Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum

General Subjects => Travel / Places to Visit => Topic started by: Armin on March 21, 2009, 01:46:46 AM

Title: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Armin on March 21, 2009, 01:46:46 AM
To all croconuts and other enthusiasts,

last year the club "Pro Düsseldorf e.V" realized a project to create a new attraction for Düsseldorf. Paragon for this idea was the famous castle park of Husum were about 4 Mio crocus flower annually. It was initial created 400years ago by monks.

Last autuum, from Sep. 22nd to November 7th.,  5 Mio(!) crocus corms, a mix of blue C. tommanianus & C. vernus, have been planted with the help of 2500 volunteers (school classes, hobby gardeners, club members ect.) and an planting machine under the advice from professional municipal gardeners on the "Rheinpark" meadows. About 500.000 corms had to be laid by hand due to the large trees roots.

The "Rheinpark" is limited between the two main bridges "Oberkassler Brücke" and Theodor-Heuss-Brücke" in the center of Düsseldorf.
Unbelieveable 25 tons of crocus corms and ~200 corms per m² have been spread.

This 25000 m² large sized and unique 1300m long "blue wave band", symbolizing the Rhine river waves, makes already in the 1st spring season a spectacular show and will certainly become a real attraction for the next coming years.

The cost were said to be 100.000 Euros, the largest ever placed single order to a Dutch bulb supplier (Tuberbulb export).

Please study the plan (acrobat reader.pdf) and enjoy the pictures.

May it motivate you to visit Düsseldorf and enjoy of this phantastic sight. Try the international restaurants and pubs of "the longest bar of the world" in the Düsseldorf Altstadt and drink local brands of its famous dark bitter "Altbier".
A "must" is to finish your pub tour with "Killepitsch" the famous herb liquor or go shopping and may meet the nicest attractive Top Models on the "Koe" (Königsallee).
Or visit the "Aquazoo" or the numerous famous art museums.
Or lift up on the 234m high TV-Tower with an extraordinary round view. You can see the dome of Cologne from there!
Or or or... ;D
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Armin on March 21, 2009, 01:49:20 AM
the blue band...
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Armin on March 21, 2009, 01:52:04 AM
the blue band..."Rheinpark"
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Armin on March 21, 2009, 01:53:43 AM
The Rhine - Germany largest river and recovered...
Salmons are returned!
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Armin on March 21, 2009, 01:58:07 AM
The author and my friend Joe who made me attention to this attraction.

Yes - it is me! 8) The beard is off ;D

Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Lvandelft on March 21, 2009, 07:16:57 AM
Hello young Mr. Armin  ;) ,
I was just about asking these days, if there is anybody in Germany who could make
some pictures of these 5 million Crocuses.
I know about since September already and was very curious how it's looking in Düsseldorf
this spring.

Thank you so much for showing!
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Thomas Huber on March 21, 2009, 09:20:30 AM
Great sights Armin! See you later  ;)
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Maggi Young on March 21, 2009, 12:05:14 PM
Well, if we did not know, seeing 5 million crocus blooming by the Rhine in Düsseldorf that Spring has arrived, we may surely see this by the baby face of Armin  8)

What a wonderful project to make such pleasure for the residents and attraction for tourists.

(Psst! Armin..... you look very nice with your Spring face..... but I so like a man with a beard!!  :-*  )
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Paddy Tobin on March 21, 2009, 02:59:52 PM

You deserve a job with German Tourism for such a wonderful report. The crocus is simply mind-boggling, such huge numbers and such a vast area. Simply wonderful.

Many thanks for your posting. Paddy
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Onion on March 21, 2009, 06:12:20 PM
and where is the forumist who show us Husum?
Or find I pictures in the Crocus threads of the last year?
Visit Husum ten years ago.

A wonderful attraction for my native town  ;D ;D and the forum from you.
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: David Nicholson on March 21, 2009, 06:45:32 PM
Lovely pictures Armin and what a beautiful sight those Crocuses make. I have added Dusseldorf to my list (now a very long list!) of places to see before I get too old.  Beard or no beard the smile gives you away.
Title: Re: Düsseldorf - Das blaue Band am Rhein - (The blue band at Rhine)
Post by: Armin on March 21, 2009, 09:12:46 PM
Thanks to all of you. It was a great pleasure to see the blue crocus band and to introduce it to you.

Luit and Maggi,
I have to admit I look younger w/o beard. ;)

I considered already to change my avatar... but now I'll keep it - only for you ;).
You can always look at a man with beard! :-* ::)

I lived 12years close to Düsseldorf. An interesting urban area with many things to discover, thus free of charge promotion is inclusive...
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