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Author Topic: Clematis survey  (Read 446 times)

Wim Snoeijer

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Clematis survey
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:46:50 PM »
Dear SRGC gardeners,

The Boskoop Nursery Museum in The Netherlands will organize a Clematis exhibition in 2015 from 28 May 2015 till 19 September 2015. The Museum has asked the nursery were I work, J. van Zoest B.V., for help.

One of the subjects will be advice with the best Clematis for the garden. I have asked Ton Hannink for help and we had the idea to put a survey on the Internet, which means posted on; Ton’s facebook page, the Forum of the British Clematis Society, The Deutsches Garten Forum and the Garden Buddies Forum. The survey on these websites runs since Sunday and I had the idea that, for sure, SRGC gardeners must like Clematis too! Hence this thread.

This is the survey question: Please send your list of which you think are the 10 best Clematis for the garden!!! 

Closing date will be 30 August 2014.

Your list will be the source of choosing the list for the exhibtion in the Museum but Ton and I will also consider, depending on your input, if it is interesting to write an article about this survey in the Journal of the International Clematis Society.

And by that time, I will put the resuls in the Forums too, of course.

In advance I sincerely thank you for your considerations and  help.

Best wishes from Holland,

Wim Snoeijer


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