Hi all,
I'm interested to learn more about the experiences of people growing Meconopsis wilsonii, which is a species I'm very interested in as I saw subsp. wilsonii in the wild near Mianning in Sichuan, China.
According to the monograph by Chris Grey-Wilson (2014) on subsp. orientalis, seedlings overwintered under cover then planted out in the spring, thrive without any further protection. I am aware that these Mecs form evergreen overwintering rosettes of foliage and dislike winter wet, but im interested in just how much winter wet they will tolerate. Do they appreciate being covered with a cloche/ pane of glass or similar?
Has anyone grown subsp. australis from the seed that has become available through Chinese Alpines sourced from the Nujiang valley in Yunnan? Have people found the seed offered to be viable?
Any experience people can give will be much appreciated.