The Daffodil, Snowdrop and Tulip Yearbook - A special offer
£9.50 including postage and packing.
The Daffodil, Snowdrop and Tulip Yearbook
2014 is published in association with the
Royal Horticultural Society at £11. 95.
The new edition of this authoritative annual has a significant coverage of snowdrops including 15 colour pictures. Matt Bishop reviews the year’s U.K. snowdrop season. Hagen Engelmann tells of discovering several distinctly green-flushed G. nivalis in Germany as well as some unusual new ‘yellow’ hybrids. Paul van Leeuwen explains how the Dutch deal with snowdrop fungal diseases and Rosemary Newton et al discuss conservation and the sustainable use of snowdrops. John Page writes about G. peshmenii. There are also reports on three snowdrop events and a book review.
Available from Mr J Gibson, Dept NG, 14 Waverley Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 6NT. Please send either a cheque for £9.50 made payable to the RHS or
€ 15.
Thanks to Matt Bishop for forwarding news of this offer.
Naturally there will be items of interest to Narcissus and Tulipa enthusiasts included in the Yearbook