Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
General Subjects => Flowers and Foliage Now => Topic started by: johnw on February 04, 2012, 08:36:59 PM
In flower today and not exactly pleasing to the nose, Muscari macrocarpon. This and M. muscarimi are incredibly forgiving pot plants.
NOT pleasing to the nose? I'm not saying you'd want to be locked in a very small warm space with it.... but I LOVE that scent. :o
I think most of the heavily scented muscari and hyacinth can be a bit overpowering in too close confinement. But for me Muscari macrocarpon ( macrocarpum ??) and Narcissus papyraceus are yummy scents in light doses.
Shows how hard it is to find common ground for a flower scent article! (As was discussed in another thread yesterday)
Maggi - There's something very sharp about it, like Hyacinth sense that goes straight to the sinuses. Now muscarimi to me is very fine.
The arctic air from the east changed the unusual mild winter weather to very frosty deep freeze
temperatures. We are not anymore used to these low temperatures down to -18° in our rather mild
region and hope that our plants will not take too much harm in the almost snowless gardens.
The pictures of the flowering Cyclamen coum and the leaves of C.hederifolium were taken 2 weeks
before and the actual ones are from today. The weather forecast does not promise milder weather
until Wednesday next week.
Sorry for all the poor people who suffer from this outstanding cold weather, the news
spoke about 250 persons in Europe who lost their lives during the cold nights until now.
You can send them all to me at RBG in Ontario--I'm in the camp that favors the smell!
Sorry for the misplacing, seems, that the cold weather is not good
for my old brain.
Sorry for the misplacing, seems, that the cold weather is not good
for my old brain.
Don't worry, Rudi, all brains get muddled at this time of year. ;)
I agree with you that it is a sad thing to hear of the many deaths from the cold. And more to come, I fear. :'(
You can send them all to me at RBG in Ontario--I'm in the camp that favors the smell!
Carlo i am in your camp,i think Lonicera purpusii is also stunning this time of year.
John,You can send them all to me at RBG in Ontario--I'm in the camp that favors the smell!
Carlo - Seriously, if you need some sing out and I'll shoot them off to you in June.
Could be my nostrils are fried. I have to take a big whiff to detect the scent and then it's too sharp. Maybe if I cranked the heat up from 4 to 15c it might waft about on its own.
Can not resist Ranunculus calandrinioides ...Very remarkable plant ... Despite he has very exotic and big flowers it is an alpine .Despite it is an alpine you better treat is a bulb.Despite its an alpine its grows in Morocco .
I hope you enjoy it .
Kris! :o Such romantic pictures! 8)
Kris! :o Such romantic pictures! 8)
It is the time of the year Maggi ::)
Kris! :o Such romantic pictures! 8)
It is the time of the year Maggi ::)
I bet you didn't know, Maggi but our Chairman is a hopeless romantic ;D ;D ;)
Wonderful plant, Kris!
Kris! :o Such romantic pictures! 8)
It is the time of the year Maggi ::)
I bet you didn't know, Maggi but our Chairman is a hopeless romantic ;D ;D ;)
Wonderful plant, Kris!
So it seems, Wim. I like him more and more....... ;) ;) ::)
Where's "Utterly Butterly" I expected him to be drooling all over his keyboard ;D
Where's "Utterly Butterly" I expected him to be drooling all over his keyboard ;D
I was thinking the same thing, Shelagh... the poor soul may have fainted. Hope he has not electrocuted himself ::) drool and electrics don't mix. :o
Good afternoon dear ladies,
Not merely drooling I'm afraid, but coughing and sniffling and umpteen other unpleasant asides that rampant man 'flu creates.
Neither of us have ventured out of the door for four days (even to check on the emerging callianthemums) and food has barely passed our lips. We resemble fasting pipe-cleaner people on a new fangled diet. NOT a pretty sight!
Beautiful buttercups Kris. Mine are out there somewhere (I hope), under the snow and avoiding the germs.
I bet you didn't know, Maggi but our Chairman is a hopeless romantic ;D ;D ;)
Wonderful plant, Kris!
So it seems, Wim. I like him more and more....... ;) ;) ::)
:-X :-\ :)
Good afternoon dear ladies,
Not merely drooling I'm afraid, but coughing and sniffling and umpteen other unpleasant asides that rampant man 'flu creates.
Neither of us have ventured out of the door for four days (even to check on the emerging callianthemums) and food has barely passed our lips. We resemble fasting pipe-cleaner people on a new fangled diet. NOT a pretty sight!
Beautiful buttercups Kris. Mine are out there somewhere (I hope), under the snow and avoiding the germs.
Hope you get better very soon Cliff.
Do you mean that you keep this Ranunculus in the open garden ? I don't know he could have minus 12 degrees . That's what we get here in the weekend. So I kept them in the greenhouse ...
Some more pictures from this weekend ...
Dionysia 'Judith Bramley "
Goodness! I bet that surprised a few people! Dionysias in the snow!
Dionysia 'Judith Bramley "
Kris, I don't know if you are aware of this but Mike Bramley is very ill.... I think we must send that lovely photo to Ju to cheer her up!
Kris, I don't know if you are aware of this but Mike Bramley is very ill.... I think we must send that lovely photo to Ju to cheer her up!
I did'nt know Maggi . Very sad to hear !I hope this picture could cheer her up .
Good afternoon dear ladies,
Not merely drooling I'm afraid, but coughing and sniffling and umpteen other unpleasant asides that rampant man 'flu creates.
Neither of us have ventured out of the door for four days (even to check on the emerging callianthemums) and food has barely passed our lips. We resemble fasting pipe-cleaner people on a new fangled diet. NOT a pretty sight!
Beautiful buttercups Kris. Mine are out there somewhere (I hope), under the snow and avoiding the germs.
Hope you get better very soon Cliff.
Do you mean that you keep this Ranunculus in the open garden ? I don't know he could have minus 12 degrees . That's what we get here in the weekend. So I kept them in the greenhouse ...
All my Ranunculus grow in pots (sometimes very large pots) in the open garden and only get rain protection when they are about to flower simply to stop the petals becoming marked. We have certainly not been accustomed to temperatures as low as minus 12 over the last few years, so my R. calandrinioides haven't had to cope ... that is why I crossed my fingers and added 'I hope' in my last post. I have to say that I don't really expect them to have survived. :(
Many thanks for the best wishes.
Good afternoon dear ladies,
Not merely drooling I'm afraid, but coughing and sniffling and umpteen other unpleasant asides that rampant man 'flu creates.
Neither of us have ventured out of the door for four days (even to check on the emerging callianthemums) and food has barely passed our lips. We resemble fasting pipe-cleaner people on a new fangled diet. NOT a pretty sight!
Beautiful buttercups Kris. Mine are out there somewhere (I hope), under the snow and avoiding the germs.
Cliff, you must take TRAN! (Cod liver oil) I'm never ill and I take it daily ;)
Good afternoon dear ladies,
Not merely drooling I'm afraid, but coughing and sniffling and umpteen other unpleasant asides that rampant man 'flu creates.
Neither of us have ventured out of the door for four days (even to check on the emerging callianthemums) and food has barely passed our lips. We resemble fasting pipe-cleaner people on a new fangled diet. NOT a pretty sight!
Beautiful buttercups Kris. Mine are out there somewhere (I hope), under the snow and avoiding the germs.
Cliff, you must take TRAN! (Cod liver oil) I'm never ill and I take it daily ;)
I am glad you never have a cold Trond... but by that photo, it is doing terrible things to your hormone levels........ :o :-X
Hasn't affected his finger nails yet, Maggi!!! :D
I have taken cod liver oil capsules every day for over ten years ... that's why I am now capsule shaped. ;)
All my Ranunculus grow in pots (sometimes very large pots) in the open garden and only get rain protection when they are about to flower simply to stop the petals becoming marked. We have certainly not been accustomed to temperatures as low as minus 12 over the last few years, so my R. calandrinioides haven't had to cope ... that is why I crossed my fingers and added 'I hope' in my last post. I have to say that I don't really expect them to have survived. :(
Many thanks for the best wishes.
Thanks for the information Cliff.
Goodness! I bet that surprised a few people! Dionysias in the snow!
I am also a teaser Anne ...I only put them in the snow for the picture ...
Good afternoon dear ladies,
Not merely drooling I'm afraid, but coughing and sniffling and umpteen other unpleasant asides that rampant man 'flu creates.
Neither of us have ventured out of the door for four days (even to check on the emerging callianthemums) and food has barely passed our lips. We resemble fasting pipe-cleaner people on a new fangled diet. NOT a pretty sight!
Beautiful buttercups Kris. Mine are out there somewhere (I hope), under the snow and avoiding the germs.
Cliff, you must take TRAN! (Cod liver oil) I'm never ill and I take it daily ;)
I am glad you never have a cold Trond... but by that photo, it is doing terrible things to your hormone levels........ :o :-X
That's a decoy - can't reveal myself yet, you know 8)
Hasn't affected his finger nails yet, Maggi!!! :D
I have taken cod liver oil capsules every day for over ten years ... that's why I am now capsule shaped. ;)
Then you should change - try a spoon! - and keep the broad end up :o
I think I saw one of these posted somewhere by Kris. Here is mine grown from SRGC seed so all the sweeter for that.
Ranunculus calandriniodes
Today in the garden, just one flower on this plant.
Ranunculus parnassifolius
Congratulations Ian and Michael ... lovely plants.
Michael, are you in the banana belt ... R. parnassifolius in mid-February???? 8) ???
Only two nights frost this winter so far -2c.
Michael that Ranunculus is really lovely. You just have so much lovely plants and off course manage to grow them so well.
Angie :)
Today in the garden, just one flower on this plant.
Ranunculus parnassifolius
Well, am I envious or not,, ;D My plants will hopefully be flowering in 3 months time
;D ;D
Today in the garden, just one flower on this plant.
Ranunculus parnassifolius
Well, am I envious or not,, ;D My plants will hopefully be flowering in 3 months time
My thoughts exactly, Magnar!!! :D
In flower this week - Tecophelia cyanocrocus Leichtlinii. It seems to have increased in flower size due to an annual repotting rather than every second year.
A few plants which show some colour now:
Eranthis hyemalis 'Schwefelglanz' is going to try for a second time this year (after it's first buds were eaten by a slug)
Iris 'Harmony'
and three Saxifrages in bud:
S. 'Jan Neruda'
S. scardica f. olymp
S. sempervivum f. stenophylla
You are further on than us, Wim ... lovely images.
We had a light covering of snow yesterday (all gone now). A few flowers still showing through.
Lovely images Roma.
Thank you Cliff. :)
A few pictures from a visit to friends yesterday.
1 and 2 An Adonis - not sure which one
3 and 4 Daphne bholuha
5 and 6 Hebe albicans 'Pink Elephant'
A few more.
1 and 2 Iris-histrioides 'George'
3 Iris-reticulata 'Pixie'
And two of Cyclamen
A few more.
1 and 2 Iris-histrioides 'George'
3 Iris-reticulata 'Pixie'
I'd give my right arm for a clump like those. It must be your drier climate?
I have to share a flower of Hibiscus "Gabriel" - of course it's indoors here. :D
wonderful pics and those clumps of reticulate Irisses :o :o
The Adonis is A. amurensis if it sets seed, if it doesn't, it's most probably Adonis 'Fukujukai'!
As David said, these were pictures of a friends garden yesterday afternoon after they had been here to see the snowdrops. They have very kindly promised us some Iris-reticulata 'Pixie' as the clump needs splitting up ;D ;D
A Iris-reticulata 'Pixie'
Did you require assistance after viewing Pixie?
Did you require assistance after viewing Pixie?
can't think what you are suggesting ;)
And two of Cyclamen
wow :D Cyclamen coum are dead here in Berlin. Winter to warm, then February - 23° ... :-[
But I am happy, one of my Shortias is in bud
A couple of views from the garden today. Nothing special just some cheery colour for us. Things beginning to move on apace now ;D ;D ;D.
and one more ...
Very nice to see Ron 8)
Is your second crocus 'Ladykiller', and what's that reticulata cv with it?
I discovered this poor thing longing for sunlight when I removed the corrugated iron sheets covering the benches.
Both of them, or just the plant ;D
Thank you Ashley. Just nice at this time of year to be getting some colour going outside isn't it? :)
The Crocus is I think 'Prins Claus' and the Iris 'Pauline'. I dont really use labels in the garden and I'm afraid memories of what got planted where fade!
Very nice Ron shows what you can do with a dryer garden.
Thank you David, nothing special but good do-ers, ;)
Both of them, or just the plant ;D
Just the Primula moupinensis, the Felis catus f. obesus is too large to be able to fit in the benches... (Rather unfortunate actually, when looking at the havoc created by my resident mice - why is it they always go for the rarest and most expensive plants? :-X )
Eranthis hyemalis is one oft the first flowering plant in my garden, but it increasing very rapidly.
Superb as always, Franz.
Wow Franz.... amazing !
I found Ranunculus calandrinoides survived the deepfreeze temperatures very well in the garden ! It's starting to open ! :D
Not even a sign of a bud on mine yet, Luc (but thankfully they have survived the winter). :D
Thank you all together for the kind comments.
For me it was a surprise too, that Ranunculus calandrinoides survives -18 ° C
Another stunning image Franz!!!
Even though we have had some fine days, the Eranthis have not opened so wide as those in Franz's paradise
As to whether the Ranunculus is going to flower here at all... well, who knows :-\
Strange weather, for sure.
As I have boken my r arm above the elbow and am ofcourse r handed I found it a bit tricky using the camera but even harder to name and reduce them. May have to post in 2 batches because I am so slow. Anyway here goes.
Shelagh, great left handed pictures. Sorry to hear about your arm, hope it's keeping Brian busy and hence out of mischief! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Typing this right handed as I'm left handed and have broken my left index finger so I understand your frustration....what a pair we are!
Some lovely plants there Shelagh, :) :) :)
Not sure about the added vitamins though!!, :o.
Thanks for sharing them ( the plants !!) with us, hope you heal well soon, ;)
So sorry to hear about your arm Shelagh ... we obviously knew you had damaged it, but we hadn't realised it was broken! Very poor timing with the show season almost upon us. Good job you've got Brian to respond to your every need! Lovely pictures.
Just read Martin's response ... what a pair!!! :D Get well soon ... both of you.
wow :D Cyclamen coum are dead here in Berlin. Winter to warm, then February - 23° ... :-[
But I am happy, one of my Shortias is in bud(
Irm - So sorry to hear of the loss of all the coum there. It is not an unusual occurence here and the reason I am so keen to get kuznetzovii going in the hope it will be more reliable. In 1991 I lost all of the many hederifoliums that had seeded in my garden over 20 years. Seven years later one big leaf appeared from my very first hederifolium.
Hope the Shortia brings lots of staisfaction.
My crockery today.
Crocus sieberi subsp. sublimis tricolor
Crocus chrysanthus goldilocks
Crocus chrysanthus ?
Crocus chrysanthus blue pearl
Crocus chrysanthus dorothy
Crocus chrysanthus prince claus
Iris retic Cantab
Very nice Dave. Is that limestone you've used to make your rock bed?
Very nice Dave. Is that limestone you've used to make your rock bed?
I am not sure to tell you the truth David,it was free and dumped in a field.But the gravel is limestone chippings and the soil is gritsand with a tiny bit of leaf mold mixed in.
Very nice Dave 8)
Angie :)
your unknown C. chrysanthus cultivar resembles 'Jeannine'. Have you purchased ever?
Mine have flowered beautiful in the first year but suffered on bare frosts. Later split of in many non-flowering small cormlets. :'(
your unknown C. chrysanthus cultivar resembles 'Jeannine'. Have you purchased ever?
Mine have flowered beautiful in the first year but suffered on bare frosts. Later split of in many non-flowering small cormlets. :'(
Armin thank you i thought it was that cultivar,it was a rescue from a landscaping job.I can see how many corms i have at the end of the season see i can get some to you.
Very nice Dave 8)
Angie :)
Thanks Angie ;D