I am grateful for these notes about the day from David Rankin.....
"It was a good day, and the 'Feedback' talks in the morning were greatly appreciated. And as expected, Stan was amazing!
Here's an extract from my notes..........
SRGC merit medals for showing
Gold Medal Barry & Cathy Caudwell
Clare Oates
Silver Medal Robin Pickering
Bronze Medal Christine Boulby
Della Kerr
Bob Worsley
Gold Bar 1 Tommy Anderson
Gold bar 2 David & Carol Shaw
Gold bar 4 Alan Newton
Don Peace
Gold bar 7 Ian Kidman
Gold bar 13 AND 14 Stan Da Prato
Gold bar 16 Margaret & Henry Taylor
AGS Salver for most first prize points in section I – Stan da Prato
Rutland Salver for most points in section II – Hamish Mackintosh
Peg Crosland Award for the best article in "The Rock Garden" – David Millward ‘Northwest Turkey in the Spring’ (issue 138)
David Lane Award for the best photo in "The Rock Garden" – Ian Christie, Ranunculus lyallii, Mount Cook Lily (issue 139)
Williamson Trophy for the best entry in section 5 (craftwork) of the photographic/arts competition – Carolyn McNab - Rheum nobile. I hope someone has a photo of this.
Golden Jubilee Salver for outstanding service to the club - Carole Bainbridge: President 3 yrs, two stints as editor, group convener 5 yr; joint show secretary, seed exchange particularly packeting, now reception, years on council, group committee – total heading towards 100 yrs of service!
AGS picture (President's award) for service to a local group. Avril and David Walkinshaw, West of Scotland – committee, discussion weekend (~1995), most for plant stalls. Propagated and gave 1000s of plants – kept group afloat. David died in summer. Awarded to Avril, in recognition of all that was done by both Avril and David.
Julia Corden was elected as president from next year.
Council members were elected,including new ordinary members Monica Wylie (1 year), Sarah Carlton, Peter Moore, Peter Maguire "
Title page of David Millward's article, TRG 138
Ranunculus lyallii from Ian Christie TRG139
Ranunculus lyallii, fringed form, from Ian Christie TRG139