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Author Topic: Tulipa vvendenskyi  (Read 885 times)

Jack Meatcher

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Tulipa vvendenskyi
« on: April 21, 2014, 07:28:24 PM »
Last Christmas, I obtained some T. vvendenskyi seed from the AGS seed exchange. It is already germinating well but the seed leaves don't look like other Tulipa seedlings I have. They are somewhat glaucus and chubbier (thicker) than the other T. species. In fact, they look a bit allium-like. Do mine sound like T wwendenskyi?
Incidentally, the T. cretica and T. hageri have also produced some seedlings. This too has surprised me as I've rather got used to Seed Exchange bulb seed staying dormant until the following year. None of the other Ts and or the Frits have germinated.

The Learner


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