Thanks to Cliff Booker I have been fascinated to read the following blog post: leachiana | survival in a land of extremesJuly 2, 2014 by Michael Kauffmann
Original Publication DATE: 6/3/2010
Please take time to read it all - and there are some interesting comments on the blog too.
What a good read I found this to be.
Our mentor, Harold Esslemont, had a long history with these plants, including awards from the Joint Rock RHS committee. In 1965 he won an Award of Merit for x Kalmiopsis leachiana 'M.Le Piniec' and a First Class Certificate for x Kalmiopsis leachiana 'Umpqua River. And in 1987 another FCC for x Kalmiopsis leachiana. The two FCC plants were passed on to Ian Young and I shortly after that and we enjoy them in our garden.
At which point I confess many cuttings have been taken, plants moved around and now I do not know which form is which. I know, mea culpa!