Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

General Subjects => Flowers and Foliage Now => Topic started by: ruweiss on April 04, 2023, 08:55:41 PM

Title: Daphne 2023
Post by: ruweiss on April 04, 2023, 08:55:41 PM
Most of the Daphnes are in buds and some species
are already in flower:
Title: Re: Daphne 2023
Post by: Diane Whitehead on April 08, 2023, 12:29:13 AM
I've never heard of that one before.  Is it scented?
Title: Re: Daphne 2023
Post by: ruweiss on April 09, 2023, 08:53:02 PM
Sorry,neither D.modesta,nor D.rosmarinifolia are scented, but I like them for their color, compact growth
and the early flowering time. and are interesting websites for Daphne friends.
Title: Re: Daphne 2023
Post by: ruweiss on May 01, 2023, 09:05:42 PM
More Daphnes:
All these species have a strong scent.
Title: Re: Daphne 2023
Post by: MarcR on May 01, 2023, 09:45:23 PM

Lovely blooms!   Mine haven't started yet. Winter weather continued for us through most of April.
Spring weather usually starts by the 2nd or 3rd week of March.
Title: Re: Daphne 2023
Post by: CRSHEP0 on May 02, 2023, 05:43:27 AM
Rudi, I keep trying to grow Daphnes.  I use to buy from Rick Lupp, and kept almost all of those alive, and he was always there for more.  What an incredible plantsman Rick Lupp was!  I learned so much from him, and his Daphne's were superb!  Now, the only one I can keep happy is my Daphne Oleiodes, and it seeds like crazy, and loves my big, Sand Bed, and all the rocks from the Rockies.  Currently, I have close to twenty of the D. Oleiodes seedlings growing around it, so I am not a complete failure.  I hope to see you in Prague again with your wife, and I have ordered a Daphne from Herman Buhl, but he was mostly sold out when I contacted him.  I had a beautiful D. Circassica once, and, also a D. Velonofski - somehow it didn't like lime.  I am so looking forward to Jiri's tufa garden wall, which was just installed when we were there last. And, of course to be able to buy plants (this is the biggest draw) that are not available in all of North America, seeds yes, but I do not have the skills of an experienced plantsman such as you.  I even have a pile of big tufa rocks, that I prodded my husband to go get in Canada.  Diane W., helped guide us there.  Along the way there, the hiking was very scary, Grizzly Bears live around those woods along the travel route.  We once turned back on a high trail in the Wyoming Rockies, and only 100 feet from the pass on the way down, was a huge Grizzly scat!  Close call, but we headed the instructions, and always made noise, and each carried (and practiced) with our Bear Spray! Cecile
Title: Re: Daphne 2023
Post by: Herman Mylemans on May 02, 2023, 07:55:02 AM
Sorry,neither D.modesta,nor D.rosmarinifolia are scented, but I like them for their color, compact growth
and the early flowering time. and are interesting websites for Daphne friends.
Rudi, you made a name mistake; It is:
Herman comes to the conference in Prague.
Title: Re: Daphne 2023
Post by: Claire Cockcroft on May 02, 2023, 04:44:34 PM
Rick Lupp is still growing incredible daphnes, just not selling anymore.  That's a shame, because his plants are superb.  I am lucky that he lives only 50 miles away and I can make an annual "pilgrimage" to visit.

Title: Re: Daphne 2023
Post by: ruweiss on May 05, 2023, 08:32:09 PM
thank you for for the correction of my mistake with Herman Laportes homepage adress. We all can be glad to have
him and his extraordinary offer of Daphne plants. I can hadly believe, that no nursery in the entire United States
offers Daphne plants for sale.   
After the former conferences at Beroun, Tabor and Pruhonice we deeply regret, that we are not able to visit the current
conference. The simple reason is a family event, beside that we cannot travel  so far anymore. It was alays a nice time
among the rockgardeners and we wish you and all the gardenig friends a pleasant time.
Daphne velenovskyi and D. circassica normally grow well on limestone but don`t like higher temperatures and prefer a
cool root run. In Turkey we found D. oleoides in hot steppe places, this is probably the reason for your succes with this
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