Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
General Subjects => Plants Wanted Or For Exchange => Topic started by: Tomte on July 05, 2024, 08:19:14 PM
Is there someone within the EU who grows Tropaeolum austropurpureum, T. Azureum or T. Tricolor? I would love to try them myself, but they are hard to come by these days..
Rather late on the scene, but two are offered by Chile Flora.
They are trustworthy but incredibly slow and never, ever, so far as I know, answer emails. Packet quantities are very generous and germination excellent. The main problem, apart from no contact, is the cost of shipping etc.
Hi Vinny,
I believe you are referrinf to Chileflora. E-Mails will be answered if addressed to Michael@Chileflora, otherwise, he never sees them.
Thanks @MarcR - now altered/corrected.
I have sent various emails to Michail, which is what is on the website - does the spelling expalin why I have never had an answer and why the few people that I have spoken to about this have never had an answer either?
E-Mails will be answered if addressed to Michael@Chileflora, otherwise, he never sees them.
Thanks Marc - now altered/corrected.
I have sent various emails to Michail, which is what is on the website - does the spelling expalin why I have never had an answer and why the few people that I have spoken to about this have never had an answer either?
Ed. - I have just tried and the mail was undeliverable