Re:I. hookeri, I don't see any branching either in reply #5. I see single stems, with more than one pedicel. I blew up my I. setosa pic: 1,2,3 flowers. stem and branch (black). pedicels (red). I am sure you already know this, but as a future learning tool for others:
Is FA the same as FNA (Flora of North America)? Because under I. hookeri (in FNA), it says "stems.... simple", not:
usually simple.
I agree with Lesley in reply #9, that setosa and hookeri have practically no visible standards, reduced to bristles (or almost just bristles) that can be seen in Ashley's wild hookeri pics and my setosa grown from wild seed. This is what was tripping me up in Gabriella's variant that has very conspicuous standards.
Here is a good pic of reduced standards: