In Germany there's an initiative to make up a sortiment of
Open Source Seeds; that means that you can buy the seeds, propagate and sell as you wish, patenting is forbidden.
The first seeds are of a yellow cocktail-tomatoe named "Sunviva", qualified for open-air cultivation, resistent against Phytophthora. It comes from "Agrecol" (Verein zur standortgerechten Landnutzung, im hessischen Marburg). They are sold by Culinaris
https://culinaris-saatgut.de/en/The seeds are not cheap, but everybody is allowed to propagate and sell afterwards, so the price will be repaid afterwards.
For those who can read German, here's an article in a magazine:
http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/open-source-saatgut-warum-die-tomate-sunviva-abgs-hat-a-1145093.html Hannelore