I've heard from John Gibson - who is enjoying a well-deserved retirement, hence the closure of the website. I'm sure we all wish him a long, happy and healthy retirement. The good news is that the RHS Daffodil, Snowdrop and Tulip Yearbook has been published and is still available from John Gibson 14 Waverley Road Kettering Northants NN156NT
The price including delivery to UK addresses is By Cheque made payable to the RHS for £9.50 sent to the above address.
John will also accept payments by PayPal to the email address gibbo.john@ntlworld.com
Paypal payments will be £10.00 for delivery to UK Addresses. To EU addresses it will be £14.70 and to the rest of the world the cost is £17.30 - the slightly increased prices are to cover the PayPal charges.
Good to have the line to John re-established for the yearbook.