Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Bulbs => Bulbs General => Topic started by: Herman Mylemans on March 15, 2024, 09:23:03 AM
Trillium chloropetalum ex 'Val Mulvihill'
Seeds from Carl Denton, he has an original offset of T.chloropetalum 'Val Mulvihill' which probably cross pollinated with itself.
Seeds are sown in 2017.
Trillium ovatum
Trillium underwoodii
Herman, Your Trillium chloropetalum ex ´Val Mulvihill´ is a very beautiful selection!
Herman, Your Trillium chloropetalum ex ´Val Mulvihill´ is a very beautiful selection!
Thank you Mariette, I have to take seeds and sow them again, to be dure for the future.
Trillium maculatum
Trillium sessile (true)
Pseudotrillium rivale is starting to flower, in different colors.
Trillium pusillum var. pusillum
Trillium cuneatum
Trillium pusillum var. alabamicum is flowering again. I hope this time pollination will be successful. Last year was a complete failure.
Still only two flowers.
Trillium pusillum var. alabamicum is flowering again. I hope this time pollination will be successful. Last year was a complete failure.
Still only two flowers.
Beautiful Trillium Axel! I hope indeed that you have some seeds this year!
They did not take at all last year and finally they were eaten by slugs.
Still they look stronger this year.
I think I missed the right time for the pollen last time, I try now several times a day.
Trillium pusillum. The clump gets bigger every year and random seedlings appear nearby, but I never find viable seed pods. Sneaky trillium!
Trillium kurabayashii
First, garden grown, second from wild-collected seed
[attachimg=1] [attachimg=2]
Trillium chloropetalum from wild-collected seed
Trillium chloropetalum, from seeds given to me by Dave Toole
[attachimg=1] [attachimg=2]
Trillium nivale, in Rick Lupp's garden
Pseudotrillium rivale
A random seed pot planted out
Where they've seeded and have to compete with cyclamen
A few with veined leaves
I'm not sure which this is. Originally from Rick Lupp
Trillium cuneatum. The clump grew too large and I divided it into thirds.
Beautiful Trilliums Claire! Thanks for showing.
I'm not sure which this is. Originally from Rick Lupp
Claire, it is a special one. Can you take a picture inside the flower and later a picture from the berry. That will help for the identification.
I'd be happy to take follow-up pictures.
Beautiful Trilliums, Claire! The one which Herman pointed out is special, but I liked all T.chloropetalums, especially the one from wild collected seeds.
Trillium from Dave's seeds are also good, and I love the yellow one. I have similar also from Dave's seeds. :)
Herman, your Trillium chloropetalum ex 'Val Mulvihill' is very nice and unusual colour. :)
Trillium ludovicianum
Trillium albidum
Trillium erectum
Trillium flexipes
Trillium freemanii
Trillium luteum
Trillium ovatum, when the flower gets older!
Probably Trillium erectum x flexipes, a foundling in our garden.
Trillium nivale which I got from a kind forumist maybe 8 years ago.
Seedlings from the previous.
Trillium nivale which I got from a kind forumist maybe 8 years ago.
Seedlings from the previous.
Leena, very nice nivale and you are lucky that you have seedlings. I have never had good seeds.
Trillium tennessense
Trillium oostingii
Trilliums flowered well in May, though it was hot, but they grow in part shade and I did water them.
Couple of Trillium erectum (hybrids?) which were my favourites.
The first one is from seeds from Dave
And the second one is from Mariette's seeds. :)
Older Trillium chloropetalums a week ago
Trillium luteum couple of days ago
Beautiful Trillium ‘s Leena. Thank you for showing them!
I'm not sure which this is. Originally from Rick Lupp
(Attachment Link)
This one is really marvellous! Congratulations!
Trillium luteum
Herman, You grow an admirable clone of this species! Very good yellow of the flowers and clumping very well, too!
Leena, I´m glad You´re happy with this seedling, as some of the seeds didn´t germinate for You.
Unfortunately, my own trilliums were badly attacked by slugs this year.
This one is really marvellous! Congratulations!
Herman, You grow an admirable clone of this species! Very good yellow of the flowers and clumping very well, too!
Leena, I´m glad You´re happy with this seedling, as some of the seeds didn´t germinate for You.
Unfortunately, my own trilliums were badly attacked by slugs this year.
Mariette, the slug problem is everywhere! >:(
It's never been this bad here.
Thanks Herman and Mariette. I'm glad here slugs are not (yet) a big problem with Trilliums, though there are slugs and snails in my garden, too.
From what i understand slug/snail populations will benefit from most aspects of climate change, particulary snow cover.