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Author Topic: searching for lilium species and arisaema wilsonii  (Read 2974 times)


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searching for lilium species and arisaema wilsonii
« on: January 17, 2018, 06:18:55 PM »
Hello Everyone,

Here is my lilium sp wishlist, :

- lilium maritimum
- lilium canadense yellow
- lilium ciliatum
- lilium distichum
- lilium gloriosoides
- lilium grayi
- lilium humboldtii type sp
- lilium kelleyanum
- lilium leucanthum
- lilium majoense
- lilium martagon piloisusculum
- lilium michiganense
- lilium parryi
- lilium wigginsii
- lilium polyphyllum
- lilium washinghtonianum
- lilium sempervovideum
- lilium amoenum
- lilium albanicum
- lilium fargesii
- lilium iridollae
- lilium ledebourii
- lilium yapingense
- lilium parvum
- lilium philadelphicum
- lilium pomponium
- lilium rubescens
- lilium shastense
- lilium souliei
- lilium chalcedonicum

and further unfindables :
- lilium canadense immaculatum ruth class
- lilium arboricola
- lilium bukozanense
- lilium bolanderi
- lilium bosniacum
- lilium eupetes
- lilium habaense
- lilium henrici
- lilium medogense
- lilium neilgherrense
- lilium nevadense
- lilium occidentale
- lilium paradocum
- lilium pyi
- lilium rodopaeum
- lilium stewartianum
- lilium sheriffiae
- lilium zairii

I am also looking for arisaema wilsonii, arisaema candidissimum pink form and paris polyphylla yunnanensis alba

all the plants on my website are available for swap


kind regards



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Re: searching for lilium species and arisaema wilsonii
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2018, 02:15:03 PM »
hello Pontus,

According your seeking-list I have some of your so called - unfindables - successfully growing in-vitro. Just a question of time in order to deflask the first seedlings. Although these mentioned weren´t still among the batch for being potted this spring. Even likely they will never get deflasked at all but care for one of the last (?) stem- or clone-pools existing here upon Europe/worldwide (?).
Tell me the bulb-size you prefer and what you can manage that you can go on caring for them? I suppose a bulb-size of a rice-corn is difficult to handle ex-vitro in Switzerland either. And let me know a reasonable quantity you are looking for.

- lilium bolanderi (2 years seedlings)
- lilium bosniacum (1 yr seedlings)
- lilium eupetes (just about germinating)
- lilium henrici (just about germinating after taking 12 months)
- lilium medogense (2 years seedlings, very limited, just 4 clones)
- lilium occidentale (2 years seedlings)
- lilium paradoxum (2 years seedlings, very limited, just 3 clones)
- lilium rhodopaeum (2 years seedlings)
- lilium stewartianum (just about germinating)
- lilium sheriffiae (just about germinating)

I atually quit t-culturing them as this method leads to an unexpected high level of mal-formed seedlings what I blame on the high concentrations of Auxins. On the other side these doses are essential for callus-formation. Therefore I quit plan A and seedlings are - as for heading plan B - periodically scaled now and scales reput onto sterile medium, carefully signed according their clonal origin. Maybe returning provoking callus-formation when there´s a more promissing amount of plants presented. This means the quantity of plants is slowly increasing only but it´s a far safer process than forcing mutations and/or chromosomally-defects.

The ones you mentioned first in your list ... mhm, Pontus, shouldn´t sound posh as it has been a strenuous task getting to those species but they will be available either without regarding them as usual ones. 

I suppose there will be no chance for the following ones:

- lilium canadense immaculatum ruth class (?)
- lilium arboricola
- lilium bukozanense
- lilium neilgherrense
- lilium nevadense
- lilium pyi
- lilium zairii
and let´s add sempervivoideum, alas, although they usually grow near the habitat of lijiangense, as I got said. And I am actually seeking for chalcedonicum var. maculatum (this variation with black spots among the flower).
I suppose these plants play in the Champions-League of lilies I am actually banned or locked-out.

We´ll keep in touch and fingers crossed to enlarge our collections which already gain impressingly on importance, at least it comes to me.


Arisaema? what´s that? ;) ;)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 02:21:07 PM by Mavie »


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