Hello Biobella,
I find Lycoris unpredictable. Some years it does very well and other years it doesn't show up at all. They also need some time to settle in, sometimes 2 years, before you will see the first growth. Up till now I never had a flower. The best time to buy hardy Lycoris bulbs is the same as for daffodils, they do have more or less the same growth cycle. So July and August would be a good time.
Bulbargence is a very good source, very good quality. Another source is Edens Blooms in the USA
http://www.edensblooms.com/page/424983592. Very nice people and good quality too.
I'm also trying to grow hardy Lycoris from seed which I got from a very nice forumist. That also needs some time. After 2 seasons it finally takes to grow well. The first season was also unpredictable.
Lycoris squamigera is sterile and does not produce seed. Lycoris squamigera, longituba, incarnata, sprengeri and chinensis all survived -17C here, but they do not increase well up till now, maybe they need a more continental climate. I'm afraid I don't have a surplus.