A message from Harry Jans about this trip:
Patagonia images online!
Dear all,
First of all, my very best wishes for the New Year, with enjoyable time in the garden or on any botanical tour, but above all, stay healthy!
The last 3 weeks I have spend many hours cataloguing all the images from the AGS Central Patagonia trip.
I made about 4000, but kept “just” 1750.
Now they are all (except just a few) named, put location info to all of them and slightly edited.
Thought you would be interested what we saw.
I selected about 1000 to put on my Photo Gallery Website.
You are able to find them here
https://harryjans.smugmug.com/Travel/South-America/2017-Central-Patagonia-Arg/I am sure there are some mistakes, so if you find one (or more), do let me know!
If you go to the main page of this gallery (here
https://harryjans.smugmug.com/ ), just scroll down and you see a World map.
If you click on the number 43 (Argentina), it will zoom into that area a bit more so you know where we have been.
Have an enjoyable virtual tour through a small part of the Andes..
With all best wishes,
Harry Jans