Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

Bulbs => Galanthus => Topic started by: Leena on April 04, 2024, 05:28:44 PM

Title: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 04, 2024, 05:28:44 PM
Last week-end weather was warm and snow melted fast (not all but about half of it). Snowdrops and first crocuses came up. Then April 2-3 winds turned to north again, and weather got colder. There was about 10cm new snow, which was probably good to protect flowering plants and Helleborus buds, as it was -10 last night. Today it was 0C, but sunny and snow started to melt again, but it is still below freezing for couple of days.
These pictures were taken before this new cold snap.
'Bill Bishop'

'Lord Lieutenant'

'Green of Hearts'. This and 'Lord Lieutenant' are good in a way that they increase. The clumps don't get overcrowded but new bulbs grow farther from the mother bulb. I have never divided these and they are well positioned. For instance 'Bill Bishop' needs dividing because the clump will be too tight.

'Hugh Mackenzie' has been quite slow to increase here, or at least in this spot.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 04, 2024, 05:30:17 PM
I took a 4 minute video today in sunny weather. This is just snowdrops in the snow in my earliest bed. I wrote the subtitles in English.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Alan_b on April 06, 2024, 08:07:57 PM
Lovely to see.  But strange how snowdrops (and other plants) that would be weeks apart coming into flower here all arrive together.  Galanthus 'Greenish', for example, is reliably late here and will only start flowering when the majority of other snowdrops are finishing.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Herman Mylemans on April 06, 2024, 10:10:26 PM
I took a 4 minute video today in sunny weather. This is just snowdrops in the snow in my earliest bed. I wrote the subtitles in English.

Great video Leena, thank you! Today it was 24°C!
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 07, 2024, 03:27:34 PM
But strange how snowdrops (and other plants) that would be weeks apart coming into flower here all arrive together.  Galanthus 'Greenish', for example, is reliably late here and will only start flowering when the majority of other snowdrops are finishing.

It is very interesting how adaptable snowdrops are. Most have adapted itself to our winters and springs, and all flower about the same time, but there are some which don't do well. For instance 'Godfrey Owen' isn't doing good. I have tried it twice and both plants slowly (or actually quite fast) decline. Both are still alive, but not flowering and I think it is a too early one to grow here.
When I started buying snowdrops I concentrated on late flowering ones, because I thought only they could be grown here, but I was wrong, and many early flowering cultivars do well and just flower later. Like 'Mrs Macnamara' which I have been able to increase to several different spots and it does well in all. Of G.plicatus cultivars 'Diggory' is a good doer here, but 'Gerard Parker struggles. It is good to try also earlier ones, in case winter is short and so then there would be also early snowdrops in flower. :)

Great video Leena, thank you! Today it was 24°C!

Thank you for watching, Herman. It is warm over there! Here it is now +5C, and last Friday (video was from Thursday) we got even more snow, but next week snow will start to melt. Most of my snowdrops are in my woodland beds (still covered by snow), the one in the video was my earliest bed with only some snowdrops and sun always melts the snow there first.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 10, 2024, 06:02:49 PM
Snow is now gone and snowdrops continue to flower. Many are at their best now, but there are still some to come up.



'Little Magnet'


'Sibbertoft Magnet'


'More the Merrier'


Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Maggi Young on April 10, 2024, 06:07:27 PM
Snow is now gone and snowdrops continue to flower. Many are at their best now, but there are still some to come up.

  Thanks for sharing all your great plants, Leena.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 10, 2024, 06:10:05 PM
My best older G.woronowii


These are G.woronowii planted last summer, all came up well and all have a bit different markings



I planted one bulb of 'Ballerina' in summer of 2017. It has increased very well and I divided it to three different spots two years ago.
In this spot there is one bulb which came up earlier than others and the flower if bigger than others. It behaved the same way also last year.
It is the big one in the middle. I had no other snowdrops close to 'Ballerina' clump, and don't know what to think of this. Could it be just a very big bulb..


Here is another picture, the rest look like 'Ballerina', don't they?

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: ashley on April 10, 2024, 06:16:29 PM
Thanks for sharing all your great plants, Leena.

Yes, and beautifully photographed too.
You have a great collection Leena.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 10, 2024, 06:22:08 PM
Thank you Ashley. :)
I really think I have enough snowdrops now  ::), and should concentrate trying to get them to grow well (I always say that, but now after brexit it is easier to act like it). Most grow well, but there are several which I struggle with. There is nothing better to seeing plants increase and grow well. :) :)
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Herman Mylemans on April 10, 2024, 09:28:16 PM
Leena, great snowdrops. Here the season is over, so it is nice to see some more.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Villu on April 12, 2024, 09:32:37 PM
Wonderful pictures and video, Leena! Snowdrops and other early blooms look really attractive in snow. We had snow on the same day but as the snowdrops in our garden were more advanced by that time, they were flattened on the ground, and many got dirty. Not long after, the heat from Sahara hit. Not an easy season.

Some 300 km south from Finland, my garden is definitely earlier than Leena's. Nevertheless, we experience quite the same conditions regards the seasons. It was very cold winter and usually cold winters result in yellowish markings on blooms and yellow blotches on leaves. I can see the yellow hue on 'Trumps' in both gardens this spring.
But there might be differences too. Back in 2014 I bought a single bulb of 'Godfrey Owen' from Avon Bulbs and it have thrived ever since. And I can't tell that it is very early in my garden. Definitely later than 'Mrs MacNamara' or 'Reverend Hailstone' which seem to be earliest in my collection. 

Ten years old 'Godfrey Owen':

'Godfrey Owen'

'Godfrey Owen', along with 'Sentinel' (left) and 'Pat Mason'

Snowdrop Bed
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Maggi Young on April 12, 2024, 11:53:32 PM
More great pictures, Villu!  It is such a pleasure to enjoy the snowdrops coming later in the gardens of yourself and Leena. A pleasant extension to the season for so many of us!
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 13, 2024, 12:06:20 PM
Some 300 km south from Finland, my garden is definitely earlier than Leena's. Nevertheless, we experience quite the same conditions regards the seasons. It was very cold winter and usually cold winters result in yellowish markings on blooms and yellow blotches on leaves. I can see the yellow hue on 'Trumps' in both gardens this spring.
But there might be differences too. Back in 2014 I bought a single bulb of 'Godfrey Owen' from Avon Bulbs and it have thrived ever since. And I can't tell that it is very early in my garden. Definitely later than 'Mrs MacNamara' or 'Reverend Hailstone' which seem to be earliest in my collection. 

Thank you Villu, it is good to compare the conditions, and your garden is earlier. It is interesting how also you see yellow hue in 'Trumps' after a cold winter, the same as here. I've been told that I don't have the real cultivars if they are yellowish, but I know I have gotten them from a very reliable sources, and it is the conditions here which result in yellowish colour in some years.
Your 'Godfrey Owen' is magnificent! I planted another try of it to more moist bed (the first one was in dryish bed) and it has produced more leaves now though not flowering. Hopefully I find a spot where it will grow well (right now it occured to me one more spot to try - I will move the diminished bulb from dry bed).
'Mrs M' is always very reliable snowdrops here even though it is early.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 13, 2024, 12:09:03 PM
I made a 27 min video of about 50 snowdrop cultivars I grow (many common or older cultivars), and made subtitles in English. There are still some snowdrops coming up or in the beginning of flowering, so maybe I will make another shorter video later.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Stefan B. on April 13, 2024, 06:21:41 PM
Thank you Leena, it was a pleasure!!
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: ashley on April 13, 2024, 07:29:24 PM
I made a 27 min video of about 50 snowdrop cultivars I grow (many common or older cultivars), and made subtitles in English ...

Thank you for this lovely video Leena.  Really beautiful snowdrops.
And so many honeybees! There must be hives (and maybe a beekeeper) nearby.

What is the little trillium beside your 'Glenorma', and the colchicum near the first 'Trinity' you showed?

I also enjoyed hearing some 'horticultural' Finnish (rare here in Ireland), as well as the wonderful birdsong & woodpecker drumming.

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 14, 2024, 09:35:20 AM
Thank you Stefan and Ashley. :)

And so many honeybees! There must be hives (and maybe a beekeeper) nearby.

What is the little trillium beside your 'Glenorma', and the colchicum near the first 'Trinity' you showed?

I also enjoyed hearing some 'horticultural' Finnish (rare here in Ireland), as well as the wonderful birdsong & woodpecker drumming.

We have wondered about honeybees, because we don't know any hives nearby, but I guess they can fly quite a ways when they find something they like, and now crocuses and snowdrops provide food more in my garden than they can find elsewhere. Even native willows and Tussilago farfara are not yet flowering, but Hepaticas are in a warm spot.

Trillium beside 'Glenorma' is Trillium nivale, and near the first 'Trinity' is Colchicum bulbocodium. Near 'Wendy's Gold' closer to the end of the video was Colchicum szovitsii, I don't remember if it showed.

We have lots of birds in the garden, and I love this time of year for their song.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Maggi Young on April 14, 2024, 05:41:57 PM
Trillium beside 'Glenorma' is Trillium nivale
Oh! I thought it was a Trillium pusillum.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 16, 2024, 05:20:43 PM
Oh! I thought it was a Trillium pusillum.

I once sowed T.pusillum, but the seedlings died in a bad winter. I don't know if it should be hardy here.
Trillium-book says that it starts to flower when T.nivale ends.

Here is 'Glenorma' with T.nivale, and more on the left. :)


When 'Glenorma' is big, 'Wifi Big Bang' is huge, compare it to Eranthis and Crocus. It is also quite leafy plant, at least now in the end of flowering.


Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 20, 2024, 10:03:23 AM
Some snowdrops from last week. The good thing about this cold weather (right now 0C in the middle of the day) is that snowdrops flower longer.

'Wendy's Gold'


This is my 'Bill Clark'. I bought it ten years ago and I think it has flowered twice since. The next year after planting, and then it started going downhill. I moved it to a more moist bed, and then it flowered another time, but then no flowers until now. I distinctly remember that the yellow marking in the inners was right in the beginning. I don't know why it looks like this now this year. Has the original bulb been replaced by a seedling or what?? However, the marking is not as strong as in 'Wendy's Gold'.


'G.plicatus from Staryi Krym', I like this one. In the background G.gracilis planted last summer is just starting to flower.


'Greenpeace' is a good doer here.


As is 'S.Arnott'


Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Villu on April 23, 2024, 03:52:33 PM
Very enjoyable pictures and stories, Leena! It is wonderful that you have a good snowdrop season this year!
Our own season here in Estonia was cut short by April "heatwaves", temperatures rising up to 22 degrees in Celsius on April 10th. But it was close to 20 on March 31st too (all time record braking in March)! Now only the latest varieties are in fading bloom.
No matter the heatwaves, it is winter today and everything is covered by snow now! That how hectic this spring is and climate has become (?!).

Snowdrops in snow

Just a day before, everything looked so different.

'E.A. Bowles'

'Marjorie Brown'

'Amy Doncaster' 
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on April 24, 2024, 07:43:01 AM
No matter the heatwaves, it is winter today and everything is covered by snow now! That how hectic this spring is and climate has become (?!).

It is the same here, we got 20cm snow yesterday and everything is white, again! Temperatures have gone up and down this winter/spring like never before.
The past 5 days it's been 10C colder than normal here.

Your picture of 'Amy Doncaster' is beautiful. :)

This is 'Alison Hilary', picture from a week ago, and now they are under snow.
It was planted last autumn, and it is a very small plant, with small flowers. I didn't know that from pictures I had seen. Otherwise a nice plant.

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Mariette on April 24, 2024, 04:40:33 PM
Villu, Leena is perfectly right, the combination of ´Amy Doncaster´with the blue hepatica is admirable. Also, the one with ´Marjory Brown´- I guess the blue comes from a chionoscilla?
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Villu on April 26, 2024, 08:26:37 PM
Thank you Mariette!  :) You are right, 'Marjorie Brown' is with Chionoscilla allenii. Wonderful deep blue bulb. A lot better than Scilla bifolia which is believed to be one of the parents.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Villu on April 26, 2024, 09:09:38 PM
To finish off the month and our snowdrop season here, I share some of the best performers from this year. Hope you'll enjoy!

'Bill Bishop'

'Blonde Inge'

'Cowhouse Green'

'Don Armstrong'

'E.A.  Bowles'
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Villu on April 26, 2024, 09:13:50 PM
Some more:

'Moreton Mill'


'Pat Mason'

'Rosemary Burnham'

'Spindlestone Surprise'
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Villu on April 26, 2024, 09:19:12 PM
And some more:

'Susan Grimshaw'



'Wendy's Gold'

'Veronica Cross'

Who ever is more interested in my plants and in my garden, can check out my blog at ( It is in Estonian but pictures are international! ;)
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on May 04, 2024, 07:45:01 AM
Villu, you can grow snowdrops so well! Mine never increase so well or are  such big clumps. Yours are fabulous!

Here snowdrops are over in the most early and sunny places, but in a more shadier spot they are still flowering.

'Midas' has been a very good snowdrop here, and increases well (in spite of what I just wrote), and I divided it last summer.


'Glenchantress' has been very slow to increase, and it always flowers late here. I like this very much.

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on May 04, 2024, 07:48:05 AM
Two days ago I took a long video (33 min) from my most floriferous place in the garden right now.
There are still snowdrops flowering and crocuses. At the same time Corydalis and Hepatica are also flowering.
Sorry, no English translation, but I have written the names of the plants in the video.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: ashley on May 04, 2024, 09:05:21 AM
Really beautiful Leena, thank you :)
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Stefan B. on May 04, 2024, 01:53:45 PM
It was my pleasure, thank you Leena!
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on May 04, 2024, 06:19:15 PM
Thank you Ashley and Stefan, I'm happy you enjoyed it even though I only spoke Finnish.
The snowdrops which were still flowering were not up early when the bad weather came again.
I thought cold is now over, but today the forecast said it will be again 7 degrees colder than usual next week and even snow one night!
And it is May.

Close to the end of the video I showed a double snowdrop, possibly a seedling.
In that side of the bed I have never planted any double snowdrops though I have several close by (Flore Pleno, Barbara's Double, Flocon de Neige, and across the path Ailwyn).
In that spot I had 'E.A.Bowles' which sadly vanished one winter, but it had produced self sown seedlings which I showed. They are all single plicatus two earlier flowering ones and one later.
This double has also some plicate leaves.
My question is, is there a named double snowdrop like this (which I haven't bought but perhaps I had gotten the wrong plant, though I really don't think I have planted anything just there), or could this be a seedling from 'E.A.Bowles'?




Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Herman Mylemans on May 06, 2024, 10:28:27 AM
Two days ago I took a long video (33 min) from my most floriferous place in the garden right now.
There are still snowdrops flowering and crocuses. At the same time Corydalis and Hepatica are also flowering.
Sorry, no English translation, but I have written the names of the plants in the video.

Leena, beautiful spring garden with a lot of botanical treasures. Thanks for showing!
Your Hepatica’s are growing well! I am surprised that japonica’s and pubescens also are growing well in your garden, probably because of snowcovering in winter.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Mariette on May 06, 2024, 08:51:21 PM
A wonderful presentation of Your glorious spring-garden, Leena! Its so colourful - in our part of the world hepatica and larkspurs, for example, start flowering at the end of the snowdrop-season. Your climate provides advantages one might envy You for.  :)
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on January 12, 2025, 10:26:12 AM
Some pictures of snowdrops that I hadn't posted last spring.

G.nivalis 'Irmi Poculi' is a snowdrop I got from a kind forumist from Austria 2020. I believe it was his find from there.
It has become one of my favourites. In warmer climate it may be flowering in early season, because it has always come up already in late December, but here it waits until March/April before it flowers. It has increased well and seems to be very cold hardy. In winter 2020 when I lost couple of snowdrops right next to it, 'Irmi Poculi' survived.
I also like the way it keeps its leaves flat during the flowering time.


'Big Boy' almost died during winter 2022, but has come now back.
Late March

A week later in early April

A month later in late April

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on January 12, 2025, 10:31:36 AM
'Mrs Macnamara' early April 2024


'Glenorma', seems very slow to increase here

My own seedling from 'E.A.Bowles', an ordinary looking plicatus, but it is a good doer here. It flowered for the first time 2022.

'Trinity' also a good doer.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on January 12, 2025, 10:36:18 AM
'Wifi Big Bang', a huge snowdrop ('Big Boy' in the background to compare with)

Galanthus nivalis scharlockii poc 14B Ae5, a small one

'Ailwyn', planted 2020, has not increased much (if compared to 'Trinity' planted the same year), but a very nice double

'Barbara's Double', also planted in 2020, and hasn't increased at all. I will have to move it someplace else.

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on January 12, 2025, 10:42:00 AM
A small Estonian yellow Tuuliku 8

'Madelaine' was slow to start here, but it is now doing ok

I almost lost 'Spindlestone Surprise' and 'Primrose Warburg' in winter 2022, but the latter has now recovered.
Corydalis was selfsown red seedling, but Eranthis was mistakenly planted too close to 'Primrose Warburg'

'Treasure Island' is slowly growing, a favourite. Planted in 2020.

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on January 12, 2025, 10:44:47 AM
'Poculi Perfect'

'Moreton Mill' in early May


'Wol Staines', looks like it will be a good doer. Planted 2020.

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on January 12, 2025, 10:48:26 AM
'Cowhouse Green', not doing well but alive

'Viridapice' and Corydalis marschalliana 'Crimea' in late April

A view with 'Viridapice' on the left

'Glenchantress' surrounded by self sown other bulbs.

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on January 13, 2025, 10:24:48 AM
Couple more snowdrops from last spring.
'Green Tear' looks like it does well here. Planted 2020.
Green in the outers is never really dark green here, it has to do with either the climate or soil.

This one is 'Puffin', planted in 2021 and probably the bulb suffered from travel. It took two months with inspections and all other complications with the post.
It didn't flower until last spring, and to me it doesn't look like 'Puffin' I have seen in pictures.
I'm not sure if the yellow colour is because of the weather or if it really is yellow. I will see this spring how it looks like,
and if the flower will become more substantial puffinlike. It may be that the bulb was still too weak and it will be more true in the future.
What do you think? Does anyone have 'Puffin'?

Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Mariette on January 18, 2025, 05:11:53 PM
Beautiful sceneries, Leena! Your snowdrop garden looks so much more attractive with all these colourful companions! I never saw ´Wol Staines´ with spread outers showing the inners. I wonder whether this is due to the later flowering with You.
Title: Re: Galanthus April 2024
Post by: Leena on January 18, 2025, 05:42:14 PM
I never saw ´Wol Staines´ with spread outers showing the inners. I wonder whether this is due to the later flowering with You.

Thank you Mariette.

I checked and that picture of 'Wol Staines' was taken April 27, a sunny day with +13C.
I agree that also here it has usually more closed flower.
This picture of it was taken April 10, in the beginning of flowering.
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