May I add my own congratulations to those already here. This web site has helped me over the past year or so in many ways. Long time ago, (before Windows existed - does anyone else remember these dark ages of internet life?) .... I belonged to a usenet newsgroup where gardening information was shared, and it worked quite well for a long time, until the spammers took over, and so I left. When Sue told me about this group I thought I'd try it out and now I come here at least once per day to see what is being discussed etc. Such a lot of friendly people, and so generous in sharing their knowledge and expertise. Long may it continue. And if you are reading this but have not yet joined the SRGC, I hope you will consider it, this site is well worth a small investment, the rewards are enormous for all of us! My thanks to all who work so hard to make this site run as smoothly and efficiently as it does.