Blue Jean Cutoffs x Every Knee Shall Bow seedlings and they are growing great so far.
Picked up another cross. These both have Tet Lavender Blue Baby in their back ground. May have a chance at something with a blue eye. Plan is to cross the best seedlings to my blue eyed daylily.
Oh course I had to bid again against , you know who..... Back story, I bid on this same exact cross a couple weeks ago against you know who(opposite way cross). On that one, I had bid to $31 and let them have it, (was way over my $3 per seed limit}. Anyways I won this time for $13.75...........
About 2 months old. Need to pot these up soon, maybe this weekend.
Making some progress, potted up some of the seedlings.
DISCERNING HEART x PINEWOOD SERVANT KING seeds came last Saturday, been in the fridge. Might start them tomorrow. Bonus seed looks like an amazing cross, three seeds.
Zombie Warrior
Are the seeds from an on line auction only or can they be sourced from the breeder?
Not sure what you mean?
I think the poeple that sell their seeds on the Lily Auction, either don't have the room to grow out the seeds they made, or they sell the seeds to buy new release Daylilies with the money from seed sales. Then repeat, cycle year after year.
Easy way to go, to make $$ and no digging, planting and waiting to see them flower.
Just an example.
Say you invested in two daylilies that were $200 each=$400 invested
Say you do both way cross, and get 10 pods to set on each plants scape. Assuming each plant had only one scape, that would be 20 seed pods from the two daylilies.. 5-10 seeds on average in each pod, that would be 100-200 seeds,. Say it's a crazy cross and people will pay whatever $5-$10-$50+ per seed?
Sell all your seeds at just $5 per seed thats $500-$1000
Payed for your $400 investment and have $$ to reinvest.
Should add, you could get zero pods to set. It's a gamble......
What I was asking was for a reputable US seller of modern day lily seed, not from an auction site.
Don't know.
I think the Lily Auction is best in my opinion, depending on how much you want to pay per seed. You can sometimes pick up a win for just a $5 bid, there are also some with buy it now price, so no outbidding another person. You may have a hard time finding a seller to send the seeds to you. Most are USA and Canada only, but there are a few sellers that send to other countries.
I don't know of a seed source; but Gilbert Wilde sells Daylily plants at very reasonable prices.
Thanks will follow up, not sure if it is to late for seeds this year.
DISCERNING HEART x PINEWOOD SERVANT KING and DISCERNING HEART X Zombie Warrior all germinated and are in cups. Last of the seeds that I can start, no more room once I pot up all the solo cups.
My crosses will have to wait until June to start. Plan with those is to grow them under lights until Mid August and plant out. Three months under lights, they will be plenty big enough.
About three months old.
Well, this is a cross I couldn't pass up. Last time it was listed was in 2021. More blue genetics , and now I'm set. If I get something decent, will purchase the named plants and make a ton of seeds. I paid half, for what it sold in 2021.......
Yoga Man X Every Knee Shall Bow
Yoga Man
2024 introductions Every Knee Shall Bow x Yoga Man These looks to be the opposite way cross pod/pollen. Some bad looking days, and some good ones...........
Biggest plant and about 4 months old.
I will be content growing the seedlings for 3 months in solo cups and planting outside. It's a lot of work keeping up with the watering and feeding of the bigger plants. Light is only at 50% and they are getting huge already.
Best way i have found to combat the fungus gnats, is to suck them up with a shop vac. I do this everyday, to keep them under control.
About 5 months old. LED is still at only 50% of full power. Too bad I don't have the room to repot, would turn it up to 75%.
Hopefully first week of April, it's nice enough to get the big plants outside and in the ground.
Potted up 6 of 7, Blue Jean Cutoffs x Every Knee Shall Bow seedlings. Suppose to be 70 tomorrow, hopefully another 3-4 weeks can get the big plants planted out. Would like to start more daylily seeds first week of April.
April wasn't nice enough to get anything planted outside. Two weeks ago, dug and extended the bed.
The original Yoga Man x EKSB seeds auction arrived crushed, only two seeds were any good that germinated. Seller is going to send replacement seeds this Summer. Another person had the same cross, so I bought another 4 seeds.
Bonus seeds
Bought another lot of Desire Of Nations x EKSB seeds.
The 9 seedlings on the left will be planted out this coming week. Making room to start more seeds.
Making some progress with new seedlings.
Changed up my soil mix, added perlite. I did chop it up in an old blender. Wanted it smaller.
12 parts screened compost, 1 part sand, 2 parts perlite.
Bought a timer, they are getting 18/6 dark cycle
Last seed auction for 2024, have enough newer genetics seedlings/seeds to keep me busy for years.
Bonus seeds from Desrire X EKSB auction
Will you be auctioning some of your seeds, or will it be too exciting to see all the results of your hybridization?
Don't think I'm going to have any flowers this year, from my bought auction seeds. If I get something special and I have extra seeds, will probably list some at some point. Can only grow so many each year, have other garden projects to do as well.
Off to a good start with hybridizing , hopefully acouple seed pods grow.
First time flowering, nice blue eye
My blue eyed seedling from years ago is flowering this year.
Not meaning to be a party pooper, but is the eye colour true, it looks green in the photos.
Apart from that a beautiful colour and shape.
It was cold 50's last night. It may have some blue green tones due to the cold temps, but it's the same plant as below.
Also made this cross, and do have one pod each growing(both way crosses). Probably all I will do of that cross.
My new blue eyed seedling.
Destined To See
Love this flower. Even though I don't like midribs.
The second blue eyed seedling has a great shape.
Another first time flowering seedling with a blue eye
Crossed it to my other blue eye, hopefully pod sets
Only cross I did today.
Only did one cross for today. Rained last night/morning, so not sure if it's going to set a pod.
Today's crosses. Might be about done with crosses for this year. Pods are setting on the earlier crosses and will give me more then enough seeds to keep me busy.
Precious Candy
Today's crosses
One cross I did yesterday. Only wanted to do blues this year, but I had wanted to do this cross for many years, and never happened.
Bella Sera
Linda Beck
Some impressive parents.
Not bad for being old daylilies.
Linda Beck 2005
Bella Sera 2002
Precious Candy 2006
One cross for the day.
Precious Candy
The fimbriated white edge is a desirable feature. Wolud be interesting to see if this appears in the seedlings.
Trying to get a fancy edge on my blue eyed seedling. My blue eyed seedling in a big flower, probably 6.5, Precious candy might be close to 5.
Two crosses for today. Love Destined To See, but that midrib scares me. Don't want to waste time growing them out and get that midrib..... on the seedlings
My last two flowers on Precious Candy
Destined To See
Two crosses for today.
Precious Candy
Making progress with seedlings, started more seeds.
Only using one light, the bigger xs2000 led. All the big plants are now outside, and will be planted this weekend.
Most of these will be grown through the Winter. Think there are 10 or so seedlings that are going to be planted out in a couple weeks.
Well, I did get one seedling to put up a scape in under a year's time. Maybe another week to go, hopefully deer don't eat the buds.
This is bonus cross Auction seeds. Could be Man Of Sorrows X Sharper than a Double Edged Sword or Kingdom Without End X Ruler Of Nations. Didn't label when planted out, just planting together inline.
Thinking Sharper than a Double Edged Sword, has spikes on the buds
First flower opened, not bad......
You set high standards.
50's at night. Put Linda Beck pollen on this flower, not sure if there is enough time to get mature seeds.
Daylilies along road.
Daylilies along road.
My! They do make a lovely display!
En masse is the best display, numerous white tags so future day lilies?
Maggi, Jeff thanks.
Ivory soap in tea bags, to keep the deer from eating the buds. They were eating the buds like crazy every night, then stopped once soap was placed.
Maggi, Jeff thanks.
Ivory soap in tea bags, to keep the deer from eating the buds. They were eating the buds like crazy every night, then stopped once soap was placed.
What a clever ruse to protect the buds - most impressed with that!
It works great Maggi. Strung up a string line around my daylilies that I'm hybridizing with, and they haven't touched the flowers/seed pods. Placed tea bags with bar soap 3 foot apart. Might try it this Spring to protect my crocus on the grass bank.
Seedling keeps getting better and better. This flower was rained on all morning, and looks perfect.
I see that Ivory Soap is available from Ebay or Amazon - but do you know if other soaps work as well?
Guess I didn't use Ivory, it's Zest that I used. Irish Spring soap will probably work as well.
from google.
What is the best soap to keep deer away?
Irish Spring soap
“Use bars of Irish Spring soap for your deer problem and they'll go away,” Mrs. Poweska advised. “Just use a grater and shave the bars of soap into slivers to scatter about your garden, flowerbeds or the stems of the hostas. The deer will no longer approach because the soap has such a strong scent.Jul 26, 2019
I did try this, spreading on the ground, doesn't work for plants up high like daylilies. Needs to be around the same height as the buds so the deer smell it.
The chemist in me was intrigued by what colud be in the soap that wolud deter deer from eating in the vicinity.
Ingredients: soap and/or Sodium Palmate, Sodium Cocoate and/or Sodium Palm Kernelate), Water, Glycerin (Skin Conditioner), Hydrogenated Tallow Acid, Coconut Acid, Fragrance, Sodium Chloride, Pentasodium Pentetate, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-Di-T-Butyl Hydroxyhydrocinnamate, Titanium Dioxide, D&C Green No.
The makers harvest clover and use peat to give the characteristic odour to the soap. Looking at the list of ingredients I casn obly think that the odour/frangrancre is the most lijk;ley deterent.
My last Chemistry class is about 40 years old by now; but, I believe, that Hydroxyhydrocinnamate has Cyanide or Cyanamide radicle. While probably not toxic in that form, it might project an aura of toxicity.
Hi Marc
Pentaerythrityl Tetra-Di-T-Butyl Hydroxyhydrocinnamate is an antioxidant molecule used in small amounts (less than 0.8%) to help products stay nice longer. More specifically, it is great at preventing discoloration or other types of oxidative degradation. It is a trendy alternative to often bad-mouthed synthetic antioxidant and stabilizer, BHT.
No cyanide involved in the chemical, used in many human products as alternative to methyisothiazolones which are now well established as contact allergens.
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the correction. I thought I saw a similarity to references to the CN radicle in the cina of Hydroxyhydrocinnamate. I took 3 lower division classes in Chemistry, more than 40 years ago, in persuit of my multiple subject teaching credential.
I was not meaning to be corrective, only definitive. It is coming up 50 years sincer I graduated with my PhD in chemistry. The intervening years has seen me forget my than I learned, but the basics of chemistry have not dramatically changed in that time.
Was able to get 2 pods to set on the above seedling, one is X Linda Beck, other Precious Candy. Should be ready to harvest first week of November. takes 45-50 days to mature.
Wasn't able to get replacement seeds of Yoga Man X EKSB, so I asked for this cross instead.
Should be a excellent cross.
Yoga Man
My biggest seedling of Yoga Man X EKSB
Always great to have something to look forward to.
Started more seeds today, DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT X Yoga Man and Water Drops x Yoga Man.
Water Drops
Next seeds to start are Asgard x Sharply Focused . Kinda forgot about these, hopefully they germinate.
Sharply Focused
Then I can start with my own crosses I made this Summer.
Extended growing space by 1ft, which is about 25 more seedling that I can grow under the big LED.
Still need to put down plastic, and paper towels to soak up any extra water after watering.
Most of these could have been planted out, hopefully some flower come Summer 2025.
Did plant out 11 seedings, down by the road.
DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT X Yoga Man. all six seeds germinated. 10 days from soaking to leaf starting.
Yoga Man x Water Drops didn't want to sprout, so back in the fridge.
Started the Asgard x Sharply Focused , two seeds have sprouted and are in cups.
Update on my biggest Yoga Man X EKSB seedling. Was put into a bigger pot, and some of the older leaves removed.. Thinking it might flower during the Winter.
DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT X Yoga Man seedlings
Have eight Asgard x Sharply Focused seedlings growing now, and two of the Yoga Man x Water Drops seedlings. Seeds are back in the fridge.
Had two seedlings flower, from the seedlings I had growing in tubs Winter 2023.
Two more pictures of the red/purple seedling,
All would be most welcome in my garden.
Jeff , thanks.
This Summer, should have lots of new seedlings flowering for the first time.
Yoga Man X Every Knee Shall Bow, seeds were started around the first week of December 2023, so this seedling is about 11 months old. Guessing around Christmas/Jan will see a flower..............can't wait. Hopefully it's something I can use to hybridize with. Still have pollen in freezor, if I decide to try to set seed pods.
Above pictures were taken on 11/17 missed keyed the date
Taken today, two days later
Collected the seed pods today, they look good. Probably won't get around to starting them until Spring.
Never really paid attention to how Daylily scapes and buds grow.
Scape, with leaf bracts
leaf bracts, with more buds forming inside
Flower buds
One week later.
Very interesting progression of growth shown in those photos - thanks!
It's been another week......
Next update will be an open flower.
One week later, put up a second flower branch and has 14 buds so far.
Only a few more days to go.
Hopefully it has a blue eye, or atleast something I can use.
Not sure if this is going to open right, either it's a double or deformed. First flowers open always seem to be weird.
Not the right color, had to use flash on phone. It's a dark purple, and I think a blue eye. Can't tell yet, though.
Not really interested in double daylilies, so will have to see what the second flower does.
Will check it out in the morning and update picture.
Checked on the daylily before going to bed and it's open enough to get a picture. Will take another when I get up.
Can't tell if the eye is blue or not, the way the light is shinning(LED)
Guess it's pretty if you like doubles, myself rather not have extra petals in the middle.
Hard getting a picture under LED, best i could get. Will have to see this flower outside, LED tend to fade and do strange things to flowers.
Don't think the eye is blue, but it may be faded also. First flowers open, usually are not true colors. Will be a week or two before another flower opens.
Flower has grown on me, but stll would rather not have the extra petals in the middle. When i first saw the mass of petals, I really thought it was going to be junk......
I'm sure some would love it as is, being semi-double.
Being that I went to bed, and checked on it 8 hours later, it may have been blue. I could see blue eye when it was just starting to open.
I put my blue eyed seedling on it.
It may be a unique form.
It's something I can use, so I'm happy.
Whether it stays semi double, or single. It has a fancy edge I like, shape is very good and it opens flat with good saturated colors.
I wolud agree.
Still semi double, not open all the way yet. It's 5% degrees outside, will check on it in a couple hours.
Different but certainly unique. Great colour.
Will check on it later to see if it opens more.
Put Precious Candy on this flower, first flower didn't set a pod.
Not much of a difference in opening.
Last update for this flower, If I do happen to get a single form will post a picture.
The heavily fimbriated petals or should it be tepals are notable feature of the flower.
Finally a single form, all have been semi double until this one.
Has two flowers opened.
Four seed pods set.
2x Precious Candy
1x My blue eyed seedling
1x with it's own pollen.
Did buy a fan of Yoga Man.