Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Plant Identification => Plant Identification Questions and Answers => Topic started by: newstart on January 18, 2010, 02:01:40 PM
Does any one know the species or even cultivator of this Campanula ?
Thanks very Much.
The bottom photo is now larger to click on.
It's a Cymbalaria- possibly Cymbalaria muralis- the ivy-leafed toadflax.
Is it an Alpine of sorts ? I have added a larger photo at the bottom now to click on.
They are sold as alpines in some garden centres, but are also quite invasive in the wrong place. Looking at your second pic it could be Cymbalaria pallida, which I purchased when I lived with my parents- it now survives running between the flagstones of their patio having being weeded out eslewhere.
Can be VERY invasive. Take care with it.
Thanks very much. This is a larger photo of Cymbalaria muralis from the internet. Is it more likely to be pallida still do you think having looked at this photo.
It's rather pretty but a terrible weed which gets everywhere & is very difficult to get rid of.
It's rather pretty but a terrible weed which gets everywhere & is very difficult to get rid of.
I second that motion ! ;D >:(
Whats this plant found in a hedge row in Anglesey that my Dad grows in rockery. It not an alpine any ideas-
Thanks. (
Phuopsis stylosa perhaps?
I'm sure you are right Chris it's about 8 inches in height, but this one can be a bit of a thug too.
Sure can, Shelagh, Happy New Year by the way!!! Hope to catch up with you at a show or two this year....
Phuopsis stylosa perhaps?
Yes, I agree with Chris. It too, can be a terrible invader. It ripped apart a stone wall I once had. It wasn't a wall of my making but a proper, builders' wall, the rocks concreted together. >:( Used to be called Crucianella stylosa.
Thanks folks thats great!
I have a collection from anglesey where my dad lives. He never labels them. What is this one?
An Arabis of some kind .
I'll join this page with your other ID queries, David.
I thought it might be A.sturi due to it glossy leathery leaves. Any one else know? Click on picture to make it larger. Here's some other shots of the plants flowers in spring and the leaves nearing winter.
Thanks again.
The winter foliage is very nice David.
Yes it turns red in poorer soils particually,less so in more fertile areas.
I have a few to identify still-
What is this. I dug this up from my relations garden. I keep getting random plants. I love to no what they are though.
Perhaps C. portenschlagiana?
Thanks Lesley! Would any one second that as portenschlagiana? Thanks
I'd be happy enough with that ID.
Thanks. I will go with it.
If planted as a small plant this year and it covers a square metre by the end of next season, then it's portenschlagiana David... ;D ;D