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Author Topic: Acis valentina (the true)  (Read 2197 times)

Emilio Monedero

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Acis valentina (the true)
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:38:04 PM »
Sorry, my English is not very good. Copy and paste to Rareplants.co

Acis valentina

<<<(formerly Leucojum valentinum) For years this was just a name in books described from a find near Valencia in Spain in 1910. It was not seen again for over 60 years. Then plants from the Greek Ionian islands, previously assumed to have been autumnalis were (wrongly) identified as valentina. Subsequently this idea was also shelved and the Greek plants were described as a new species, ionica. At present, true Acis valentina is probably not in general horticulture and is barely in cultivation. References to the name, as a nursery plant, will almost certainly relate to the excellent A. ionica. If you have bought plants of "valentinum" there is a 99.9% certainty that you in fact have the newly recognised A. ionica. >>>

I present my Acis valentina (true) from seeds that I collected many years ago in Valencia (where I lived most of my life). That is why we can guarantee that these plants are true Acis valentina. It's scarce species that grows only in very specific points of Valencia and Castellon in Spain. I have over 50 bulbs growing. Every year I get new seeds. For me it is a beloved plant. Flowering before the leaves grow in August.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 07:53:29 AM by Emilio Monedero »
Sempervivum: species and cultivars

Matt T

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Re: Acis valentina (the true)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2015, 07:47:04 PM »
A lovely species, Emilio and so nice to have plants that remind you of home. Great to see the photograph of plants in the wild, but they also appear to be doing well at altitude with you there?
Matt Topsfield
Isle of Benbecula, Western Isles where it is mild, windy and wet! Zone 9b

"There is no mistake too dumb for us to make"

Emilio Monedero

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Re: Acis valentina (the true)
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2015, 07:55:05 PM »
A lovely species, Emilio and so nice to have plants that remind you of home. Great to see the photograph of plants in the wild, but they also appear to be doing well at altitude with you there?

Thank you very much Matt,

yes, just this plant gives me melancholy of my land  :'( In Germany it is growing well. The plants have survived temperatures of -6 ° C. I think perhaps it is a relict species than in the past grew at a much colder than the present Mediterranean climate. I have not noticed any difference in growth between Spain and Germany. Certainly it's funny and surprising.
Sempervivum: species and cultivars

Emilio Monedero

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Re: Acis valentina (the true)
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2015, 07:11:53 AM »
Dear friends,

I would perpetuate this plant with all of you. I'm afraid that one day might accidentally lose this plant. Each bulb is different genetically. It's a very rare plant and endangered in their natural habitat. So who are interested in doing an exchange of small bulbs or seeds, can write me a PM.

I'm only interested in bulbs (no seeds) of Narcissus species (not Jonquilla group). We can speak privately.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 07:49:58 AM by Emilio Monedero »
Sempervivum: species and cultivars


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