Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
General Subjects => Travel / Places to Visit => Topic started by: Miriam on April 11, 2009, 09:07:47 PM
Today I visited the Jerusalem Botanic Gardens.
Lets start with some annual plants from Israel:
Click on the photos to enlarge the size
Cerinthe palaestina-it's a beautiful endemic plant which grows mainly in the north part of Israel.
Lupinus pilosus-it's a tall and impressive plant. The flowers are usually blue, but there are some other colors.
Antirrhinum majus- a protected plant here.
Pisum elatius- grows up to 2 meters.
And two very common plants- Papaver subpiriforme and Centaurea cyanoides.
Two shrubs which I really like:
Cistus creticus- in Hebrew it is called Lotem and I named my daughter after it.
Salvia hierosolymitana- grows in Israel and Syria.
Next batch- Geophytes
Paeonia mascula- very rare here.
Scilla hyacinthoides
Asphodeline lutea
Asphodelus ramosus
Wonderful pictures Miriam!
Pisum elatius has very elegant flowers. Love the color combination. Stunning.
But 2 m. high, I suppose it is not any more a beautiful garden plant??
Thanks Luit,
Why not? it's a climber...
More Geophytes (not native to Israel):
Miriam, I was to much impressed by the flowers to realise that Pisum is a pea.
Must have been a late night senior moment.... :-[ ;D
Wonderful set of pictures Miriam, thanks for posting them.
Some more photos
And last ones
What a meeting of plants from all parts of the world!
I'm more than surprised that Forsythia europaea is growing and
flowering so impressive there.
Thanks for your fine pictures, Miriam,
looks like a very beautiful botanical garden - hope to see it with my own eyes... :)
Wonderful pictures Miriam !
Gladiolus splendens is my favourite !! :D