Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
Bulbs => Ian Young's Bulb Log - Feedback Forum => Topic started by: Maggi Young on September 26, 2007, 07:47:07 PM
Hurrah! Great news for all you folks out there who have been pining for an Index to the Bulb Log :
There IS one: It's ONLINE!
Updated January 2017
See Here: (
This is an Index to the Logs of 2003 to 2016. It has been created by Len Rhind of Canada, who has done this as a kindness to us all and in a format which Fast Fred has been able to put on the website and who is in receipt of the BD's everlasting thanks! And mine! Huge thanks, Len, you are a superstar for this!
I find that setting the pdf pages to be viewed at 75% makes them fit my monitor page without scrolling and I can read the print at that size, but it is so easy to enlarge the size to enable easier reading with some scrolling. Len has even managed to iron out all (most ?) of Ian's spelling hiccups that have escaped my tired eyes... bless you for that, too, Len!
Len Rhind = [attach=1]
Bravo! Thanks a million to everyone - wonderful news.
Just had a question from Mark and I am able to point him in the direction of Logs 1/06, 36/05, 21/06 and 27/07 .....just like that! Bliss! The numbers refer to logs, not dates, so 1/06 is the first log of 2006 and so on.
Outstanding! (and one less reason for Maggi to badger us all...)
(and one less reason for Maggi to badger us all...)
I know! That's the best thing!
Ah, we love you anyway Maggi!
Many thanks to all of you! Finally i can read about the Frits!! ;D ;D
Thank you so much to all concerned. From a Southern Hemisphere point of view, it will save having to guess what month bulbs are mentioned. We can go straight to the bulb you wish to know about. Particularly useful at this time of the year.
Well done.
From a Southern Hemisphere point of view, it will save having to guess what month bulbs are mentioned. We can go straight to the bulb you wish to know about.
Yes, Susan, I see the benefit it in that, right away.
Also, if references are shown for a particualr time in the years covered by the index, it is always worth looking at the same logs of the earliest year to see what might be there.
The man is God's gift to .....bulb growers ;)
Thank you, thank you, thank you x 1000 8)
Thanks to all, which made the index. Super idea!
What a great idea and a huge task - thanks very much
Perfect - congratulations!
That must have been one great task, Len, thank you.
;D ;D ;D :-*
I'm glad the index has been well received and will be of use to some of you. It was a huge task, indeed, and took over 40 hours to do. But I think it was worth it. I plan to send in an updated version at the end of each month, including a pocket version for those who want to print it on two sides of their paper, so check the upload link regularly to stay current.
Cheer all,
My hero!!! 8)
Glad you are all liking the Index, Len has been at it again and not only is there an updated version now on line but also a printer friendly version.
Len has formatted it to print out as a neat A5 booklet.
If your printer has does double sided printing set it to 'flip on short edge' if not print it one page at a time turning the page over end for end and reinserting it into your printer to get a perfect booklet.
Cracking job Len, you deserve the Canadian equivalent of a Knighthood, thanks very much.
Well done, just keeps getting better and better.
Congratulations to those involved. I have printed mine out and used it already.
I am a bit late on this topic, sorry. Len, Ian thank you so much for the great job of the Bulb Log and its index. The bulb log is great to peruse at this cold, rather bleak time of the year. One can dream of a beautiful Spring.
Best holiday wishes to all
Dear BulbLoggers, apologies to you all for the late arrival to the website of Len's completed 2003 to 2007 Bulb Log Index. Len had this ready for you at the end of last year but events seem to have conspired against us getting to you yet. We hope it will soon be on the website by the Bulb Log but for those of you who are absolutely desperate, please email me : maggi AT ( leaving out gaps and adding @, of course) and I will send to you the indices prepared by very kind Len Rhind for our convenience.
Hello, Folks! Good news, Fred has got the updated Log indices online... you will find them here: for the printable version
Thanks, Fred, thanks, Len! :-* :-* :-*
Many thanks Fred and Len for all your hard work on our behalves.
Canadian equivalent of a Knighthood
Order of Canada deserved. Many thanks Len.
When I first discovered Ian's Log I started at the beginning and read a few. The next time I would forget where I left off and start over again. A bit frustrating but I would spend as much time re-reading as I did the first time - always a pleasure as the hours passed by.
good news! Good News! Len has just provided an updated version of the Bulb Log Index..... complete right up to this week! It is online now! Thanks for that, Fred!
and Cheers,Len ! [attach=1]
Bravo Len! You are a real star.
Just a note to let you know that a new, updated version, both a pdf and a printable version, of the Bulb Log Index has been sent by Len Rhind and is now online at the main Bulb Log page. This index is complete to No. 26 2008. 8)
Thanks again, Len!! :-*
Bravo Len. What a job that must have been. I shall hurry there right now!
Very remiss of me, I forgot to mention that there is an updated index to "The Rock Garden" online in the main site, also: this courtesy of Glassford Sprunt, hero of the parish of Bridge of Allan! ;) 8)
See the Index here:
It is complete up to issue No. 121 edit : 123 :)
Many thanks to both Glassford and Len, their work is greatly appreciated.
Len has sent an updated BulbLog index.... up to and including Log 39/2008 .... Fred has it online at : there is a booklet/printer version also.
Thanks again, Len... another good job done!!
Friends, It's not on the main website yet, but within a very short time ofthe last Log of 2009 being posted, Len had this Index ready..... Grateful thanks ... as ever, to Len for his work on this , from Ian and myself.... and from all of you, I'm sure!
Thanks Len!!
Many thanks Len.
Well done, and thank you, Len!
Latest Index is on the main website now:
....on the main page for the Bulb Log... where the logs for 2009 are and the link to the Logs from 2003-1008.
By heck,with that many Logs , we should get a wood burning stove! The BD hasn't missed a log since 2003..... extraordinary!
Remiss of me not to have said in this page that there is, of course, Len's updated BulbLog Index, to log 27 of 2010 at the usual "address":
I cannot tell you folks how useful Len's work is to me in answering queries about the Bulb Log... a real boon!
The tireless Len Rhind, one of the Bulb Log's Canadian Friends, has produced an updated Index for the Bulb Log... complete from 2003 to Log 52 of 2011.
Fred has loaded this to the Bulb Log page and it may be downloaded here:
Many thanks to Fred for his speedy loading of the Index... and even more thanks to Len for his kindness in providing this handy reference to so many readers.
Such efforts of behalf of the Club are greatly appreciated 8) 8)
My own thanks are boundless - my very best wishes to Len for a great New Year.
What a great job, thanks very much....
I am most grateful to Len for providing this for us (as I am sure are lots of others), it is invaluable in a quick search for information we have seen in the bulblog, but can't remember when - happens far more often than it used to!
Yes, great job Len, thanks very much.
Len Rhind has had a busy day - the last Bulb Log of the year went online earlier today and a new Bulb Log Index, complete for every single year of the Bulb Log has The BD is so delighted and astonished he is rendered speechless with pleasure. (Just as well I am here to load the Index!)
As ever, we know you will join with us in thanking Len for his kindness and hard work in producing this very useful tool for the Bulb Log.
This is hugely appreciated, Len - many, many thanks!
:D Many thanks Len !!! Great job !
A big thanks from me to Len as well. This is a wonderful tool and it makes using this invaluable resource so much easier.
Thank you, Ian, for the completion of another year of bulb log!!
The best possible gift for the New Year has just arrived from Canada - Len Rhind has completed another full index of the Bulb Log. Len has been generous enough to compile the index and share it with us all - a marvelous "gift" for which we are immensely grateful.
An invaluable resource to go alongside the Bulb Log from 2003 to 2013.
Bulb Log Index 2003 to 2013 : (
We are once more in your debt, Len! Please accept our thanks and every good wish for a happy and healthy year in 2014.
Many thanks Len.
Len Rhind in Canada has been busy again - he has just sent through an updated Bulb Log Index, complete from 2003 to 2104 -
You may download it here : [attachurl=1]
Len Rhind has been providing the Index to the Bulb Log for all these years and it is such a useful tool for which Ian is extremely grateful - and I am too!
Thanks , Len, we hope the coming year is a really good one for you and your family.
The link in the previous post is to an index to the Bulb Log from 2003 to 2014, kindly compiled by Len Rhind
- however, should you wish to make a search for something more recent - it is possible to use a "Google" search to this end by typing in the subject and Bulb Log or Ian Young to find great results.
This works with adding SRGC to your subject for a google search too - for website and forum results
We are once again indebted to Len Rhind in Canada who has once more provided an update to the Bulb Log Index. Thank you, Len!
Note from Len :
Happy New Year.
Here is the new bulb log index for everyone.
There are a few changes to this one:
Each subject heading now has general articles listed under it first and then the specific articles listed next. I thought this may help finding the specific items easier.
The Erythroniums in Cultivation chapters have their own alphabetical heading.
References to Video Supplements are also listed with their own alphabetical heading.
I hope these help and it's all of some use to you.
Click here for the new Index : ( (
Last week we received a new, updated Bulb Log Index from the wonderful Len Rhind in Canada. This is one of the features for which I rely on Fred Admin to get loaded to the Bulb Log pages.
Sadly, before I was able to send it to Fred for loading to the site, my email packed up - I only got connected again yesterday and managed to get the Index sent through to Fred last evening -early today, of course, Fred has got it loaded for everyone to use - so my thanks are due not only to Len for his continued service to readers of the Bulb Log for his index update but also to Fred for sorting out the new index to the site.
As for myself, if I'd been quicker off the mark today - and not lazing around on a cold damp day - this excellent news would have been brought to you much sooner !
Sorry, Len that's my fault! Thank you so much for your efforts - I hope you know how delighted Ian is with your help in this matter - it is a source of pleasure and wonder to him that you do this work so well to help others. Thank you!
So - a reminder - the updated Bulb Log Index may be downloaded here : (
Bulb Log Diary has been assigned this
The wonderful Len Rhind has provided, at breakneck speed, an updated version of the Bulb Log Diary, and the equally speedy Fred has loaded it to the system - it is available from the same link (
Many thanks to Len and to Fred, without whom this service would not be possible. :-* :-*
Hot on the heels of the last Bulb Log of the year, the tireless Len Rhind in Canada has the updated Bulb Log Index already!
Tremendous thanks to Len for his work on this, which he so kindly shares with us all.
Tremendously useful work Len, very many thanks.
Ian Young was delighted when he was contacted by Kelly Jones from Washington State in America expressing a willingness to take on the indexing of the Bulb Log after Len Rhind had to give up the job. Kelly has made time in her life to be have working hard on the Index, reworking several areas and now presents, to our great delight and gratitude, a New Bulb Log Index, complete from 2003 to 2019 - it's a wonderful addition to the Bulb Log "family " and Kelly deserves tremendous thanks for this labour of love! Three cheers for Kelly and the Bulb Log Index!!
You can download the index via this link ( !
Cracking job Kelly, many thanks.
Must be hard work fitting in the time as well as 'fronting' the Stereophonics! If you're not a 'muso' this will surely pass you by ;D
Glad I could help out with it! Please let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
Alas, I’m not secretly a rock star, David — and I don’t draw Batman comics either. (Things do get confusing in the world of Kelly Joneses!) You can find me at my day job at
The biggest thanks to Kelly comes from me.
I am so lucky to have had first Len and now Kelly compiling an index for the Bulb Log - it will help everyone find what they are looking for in my weekly ramblings.
A year ago the great news for the Bulb Log followers was that Kelly Jones had agreed to index the 2020 logs.
And indeed, that busy lady has been as good as her word- in spite of tremendous pressure on her time - the latest Bulb Log Index, complete from 2003 to 2021 is available here:
There will be a great many of us who are deeply grateful to Kelly for her efforts on our behalf on this project. An index is a terrific boon for any diary or book.
Thank you Kelly!
It has been very cheering that in Len Rhind, from Canada, and Kelly Jones in USA there has been such practical help from international SRGC members for this project.
Kelly has had to stop her work on the Bulb Log Index, but remains happy to advise anyone thinking about volunteering to take over the task if they need help. She has kindly provided Ian with her working sheets to help out with that. If you think you could help SRGC by taking over this index work, please message or email Ian.
A huge big thank you to Tristan Hatton-Ellis for revising and bringing the Bulb Log Index up to date.
This is a wonderful benefit to me and everyone who is trying to find plants and subjects in the 19 years of Bulb Logs and I use it all the time.
I have also updated the link above to
Bulb Log Index now updated for 2022
Once again a huge big thank you to Tristan Hatton-Ellis for revising and bringing the Bulb Log Index up to date for 2022.
Thanks again to Tristan Hatton-Ellis for revising and bringing the Bulb Log Index up to date including all of 2023.
I find this a valuable resource when trying to find things I wrote about at some time in the 21 years of the Bulb Log.
Thank you Tristan Hatton-Ellis for once again revising and bringing the Bulb Log Index up to date including all of 2024.
I have uploaded this latest version now and the link remains the same. If you get the 2023 version it is coming from your cache hit the refresh button on your browser to reload the new version.
The Index is a valuable resource that will help readers find plants/ topics/ books/ etc that I wrote about at some time in the past 22 years of the Bulb Log.