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Author Topic: searching for rare lilium species  (Read 2211 times)


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searching for rare lilium species
« on: January 03, 2016, 12:13:21 AM »
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to find the following rare lilium species :

- lilium akkusianum
- lilium rhodopeum
- lilium kesselringianum
- lilium majoense
- lilium pyrophilum
- lilium shastense
- lilium humboldtii type sp (yellow with brown spots)
- lilium canadense yellow
- lilium occidentale
- lilium concolor
- lilium grayii
- lilium fargesii
- lilium canadense var editorum
- lilium monadelphum
- lilium szovitsianum

I have made a preliminary list of lilies i currently have spare for swap below

- Lilium primulinum burmanicum
- Lilium canadense orange yellow form
- Lilium cernuum
- lilium humboldtii ssp occelatum
- lilium tsingtauense
- lilium hansonii
- lilium kellyanum
- lilium superbum dark form
- Lilium canadense bright orange form very few spots
- Lilium medeoloides (large FS)
- Lilium poilanei
- Lilium bakerianum rubrum
- Lilium sulphureum hybrid
(basically a very strong sulphureum type lily, white flowers and yellow centre, reaching a bit over 200 cm tall, very hardy, July flowering with less stem bulbils. Bulbs as large as grapefruits.
- Lilium duchartrei strong growing form, nice big FS bulbs
- Lilium formosanum pricei
- Lilium formosanum giant form – stems as thick as bamboo canes, 2 m tall, very hardy, bigger flowers than normal type sp . Seed also available
- Lilium longiflorum
- Lilium pardalinum orange form
- Lilium henryi upright stem form with glossy dark green leaves, very vigorous
- Lilium nepalense yellow

I also have a few others + various cardiocrinums as well amonghst othe rthings


Lewis Potter

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Re: searching for rare lilium species
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2016, 12:50:49 AM »
I have no lilly seed but a quick google search throws up this. A mixture of bulbs and seeds. I've deleted the ones I couldn't find anything for.

- lilium akkusianum


- lilium kesselringianum


- lilium majoense

http://www.rareplants.co.uk/product/lilium-majoense/ (Out of Stock) http://www.hwhyde.co.uk/lilies/spring/species/ (Also Out Of Stock)

- lilium shastense


- lilium humboldtii type sp (yellow with brown spots)


- lilium canadense yellow


- lilium concolor

http://www.amazon.com/LILIUM-CONCOLOR-strictum-Morning-seeds/dp/B0047PVHQU (Don't think this is a species one)

- lilium grayii


- lilium fargesii

https://www.edrom-nurseries.co.uk/shop/pc/Lilium-fargesii-199p8486.htm (Will be available in autumn. There was a ebay result, but from personal experience with buying plants on eBay, Ill leave it out.)

- lilium monadelphum


- lilium szovitsianum (Might possibly be a synomym of L. monadelphum, Lots of results showed up as being a sub-species of L. monadelphum)


Hope that helps.  :)

rob krejzl

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Re: searching for rare lilium species
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2016, 01:34:48 AM »
Don't think Rainbow Francom (lilyseed.com) has updated her seed site for several years.
Southern Tasmania

USDA Zone 8/9


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Re: searching for rare lilium species
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2016, 10:55:26 PM »
Hello Lewis and Rob,

thank you for your help.

I had in fact contacted quite a few of those sources you mention, as you say, most of them did not currently have the plants. Frazer thimble farms does not have grayii even though they list it on their website...

yes I have not had any news from Rainbow for at least 3-4 years now, I emailed her this summer but have had no reply...

Ideally I would like to find bulbs, as growing liliums from seed in the very hot and dry swiss summers is very difficult, seedlings easilly dry out, they are also very sensitive to winter wet.



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