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Author Topic: Appeal from the Hardy Plant Society for photographs  (Read 518 times)

Maggi Young

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Appeal from the Hardy Plant Society for photographs
« on: June 09, 2015, 04:58:09 PM »
An Appeal from the  Hardy Plant Society for photographs:



"The HPS Image Library provides images for lecturers and other speakers, websites, magazines and other media outlets to use - completely free of charge. It also provides images for use within the HPS by, for example, the Seed Distribution Scheme, the Conservation Scheme and the HPS Newsletter. These images have been donated by keen gardeners and photographers. In other words, by people like you.

But we always need more images.

The image library welcomes almost all good quality images of plants, plant materials and gardens."

At the moment, HPS is  particularly looking for images of the following plants:

Aceana caesiiglauca; A. saccaticupula ‘Blue Haze’
Adenophora triphylla
Agastache foeniculum ‘Alba’; A. rupestris.
Alcea apterocarpa
Allium anisopodium; A. canadense; A. cyathorphorum v. Farreri; A. insubricum
Alyssoides utriculata
Anchusa leptophylla ssp. Incana
Angelica pachycarpa
Anisodus luridus
Arabis procurrens var vochinensis
Arisaema amurense; A. consanguinium
Arthropodium candidum ‘Maculatum’
Asarum caudatum
Asphodeline liburnica
Asphodelus ramosus
Aster asteroids
Asyneuma campanuloides
Azorina vidalii
Barbarea vulgaris ‘Variegata’
Boykinia rotundifolia
Brachyeltrum japonicum
Brimeura amethystine
Bupleurum rotundifolium ‘Green Gold’
Calceolaria biflora
Campanula alliariifolia; C. bononiensis; C. hoffmanii; C. makaschvilii: C. medium; C. rigidipila
Caragena brevispina
Carlina acaulis
Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Dark Night’
Celmisia ‘Eggleston Silver’

If you have photographs of these plants (or are in a position to take them) you can email your images to Brian Hackett, the HPS Image Librarian, at photos@hardy-plant.org.uk or contact Brian for help on getting your pictures to him.

N. B. (Waiting for answer from HPS  on photos wanted from the rest of the alphabet)

Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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