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Grow From Seed / Re: Arum maculatum 'Bakovci'
« Last post by Mariette on September 08, 2024, 11:53:21 AM »
Yes, there are varieties registered, look p. 48/49.   RHS Cultivar Registration Bulletins.htm

As the yellow variegation of Arum maculatum ´Bakovci´ is spread only by seed and not to adult plants in my garden since about 20 years, I don´t think it´s caused by virus.
Grow From Seed / Re: Arum maculatum 'Bakovci'
« Last post by Vinny 123 on September 08, 2024, 11:25:19 AM »
............. These last years some seedlings popped up showing the parentage of Arum maculatum var. maculatum.

I don't think that any vars are recognised?

Walking 100's of metres of the right hedgerow here in the UK, you can walk past literally 1000's of plants with every variation imaginable (except variegation).

Virus infection seems extremely likely as the source of variegation.
Grow From Seed / Pulsatillas today
« Last post by Catwheazle on September 08, 2024, 10:38:55 AM »
I'm slowly starting to take stock of the year. I think I can be quite satisfied.
P. sugawarai is in its second year and nuttalliana in its first.
It seems to thrive a little better in the calcareous soil here.
P. sugawarai and tatewakii, on the other hand, prefer acidic soil.
Special thanks to C. L and L. S.

Grow From Seed / Re: Arum maculatum 'Bakovci'
« Last post by Mariette on September 08, 2024, 09:04:44 AM »
Arum maculatum ´Bakovci´grows since many years in my garden, even the spathe is variegated.

Some of the seedlings had plain green leaves, some were variegated similar to the mother plant. These last years some seedlings popped up showing the parentage of Arum maculatum var. maculatum.

Bulbs General / Re: Colchicum 2024
« Last post by Mariette on September 08, 2024, 09:01:50 AM »
Thank You very much for Your information, Stefan! ´Huxley´ still looks very attractive to me, and I´ll ask my friend for a corm!

´Danton´ is listed by grey-Wilson et al. in Colchicum as probably no more in cultvation, so it would be great if Bäuerleins still grow this variety. E.A. Bowles wrote in Crocus and Colchicum that it is with ´Conquest´the deepest coloured and handsomest of the tesselated forms, but found both difficult to tell apart. Even in his time, ´Danton´was seldom listed. He thought that ´Danton´ should be rather darker, rounder and with a more distinctly defined white throat. So, what You´ve got looks more what should be expected than the one pictured by GdS.  :)
Grow From Seed / Re: Arum maculatum 'Bakovci'
« Last post by Vinny 123 on September 08, 2024, 07:49:03 AM »
It will obviously vary location to location, but naturally being woodland/hedgerow plants, they are out of the ground very early, to catch the light before being shaded-out by trees, hedges and other herbaceous plants. They are commonly covered in light snow for a day or so. Educated guess here in UK midlands - probably (early) March.

I have just looked for the variety online and see that it is very highly variegated, which makes me think that it may be caused by virus (common in very many variegated plants), which may not transfer via seed. I would guess that most or all other forms of A. m. are genetic variants..................

It is also very expensive from UK nurseries, which suggests vegetative propagation too.

I have a variegated form of Zantedeschia aethiopica that is very similar in all respects, including price!!

Good luck in getting some variegation via seed. It will be interesting to see what if any variiation you do get.
Bulbs General / Re: Colchicum 2024
« Last post by Stefan B. on September 08, 2024, 06:18:31 AM »
A friend said, that it flowers only for a short time - are You able to confirm that, Stefan?

Stefan, Your ´Danton ´looks very different from that shown by the GdS. Would You mind mentioning Your supplier?

Hi Mariette, your friend may have meant, this variety produces fewer flower heads and therefore the faster it flourishes.

I bought it from Bäuerlein Horst in 2021.
There is a picture of the variety in this link.
Grow From Seed / Re: Arum maculatum 'Bakovci'
« Last post by Véronique Macrelle on September 08, 2024, 05:53:04 AM »
I hope they germinate this winter... I can't remember what month Arum maculatum leaves usually emerge from the ground in winter, can you?
Grow From Seed / Re: Growing Daylilies from Seed
« Last post by Guff on September 07, 2024, 11:46:06 PM »
from google.

What is the best soap to keep deer away?
Irish Spring soap
“Use bars of Irish Spring soap for your deer problem and they'll go away,” Mrs. Poweska advised. “Just use a grater and shave the bars of soap into slivers to scatter about your garden, flowerbeds or the stems of the hostas. The deer will no longer approach because the soap has such a strong scent.Jul 26, 2019

I did try this, spreading on the ground, doesn't work for plants up high like daylilies. Needs to be around the same height as the buds so the deer smell it.
Grow From Seed / Re: Growing Daylilies from Seed
« Last post by Guff on September 07, 2024, 11:42:05 PM »
Guess I didn't use Ivory, it's Zest that I used. Irish Spring  soap will probably work as well.
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