I'm sorry Maggi, the correct word is remaining. The other word (restant) was a mix-up that i made with my portuguese.
Anyway, here it goes a small and simplified scheme that i made on paint about what happens during the split of the cell that originates the gametes of the plant:
As you can see there, in the daughter cells, the homologous pairs are broken, and when each "brother chromosome" of each homologous pair goes to a different cell, it cannot pair with the remaining ones, because they do not belong to the same pair (they are not homologous) as you can see by the colours. For instance, the black chromosome stands alone, because there is no other black one to pair with. The others do the same. They re-pair again when fertilization occurs (black chromosome of pollen with black chromosome of ovule; gray chromosome of pollen with grey chromosome of ovule, and so on).
And speaking about infertility, could you please tell me the name of one infertile primary hybrid of bulbous/rock plants?