Plant Society Events held at RHS Wisley
It is worth remembering that entrance to Events held at RHS Wisley are free to RHS members but will cost £13 for non-members.
This applies to all such events unless stated otherwise, according to Wisley's Events page - and I can find no contra-indications in any of the events listed on the page This entrance fee would thus apply to the World of Alpines Day mentioned elsewhere in the Forum, and to the
Fritillaria Group event, Spring Show and Meeting on 20 March 2016 - which includes among the show, talks and discussions, talk by Arthur Nicholls at 14.30..... “Memories and Treasures of Iran” However, I have learned from Paul Cumbleton and the Frit. Group Secretary, Alice Munsey, that the Group has a number of free tickets for entry to RHS Wisley under their affiliated society scheme. Ms Munsey tells me she is quite happy for non members of frit group to enter with these tickets. Somebody will be at the gate with the tickets - Please let her know in advance if possible if you would like to be able to get one of these tickets. Her mobile number is 07979373758.
Many thanks to Alice and Paul for this information and opportunity to allow some others to have access to the event.