Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Seedy Subjects! => Seed Exchange => Topic started by: cohan on August 24, 2009, 06:28:49 PM
i'm doing some collecting of wildflower seed, but in some cases, i want to have an idea whether anyone is interested in seed, so i know how much/whether to collect! of course, no promises yet on anything not actually collected! for those things still flowering, it means i have to be able to catch them in seed ;)
(note: as far as berries, i dont think i am going to be cleaning huge amounts, unless it ends up easier than i think ;) so with some of those, i would clean and send a small number, anyone interested in more, i can send uncleaned berries which you'd have to clean on arrival...)
please let me know if you might be interested in any of the following:
Cornus canadensis (bunchberry)
Cornus sericea/stolonifera (red osier dogwood, local form, smaller than garden varieties i've seen)
Mitella nuda
Actaea rubra (i have some of these i picked yesterday, need to be dealt with very fast! includes one plant's crop of white berries )
Delphinium glaucum
a couple of local fabaceae i'm not sure of names- one a tallish plant like Hedysarum sulphurescens, with light coloured flowers, green leaves; H boreale, tall form; a low growing whitish/pubescent maybe Oxytropis? not seen in full flower, just some remnants, look purply/bluish
Prunus prob virginiana and pensylvanica
several very showy species of asters with different foliar and floral forms and colours, from white through lilac and purple
Gentianella amarella
Gentianopsis crinita
Geum aleppicum
Geum rivale
all of these are plants growing in my area, and i have photographs of all of them; i'll add more if i think of them...
a few more :
Anemone canadensis
Stachys palustris
Comarum palustre (potentilla)
all these are spreading plants, so you want lots of space or a plan for containment!
Symphoricarpos- albus, and prob occidentale, though in some cases i am unsure--maybe they hybridise?
in any case, a low form (maybe 25-45cm?)with airy foliage, big white berries, even in dry shade, and a much taller plant (around 100cm?) with much larger leaves, denser foliage, also white berries, more conspicuous pinkish flowers
Maianthemum canadense --if berries ripen before wildlife eats them all!
small amounts of
Moneses, Orthilia, Pyrola asarifolia and P ellipticala
Hi Cohan
I would be interested in:
Hedysarum sulphurescens
Maianthemum canadense
So - I hope you hit the correct time to catch them ;)
are ther thinks from denmark you are looking after, let me know, and I will try.
Hi Cohan
I would be interested in:
Hedysarum sulphurescens
Maianthemum canadense
So - I hope you hit the correct time to catch them ;)
are ther thinks from denmark you are looking after, let me know, and I will try.
thanks, jes i will contact you privately later (off to work now!)
i'm doing some collecting of wildflower seed, but in some cases, i want to have an idea whether anyone is interested in seed, so i know how much/whether to collect! of course, no promises yet on anything not actually collected! for those things still flowering, it means i have to be able to catch them in seed ;)
Prunus prob virginiana and pensylvanica
I would be interested in this Prunus species. Want to try it in this area. Don't need a lot of seeds.
Thanks for the offer.
i'm doing some collecting of wildflower seed, but in some cases, i want to have an idea whether anyone is interested in seed, so i know how much/whether to collect! of course, no promises yet on anything not actually collected! for those things still flowering, it means i have to be able to catch them in seed ;)
Prunus prob virginiana and pensylvanica
I would be interested in this Prunus species. Want to try it in this area. Don't need a lot of seeds.
Thanks for the offer.
okay, uli, i will see what i can find on them soon--you probably know those small fruit trees are very tricky to get seeds from--by the time they are ripe, the birds are on; some of these are growing almost in front of my house, and the other species in the roadside less than one mile away.. (what about viburnum edule?)
I wold like some seeds of:
Cornus canadensis
Actaea rubra
The Hedysarum,s and Oxytropis
some Asters
Gentianella amarella
Gentianopsis crinita
Anemone canadensis
Maianthemum canadense
Moneses, Orthilia, Pyrola asarifolia and P ellipticala
I have a seedlist here fore trade. It is not finished yet.
I wold like some seeds of:
Cornus canadensis
Actaea rubra
The Hedysarum,s and Oxytropis
some Asters
Gentianella amarella
Gentianopsis crinita
Anemone canadensis
Maianthemum canadense
Moneses, Orthilia, Pyrola asarifolia and P ellipticala
I have a seedlist here fore trade. It is not finished yet.
ok, anne karin, i will look at your list, and keep you updated on my collecting :)
a couple of updates--
starting to get some seed of Halenia deflexa
figured out that the upright, whitish flowered pea i have seen in my area is not hedysarum, rather presumably Astragalus canadensis... no seed yet, but hoping to get some..
may have seed of Pedicularis groenlandica..
also Rhinanthus minor
Hi Cohan,
Are there any orchids growing in your area?
The seeds are very 'dusty' and easy to collect....
Greetings, Guus
Hi Cohan,
Are there any orchids growing in your area?
The seeds are very 'dusty' and easy to collect....
Greetings, Guus
hi guus! there are a number of species-- the most attractive that i still should be able to get to is Spiranthes romanzoffiana (at least thats the only species for this genus i see listed in the book i have); i have recently found a couple of very nice sites where it is flowering (still) with gentianopsis and parnassia etc..
we also have a lot of small yellow coralroot- Corallorhiza trifida, there might still be some seed pods on this.. and much less commonly C maculata..
Calypso is a rare local, though the one flower i found nearby did not produce any seed :(
also lots of green/bog orchids--probably plantanthera,maybe coeloglossum or both, though i dont have ids really sorted out on those...
there is a population of Cypripedium passerinum west of here, but so far this year i have not been able to visit that place...
i used to see Amerorchis rotundifolia, but the spot where i saw them when i was a kid has been deforested :( and i have not found other locations (probably its around, but not easy to find..)
i managed to find some more maianthemum canadense berries, so i could do a few more packets... anyone who hasnt already asked want some?
also getting aster seed--trying to get an album together,as they are hard to name, but i have seed of at least 4 distinct species so far-small, large, white, purple...
contact me if you want more info..
Solidago sp--canadense or similar, locally plants usually around 40-60cm..
Hi Cohan,
I should be delighted to receive also maianthemum canadensis seeds :D . Would you like anything else as seeds to join Adlumia seeds I shall send to you ? ;)
Best regards
Hi Cohan,
I should be delighted to receive also maianthemum canadensis seeds :D . Would you like anything else as seeds to join Adlumia seeds I shall send to you ? ;)
Best regards
i'll look at your list again, my memory is :)
Solidago sp--canadense or similar, locally plants usually around 40-60cm..
i also have another solidago-- a smaller species, from the mountains west of here--
possibly S simplex var spathulata; seed is from my garden..
also a few Sisyrinchium montanum
a small sedge with distinct round golden fruits Carex aurea