Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Bulbs => Ian Young's Bulb Log - Feedback Forum => Topic started by: Maggi Young on September 13, 2007, 10:32:08 AM
Don't panic, Folks, this week's Bulb Log is not lost, only delayed... Fred Admin is away and normal service will be resumed on his return! 8)
I would like to second what Ian said about Rod and Jane Leeds and I'm sure others will say the same. They are great hosts. I've been to their garden twice, February and August, and it's truly amazing what they grow. Janes cooking is great too! hello Rod and Jane if you are watching!!
Log is on now, 16th September ! (
edit 2015 - apologies that an RHS link to an article, included in the log, is no longer available.
Great log as always Ian. I have now finally got myself to regularly check your logs. I kept forgetting to view them, but now do it every week. Well worth putting it into my regular schedule!! LOL
I love that Lysimachia paridiformis ssp stenophylla. Great flowers and great leaves. If you grow it from cuttings I am assuming it isn't quite as rampant as so many of the Lysimachias? Worth growing it for that leaf and flower combination, that is for sure!!
Paul the Lysimachia is not in the least bit rampant it is a choice plant and it does not run at all - I only wish it did.
Glad you are now joining me each week.
Now I want it even more. You'll have to work harder on that seed!! ;D 8)
I'm glad to be joining you each week as well. I just kept forgetting it was there I'm ashamed to admit. Finally got it through my head that by early Friday our time it was usually up, so get into the habit of checking Friday or Saturday and reading it. Always good!!
Paul, if Fast Freddie Admin isn't off fishing ( well, thrashing the water, we don't know how much he actually catches!!) the Log is usually online Wednesday UK time or Thursday morning Aussie time!
The Lysimachia is a nice plant, the foliage is lovely and shiny and when the clusters of rich golden flowers are open it is a cracker! Sadly I think your heat would kill it :'(
<sigh> I will try not to covet it too much then. (sniff!!)
OK Maggi, what did you do to my last posting? You edited it on the 24th and this is coming up now as unread....... so what did you do????? Suspicious minds want to know!! ;D
Sorry, Paul, can't remember! I think it was something silly like changing "covet if" to "covet it" or something like that. Sometimes I just get an urge to tidy! Sadly this seldom happens in the house!
LOL. I know the feeling!! :)