It has been a while since I posted to the forum...( a year long home renovation can do that!). Now I am looking to expand my small collection of Roscoea species/hybrids.
At the moment, I have R.cautleyoides (seedlings of a yellow form- yet to bloom, and some ex 'Pennine Purple'), along with seedlings of R.humeana (colour unknown) and R. purpurea (standard purple). I would love to add other cultivars/colour forms to this tiny collection. Naturally seed of Roscoea purpurea 'Red Gurkha' is high on the list (does it set seed? is there any available for purchase/exchange?). I would also be interested in seed from white flowered Roscoeas- humeana and the like.
I can offer seed from a very hardy Pacific Coast Iris seedling (seed grown from an open pollinated plant of Iris innominata x Iris tenax). It has been growing here under no special protection regimen for several years now.