Steve, thanks for your reply to my enquiry,
I do get your point and agree that there has been/ is still an overreliance on antibiotics in society in general and that this has given rise to resistance in many disease causing "bugs".
However with the greatest of respect, I don't think you should equate the use of antifungals and antimicrobials in a scientific context (they are used routinely in cell culture systems in most laboratories around the world to prevent contamination) and the overuse of antibiotics in the household (for example antimicrobial household sprays) or the over prescription of antibiotics.
The two things are completely different. If any of the Pleione flasks display a bacterial/fungal etc infection whether the media contained antibiotics or not this plate would be destroyed in the appropriate manner therby destroying all of the resistant "bug" - that bug never having been allowed out of the enclosed environment would not present a problem.
This is not the same as presenting the "bug" with a low level state of antibiotics and allowing the organism to proliferate until resistance is aquired as is the case you outlined.