Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
General Subjects => Flowers and Foliage Now => Topic started by: aldo on March 04, 2024, 08:27:36 PM
Lividus, hybrid, foetidus
Does your lividus have the characteristic white weined leaves?
Has your thib population numbers increased?
Does your lividus have the characteristic white weined leaves?
Hi, this is the plant
Has the expected leaf veining.
A nice plant.
Guff, seeing Your pictures I´m sorry I can´t grow Helleborus thibetanus!
Aldo, Your Helleborus foetidus have very finely cut leaves, making them attractive folige plants!
Last month in Belgium, I noticed a larger population of this species, the flowers virtually glowing in the woods.
I put together a 15 min video of my Helleborus flowering last spring, and it is now in youtube.
Youtube makes automatic translations to English from Finnish (you can turn it on from the settings), and sometimes it doesn't make any sense or words are translated wrong, but it is better than nothing.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. :)
Leena, on a dull and rainy day like this it´s such a delight to enjoy a walk through Your garden! It´s not only the amazing range of hellebores You grow, but also the many colourful companions which provide such a cheerful atmosphere. Added by the lovely birdsong, which makes me feel that spring is on the way, despite the fact that it´s just Christmas. Thank You so much for sharing Your paradise with us!
Mariette, thank you! :)
I am looking forward to new spring in a few months. :)
I put together a 15 min video of my Helleborus flowering last spring, and it is now in youtube.
Youtube makes automatic translations to English from Finnish (you can turn it on from the settings), and sometimes it doesn't make any sense or words are translated wrong, but it is better than nothing.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. :)
Leena, thank you for showing your Helleborus in flower in your beautiful garden.
Here is at the moment Helleborus abschasicus and Helleborus x hybridus ViV 'Victor' in flower.
Are there still any collectors of wild hellebore seed?
Leena, thank you for showing your Helleborus in flower in your beautiful garden.
Here is at the moment Helleborus abschasicus and Helleborus x hybridus ViV 'Victor' in flower.
Thank you Herman. :)
Your H.abhasicus are nice. I have a plants grown from 'Early Purple' seeds, and I understand it is close to wild H.abhasicus.
It is always coming up early, this picture is from yesterday, and I will have to cover the buds with leaves and hope for a lot of snow before the cold comes.
Are there still any collectors of wild hellebore seed?
I haven't seen them at least for sale anywhere for several years now, but if there is, I would be interested to know also.
Have a look at The owner of this nursery does research into hellebore species. I have bought plants from him in the past - not much use for you, Jeff, in NZ or for Leena in Finland, but seeds are also available at the appropriate time of year and can be sent to certain countries apparently.
Phedar Nursery was one of the first to offer wild collected seed, although I don't think that Will has been acitve in the collection of wild seed for some time now.
Carolyn not sure when you last received plants from Phedar and not sure if Will is still offering seed for sale. I did not achieve good germination with wild seed either from Will or the other UK based collector. Not sure if this was due to the seed viability of other issues. But thanks for answering, suspect that wild seed collection is a thing of the past. Also noticed that Ashwood's may also have ceased offering hellebore seed.
Best washes to all for 2025 as we adjust to the impact of climate change.
I think I got my plants from Will maybe 5 years ago.
Pity about the wild collected seeds. I have found the germination of wild collected seeds can be very hit and miss. I suppose the collectors just have to pick the seeds when they can, rather than checking them regularly and harvesting when ripe.
Ashwood also seem to have stopped offering hepatica seeds.
Preparing seed packets is time consuming so this maybe part of the reason along with most countries now requiring phyto certs.
'Early Purple' today, doing well under the cover of dry leaves and has grown, even after 20 days of temperatures below freezing. Ground is frozen, and yet it grows. I worry a little about it though, there is still the whole March ahead.
The flowers look nice and cosy tucked under the leaf blanket.
Yes, I put the leaves on top of the buds in January when cold was coming, and under snow the buds pushed up the leaves when they grew!
Most of Helleborus buds look like this.
Helleborus foetidus is flowering and spreading freely in my garden and I sometimes have to pull up a few young plants...
yesterday, between 2 very green young plants, I found this one, which seems to have purple foliage: is there such a thing as a Helleborus with dark red foliage or is it reddened because it is suffering?
On a trip to the Greek Rhodope with Oron Peri we saw a lovely colony of H. cyclophyllus which had a couple of plants with really good purple new foliage.
There are species that have red-purple flowering bracts and new foliage of the same color. The coloration disappears as the flowers and foliage age, so nothing to be concerned about.