Arisaema candidissimum is a plant dear to my heart for very personal reasons.
There were 2 plantings of it in our Aberdeen garden, one 6-7ft away from the North wall of the house, and another in an area of dappled shade in an otherwise open position. The spadices of the flowers by the house faced North, and in the other group they faced South, consistent year after year in both cases.
Some of this stock is now planted in my Linlithgow garden. Initially I had them in a NE corner, where the flowers turned their “faces” to the west, i.e. looking into the fence. I then moved them away from this position so that they received shade from the North quarter only. Perversely they now turn their faces to the South i.e. into the fence again! It is so frustrating not to be able to enjoy their full beauty without contorting myself into unmentionable shapes, no mean feat at my age.
In my otherwise very sunny ‘postage stamp’ garden, I have no other suitable habitiat that I can try. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why they behave in this way and is there anything I can do to encourage them to meet me face to face?