Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
General Subjects => Flowers and Foliage Now => Topic started by: Hans J on July 27, 2024, 12:31:35 PM
In this days is my Matelea cyclophylla flowering in my green house :)
Pictures from today :
Have fun
Hans 8)
it's magnificent Hans! is it an Asclepiadaceae?
From this family, I have already managed to force self-pollination on the genus Stapelia and Orbea. The pollinia are hidden under the crown, which is very difficult to remove as you practically have to break off one of the pieces around the crown.
on the other hand, once fertilised, the flower fades more quickly... perhaps try it when you see that the flower is coming to the end.
does the flower smell?
Hello Véronique ,
Yes is a Asclepiadaceae :)
I know that many members of this family makes difficults with producing seeds I hope
In my garden I have more like Asclepias ,Tweedia ,Gillesia ,Vincetoxicum ...some makes easy seeds .
We will see ....
Thank you for your interest 8)
does the flower smell?
To your question :
Some plantfriends from other forum told me it smells not so well ...but my nose can nothing smell !
If it is pollinated by flies then it will not have a pleasant odour, some smell like rotting meat.