Peter writes:
On page 17 a "Delosperma congesta" is shown. This plant is commercially available as D. lineare , D. dyeri and other names. But all these names are utter nonsense. It is probable that the plant in the photo is Delosperma nubigenum (of commerce), but this is probably not a genuine Delosperma nubigenum.
The name "Delosperma congesta" is not taxonomically correct.
It should be D. congestum.
But that would be a different plant (
Unfortunately this is not the only plant that is sold entirely under a false name : If sales are falling, it must be given a new name.
I apologise for the misprint of
D.congesta that was my typing!
I must admit to a great confusion myself as to the identification of these Delosperma species ... as others also find, I believe. I will raise the question with the author.
This is the photo in question.......
Certainly this plant has long been in cultivation under the name of
D. congestum Entschuldigen Sie mir, bitte, für die Druckfehler der D.congest
a, dass meine Eingabe war zu !
Ich habe eine große Verwirrung um die Identifizierung dieser Delosperma Arten ... wie andere auch, glaube ich. Ich werde die Frage mit dem Autor zu erhöhen.
I hope my German is understandable!