Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Specific Families and Genera => Pleione and Orchidaceae => Topic started by: Anders on March 03, 2024, 10:29:26 AM
Two Ophrys flowering now. Both from seeds from a kind forumist - thanks Steve G.
Cynorkis angustipetala, Ridl. 1885 ( Kew )
Thank you for your photos.
Great homepage Anders. I like it very much!
Kind regards,
Bird's Nest Orchid taken in Albania
Dactylorhiza Foliorella and Cypripedium Ulla Silkens are two superplants that produce more shoots every year. Very easy if they get enough water.
Fotos of Epipactis from the last three weeks. They like the rainy summer.
More Epipactis...
Lovely epipactis Anders 8)
What conditions do you find suit them best in the garden?
Hi Ashley. They are all easy to grow, full sun or semi-shade and plenty of water, except helleborine and atrorubens, they prefer drier conditions. My soil is a silty loam, but I don't think soil type matters, I have seen nicely grown plants in both sandy soil and peat. Palustris has shallow roots and needs some sort of soil cover to keep the soil moist and cool, I use wood chips. Veratrifolia is a bit frost-sensitive and needs winter mulching. I don't recommend gigantea, it is very weedy and has the potential to become an invasive species in nature, its hybrid Catalina is almost as bad.
Thanks Anders. That's really helpful 🙂
Seen today, Epipactis helleborine and E. atrorubens.
Last week, I visited an orchid friend who propagates some terrestrials with the cardboard method. Anacamptis morio seeds were harvested when mature, stored dry for a couple of weeks, sown early July, and now they are small plants with leaves and roots after only 3.5 months. That is impressive. I have also attached a picture of protocorms of a slower growing species - unfortunately he didn't label the box.